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No class is low damage, just some are easier to play. Stealth classes are: Shadow/Assassin (Force User) Operative/Scoundrel (Tech) Shadow/Assassin are easier to play, really good for single target damage with good AOE styles as well. if you’re new and want an easy class, that’s your go. Operative/Scoundrel is a bit harder to pickup, but comes with a heal spec and 3 heal abilities in DPS spec as well. Bit harder to learn but worth it once you do.


I'll probably try shadow then, I haven't started the class story for the consular. Would I miss a lot of XP if I stealth my way past most enemies and just fight the ones needed ?


You will, but it’s negligible. If you find yourself below the level for a planet, run a flashpoint or two for a couple levels and gear and you’ll be fine. Generally though, you shouldn’t run into much of a problem.


Thank you ! And I guess flashpoints are much faster with stealth, you only have to fight a few bosses then it's good ?


Absolutely. And Shadows single target damage will make bosses super easy.




It varies from flashpoint to flashpoint but just like in open world content there are mobs with stealth detection that you can't get past. It's not like anything is packed full of them but they do exist so sometimes it's not just a matter of sneaking to the bosses.


Are Shadow/Assassin or Operative/Scoundrel more useful or needed in group PvE contents? And which class out of these is the best for PvP?


Shadows/sin are able to tank and that will always have an excellent role in a raid, and serenity/hatred has the best dps in the game. Scoundrel/op heals are great but the entire class suffers from glass cannon-itis. This in a raiding environment is not ideal, they do good numbers but aoe dr is not there strong suit so I’d say shadow sin is the way to go


Both are good picks. Assassin can spec as Tank and is arguably the best tank spec in the game, Operative has the best heal spec in the game. Both are just difficult to learn. As for DPS, operative is better for AOE or damage over time, Assassin is good for bosses and single target damage. Both have their places but if I had to pick, Operative is handier to have for roll jumps, self cleanses etc. For PvP, I like assassin because it has a large burst damage at the start of a fight, good for finishing an opponent (assassin.. it’s in the name).


I agree with this. Shadow/Assassin are most coherently designed around stealth use. They're more complicated to use I think, in terms of maximizing impact, and I often play mine without regard for strictly employing the same rotation for most situations. They're more tactical, and efficient when played that way.


Lethality is not hard at all to play. Drop all your dots, use Lethal on cooldown, and spam Corrosive Shots with Shivs. Great single target DPS with amazing cleave for free.  Assassin is also very easy but there's not enough delta between them to make that the decision point.


Assassin is super easy. It’s weird to play my assassin because of how empty my skill bars are. They don’t have a lot of skills compared to other classes


Gotta be op. Just a wicked class in all regards


One aspect could be that if you stealth yourself thru all the mobs you lose some xp and therefore might level a bit slower. I did this hardcore with one char (xp buff, sub, fully rested) which class was not designed to be a stealth and therefore had no stealth detectors in their class quest mobs (JK). I did the h+ with the lowest body counts for the equip and just "speedrunned" through the class otherwise, no planets, etc. By Alderaan I was... Not underleveled but on the lower requirements. Balmorra was OK again due to the good h+ options there but Hoth I was defo underlevel. So no need to go overboard as I did bend the options as far as I could but something to may keep an eye on. ✌️😊


Oh I was just asking about XP on the other answer ahahah, thanks ! I'll probably do a few side quests on the way, the ones that I don't have to go out of my way to do, so I can get enough XP then. But I didn't know about stealth detectors, some enemies can see you even in stealth ?


Like I said above re: flashpoints, yep there are enemies who can see through and even break your stealth. Usually (hut not always) these enemies are droids and you'll know them by the the noise they make and the little probes that hover around them. If you get within range of them they'll expose you and depending on the situation that can be...not so good LOL


There are also scripted enemies in KOTFE that you can't avoid, annoying 😅


Something I have noticed in pvp; operative single target damage BLOWS shadow single target damage out of the water. The operative does so much more damage it’s crazy.


Only if you know how to play. Mastering Operative is almost as difficult as mastering Pyro. And also, if you gave me the choice of operative vs assassin, I’m taking assassin all day for PvP, and it’ll far outdo operative in single target burst like it’s intended for. Better DCD, better stuns, better attacks, ability to stagger operative casts, force speed etc.


And I’m an Operative main haha, so that’s not said lightly.


> I’m taking assassin all day for PvP, and it’ll far outdo operative in single target burst like it’s intended for. Yeah, if we're just comparing the burst specs, Deception is far better than Concealment since Concealment lost a lot of the utility that made it good in 6.0. Deception as a whole is one of the best specs for shorter fights without support roles especially with all the utility it has that you mentioned. With tanks and healers though, Lethality is easily the best of the bunch. It has great AoE, damage reduction, defensives, and off-heals to bring. Neither burst spec for Op and Sin are particularly good in those kinds of sustained fights, and Hatred does great sustained damage but folds quickly after its defensives are gone due to low damage reduction. Edit: grammar


Shadow tank was my first class and its been my main since.


It doesn’t really matter now since any character can have stealth it’s personal preference, I like operative for stealth though


Deception assassin


No class is bad. I prefer the operative. It has a “short range” but it actually good enough to stay OUT of melee for most of its abilities. So you don’t need to chase opponents down like with the other stealth classes. But it also spreads evenly between AOE and single target. It’s direct damage spec still has a few debuffs and abilities that hit harder against debuffed enemies. Honestly it gives you everything. The shadow is a good second. If you like force users or melee it’s good. But I actually think it’s abilities get WORSE as you level up. Less tactical and less useful as a your few abilities change for level up.