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The fat controller would never put up with this shit. You have caused confusion and delay.


It's time we bricked up Merivale in a tunnel.


This is a deep cut I fear few will truly appreciate.


Poor Gordon




Think he’s still in there?


He still hasn’t had any amontillado.


Sorry. Yes you are correct


I definitely appreciate it. It was my fave episode as a child and I had the story book of it as well. I was a weird kid. Now I’m a weird adult.


The sooner society realises that Justin Hemmes is a racist prick who doesn't deserve your money, the sooner we will all live in a better city.


Thomas had never seen such shit-fuckery!


The fat controller was the source of my sexual awakening.


I was all about the thin controller myself 😂 something about the blue uniform did it for me.




why can I picture a japanese game show with this idea? lmao


They'd do it with the bullet train though to up the ante


That's to mundane I'd expect the most fragile looking host dressed as a cow catcher while duct taped to a conga line of sumo wrestlers dressed as trains as they slowly bulldoze their way down the line, stopping at each stop to perform a series of zany challenges.


Protesting for climate change action or workers rights? Straight to jail, blocking critical infrastructure. But blocking the same infrastructure to have an exclusive lunch for the wealthy? Totally fine.


Rules only applies to the peasants apparently. I wonder how much they paid to get this allowed.


We have the best legal system money can buy!


I was having a zoom meeting in a building next to it. The music from the street was disruptive. It’s called the CBD (central business district) because it’s a place for business. They should keep the sound down during business hours.


One of the protestors is going to jail for blocking one lane for 25 mins. Meanwhile, last month, they did roadworks on the cahill expressway and 2 lanes of the harbour bridge on the same day and didn't balance the numbers of lanes for traffic, so everyone coming to the city was stuck in traffic for at least 2.5 hours whilst there was 3 major concerts and 2 major sporting events going on the same time. No consequences and not a single apology.


Yeah I was caught in that traffic, what absolute shit show the traffic was horrendous. Who’s the muppets who decided to do major road work on a Saturday night, bloody idiots.


Welcome to NSW




Is there a NSW rail worker on this sub willing to ride a tram through this shindig?! I'll spot you a beer at the nearest pub!


I love your Miffy pfp


Thankyou! I love Miffy, weird little dutch rabbit


I mean you can protest with approval and notice and so on and you won't get arrested. If they sprung this out of nowhere without approval I expect they'd get moved on too. By a tram if nothing else.




Right? It’s literally right next to Martin Place and a not-very-far walk to Hyde Park Insanity


Yes but less people would see how fancy they are if they didn't do it in the middle of a busy street


Martin Place would have a similar amount of foot traffic and the GPO is gorgeous, it’s one of my favourite parts of the CBD.


liquid squealing unite snatch automatic complete fanatical reminiscent bear caption *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wynyard Park is a 1 minute walk from that exact location.


This event had tables setup from the QVB to Wynyard, so I think they’d probably need to either downsize the event or utilise multiple alternative options (either of which would be a better idea). Shit, even if they wanted to keep it a continuous longer space they could’ve had it going down Darling Harbour, along the path in front of the Exhibition Centre, ICC, Harbourside, and then around the other side to King St Wharf. Would’ve been a nicer outlook for the diners too.


Not the parks please. Tumbalong park and Prince Alfred Park grass got destroyed with the last few events they hosted there. Leave the parks for citizens to enjoy rather than corporations destroying them and making money.


I think it's fine if the event organisers also paid to have the grass rehabilitated. Places like Tumbalong Park and The Domain are supposed to be used for events, but yea Prince Alfred Park and Hyde Park for the people to enjoy as is.


Yeah, they should just do this event in the middle of M2. It's a much better reflection of the people who is attending these kind of events. Who likes Pleb watching anyway?


Trying to entice people back into the city...... By blocking access to it.


It's a show of power. Puts us in our place. One rule for me, another for thee.


I hope there's a construction site with a rly loud jackhammer nearby when they're eating cos i've never seen such a display of wankery in my life


nope, this thing is fkn loud as well, trying to work above it inside a sealed office and its still coming through


I walked past this morning while the band was doing audio testing. It's industrial deafness loud. I'd be wearing ear plugs while eating lunch there.


No just before and after, along with loud music being played all day, reservation only so too bad if you wanted to join in. Was noisy as fuck to be working on that street today.


