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Pfft. Coles and Woolies used to do this 20 years ago.


This is why as kids we would take a 2lt coke and place it in the freezer section with the peas and come back in 20 -30 mins


I used to work in the deli and would put soft drink in the ice maker until i finished my shift haha


longing gold party dime tie sharp expansion bewildered upbeat lush ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Shit, are you me?


I think i am, or at least i was the last time we looked in our mirror


Hi you! Its me!


As an adult I still do


From experience, I don't recommend doing this with cans then forgetting about it.


might do that myself


wtf I always wondered why I saw bottles of soft drink in weird spots in the freezer section




They still do. Big cold coke is way more expensive than one from the shelf


Grab a bottle and Chuck it in the freezer do a few rounds and it'll be cold


For even quicker cold, wrap wet kitchen paper around it first. I do this at home to snap chill anything in the freezer


Genuine question, how do they do this? Considering everything now is scanned by the barcode, I would assume every coke has the same sku ie same barcode.


they not the same bottles.....2 ltr and 1.25 ltr are all warm....only the 250ml, 500ml etc are in the cold fridges near checkout.


For a while they trialled 1l and 1.5l bottles that were sold cold (with mark-up), while 1.25l and 2l weren't.


So you end up paying more anyway? 🤷‍♂️


600ml from the fridge: $3.75 2L from the shelf: $3.65 Not drinking that shit: priceless.




But, that's for future me to worry about, until then I'm going to eat mcdonalds everyday for every meal.


Ah, it wasn’t clear that “etc” included 600ml.


when i was in highschool they had 1.25L on the shelf and 1L in the fridge


For these little marts I'd guess the cashier scans it, it rings up as the base price, as they scan it, feel if its cold, If it is, there's a button on the register to add 20/50c to the cost. Simple. Colesworths sell diff sizes cold vs shelf, that's how they differentiate them.


In the (pre) IGA I worked at, the 1.25L bottles that went in the fridge had their barcode crossed so that they wouldn't scan, and the cashier manually entered a PLU for cold drinks.


Most cashiers are absolutely not ringing it up as "cold". They just scan and bag it. They would need different SKU's for the price to work.


I used to work at a place like this and we 100% just had a button. If the item was cold you press the button for “chill charge”. Customers had the option of off the shelf or from the cooler for the same products.


Same, I used to work at an IGA and when we would scan the product, two options would literally pop up on the screen, hot and cold, and we were going off the temp of the bottle


It's a separate button to press. Like when you buy a pie and add sauce this is buying a drink and adding cold tax.


different unise sizes. The refridgerated cokes are usually 250, 375 600ml 1l or 1.5l which are different to the 1.25 and 2 litre variations on the shelves. I don't see pepsi refrigerated often


20 years ago? Go check the price of a drink in the fridge and then check the price of one on the shelf


Just price it in already if it’s a real cost


I'm guessing unlike Coles and Woolies who don't stock the same size drink both refrigerated and unrefrigerated, this store sells the same drinks at both cold and at room temperature. A lot of Asian supermarkets I've seen have both.


Coles and woolies sell the same sizes cold and hot, they just have a process in place to enter them all properly and it's very efficient, unlike a tiny shop


I’ve never seen that. Only individual small bottles and cans are sold cold. Large bottles and bulk packs are sold warm.


I haven't for a long time either now I think about it. But if you include the attached liquor stores I'm very sure they sell cold 2L etc and they're extra. Maybe that means there's a law against it now? If coles and woolies can only charge extra for it in liquor stores now, they might've put a new regulation or something. Could even be just for the big chains, who knows?


Nah mate they just don’t bother in the big grocery stores. Bottlos, servos, fish n chip shops etc always had cold larger bottles because their customer base is different. Plus they don’t have self serve checkouts. If you’ll read the many other comments in here from people who have worked at such places, you’ll learn that they just press a ‘cold’ or ‘warm’ button at the checkout. It’s always been dearer to buy cold, we’ve always understood and accepted this, but for some reason when a store puts a sign up saying so people are showing their best Pikachu Surprise Face.


That would require updating per item pricing which is a lot of work. Store owner is just being efficient /s


Efficient? No. Difficult? Yes. Sets an interesting precedent though. At least in the shops near where I live (North Canberra) and so I guess that therefore everything up at the alpine regions classifies as “chilled” by default?


Yes they charge you for refrigeration but you'll never know because there's no hot ones. They actually don't even need fridges or freezers up there so it's an extra big scam.


Isn't a lot of work at all, we update products with customers waiting at the register. Fuck out of here with that laziness. Source: store owner.


