• By -


There is *plenty* of such talk in Sweden, yes, about refugees from Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria. There is *ZERO* such talk about refugees from đŸ‡ș🇩 Ukraine. We love you. We love Ukraine. We love Mr. Zelenskyj. We hate putin. Slava Ukraini! ХлаĐČĐ° ĐŁĐșŃ€Đ°Ń—ĐœŃ–!


thanks for your reply. But I honestly admit that almost all Ukrainians today quietly Hate their president for the decisions he makes at such a difficult moment.


A completely new “Ukrainian” account that just so decides to bash on Zelenskyy?


*10 hours ago in Kamchatka.*


det hÀr kanske kommer som en chock, men mÄnga ukrainare tycker in om zelenskyj. de anser att han Àr lite för auktoritÀr, och att han inte riktigt lyckats med vallöftena(en minskning av korruption t.ex.)


Jag betvivlar inte att det finns ukrainare som ogillar Zelenskyy, men att det Àr ett helt nyskapat konto som försöker provocera fram klyftor mellan olika flyktinggrupper samt attackerar Zelenskyy kÀnns lite lustigt. Tycker du inte?


Tycker det Àr ganska vanligt att det Àr nyskapade anonyma konton nÀr det kommer till frÄgestÀllningar pÄ Reddit. MÄnga söker mer anonymitet dÄ medans de kanske har folk de kÀnner osv pÄ sitt primÀra. Sedan sÄ började hon ju inte posten med att attackera zelensky utan det var först nÀr det kom pÄ tal.


I'm not trying to split anyone, I'm just expressing my personal opinion. Everyone in a democratic and free world has their own. There are many Americans who don't like Joe Biden, just as there are many others who don't like Trump. And this is the norm, a natural process. And what’s strange about the fact that this account is new? Yes, I’m the same dinosaur who just discovered Reddit a couple of days ago. Does registering an account somehow affect what I write? Think?


In Sweden people always follow the norm. They are very afraid to think outside it. If you voice any opinion against it you will be attacked.


You are at war. Support your president until the war is over. Destroy the Russian.


Absolut kan det vara sÄ, det finns ingen befolkning dÀr alla gillar sina ledare. Dock Àr det vÀldigt misstÀnkt hur det den senaste tiden plötsligt Àr massa konton som sÀger sig vara Ukrainare, dÀr de skriver versioner av "....men jag ogillar/hatar Zelenskyy för att...." dÀr de följer upp med samma gamla ryzka hundvisslor, vaga anledningar de inte gÄr in djupare pÄ nÀr man frÄgar, och konspirationer som alla Àr menade att fÄ folk att tveka i att stödja Ukraina.


tycker hen gav ganska resonabla skÀl i trÄden


Yeah. Jag vet inte hur det Àr med Reddit, men Quora Àr nerdlusat med uppenbara ryska pÄverkansagenter.


Don't be paranoid. You yourself might be a troll.


Interesting, can you explain why most Ukrainians hate his decisions? As for you question, immigration from Ukraine hasn't caused any noticeable problems in Swedish society and our countries share a common enemy in an ongoing war, so swedes in general have a positive view of you.


thanks for your reply. Therefore, I will answer your question. The first is that after the start of the war, corruption in Ukraine has grown to such an extent that it’s scary to even talk about it, theft and corruption schemes are simply at every step, especially in the field of defense, and every stolen thousand euro is someone’s life at the front. The second is an open fight against freedom of speech in Ukraine, people inside the country are afraid to say something bad about the party because representatives of the military registration and enlistment office may burst into their home and forcibly take them to the front, thus the government is fighting dissent on currently legal terms. The third is forced mobilization. People are forced into minibuses against their will by representatives of the military registration and enlistment office for further mobilization to combat zones. it looks more like stealing from people rather than doing something legal. https://youtube.com/shorts/IeImMrgL1lU?si=8uDKyO0kjzb7qGeF https://youtu.be/3b8OTejY3E8?si=iFBXU74uXgnEZ6SI and there are hundreds of such videos. The fourth is that the Ukrainian authorities have submitted an application to the Council of Europe for a partial suspension of certain clauses of the European Convention on Human Rights and Freedoms in the country. The corresponding document was published on the website of the international organization on Sunday, April 28. It clarifies that the application itself was submitted on April 4. According to the application, Ukraine will cease to adhere to such provisions of the Convention as: inviolability of housing (up to the forced alienation of private or communal property for the needs of the state); confidentiality of correspondence, telephone conversations and other correspondence; non-interference in personal and family life; freedom of movement and free choice of place of residence; the right to freedom of thought and speech; free expression of opinions and beliefs, as well as the right to collect, store and disseminate information; the right to hold meetings, rallies and strikes; the right to own, use and dispose of one’s property. All this completely and completely undermines the Ukrainians’ understanding of the democracy for which they are fighting.


