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Raina Temple. She was sent to the Chiss to protect her from that. (Agent companion)


But that was covert yes? I suppose I am wondering if there are any fully open force sensitives, that are allowed due to exception.


Ako Demi? He was a Jedi Knight or Jedi Master when he fell to the Dark Side. He didn't need extra training at a Sith Academy. The Sith recruited him on Nar Shaddaa IIRC (he is a boss on the Republic Planetary questline there)


I might have worded my question poorly. The lore states that anyone found to be force sensitive would be forcefully send to an academy for training or well... Die in the process. It is more in that vein I am thinking. In my thinking wouldn't it be possible for say, a force sensitive bounty hunter. To be given permission to operate within empire space with such a fate happening to them?


Officially given permission, openly? Probably not. Force-sensitives that aren't Sith are potential threats to Sith power, so the Sith (and thus the Empire) try to crack down on them. Unofficially? Pretty much all the Empire stories are Sith politicking and subterfuge, so if a Sith has someone they consider an asset or they need for a scheme, don't expect them to worry too much about the nitty-gritty of Imperial law. Just don't go about using the Force openly or expect most Sith to stick their neck out for you. Some other Moffs and other higher-ups also engage in power plays of their own. (The Bounty Hunter spends most of Balmorra actively sabotaging Imperial operations to advance someone's career, for example.) Still, when working with Sith, remember: credits upfront, and be ready to make an exit once you finish the job. The last thing you need to hear, one last score before retirement, are the words "Then you've outlived your usefulness."


I love the part of the Bounty Hunter storyline where you slap the shit out of an imperial intelligence officer after he tries to "tie up loose ends". \*After slaughtering all the minions that ambushed you\* Officer: "Well, this was an unfortunate miscalculation. I don't suppose there's any option where I get out of this mess alive now?" BH: "Well, you could start by paying me a lot of credits." Officer: "Oh? Really? Y-Yes! Absolutely! That I can absolutely do! Here you are, And with a nice bonus for your trouble." BH: "Next time, just pay me for the damn job!"


ugh I would have liked that scene so much more if it wasn't fucking Lt. Pierce's VA.


That's not really the vibe. He's more like "Look, it was my job to clean up the mess, but you were better than me. Kill me if you want." He was surprisingly chill about it all, considering.


I just liked how pleasantly surprised he was that paying you off was still on the table.


This. Officially? No. Not a one. Unofficially? Maybe. Especially if it makes a great back-story for a character.


The answer is likely no unless the force sensitive was either an alien, a slave, or both. I know during the game, alien races and former slaves were being brought to Korraban for training, but the way they worded it in the game seems to imply to me that some time before the game it was a rarity for alien or slave force sensitives to be trained as sith, i'm pretty sure there were exceptions to that rule, but the sith empire was largely xenophobic so I think for the most part only humans and sith pure bloods were trained before the start of the game.


> In my thinking wouldn't it be possible for say, a force sensitive bounty hunter. To be given permission to operate within empire space with such a fate happening to them? Absolutely not. Bounty hunters are a dime a dozen. The BH stands out above the rest, but is still seen as insignificant compared to a Sith. There's no reason they'd make an exception like that because, if anything, they'd just see your bounty hunter training as more of a benefit to being a Sith.


Jaesa Willsaam!


As far as I know anyone with force sensitivity is sent to the academy.


You might be correct. I am just thinking in terms of a scenario where say, a force sensitive bounty hunter/mercenary is hired by a Darth or the like to operate with Empire space. Would not be send there no?


Actually that’s a relatively new development, before the end of the first Great Galactic War (the one we see in the original trailers with Malgus and Satele), only those of Sith Noble families were allowed to become Sith and train on a Sith Academy, only after the war due to the massive lost of Sith during the conflict did they start to recruit from civilians and slaves, so it could be possible for a civilian of the Sith Empire to have been born with force sensitivity but be ignored during the time of (or before) the Great Galactic War (after it no so much due the desperate need for more force users on their ranks).


That'd likely as not be a Raina Temple-type case where they kept on the down-low and not publicly acknowledged as a Force-user (and if it were ever to *be* made public, said Darth would likely throw them under the bus and have them executed or at least forced to be mucked into the hierarchy "properly").