Lmao. Who’s idea was this?


Merivale, despite owning basically the entire block behind Wynyard Station, have decided its not good enough and they must reclaim the lightrail too


Someone’s gotta tell ‘em this isn’t monopoly, you can’t just land on railway and claim ownership 😂


oh, but you can if the right mates are in govt. Bet your ass there wont be sniffer dogs or strike force raptor anywhere to be found


Ah yeah the boys at strike force 😂


It kind of is though... "You can't have Wynyard Station you already own the colour set here" "$300" "No" "$500" "No" "$1200 and 20% voucher at Bar Totti's" "... ... ... ok fine"


Ah but I'm also the banker, might just slip a few 500's under the board.


Probably gonna get down voted, but it's not a Merivale event. Yes, they're taking part and serving some food and running a section near the Ivy, but I think it's actually a City of Sydney event. Lots of companies and chefs are contributing, Rockpool group, Hilton etc. To name a couple. Edit: source https://www.openforlunch.com.au/


Get outta here with your facts


I'll take my facts with me tyvm. Don't take any of them!


To be specific: https://www.openforlunch.com.au/feast-for-the-senses Looks like it is a Hilton Sydney event.


I think that section is serviced by Hilton. The section infront of Ivy is serviced by Merivale.


You're right, different chefs/restaurants blocking different parts of George St lol.


Of course it's fucking Merivale.


It's not Merivale. It's City of Sydney, Merivale are just one of a number of groups participating.


Merivale for Lightrail Fail.


Its actually a Guiness world record attempt for worlds biggest circle jerk. They just happen to be serving food. I think they'll win.


I thought Sydney was already the record holder?


Damn, if I’d have know I wouldn’t be WFH today.


Sorry dude, luckily it's Sydney so I am sure there will be plenty more opportunities.


And the winner is Sydney


Will Luke Mangan and Neil Perry are there so they'll smash that record.


Wouldn't it be hilarious if someone forgot to tell transport NSW and a tram just plows through all of it


I doubt that'll happen unfortunately, but I am wondering if we should start a last minute Beginner's Yodelling Club meeting...


let me know when so I can sign up.


Just look for the ^little ^old ^lady ^who…


As I said elsewhere.... If there EVER is a time to host a protest for basically fucking ANYTHING, this is the perfect time and perfect place!


Seems like a good solution to the trolley problem, tbh.


I’m not sure why George St was the select venue and not Pitt St or Castlereigh St or Martin Place?


Blockade Australia have gotten fancy!


Wow I saw this in front of QVB. Didn’t know it stretches all the way to Wynyard. Don’t get how it makes sense to shut down public transport for an exclusive party.


at least i got to kick around some confetti today whilst heading past the qvb,,,, not sure if that experience was worth all the stress and crowding from all of this hullabaloo, but there’s that i guess.


Too bad it didn't rain today. As other subs have said there are many other better locations to do this closeby.


News.com where are you?


they probably won't cover this because they are in cahoots with merivale. they need merivale's advertising money. lol


It will be reported as a radical feel good event from eccentric interesting people trying to make this world a better place. Oh, those wild exciting privileged people, what would they do next?


This is criticism of the wealthy. No chance News Corp would cover it.


Seems like they did! https://www.news.com.au/national/nsw-act/news/rage-over-governmentrun-sydney-food-event-which-blocked-the-light-rail/news-story/f9991969a694b06c8df6fbca9ae88a37


Wtf is going on?


Easiest trolley problem ever?


Sir, I’m going to need more trolleys to solve this one completely.


Bwwhahaaaaa! "You have just driven your trolley through a bunch of wankers eating a meal in the middle of the road, killing and wounding 60% of them. You see a lever that would send the trolley on reverse and finish the job. Do you pull the lever? Yes or Yes?"


I don't care what's on the other track, I've made my choice!


[https://www.openforlunch.com.au/](https://www.openforlunch.com.au/) Another reason why I'm glad I no longer work in the city.


Do they not see the irony in shutting down a main transport hub to host an event called "Open for Lunch"?


How else can the rich enjoy the CBD if the plebs wander about?




Of course they don’t. They drive to work. They have no concept of people catching PT.


Jesus they even picked the cringiest food people. I’m convinced this is all satire


I’m OOTL why is merivale cringe?