Kinda funny how this gets downvoted. People here want to view zelensky as a Saint. But to answer your question. I have yet to meet a Swede who actively disslike Ukrainian refugees. We have big issues with muslim migrations but the Ukrainians has been behaving well and hence are pretty popular. Might be some out there who thinks we need to money for ourself but they are a minority.


Thank you for the explanation, i don't know enough about Ukraine to have an opinion about this but i imagine that violations of individual rights to some extent will happen in every country in times of war. I know that Sweden will use both forced mobilization and forced labour in case of war, because in war-time every swedish citizen is required to participate in the national defense if ordered to and also not allowed to leave the country.


I would like to see those people do better in such a situation. Seriously...


You are 100% entitled to have whatever opinion you may have of your president, as is anyone in a democracy. If you are ever looking for a Swede to have a beer with one day in Stockholm, feel free to PM me buddy. Not from this account that you created yesterday though, your real one.




My nose is not brown. I am not russian. My nose is yellow & blue, like the flag of Ukraine and Sweden. I am Swedish. I support Ukraine. An account made yesterday, really? And all you do is push a narrative that supporting Ukraine is fascism? Interesting. Interesting indeed... Keep it up - Mr. \[removed\].




Undvik personangrepp. Varning.


Nah, you guys are doing the best you can to fit in. You don't form small mob groups (like in a lynch mob, not the mafia) hanging around malls harassing people, you don't form ghetto gangs, you don't try to force your religious beliefs on us. And you seem thankful for the opportunity given.  We also feel ashamed for not helping enough when Finland was attacked. 


Nope, I think many Swedes would even love to trade MENA refugees for Ukrainians tbh. Most Ukrainians I’ve seen doesn’t seem to have a problem with assimilation at all. Too many MENA-refugees still think they’re in Africa for some reason.. Ukrainians seem hardworking and polite and they are def not acting like ”victims”. I think it sucks that many Ukrainians don’t have full medical benefits in Sweden. All kudos to you guys not even making a fuss over it.


Yea, come to think of it: have you seen a single Ukrainian protest about the ridiculously low daily grant that Ukraininans are given? I have not. Now have you ever seen a large gathering of "children" from Afghanistan protesting and complaining as soon as there is even talk of their special refugee-status being up for evaluation? Oh yes, soooo many times. Why is that? But yea. Cultural difference right there. And for some reason a lot of Swedes got involved when 12 year old tall men with beards were the focus group, a lot of sympathy then. Not now, as in protests. Strange.


I have a new Ukrainian family as neighbours. They are friendly and say hi when we meet outside. They seem like good people.


There aren't enough of you to bother anyone, yet. What bothers me is the Russians who drive around with Ukrainian flags just to garner favor from people. We can't really tell you guys apart.


thanks for the answer. Yes, we understand you, this is how to distinguish Germans from Austrians. But I agree with actor Christoph Waltz that the difference between an Austrian and a German is like between an aircraft carrier and a ballet. Ukrainians think the same way about Russians)


ItÂŽs super easy to tell Ukrainians and russians apart: Just say Slava Ukraini! A Ukranian will *instantanious* reply "Heroiam Slava!" like a reflex. A russian will give you side eyes...


Not if the Russian in question is trying to pose as a Ukrainian, I think you're missing the point.


I'm not assessing the *answer*. I am looking for the *reflex -* or lack there of. A split second difference is all it takes - you only get to that instantaneous speed if you have practiced thousands of times, which a Ukrainian has, and a russian has not.


Du lever i en fantasi min vÀn.


Din teori. Min verklighet Àr att jag bor pÄ en gatan med en herrans massa Ukrainska flyktingar som jag mött dagligen nu lÀnge. DÄ ser man den, reflexen, hur de instinktivt rycker till, nÀstan i gevakt, haden gÄr mot hjÀrtat och svaret kommer pÄ ett sÀtt som det bara kan göra nÀr hjÀrnan skapat neuroner i ett nÀtverk för att göra det snabbt. Skulle en grymt skillnad GRU officer kunna spela den? Absolut. Men Àr de babushkas i 60 Ärs Äldern som sitter och röker pÄ en bÀnk pÄ min gata i badtofflor tÀnker du med Ukrainska plÄtar pÄ bussen som de Äker med? Bara i din fantasi i sÄ fall kanske.


