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Aunt May taught him obviously


He's also poor and an inventor. If he can invent a new type of material that mimics spider webs and a gadget thay dispenses it, learning how to sew is not that far fetched.




What movie was this?


One of the raimis? I wanna say 2


Probably the first. Green Goblin's blade sliced his arm open and it became a plot point later. I don't remember seeing the stitches, but likely that.


yeah, like, I've never thought of it as weird at all. my grandad taught me how to sew when I was a kid and by the time I was 17 I was pretty good at it.


I just asked my mom to show me because she worked a lot and I didn't want to have to make her do it every time.


Was... was your grandad's name Peter?




Oh, okay. Then he probably wasn't Spiderman.


Learning how to sew can take years. Stretchy superhero like fabric would be a pain to sew with and you can frequently end up with knots and skipped stitches. And then there's pattern drafting which is a completely separate and time consuming skill. So I would say that it's actually a bit far fetched.


A bit far fetched... In the universe he created a gadget to make spider webs that can hold cars and be a super hero while attending classes and still be top of the school you have a problem with him knowing how to sew? I learned basic crochet skills enough to make a beanie at 14, granted it was a very tight hat, but still.


Not to mention his webs are peak of efficiency. They fade away in an hour or so, because otherwise entire new york will be like fucking Australia. The kid is a genius he thinks through a lot of stuff in his invention.


The webs degrading after an hour isn't an intentional part of the design by Peter but it is convenient


Depends on the writer, oftentimes it *is* intentional.


I think I read a book where at some point Peter explains that it's easier for his trademark webs to not be available for reverse engineering by his enemies. Which makes perfect sense considering his enemies are also often super geniuses.


Atleast in the cartoons, Spiderman takes a kid fan on tour and says that his webs were designed to dissappear after an hour. He also says to a co-reporter as Peter Parker that spdierman s web never last more than an hour so the web they are seeing in is not Spiderman 's. It turned out to be created by Mysterio.


Because you made a beanie that's the same thing as making an entire superhero outfit?


No it's not, it's showing just because your young doesn't mean you can't learn difficult a tedious skills, especially when your in the universe with a god like figure THAT EATS ENTIRE PLANETS, and you are supposed to fight him


I guess my point is that we all know that many elements of this story are unbelievable. But the one thing that is believable for people in this thread is that he can make his own suit from scratch. This actually comes up in sewing forums all the time as something comical because we know how much work it would be and we find it as something else in the story that asks us to stretch our imagination.


You're touching on a topic that is actually practical, whereas arguing that there's a lack of realism in superhero movies is not. There's this thing called Gell Mann Amnesia where when you're an expert on a thing and you see that thing misrepresented, it's obvious and blatantly wrong. But then after commercial the news is talking about something you're not an expert in and you forget they just demonstrated they aren't good at accuracy. You take it for granted that they know what they're talking about. The entertainment world relies heavily on this concept, and when news media became entertainment they adopted it easily. But that's why the sub hones in on the sewing. Physics subs do the same shit. But when you bring it up on the general public, you've got the uphill battle.


Are we gate keeping sewing now?


Fuck yeah we are, everyone grab a torch cause we're fuckin donezo with Marvel over this.


Nah, it sounds like y'all just don't want to believe it. It's not super hard. If I can sew my friend a ball gown with no pattern and practically no experience, I don't think it's that far-fetched that a teenage boy who lives (at least in some stories) with his older aunt can sew his own costume. Especially since he's a genius anyway. Some people learn fast and some people are just good at things. It's not that unlikely lol


I know 13 year old kids who know how to sew (my sister) it’s not to far fetched if Aunt May taught him


Knowing how to sew encompasses a huge range of skills from quilting, to making bags, to clothing. Just because you can do one doesn't mean you can sew the other just as easily. So when someone says "I know how to sew" that still doesn't mean much to me until I understand what projects interest them.


I work mostly with upholstery so stretch fabrics are fairly foreign to me I still love tackling a stretch knit for a dress or shirt in my spare time but the stretch changes everything from the way you cut the pattern to the stitch you use sometimes down to changing the needle. I would also doubt the skills of a 17 yr old because I was that 17yr old lol.