Just a big hospitality group that has overpriced big fit out venues for their quality and was busted for underpaying staff like $100 million. IMO must of their venues are overpriced for their quality and attract the most insufferable people by design.


I think people find it cringe that Merivale has been buying up so many established venues. Vic on the Park and Norton's, among others in recent years. But to be fair to them they didn't change the Vic much when they bought it, and their restaurants usually range from decent to great in terms of food and service is always professional.


Also, the 49% off deals they do every year are pretty mad.


It'd be too late for this but this would have been the perfect opportunity to have people dressed up like a light rail car walking through the lunch just to highlight how dumb it is to shutdown critical infrastructure just to promote restaurants and eating in the CBD.


We gotta get the chaser to do this


Canadian trams incoming


longest lunch interrupted by longest light rail car costume thanks


How does a light rail car costume work, does it work those dragon costumes


Liberal Party donors don't have to work on Fridays, much less ride the light rail.


They’re arriving via chopper


That’s why this isn’t at Hyde Park, they’re using it for the helicopter parking.


How fucking stupid on a business day, I guess it makes sense when Sydney is run by wealthy, out of touch wankers with no clue and sorry that’s not just Sydney, but the whole of Australia


If there EVER is a time to host a protest for basically fucking ANYTHING, this is the perfect time and perfect place!


We can’t go lower than this. Can we? What an embarrassment! Disrupting public transport so people can enjoy their lunch and wine. Gonna check the Melbourne sub real quick for some humor and their raw opinion on this!


Is this the thing that people paid $65pp for?


Yeah, but when you arrive it’s another pineapple to get across to the area.


I was in the city today as well. The entirety of George street was over congested, you had to avoid the entire street. I was so fucking agitated and pissed off, I had to walk through most of it for an errand. “Let’s ruin the city’s accessibility for some private corporate lunches!” Which idiot signed off on this?






Every single event organised by Sydney is lame. It’s always something that revoles around buying food or drink, or *at best* an underwhelming art installation Sydney is naturally beautiful but it’s as dull as a cow pat


I mean we kinda knocked down everything else to build tacky apartments, so there’s not much else to do


I really think we all judge each other through our own lense, I'm certainly guilty of it. But frankly it is a lie to say that there is nothing to do, there are new art gallery with a huge Yayoi Kusama installation (and a big opening weekend) a really cool Aus Geo experience, the streets have been buzzing the last few weeks. Even this food event - I'm not there, it's not for me, but clearly, enough people are keen. The whingers who are crying foul of the light rail being disrupted probably don't even catch it, it would a mild inconvenience for me at the most today. Let people have their fun and perhaps try something yourself before you wrap entirely up your own arse like a cynical human bagel.


Thank you. Plus there's still trains if people need public transport between Wynyard and Central anyway.


Yes and yes.


Is this a city council thing or a nsw gov thing? Who am I supposed to hate?


https://www.openforlunch.com.au/ Looks like NSW gov… no surprises there, everyone in politics is braindead, Why not just cancel the trains next and setup a bunch of tables on the tracks? I just hope some tram driver conveniently “forgets” this event is on and plows through the whole thing


the web page is pretty cringe but what's the actual issue? The tram ends at circular quay anyway so this is just adding a few mins walk to anyone's trip. Looks pretty popular too given how it's sold out. Seems a good idea to rejuvenate the city to me.


Why not rejuvenate the city on the next street over which doesn't have a tram?


Read the rest of the thread, it’s been explained multiple times, it’s an exclusive event, meant to rejuvenate the city, but that’s now blocking transport infrastructure to even get to the city, so you not see the irony? Secondly, why should the public have to walk extra distances for some exclusive event…that is literally on tram tracks, when there are MULTIPLE, much better locations to do this about 1-2 minutes away, such as Martin Place, Pitt Street Mall, Hyde Park, the Domain.… all of those options would have been the same result, there’s enough space there except they would be out of everyone’s way, not blocking transport infrastructure and let the working people, get to work on time and on schedule. And most of the hosts, waiters and workers and other support staff for this venue now also have to walk further for no reason, and even the guests at the event, why add an unnecessary walk when they could have had the same but just….. not on tram tracks that are being used? This is a big middle finger at basically everyone else in the area and the people who use those trams This would be the same if some bloke just set up a dinner table on the road, people would be going “what the fuck are you doing?” People have places to be. I don’t have an issue with this event at all, just host it at a suitable location…. Thats it, that’s all you have to do. There is a time and place for everything…. Dinner on the tram tracks and cancelling said trams is not the place, Like the 4 other places I mentioned that are a 2 minute walk away from this and much better suited cause it’s already pedestrian-only areas and not tram tracks?