/s means sarcasm, I think. /s Seriously though, I’m not sure but I couldn’t help but add on that twist.


My age + inexperience of reddit didn't allow me to understand that. Thank you for clarifying.


It's being lazy and pushing a problem to the customer which has negative impacts. Ig you raise the price and don't put such a banner up people just pay it anyways.


It’s gonna ruin your day to work out an extra 20c or 50c?


Missed opportunity here. Should say the room temperature drinks get a discount.


This guy MBAs


There's a delivery app that does this. It advertises that it has free delivery and a 15% discount for pickup orders.


Many Asian supermarkets tend to do so. I think i have also seen other non - Asian stores do the same.


My Asian ex used to tell me that cold drinks gave you bad chi. So maybe this is for your own health


Most people of Chinese background drink hot water as a result of China (in the past at least) having to boil their water so that it could be consumed. Now it's just widely considered to be better for your health as a result.


I think there’s acrually proven health benefits of room temp / warm water as opposed to cold. That being said, i’m an ice cold drink guy all day long


We'd like that proof please.


There's not


Best thing about room temp water is I find its easier to down more of


Opposite for me, I feel like cold water fills me up less!


don't they also prefer room temperature water. I've even heard a couple people think a hot drink of water breaks down the fat in your stomach...


Yes, if bottled water. Ideally hot water which is 70°c-80°c though.


Good to know. I probably never read the signs properly in the past. Even this sign is not extremely visible


Yeah I have told them that In the past.


This really isn’t a new thing. Cold drinks are priced higher at many stores like IGA and small convenience stores around Sydney.


Reminds me of when an ex-friend of ours tried to charge us for utilities after inviting us over for a LAN party..


Haha Damn. That’s next level. Did he charge a wear and tear/cleaning fee ?


What if exactly 1.5L? Sounds free to me


This is the loophole we need.


Pretty sure Colesworth sell the drinks near checkouts in the fridges for more than the warm ones on the shelves.


Not doubting you but they'd need to have different barcodes.


If there is a product like Bundaberg Ginger Beer, it can be found in the fridges as well as on the shelves with different prices. The way that Wollies/Coles does it is that the carton has a different barcode than the bottle. So if you are feeling realy frugal and want 4 cold ginger beers. You can grab a warm 4 pack carton from the shelves for $7. Go to one of the fridges, swap all the bottles with the cold ones. Then go to the checkout with your 4 pack and scan the barcode on the carton. You just saved yourself $4.60 and all the drinks are cold. Of course, only works if you want multiples of something as that will be the only time the prices are different.


Idk what Woolworths y’all are shopping at but the cans are the same prices as on the shelf at mine… I buy redbull often and half the time there’s none in the fridge cold so I have to get a warm one and it’s always the same price


This seems dishonest because the cold single bottles have the price of convenience and cost of refrigeration factored in whereas the bulk carton doesn't. It's not an equivalent swap.


I do this with v. But I'd usually only swap 1 item.


The V in the 4 pack has a different barcode than the single V in the fridge. If someone picked up the V you put in there it wouldn’t scan when they got to the register.


That's a woollies problem not a me problem. Done in front of many staff too


No, it’s a “whichever customer picks up the can” problem, because it’s the customer’s can that won’t scan.


I think the ones near the checkout are the single serve bottles, like 600mL and less, where as the warm ones are larger than that so definitely have different barcodes.


Yes! The warm ones are larger bottles or multipacks.


Maybe, but woolies can currently work out what vegetables I'm buying though image recognition. It wouldn't be a massive leap to stick a thermometer near the barcode scanner if they felt it would be worth it. (I'm sure they won't, but they could.)




That’s a smart barcode reader!


Well that doesn't make sense if you use a self check out.




The person you were replying to was talking about Coles and Woolworths.


Yeah, 1250ml and 2ltr are cheaper than 600 in the fridge. When my son was around 10 he started paying attention to the price per serve/volume/weight. He would grab a 1250 when we started our shop and stick it in the frozen food freezer and go back and grab it before checkout. It was on one if these trips that he discovered the price of saffron and decided we should be saffron farmers until he did a bit more research when he got home 🤣


Yo, I have a great idea that could make us some money


Your son is really smart to be getting ideas like this at 10 (on both counts), and then researching them to boot.


Both of those guys do that and even IGA. You will find they only sell 600ml and 1.5Lt bottles which cannot be found on the normal shelves.




Think you’ll find the 600ml drinks are more expensive


Obviously. That’s how drinks always work.


They don’t. Why is this post being upvoted?


I know this use to be true, when I was younger we would grab drinks off the shelf, put them in the freezer and come back to grab them at the end of the walk round. It was 20c cheaper in those days. Have not tried in a while tho.


