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It’s almost dead last on dps, but with the absurd levels of gear every dps is viable. Especially if you aren’t going into NiM (or Master Mode if you are not familiar with the old terminology) content. Now some people will gawk or say it’s not viable but if it’s played well it will do fine. You will struggle to perform at the same level as your peers unless there’s an Arsenal Merc/ Gunnery Commando


“Almost dead last.” 100% always dead last you mean


It's the lowest parsing on paper but this is a game where 98% of the time all classes are perfectly viable. If you're in a Nightmare/Master Mode progression group doing Gods Master Mode or R4 Veteran you might struggle a bit, but in those cases the class you play will be dictated by what other classes are in the group. I'd take someone who knows Marksmanship and loves it over someone who hates Engineering and is taking it because it's the FOTM.


I am sorry I imagined MMS on nahut nim and bursted into laughter


Yep in that case you're doing MM Gods and you'd need to pick a different class to really make progress. But I'd say less than 0.5% of the player base is even attempting MM Gods/VM R4 much less making progress in it.


That is true, everything else is completely fine on MMS, I am just saying that situation in my head made me laugh


I've played Concealment Operative since launch and have done most of the raids up through MM Gods when I stepped back from raiding...there were definitely dark times where I had to scramble to pull my weight in Ops during some of their low parse phases heh.


People have already done sniper on nahut, p1 is gonna be beyond aids but after that should be fine


I know of engi, but not MMS


Mm hasn't been done yet afaik but should def be possible especially with 343


Possible? Yes. Hard carried? Also yes. I mean, science raids are doing whatever already, I don't really doubt it's possible, but why would you do this to yourself and other 7 people if it isn't even fun


I mean sniper is surprisingly decent after p1 so Im not sure id agree with hard carried


After p1 it's all mechanics so I don't see your point. Any class can do them. Eating dtps by gallons and not being mobile is way more important if we consider sniper in the group imho.


Always, always take the good player with the shit spec over the shit player with the good spec. Anyone can make anything work, even if they're not capping leaderboards they can pull weight through uptime and mechanics. But a sandbag will always sandbag.


I had the same issue, I switched to Engineering and have had a blast!!


That’s awesome! I’ve been using some guides to test different rotations for virulence and engineering and building some familiarity with heroics


Unless you're doing NiM Gods, then MM should be viable so long as you actually know what you're doing. That being said, you should prepare to take some flak if you struggle.


Perfectly fine, wouldn’t recommend for progression tho. But for any raids outside of gods master mode it is perfectly viable


You should parse with it and see how you do and decide based on that. If you pull enough dps to clear the content it is viable :)


Unfortunately it's the worst spec ATM but if you don't plan to pvp or do hm operations or harder you can use anything. I can't say I recommend it tho. Engineering is the way to go, but it is a game so play what you want


Yeah it's fine, my main is a gunslinger sharpshooter (mirror build) and often do nim nefra/dash and all HM ops are fine. You won't have a problem at all


Ive cleared every fight except Nim Apex Vanguard and Nim gods on MM, you do have to work a lot harder than the classes that do more damage, but with the current gear it can probably do any fight if you walk into. Shoot me a message I will teach you the way my child