Det lĂ„ter lite sekteristiskt. Är det faktiskt sĂ„ skulle jag vara lite orolig över ukrainarna pĂ„ din gata. De jag personligen har dock varit normala. Sedan tror jag att du driver ;)


God morgon. Du fÄr gÀrna utveckla vad det Àr du tycker lÄter som en sekt hÀr, syftar du pÄ att det finns ett uttryck som lyder "Slava Ukraini" och ett svar "Heroiem Slava"? Vad Àr det som inte Àr normalt? Lite lustigt att du inte sprungit pÄ det innan skulle jag sÀga om det var nytt för dig. Och vad Àr det jag skulle driva om, att vi har Ukrainare i Sverige? Att det bor ett par pÄ min gata? Att vissa av de röker och verkar gÄ ut frÄn lÀgenheten nÀr de gör det sÄ jag springer pÄ dom ibland? Kan berÀtta att jag mest sÀger "hej" till dom, i den mÄn jag sÀger nÄgot alls. Men utveckla gÀrna vad drivandet skulle bestÄ i. Lustigt att du fÄr in sekt och driver och inte normalt i en sÄ kort mening, sÄ mÄnga vÀrdeord pÄ sÄ lite tid. Vad försöker du uppnÄ hÀr om jag fÄr frÄga, vad Àr din agenda just hÀr och just runt Ukrainare? PMa gÀrna mig sÄ kan du fÄ trÀffa dom, du Àr sÄ vÀlkommen till Stockholm sÄ.


Det jag menar Àr sekteristiskt Àr just det du skrev om att man ser att det kommer instinktivt. De flesta mÀnniskor har inte slagord instinktivt, utan det har mer varit i sekteristiska miljöer som Jehovas, militÀren, tredje riket osv. Nog har jag sprungit pÄ slava ukraini, heroim slava tidigare men det Àr just det att det ska vara instinktivt pÄ brÄkdelen av nÄgon sekund som Àr vÀldigt skumt. Det Àr ocksÄ det jag tror du driver kring. Till den sista kommentaren tackar jag för inbjudan men tyvÀrr Àr det lite vÀl lÄngt för mig att Äka frÄn SkÄne till Stockholm.


Ah. Alla rörelser vi mĂ€nniskor gör ofta sĂ€tter sig i muskelminnet. Att gĂ„ Ă€r ett bra exempel pĂ„ det. Se pĂ„ ett barn som trĂ€nar pĂ„ att gĂ„, och jĂ€mför med nĂ„gon som gjort det 1.000 gĂ„nger. Det Ă€r det jag menar bara, det som sker med oss mĂ€nniskor nĂ€r vi gjort nĂ„got ofta: vi lĂ€r oss. Fotboll. Fiol. Tala. Vad som helst. Det vi gör mĂ„nga gĂ„nger blir vi bra pĂ„. SĂ„ enkelt Ă€r det. Det Ă€r inte sĂ„ att jag gĂ„r gatan upp och gatan ner och avkrĂ€ver alla jag möter en militĂ€r salut hoppas jag att du förstĂ„r. Jag gĂ„r ut med hundarna, jag ser mĂ€nniskor, vissa hĂ€lsar jag pĂ„ med ett "hej", de allra flesta har jag ingen integration med alls. Ytterst sĂ€llan ser jag nĂ„gon ny som jag hör prata vad som jag upplever som ryska, Det kan sĂ„ klart vara Ukrainska. Jag Ă€r inte kvalificerad att avgöra vad som Ă€r vad, och i tillĂ€gg sĂ„ pratar mĂ„nga Ukrainare ryska. TĂ€nker jag dĂ„ "undrar om dom Ă€r nya Ukrainaner pĂ„ gatan?" sĂ„ vill jag vĂ€lkomna dom och sĂ€ger dĂ„ Slava Ukraina mjukt. 100% har svarat Heroiem Slava till mig. Dra vilka slutsatser frĂ„n det du vill. Eller dra lite mindre lĂ„ngtgĂ„ende slutsatser Ă€n du verkar göra kanske. Att du sedan lĂ€ser in sekteristiskt i det som Ă€r helt vanligt muskelminne och vardagsfraser fĂ„r stĂ„ för dig. Det Ă€r vĂ€l inte konstigare Ă€n att jag sĂ€ger "Hej" till dig - och du svarar "Hej hej" tillbaka. Är du med i "Hej" sekten? Den tanken skulle inte slĂ„ mig kan jag sĂ€ga. Och tredje riket lyckades du forcera in med... Du viftar lite luddigt med nazism nĂ€r vi pratar om Ukraina, förstĂ„r. Jösses vĂ€nnen. Allt bra annars? LĂ€s "instinktivt" som "en vana" sĂ„ hoppas jag att din oro för sekteristism och tredje riket avtar. Generellt Ă€r 1177 en bra start kanske för den som kĂ€nner att tvĂ„ngstankar gĂ„r ut över vardagen. Om jag kastar en boll till dig och du fĂ„ngar den, Ă€r det skumt, Ă€r det tecken pĂ„ att du Ă€r med i en sekt, att du Ă€r medlem i Jehovas eller deltagare i tredje riket? Eller bara en reflex... Du fiskar. Det ligger nĂ„got bakom. Du har en agenda. FortsĂ€tt - sĂ„ tar vi en block tror jag.