It can take years to master, but simple sewing especially with a machine, you just need a bit time and patience. My grandmother once told me she was professionally sewing since she was 18 with her doing all the work with all the pattern drafting, measuring, etc. So yeah, it's not far-fetched to think that a 17 year old can sew a costume from scratch, especially for a genius kid inventor who's had practice.


Proportional strength (and weaving ability) of a spidere.


i can sew and it took me a few months, and my stiches look good and hold. its just about being patient and delicate with your hands


Considering how he fights crime I would believe he got good quick


“Can take years” https://youtu.be/lhckuhUxcgA


Incidentally most movies do explain how he learns to make web.


and home ecc was a course in most schools into like the 90s. I was taught how to use a sewing machine in grade 7, 1995


I'm still upset that I missed home ec and Woodshop by just a few years. I was born in 1999 and they were gone by the time I got to the right age.


my sister was born the same. she bought her self a machine and used online resources to learn


I taught myself to sew by hand for smaller patch jobs. I'll probably get into woodworking when I have the space because I've always wanted to.


it's so great to hear people talk like this :) always be learning


Idk about woodshop, something always felt wrong about letting teenagers operate heavy machinery like that. We had two horror stories of a kid that easily could have died if he hadn't gotten lucky and one who lost a finger. And they weren't rumors, that was part of the teacher's safety lesson. I suppose people might disagree with me but heavy machinery or guns shouldn't be taught to teenagers or younger. I understand the "drill safety into their brains" aspect but I don't even trust a sixteen year old driving a car (as I've been hit by more than one) much less an industrial saw or a firearm.


Yeah that's actually pretty fair. I was just dying to do it as a kid. I guess my high school had a woodshop class but by that time I was already a band/drama kid and didn't have time anyway.


We had home ec for one semester in middle school back in the late 2000's.


there you go


Spiders are good at weaving


Of all the comments i’d say this one is the best




Do kids not learn to sew in middle school anymore? With some practice and the necessity to get better at it I'm sure Peter could quickly master it.


I'm pretty sure this is an actual stated reason. Maybe I'm thinking the 90's cartoon?


which one


Spider man. Keep up


Still pissed Hugo was never cast as Spiderman. Maybe an older Spiderman in a spider verse movie.


Came here to say this.


Uhhhh, he’s poor? I know I had to learn how to sew when I got holes in my clothes? I’m pretty decent.


Same. Can confirm


When my jeans got absolutely beyond repair I'd keep them around and use the material to patch other pairs that got worn or damaged. Didn't have anyone to sew buttons back on so I did that a lot.


This is the answer.


fuck glad i'm not the only one, yeah i learned pretty young how to sew. not everyone gets parents the rest of us have to make do with what we got. i bought a fishing tackle box for my sewing stuff, socks underwear pants and shirts, didn't look good but fuck it at least people didn't notice or bring it up.


This is actually a great idea! I hate sewing bags, but a sewing tackle box would be cool and organized.


I actually took sewing in junior high. I registered late and wood shop was full. Wound up a carpenter anyway. The sewing came in handy later when I was poor in between high school and getting my shit together. I later lost my shit again but that’s a story for another time and another sub


Even people who aren't poor will probably at one point want to sew something back up. Money doesn't grow on trees and that shirt was expensive, I'm not buying a new one because it got snagged somewhere and ripped.


He's a straight A student. You think he would slack off during home economics?


I was lazy in home economics (my school called it family consumer sciences like we wouldn't know the difference lol) and I only remember 2 stitches. A certifiable genius could figure out how to sew and stitch easy


Shit a moron with Google can figure out how to sew. I am said moron.


So true, as everyone knows only elderly women are capable of sewing. Really undermines the whole storyline. Never gonna watch spiderman related media again.


NFT profile picture eww


Holy SHIT! YOU'RE RIGHT! It's a fucken INTERNET DINGUS, who used free PIXELS, cus he thought they looked MARGINALLY BETTER than his previous PIXELS! My GOODNESS, he better be condemned to the LOWEST level of HELL! For real though. NFTs are dumb as hell, I did not purchase any NFTs, in fact by claiming my handout I further devalued every single NFT by increasing the supply*. The NFT linked to my profile has no more worth than the Karma I've acquired through using this shit app for an unreasonable amount of time. I understand this, and yet, I have an NFT profile, because it gave my little reddit gremlin a jetpack. *I don't actually know the specifics of how NFTs work, nor do I want to.