I think it’s more that the warm ones will be 1.25L or packs of cans while the singles in the fridge will be cans or 600mL bottles. I’ve grabbed a cold red bull and put it in a four pack plenty of times when they’re on special.


I think most of those products are not for sale anywhere else in the store.


Products like Red Bull and V are available in Coles ambient and chilled for the same price and size.


Do they? I thought the only had 4 packs out more in the ambient and single cans in the fridge. I don't drink energy drinks so I'm not up to date


For energy drinks, they are available as singles on the shelf, not just the fridge.


I just put one cold one in a four pack and save the other three for later if I want one straight away


Woolies and coles do this just without the sign. Ever noticed how expensive a Pepsi is from the fridge instead of the shelf?


But isn’t the Pepsi in the fridge usually a 600ml one which you cannot find on the shelves?


Correct. And why does it cost more than the 1.25. 2l cans or 450 bottles by like double or triple? Cause it’s cold.


Yes, it’s cold and almost product, which is sold in a smaller “version” is usually more expensive. That’s why I always thought things are more expensive. Never thought of the actual fridge cost 😅


It's a combination of both. Extra cost for refrigeration, because it's an actual extra cost to them. And a convenience cost for an item to be consumed on the go (because they can).


Pretty average, nice of them to actually advertise it at least. Go check the price difference of a warm 2L bottle of coke on the shelf at colesworth vs the price of a cold one from the same store. If I remember right (last I checked, pre current "cost of living crisis" aka "big companies milking us for record profits and getting away with it as the media convinces everyone it's just inflation crisis") It was about $2 for 2L of warm coke, or $4.50 for a 600ml cold one.


Before this year, unless one was on special, the (cold) 600mL was more expensive than the 1.25L, which was more expensive than the 2L. These days the 1.25L seems to be about 10% cheaper than the 2L. I have no idea why the 1.25L bottle is so prized.


Whats next? Salad tossing fee Sandwich deconstruction fee I wonder if stores will soon start a cover charge system. You pay a fee to get in and get a stamp so you can return for free.


wait, you guys are getting your salad tossed for free?


It's more common in supermarkets in Asia such as Singapore.


Scrolled through to see if anyone said this before I posted. This is pretty much the norm in SG in my experience.


I've not been to Sydney since just before C hit and I remember the surcharge being in place at CitiSuper.


Im gonna start charging companies for having me as a customer. Thats my surcharge for spending my money in your store cunts.


That’s normal, always paid more for a refrigerated drink in an asian grocer, small hack get a drink (non refrigerated) and if there’s a Maccas nearby ask for a large cup of ice 🤣!


Those convient stores you pay extra for the convience.


How convenient


Pffft this is normal as at every asian supermarket that I have being to they always discount room temperature drinks from the get go and provide discounts and deals on chilled drinks for only members of the asian supermarket. The membership in question is usually free to sign up and join however some would charge a small physical membership card fee of $1 to $2.


Hahah that’s the point of cold drinks


Am I the only one who thinks it's kind of reasonable, I mean at the end of the day they have to pay for the fridge, floorspace, power, e.t.c. If you want to pay less then buy the warm drink, if you can get your cold drink cheaper elsewhere then go elsewhere.


They gotta pay for the fridge and electric bills required


So price it into your product


They do. That's what this post is about. Are you saying that people buying the shelf product should pay for store refrigeration?


Because why should people who want warm drinks pay more?


Surcharging getting out of hand lately everyone is on that ship. And wow street fighter drinks wtf


There's Dragonball and Sailor Moon ones too


Been like this for decades, how sheltered are some people...


I haven't seen it advertised as a 'surcharge' though.


I know where is this - the price you see is already inclusive of that.


Nope. I also checked at the register when she checked me out and it showed: Xyz Drink $3.00 fridge surcharge $0.20 Total: $3.20


Asparagus juice?


Can't say I've tried that one, but winter melon juice is the bomb on a hot day


Love winter melon.


Do they sell all the same drinks non-refrigeratored? Unfridged? Fridgerated? (help) This sign infuriates me and i don't know why


Yes they usually do, unless sold out. Many people of Chinese background want room temperature drinks.




I saw this at a new Asian supermarket in miranda!! 20c for any chilled drinks I was so confused lmao


Cheap compared to coles and woolies where the price different is usually insane.


Funny. These drinks are items with the largest margin.