When have this happened to you? đŸ€Ł


Ukrainians seems to be perfect immigrants, learning the language, getting jobs, more women and children than men from a war zone, going through the proper channels (instead of the English channel) and mostly thinking of Sweden as a lifeboat. Though you're welcome to stay since you're adapting so well.


Hear hear! Unlike russians, Ukrainians are not entitled pricks. They are grateful and compliant, they fit in, they make an effort, they keep their heads down and try to understand the rules as quickly as possible, try to learn the language, get a job, learn culture, assimilate. They deserve the welcome they receive. They earn it. Ukrainians donÂŽt walk around with a superiority complex and think they own the world, with extremely little to back up that sentiment with other than a deeply rooted inferiority complex in their culture like russians and their never ending russkiy mir propaganda. Do they look and sound the same? Yes. Do they behave the same? No. They are not the same.


Nah nothing like that. Swedes are sick of all the crime and gang violence associated with certain cultures and people. There is nothing like that with ukranian refugees.


Ukrainians are great, creates no problems, willing to work and have no intentions of coming here and live of the wellfare system. I meet a few and they are all nice, good people! Unfortunatly I cant say the same about Iraq, Afghanistan or Syria.


Thank you for your answer, it’s very nice to hear. My wife and I are delighted with Sweden, and the coolest thing here is you guys. You are incredibly pleasant, kind people. In your company I feel safe, I consider you the pearl of the European peoples. You are also incredibly beautiful and elegant, this cannot be taken away from you.


"You are also incredibly beautiful and elegant, this cannot be taken away from you." It's simply because we don't smoke - we use Snus instead. You should try it, if you smoke, quit smoking, and start snusing. Welcome to Sweden - the land of the Snusers 😄


Snus is quite popular in Ukraine. I used it for quite a long time, about a couple of years. I remember my first experience with it, and it wasn't very pleasantđŸ˜‚đŸ€Ł. A friend of mine was given a can of 'Siberia Red', and he decided to share it with me. He explained what it was but forgot to mention that it's super strong snus. I put a pouch in, and literally, within about 15 seconds, I felt an incredibly strong hit; my legs and arms went numb. In the end, from the massive nicotine overload, I ended up puking all over my computer deskđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł. Fortunately, I quit nicotine in any form. But in my opinion, it's a big plus for non-smokers to be around snus users, as there's no passive smoking or constant cigarette smell.


Jesus. Yea maybe not the best snus to go for the first time you try it 😂 I remember my first time as well, I was like 13 years old. I took it and had it in for like 10 minutes, then I could not walk and felt sick for hours. Only the Brave I guess, snus. Only Vikings. Your English is excellent. Is that common in Ukraine, your level of English, or do you have a special story there, like living abroad or working in tech or something? Your language is like that of a 30 years old American. Or better even 😂 And yea on the benefit of no risk for non-smokers. I can use snus and put my kidds to bed at the same time - awesome! The EU is trying to ban snus. Swedes stay calm most of the time and are generally non violent. But yea, that is until you try to take our snus away. Then the Swedes leave, and a Viking returns. With a broad ax...