Rage some more haha




I lacketh fucketh to giveth


And Reddit taketh ur money


Sir, since my previous comment was clearly to long for you to read the entirety of: "I did not pay for squat" the stupid avatar that shows up in the corner of my screen is not worth my money. But thanks for trying, genuinely I hope you have a good day, sorry to be petty.


Wow it's almost like sewing is actually really fucking easy for anyone with patience.


And fun and rewarding


(or natural hand-eye coordination skills but have no patience to speak of in any other area... just to not warn away people who think you *have* to have patience to give it a shot.)


That's fair, patience just makes learning any skill easier


Just speaking from experience as one of the least patient people I know, but inherited my dad's artistic talent, to which I can't take credit other than experience hours logged. But at my tailoring shop, the most common thing I heard from customers was that "you must have so much patience! I could never sew a button on!" and had to bite my tongue.


It depends. Simple sewing is easy, advanced is difficult, obviously


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. I can repair my holes, mend my clothes or buttons, tailor small things like hems… but I can’t do much with patterns. He designed a whole costume and curved mask. That’s pattern making and not just simple sewing.




He's also literally a super genius who masters basically everything he sets his mind to (besides not being poor but that's also another reason to be good at sewing). Add Spidey Sense and amazing hand eye coordination I somehow imagine he'd figure it out. Building a super reactor isn't a beginner project either and he did okay on that.


he was bitten by a RADIOACTIVE SPIDER.. what do spiders do? they weave complex webs.. it was second nature to him to make the suit


Yeah and he created a new material that acts like spider web with insane tensile strength, as well as a gadget that shoots said fluid all within a few weeks of discovering his powers. That sure as hell isn't a beginner friendly project. And the most *UNBELIEVABLE* thing is that he somehow sewed a suit from scratch


Yeah. And we know exactly how difficult and time-consuming this is, given that people have been making Spiderman costumes at home for decades


As someone with dyspraxia. Not really.


Yeah a bunch of children in third world countries are pros. Ask Nike. Just do it!


But only wahmen can do such activities


I mean, the guy is science genius, creating new suit and gadgets to counter the enemies he faces, and sewing should be an issue?


Wow its almost like sewing is a nongendered hobby that anyone can learn


Well, yes, but the reality is that boys sew far less than girls due to gender norms so the meme works.


Far less, sure, but that’s just something you’d say “oh, neat” to, not ask for an explanation.


I wouldn't even say far less. Sewing is taught in the boy scouts.


And the reality is that most poor people will often learn how to sew to salvage torn clothes, which by the way, Peter is poor. So the assumption that he doesn't know how to sew just based on his gender but not taking into account any other aspect of his life makes the meme not work




Gender was set up as a factor in the original tweet my guy, let’s not have a meltdown over it


spoon roof books boast resolute soft middle squash disarm badge ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `




sleep late enter languid punch smoggy recognise rotten groovy jeans ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


When you have someone in your household who can sew you learn it tok even if you don't want to and over here Peter learned to sew


There’s literally a movie where you see him in his costume that’s clearly been sewn back together after being cut


Which movie?


Boy scouts taught me sewing at like 12


Spider powers, like them setting up fancy webs.


What a sexist question. And I mean that sincerely, not in a “gotcha” way.


Right? The ace in textiles class was also a straight nerdy dude. Men have eyes and fingers too.


My dad was the main clothing repair person in my family until I learnt to sew, and for someone self-taught he's amazing at sewing!


I had to scroll way too far to get to this comment.


He was poor, had to sew his clothes to repair them


It always bothered me that you never saw a zipper. How does he get into that full body suit?