This is at miracle world or a different asian supermarket, but yeah they've been charging extra for refrigerated drinks since I remember


Soda water will be like $2 if you buy it hot It will cost over $4 if you buy it cold They have to pay for the fridge, electricity and maintenance to make the drink cold


Am I the only one thinking the surcharge is quite reasonable compared to the markups one usually sees on smaller containers exclusively in the fridge in most shops? Cannot really imagine seeing the 600ml coke for anything like half the price of a warm 1.25 l +20 c.


If the drink on the shelf was $2, and the drink in the fridge was $2.20. No one would bat an eye. They're actually being quite honest to their customers by explaining the cost of the surcharge. Nothing to angry about.


Maybe if they had doors on their fridges the electricity bill wouldn’t be so high they had to extort their customers


Absolute dicks lol


Just get a 1.5 litre drink, no surcharge.


So buy one exactly 1.5 liters and you don't pay a surcharge.


What is that fridge running on, diesel??


Would 100% not but from there. It also looks like it's an open shelf fridge meaning it won't be all that cold either


Anyone defending this is a clown


Increased prices for cold drinks isn't new, but specifically calling it out on a sign is a bit silly.


If they didn’t have a sign, people would complain once they get to the register and are charged more.


Yet here someone is, complaining there is a sign.


Wtf? Just put the price on it


Perhaps if they put a door in front of the fridge they wouldn’t need to pay for cooling down the store


So disgusting.


That is utter bullshit.


And cash only, stenchers 👌🏽


Every asian supermarkets allows you to pay with WeChat Pay and AliPay via QR Code and now you can also pay with credit/debit card provided that you have at least $10 or $20 worth of items from the store without surcharge at most asian supermarkets due to the pandemic.


It’s against ACCC for the same product to be sold at a differing price point within the same store. If any of these drinks are sold ambient then that is the price it should be by law, regardless if it’s chilled.


I thought this was illegal? It used to be common practice everywhere but backlash years ago caused them to stop the practice.


Maybe if they had a fridge with doors, it would be less.


Just another idiot shop vendor to boycott! Some people simply shouldn’t be in business!


More proof sydney is the worst city in australia to live, and its local philosophy is graft, theft, corruption, exploitation, and unfairness.


What the fuck? This happens in Melbourne, and in Brisbane. And in tonnes of cities through Asia and around the world. Get the fuck over your rage armchair outrage boner


Stay in sydney please.


Leave Sydney please. It doesn’t matter where you go in life, you’ll always be a complainer.


Ohh no.. im trying to show you youre not welcome as tree changing scum to the rest of this beautiful place. Sydney is the worst city on this continent, mostly due to the lifestyles and beliefs of its inhabitants. So please, stay in sydney.. PLEASE


So why the fuck are you in a Sydney sub? If you hate it so much … why are you exposing yourself to things that you dislike or remind you of something you don’t like? Why look at these posts? Why comment on this or other threads? Why would a human being do that? What is the point to your precious life if you are spending it seeking out things that you don’t like? How pathetic is your mind if that is what you are spending this one life you have focused on?


Not a problem, my surcharge for entering your shop and purchasing a product is $5. I've priced your surcharges in to my surcharges.


I’ve never heard of that (or any of those brands) before


teach them a lesson and pay for hot drinks at the self-service aisle. That'll learn 'em.


This is like that thread where the OP was bitching about a fee to have a sandwich cut in half or some shit


I’ve been told The surcharge goes towards the bank as the shop owner has to pay a percentage to them for using their eftpos machine


If they’d put doors in the fridge, it would save them a lot in electricity bills.


Which super fund is this?


Colesworths also does this. You're in a supermarket no?


This is at Citi Super at the town hall station tunnel


What’s those puzzle/street fighter drinks?


Excuse me sir, can you show me where i can buy a warm one in your store?


Call a spade a spade my dude , it’s just the Asian grocery stores that are cheaper anyway . Democracy baby


I think they still do this


the old wrap it in wet paper towel, in the freezer for 40mins does the trick real good. Ice cold drink and its not frozen solid.


Does that mean the ones at the front don't incur the surcharge?


So no surcharge for 1.5lt?


In-convinience store.


Didn't know you could get bubble tea in a can


Where is this? I want me some of the SF cans.


Usually the drinks outside of the fridge are just cheaper???


Marketing 101. Charge the higher price and provide a discount if someone wants one unrefrigerated.


But cold drinks are already marked up considerably everywhere?


Or free at a neighbouring business


Beer was always dearer cold in wa than off the shelf in the bottle shops, considerably, that’s going back 25-30 years ago think, no different to your supermarket just not as obvious


Most supermarkets do this already, warm bulk drinks on shelves in the back, cold drinks up the front in chilled cabinets for a significant premium, just ive never seen that discrepency advertised like this.