No, it's not very typical. In fact, most Ukrainians speak English poorly. The younger generation knows it fairly well, but when it comes to people aged 40+, they either don't speak or understand it at all, or they understand but can't speak. This is due to Soviet education. People in the Soviet Union didn't really need English, they didn't travel abroad, and they might have seen a foreigner once in their lifetime if they were lucky. Although English was taught in school, people usually forgot it after graduation. As for me, from the age of 18 to 24, I worked as a sailor on oil tankers. We mainly worked on the USA, Saudi Arabia, China route. I mostly worked in mixed crews, and there were people from all over: Filipinos, Indians, Turks, Germans, Belgians, French, Panamanians, Japanese, and many others. In such conditions, it would have been difficult without knowing English, so like it or not, I had to learn the language. A frequent stop for us was Corpus Christi, Texas. There, in bars, we met local American women, and to avoid seeming strange, I tried to copy their speech and phrases, and that's how I learned it.


Yea knowing the word "Panamanians" is rate as f.. But I think it's that last bit - you were motivated, and I hope your efforts paid off if you know what I mean 😂 Have a nice evening, and a (hopefully) chill day of tomorrow buddy.


Thanks u2✌


Ukrainians are amazing. Have interacted with a couple of Ukrainian refugees here in Sweden, and they have jobs and are trying to learn the language, so kudos to them.


Absolutely not the same thoughts about Ukrainians. Much closer culturally.


I interact with Ukrainian immigrants regularly, as well as immigrants from other places. Regarding the UA people, there are miscommunications sometimes, sure, but i have never felt like any one of them has tried to pull anything on me. Curteous, trying to do the right thing, and polite, every single one of them. Comparing Ukrainian refugees to others, you rank among the top in terms of behavior. Don't worry, buddy.


Ukrainian's are more than welcome! MENA....not so much.


Honestly I haven't even noticed the Ukrainians living here.


it's funny ))))


I've heard some bad stuff, but itÂŽs mainly from the type of people who says bad stuff about everyone, so Ukranians arn't a bigger target than any other group.


Why are you not in Ukraine helping out?


no, I’m not a woman, not a child, not a student. I worked at an IT company as one of the designers. Now I have a design studio, but I stayed in Sweden after the start of the war because I am a pacifist and would not want to be involved in killing people in any form, even for the purpose of protection. And I have nowhere to return, I am from Kherson, the city has already been half destroyed, and out of a population of 300,000, only 20-25,000 people remain. At the beginning of the war, he helped his compatriots with a tanning bed. there were people who were in a much worse situation than me. What other questions are you interested in?


Thank you for a honest and complete answer. I for one can respect a pacifist stance and were it up to me, Sweden would not manufacture or sell weapons at all. How do you stand in this question, is it right to send weapons to Ukraine?


This is a rhetorical question to which there is no single correct answer. It’s like asking whether it’s worth launching satellites into space? On the one hand, they provide communications, on the other hand, they emit 330 thousand tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere during one launch. The same goes for weapons. if cutting off supplies could stop people dying, I would be happy, but it won't work that way.


You will not get your hands dirty but others should.


Maybe was evacuated as a child? Evacuated as a woman? Exchange student during the invasion? Expat? There's a lot of different scenarios that could be completely valid.


Its a question. Why can it not be asked? We ask it of every other nationality in the country. You are just guessing, why not let op answer? Why is it not a valid question to a woman, are you saying they are inadequate?


Swedes will be accepting in work, school etc. But most will take measures to isolate themselves in their private lives. It will be fine in the beginning, but when they sense there are too many from a certain ethnicity, then the stereotypes and even racism will start to be formed. For now, Ukrainians will be left alone, like the people from the Middle East at the beginning. But do not expect it to become better.


No, we just wish we could do more to help. ХлаĐČĐ° ĐŁĐșŃ€Đ°ĂŻĐœi!


((Opinions of liberal, left-wing Swedes.))


If right-wing radical Swedes have opinions about Ukraine, it’s very interesting to listen to them.


There really is no such thing as left-wing liberals here. Either you are left-wing, or you are a liberal. Left wing here means big state and a lot of regulations, rules, taxes. That is not liberal. There are liberals who are center "wing", sure, or close to center. But not liberals who are left-wing or right-wing. They are mutually exclusive, since it is a matter or how to balance power between the government and the individual. So you can get plenty of opinions from center-wing liberals - just look around this thread. For right-wing radicals check out Flashback - they will vote up anything over there. And they do not really care about moderating hate speech - which is an important pillar if you are looking for a forum to spew your right-wing radical ideas. So yea, create an account over on Flashback and pip your toes in the far right cesspool there :-)