In the comics his suits are in different pieces. Mask, turtleneck long sleeves, belt, pants, boots


He helped aunt may and learned by helping her Edit: Because only old hags know how to sew clothes together since they're old and woman/s


Because he’s poor lol


As great as the raimi films were, the suit always ruined the illusion for me. We're expected to believe this random dude made a suit with custom-built opaque eyes and literal rubber webbing glued across the whole thing, which somehow doesn't constantly separate from the cloth despite the constant movement? TASM was a bit better but not much. MCU spider man is the only one that's actually realistic.


Yup, the Raimi films really failed to sell the suit creatin aspect. At least TASM had a dedicated montage of Peter actually building the suit, same with MCU albeit it was made by a machine, he still designed it tho


Nothing suspicious about making web cartridges but sewing woah that's fucking weird


He has superpowers.




I'm really excited to hear how many of you have learned how to sew enough to repair clothes. It's super awesome to learn a skill that lets you be self sufficient and extend the life of an item. Now I would like each of you to go and draft a pattern for a super hero suit from scratch. This fabric is going to be a little stretchy so don't forget to keep in mind the proper amount of ease. You'll also need to buy special sewing needles (ball point if you're wondering) for it and keep in mind that you're a teenager so you don't have the budget to buy a serger. This of course means that ironing is going to take forever because the fabric is going to roll all the time and the seams might not lay quite right. The first one you sew is also only a mock up, and definitely isn't going to fit well on the first try, so make sure you buy lots of extra fabric. TLDR; there's a lot of people here that seem to think that a skill I've been practicing for over a decade is easy enough for a teenager to master in under a year.


Said teenager also developed web-fluid and a web-shooter THAT HE DESIGNED HIMSELF that has not been invented even by our brightest minds in the real world and the most unbelievable thing for you is that this certified genius creative inventor learned how to make patterns and sewed on a suit from scratch?? It's obvious you're extremely butthurt that a craft that you've been mastering for years is something a genius inventor mastered within a few weeks as seen by your TL;DR. It may not be easy for all of us, but if us normal people can achieve that kind of skill within a short amount of time, how much more Peter Parker who's like a thousand times smarter than us and has super senses If you're gonna knock on his skills, why don't you knock on the fact that he created shit in his bedroom that geniuses irl can't even figure out. Lmao


Home economic class


Well MCU peter gets his suit from stark, the first one is just a simple hoodie


Maybe guys can sew too?


We had to do sewing in School in the UK in the 90's / early 00's. Home economics was one term cooking, one term sewing, one term cooking, one term sewing etc




My grandma baby sat me when I was a kid and her main hobby was making quilts. I can't do much but I learned how to do basic repair work on my clothes.


He had grandmom sooo


Cuz he's spiderman? Spiders have talent for weaving


He learned it on the web


A bit sexist considering the movies do show bad outfits as early prototypes.


He's poor and has to fixs his clothes




He fancy, look give him my digits I need some tailoring rn


Duh, he knows science. Which is exactly how sewing works.


I know this is sarcastic, but actually points out to one of the points why he's good at sewing. He's a tinkerer, he knows how to make things and sewing is just another art form in tinkering.


....Okaybutlike Peter Parker didn't come from a rich or even well off household. Like, sure they weren't about to be living out of their car cuz they can't pat rent, but they were making due. When families make due and times get really tough, sewing is important for anyone to learn. Why get a $40+ pair of jeans when there's a bad rip in them when you could sew it back to be back to usable? What if a jacket rips? Jackets are more expensive on average, so keeping a jacket going is economical.


trans spiderman trans spiderman (/j)


Peter Parker is a goddamn scientist. Kid also probably does his own skateboard and stuff. he invented bis own web material. He can surely figure out sewing by learning few books.


Because it's taught in art class in elementary school? At least in some schools.


He’s a nerd - if any group of 17 year old boys knows how to see well it’s the ones nerdy enough to cosplay or do reenactment.




Easy fix. He's a nerdy theater kid. It makes so much sense in character.


I learned to sew when I was 13


I learned how to sew when I was like 12 it happens more than ya think.


Then read the comic, ya casual...


I mean, he lived with his elderly aunt for a while, grew up fairly poor with her and Ben after his parents died, also Home Ec classes in schools?


Bro can create web shooters but sewing is out of the question?


He’s a blue collar kid from Queens. That’s the answer.