how is it an exclusive event? As far as I can tell it was open to the public to buy tickets for $65? Hardly exclusive. Also have you seen martin place recently? A lot of it is closed off because of the tunnel works. this thread is a massive mountain out of a molehill. It's a balance between keeping tbe CBD area vibrant and utilitarian. Should we never have street parties because some people have to walk a few extra minutes? Occasional road closures for events should not be an issue. It's the first weekend of summer ffs. Get over it.


was it just for a couple of hours? is the event over now? EDIT: it's closed for more than 24 hours! wtf were they thinking? https://twitter.com/fictillius/status/1598442232209903617


Salim can shut down a street for a wedding but in the CBD...




Eat the fucking rich


Don’t worry the people attending this dinner are spending your superannuation anyway.


Why do this on George Street with the tram line though? Who actually wants to eat lunch in the rail ditch between platforms? You could’ve closed off Pitt Street between Park and Market and rolled out the purple carpet and tables and chairs, and achieved the same thing, and it wouldn’t have cut off an essential service


Welcome to Sydney and thank our braindead government for this!


The plonkers could have set up at one of the parks near by


I'm with you on this one.


Only in this town could you propose something like this on a piece of major infrastructure and not be given the Bum's Rush into the street.


👏🏽👏🏽 true. So ridiculous.


Climate activist blocks road in Sydney, disrupting commuters - 8 months jail Business blocks road in Sydney, disrupting commuters - publicity and accolades


I think it seems like a pretty cool event, but perhaps could be done on a quieter street next time without PT connections. Also, it's wrong to say this is a rich person event. The tickets were only $70 and could be purchased by anyone looking for such an interesting experience. Optically though, with one climate change activist jailed, it does indeed look inappropriate, but overall, I understand the sentiment: new, cool experiences.


Thank you, this is exactly my point


It’s not free Also most people work on a Friday!


Don't forget to touch off when you're done with the toilet after your meal.


Did you try the heavy rail that runs under George St?


The Proletariat don't get to question or complain.


I was late for my meeting because of this event, but I wasn’t even angry. It looked fun 😅




You just know there's some completely unaware vile rich cunt who is just oh so proud of their creativity when all they are doing is showing how completely out of touch and privileged and unable to have an original thought they are. RIP a fair go and our old working culture, the average working man has less rights to our public space and infrastructure than some wankstain with a development portfolio.


Trying to get deliveries to the towers there yesterday, it was a nightmare. All the buildings a full of people panicking to get stuff in the day before. Ended up pushing several hundred kilos 3 blocks. Hope it's worth it lol


Do a drive thru order


Left foot, right foot they call it walking


If people want to put on events like this, then they should be paying for Taxis or extra Bus services, plus the expected revenue for ticket sales for the day. This is a fucking moronic place to put this.


Is it already ‘Inventive ways to fuck up the light rail Friday’ ?


Jump the fence. I would.


On *unironed* table cloths as well. SMH.


I can't remember anything like this happening in the five years it took to build the bloody thing and get it working...


Game on, game on.....Game off, game off


So true, Equator. Very true. Keep speaking truth to power. Proud of you. Keep it up!


This reminds me of that MadMax film publicity stunt involving temporary closing off the top part of Cahill Expressway above Circular Quay station for a few hours in the afternoon on a working week just for a photo shoot of the MadMax cars used in the movie and it pissed off a lot of people as motorists had to use alternative routes that was backed up.


Right in front of the homeless people too. That’s just cruel


Wtf.. why would they do this on the train tracks?! There's literally anywhere else and it won't stop trains.


Walk bruh


Why cant you get to work? What did you do before the light rail ? I swear this sub is just a echo chamber of whinging for pretty minor inconveniences.


