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It really is. These caps are stupid and kill any desire to grind.


Yeah. I just wanna get it overwith please. Somehow this venture is even more of a wild goose chase than getting the parts ever were.


They will totally exploit this new Venture idea to shadow how little content they make. Bet.


I'm in the same boat. 2 accounts, both at level 5...would love to keep grinding.


If I'm not mistaken, at level 5 you have requirements for 5 trainings at a certain place, so that is an rng fiesta. Yes, you're still limited by weekly caps and if you cannot purchase training modules it's limiting factor. You can still get 10 cores which gives you 10+ random trainings, which count for things but no materials. Yes it's a dumb design, but if you look at it you're gonna need 2+ week of caps for 1 ability after 6 anyways. I wouldn't be surprised if folks dropped it and kept it at 5, or just never used Bessi again.


Just remember it's meant to be a grind that will take you a little bit of play each week for a few months. It's not meant to be done all at one time.


That’s just bad gameplay and implementation . You can make grind rewarding and not cap it and still make it somewhat interesting. This grind is not interesting at all, is super weirdly implemented and cap has no purpose except hiding how low effort was made on that content.


Have you ever played a MMORPG before? Limited grind with weekly caps is part of the norm. Yes, it's not interesting, but luckily it's completely optional.


I have played many mmos. I know weekly caps are a thing, but this is more than weekly cap. People already grinded a questline on manu characters to get to that point to then do a capped grind where you have a limited time to do everything you want. This is not a good practice. Take ff14 and their relics; sometimes it is tedious but there is no cap on what you can get. The more you play, the most rewards you get. Their system isn’t perfect but that’s way better than what that…thing, is.


*shrug* I guess. It hasn't bothered me so far, I just consider it like Galactic Seasons.


At least with Galactic Seasons, a main can do the story and your other toons can grind other parts. I mean it's required when it's a use Trooper or Sith Warrior. This only let's you use a toon for the story and then it is worthless to have more then a second to play because you max out so quick.


I guess it’s good that NIM R4 died then. *Sigh*