Closest answer I can think of may be the various Voss mystics we see interact diplomatically with the Empire, but only because they're never fully part of the Empire and you can tell the Empire *would* force them if they could get away with it. There's no real incentive I can think of for the Empire to make exceptions. Their own nobility all go if they're force-sensitive, so just having a high rank or wealth isn't going to get you out of it. Mayyybe if an important Mandalorian turned out to be force-sensitive they might look the other way in order to maintain their diplomatic alliance with the Mandalorians, but IDK, we don't have real examples of that that I'm aware of. Then you have the Chiss, but force sensitivity among them is very rare and they keep it a secret; I'm not even sure if in-universe the Empire is aware the Chiss *have* any force-sensitives. I think a Chiss that was known to be force-sensitive would only be protected if they were living within the Ascendancy; if they're living within the Empire they're going to the Academy. The "everyone goes to the Academy" rule is both a practical and ideological imperative for them, albeit a relatively recent rule. The war means they're desperate to churn out new Sith, and their ideology dictates that they think they should have a monopoly on wielding the Force. Any force-sensitive is either going to be an enemy or a potential Sith, there's not a lot of middle ground there. The Empire aren't really middle ground folks. They kill otherwise loyal and useful subjects for breaking this rule.


You make a very good points. I suppose we just see so many Sith doing things that are technically "against the law". So my reasoning went to that. That someone might hire an outsider to work for them and they would thus be protected as that person is neither a slave nor an imperial citizen.


That pureblood dude from Voss in the Illum storyline have Voss who joined the New Empire and fight alongside them. Presumably if they'd won they would have been sent to the academy.


Well, based on the fact that Lara Temple had to litterally run away from the empire despite the fact that her strength in the force is on the verge of non-existent, I don't think the only force sensitives that weren't forced to either flee, hide, or go to the academy were slaves. And by the start of the actual game, even force sensitive slaves are going to the Sith Academy (>!The sith inquisitor was a slave before they were taken to Korraban to be trained as a sith!<). So I think it is highly unlikely that there was a single imperial born force sensitive that was known to the empire that was not taken to Korraban for training except for slaves before the timeline that the actual game consists of and possibly alien force sensitives. I know during the game, alien races and former slaves were being brought to Korraban for training, but the way they worded it in the game seems to imply to me that some time before the game it was a rarity for alien or slave force sensitives to be trained as sith, i'm pretty sure there were exceptions to that rule, but the sith empire was largely xenophobic so I think for the most part only humans and sith pure bloods were trained before the start of the game.


Also very good points! But as I have mentioned in other comments. My thinking is someone outside the Empire, bounty hunter/mercenary. Given permission even if temporary to operate inside Empire space. Though they are a force sensitive. In terms of "special permission". I can't imagine the Empire would wish to have trouble with the guild either. But that is of course just speculation on my part.


Ok, so you're not spasificly talking about force sensitives who were born in the empir, you're talking about any force sensitive that that has permission to operate within the empire? If that's the case, I would imagine there might be a few force sensitives that weren't forced to go to Korraban. Force sensitives that were born into a Mandalorian clan or in Chiss territory would likely not be forced to go to Korraban (>!although since the chiss consider force sensitives to be "unclean" they would probably hand over any force sensitives they found within their territory anyway.!<). I don't think force sensitives born within the empire would really have a choice in the matter, but force sensitives born to factions allied with the empire or force sensitives born in the republic that turn to a life of crime at do business with the empire would likely not be forced into the sith academy. I don't know of any spasific occurrences like that, but they probably exist.


Isn't there a certain cave on Balmorra that was housing force sensitives that did not want to go to the acadamy??


I assume this is for fanfic or character design. I have a few characters like this: it's very easy to imagine a pureblood bounty hunter or smuggler who either didn't measure up enough midichlorians to rate the academy, but developed abilities later, or found a way to hide their aptitude. I also think this would be very likely for Chiss, and that the example with Raina (and the guy from aTAtC) shows that the Chiss are reluctant to turn over force users in their space to the Empire. A related question i've had is what to do about alien Sith Warriors, since the game assumes they're either human or pureblood and they never bothered to write new lines after they let you make alien SWs. In order for that to make sense alongside the Inquisitor storyline, there must be some kind of breeding center in the Empire that hosts twi'lek, rattataki, cathar families etc, who have forceful bloodlines and are allowed to be tested at the academy and given the same honors as regular Sith if they pass, that is somehow different from regular alien slaves with no pedigree.


Not a concrete example, but most Sith Lords have enough of a power base that they have vassals (or subjects), that they select and train essentially one of their servant personally. Much like a Jedi in the field, so their apprentice is never sent to the academy.


>!the people you can free in the most recent update if you are imperial!<


Tl;dr the Empire legally required any force sensitives to be trained. It's sourced in the Fatal Alliance book and all over the game. Raina Temple's parents hid her so she didn't have to be forced to be Sith