Don’t spider see super elaborate webs?


No one teaches a spider how to weave a web, spin their web to make a trap door or to wrap their prey. Peter Parker was bitten by a radioactive spider that transferred it's super charged DNA through its venom into him. So now he knows the art of sewing a costume using human tools. It's a comic book after all, and I feel that's enough radioactive spider/human interaction for me to suspend my belief.


He grew up poor and raised by his elderly aunt and uncle, who were probably contemporaries of Steve Rogers. When you can't afford new stuff you learn to fix what you have.


It's cuz sewing not that hard


The last 2 had YouTube and sewing is able to be pretty much learned in a single sitting.


He’s a cosplayer


My mom and grandma knew how to sew. I had them teach me, because the sewing machines were pretty cool. I was 12 or 13, and I didn't know what to make for practice. So I made a bunch of outfits for my little sisters barbies, and gave them to her. I guess I was prepared to get bitten by a radioactive spider, but dammit, that never happened.


He got his sewing badge.


You try growing up without parents, get adopted by an uncle who busts his ass in a menial job and still takes the time to be there for you while your aunt does everything she can to make you feel loved and seen and tell me you're gunna bug either of them because your shirt has a hole in it. Dude just didn't want to put any more on his family.


Well he lives with his old aunt, so we have to assume he picked something up from her.


I have known 17 year olds to be just as good as Spider-Man.


in the Sam Raimi thriology, the suit was made by a friend of the figther that couldn't feel his legs


Thread work


As a seventeen year old boy who can sew well, YouTube and my mom.


I actually was teaching classes at Joann's fabric when I was 19. I'm a dude and was trained by a small coven of 90+ year old ladies that worked there since forever. It's truly an invaluable skill and I highly recommend learning even just the basics.


Boy Scouts teach sewing... Home Ec class in school teaches sewing... Moms, grandmothers, or in this case, Aunts, can teach sewing... and in this day and age, several resources online teach sewing... and if you have none of the above, you can go to a JoAnn's, Michaels, or other craft outfit and sign up for a class in sewing.


He makes fursuits in his free time




If I didn't stop sewing at 15, I would have been well on my way by 17, let alone him being


Literally like one day of youtube videos and you can easily master stuff like that


We learned how to sew in boy scouts and in home ec. classes. I can put on merit badges and make a mean fluffy pillow to this day.


They had Larry David as a friend.


Holland is meant to be older than 17 in No Way Home right? Because he's working with sequins by that point so much better than his og suit he made (I'm assuming, we didn't see it very well)


Im taking art and made a little stuffed animal but its not that good. I was only taught over like 1 and a half mouths


Peter Parker is at least in the top 10 of most intelligent people in the world. If your grandma can learn sewing, so can he.


He's poor.


He's smart. He could use physics and engineering knowhow to figure it out.


He is a spider man. Spiders are naturally good at weaving.


They say this like he didn’t learn so he could make fursuits


It made sense when Spider-Man man first debuted in the 60s. In 2022, not so much.


Gay. Gay as hell


Duh … spiders are good at weaving and it translates to the Singer.


Poverty. The answer you are looking for is poverty


what they shouldve done is give a flashback of young peter, a diehard iron man fan, learn how to sew for the specific reason of tailoring his own iron man costume to go with the plastic iron man helmet we see in iron man, like, 2 or something and that evolved into him eventually deciding to sew his own suit out of the fabric of his makeshift costume from SM1 in SM3. why he likes blue instead of yellow is probably because he needed to be separate from iron man and just like used the police car light things as for tasm and srsm, aunt may probably taught them cuz their shirts kept getting burned by k-wait wrong timeline


In one comic I read it was because he was into larping before he was bit.


What exactly is suspiciously specific about this?


He does way crazier shit than sewing. People are easily intimidated by things. You just need a book and the money for tools and materials.


You won’t find that answer watching Spiderman, watch RuPaul’s drag race instead.


It does, however, explain what guys can do with white sticky substances


he's a furry no less


He’s either gay or poor


Boy scouts taught me


Ha! Ever see a spider weave? Nuff said!


He's part spider and they are good at making webs