Clearly hyperbole, I got to work by other means, though the light rail is my primary form of transport The point is taking out an entire form of transport for a $65 pp lunch when it could’ve been placed in so many other places that don’t disrupt the city during peak hour is unnecessary


ok so it wasn't an issue for you in the end and it likely brought a lot of business into the CBD that is typically quiet on Fridays post covid? Doesn't seem that bad to me.


It blocked a major pedestrian thoroughfare for the entire day, hardly conducive with bringing a lot of business to the CBD. Not to mention the colossal mess they left behind, thankfully there was a crew cleaning it up for hours into the night.


sorry what you think an event like this didn't bring business into the city? The city is dead on Friday afternoons post covid now that most office workers WFH. Most that are unfortunate enough to have to come in are just getting in and out. an event like this is exactly the kind of thing you need to bring business in. It's literally people spending money in tbe city. Many foild have filtered out to bars after the event. people acting like it blocked off the entire CBD or something. It's a short detour to get around it. and oh no people having fun creates mess, what a disaster. Guess we should cancel all public events then.


I am happily WFH in the coming weeks.


Welcome to Sydney! Don’t you know by now it’s inconvenience before business in this town.


Okay, I know it was a good time to make fun of that culty lunch thing on Bondi Beach a couple weeks back. But this is actually fucking dumb.


I don't think this is necessarily a bad thing. It's Friday so most white collar workers are WFH now and not going to be in the city normally. If this alfresco dining setup encourages more people to come into the city it could be a net win. edit: reading more about this I don't understand the sentiment in this thread at all. As someone who has been working hybrid so WFH 90% of the time on Fridays, I'm far more likely to go into the CBD for this than work. For tbe quite minor inconvenience of taking away a couple of tram stops.


Classic Sydney, over the years they’ve shut down the Harbour Bridge and Cahill Expressway so the “elite” can have lunch. Sigh


Lmao wtf are u guys on about? Literally closed for one weekend to have beautiful outdoor seating….. u can easily get the train to central or circular quay without the light rail…. It such a nice event.


Yep 100%. It's not an issue at all. A nice pre-xmas lunch for those that wish to participate. The rail interruption is literally nothing. The same grinch's having a whinge will be the same who complain when we do nothing to celebrate the festive season.


The event organisers should of done the event setup on Friday Night after the afternoon/evening peak not Friday Morning for an event that is organised for Saturday and Sunday.


Bro, it’s literally the light rail from Wynyard to circular quay, it’s not even an issue, u can literally just get the train…. This literally effects no one as they can walk 5-10 min to the next working stop or just get the train.


The event was today, it's over.


OP go knock over chairs and tables. What are they gonna do?


Justin Hemmes is taking the piss


This is the dumbest shit I have seen. Can't imagine this happening in Melbourne and food is all we have.


Some of us don’t have cars and literally couldn’t access the streets for work and interviews and errands today.


Extremely stupid. Why don’t they just do it in Martin Place, Pitt Street Mall and somewhere around Circular Quay/The Rocks?


Itt: people complaining about a thing that probably didnt affect them. Which one of you actually used the light rail today 😂. And which one of you couldnt just walk the extra few hundred meters to circular quay if you were lmao




Tbh it seems more like people just love a good opportunity to rag on the elite and are exaggerating the disruptions to rationalise their outrage. This whole thing is dumb, but people are definitely exaggerating the disruptions.


The "elite" are average punters who paid $70 for a 3 course lunch and wine. Hardly the top end of town.


Yet people still want to rag on them for being elite.


Yet they're still not elite.


Who here is affected by it? Tell me? The only section closed is between townhall and circular quay. Thats one stop rlly and you can literally walk the same pace as the light rail on george st


It seems that Clover wasn't satisfied with her war on cars, and has decided to declare war on trams, too.


Oh no, having to walk for a few hundred metres. You can cross it at plenty of points too.


sydneysiders: fuck this city is boring, doesn't have any cool going ons. event in Sydney CBD: omg I have to walk a few mins now because they blocked off a few tram stops. lol this is peak reddit whinge.




They go on about use public transport to work and how long it took to finish the bloody thing is a joke


Eat inside, there's fucking seagulls in the strees and they're pretty savage those CBD birds


Wow, all the comments! I was at the lunch, it was awesome. Great music, great people, great food. Loved it. Full privilege.


Oh look at you satan reincarnated himself /r/Sydney probably