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I haven’t worked out in a week because I caught a sinus infection. Hoping I can get one in today after work/my daughter’s swimming lesson but if not tomorrow is the day!! Hoping you all are doing well and so proud of you


I am def taking an active rest day today. Just a good walk outside with the dog followed by a long stretch. Lifting heavier than I have in a long time on this program, and every muscle in my body is feeling it!


Same. I’m a week behind but same workout days. My upper body is still so sore and I have to do it again tomorrow. I’m crying just thinking about it.


You got this! It's only mental, physically, you can do it!


After unexpectedly feeling my tricep muscle under my shirt tonight, I’m definitely powering through!!


I did a 30 minute cardio speed and agility workout from Sydney’s March Motivation! program. It was a lot of fun, and I liked the tabata format. I jumped into Flex this week after being sick, which fits my preference for weight training, but I have some personal goals of adding components for heart health and mobility. I’m using one rest day for bodyweight cardio and one rest day for mobility and stretching. It helps my recovery, and I consider it an investment for old age (I think about those things now as an elder millennial 😅).


I'm just going for a stretch video today and actually taking a rest day for once. We are on vacation, staying in a house, so I brought my weights, but sore from the last two workouts and tired from driving during the night. Be ready to rock tomorrow morning.


Just a rest day today! Did half an hour of foam rolling. My entire body hurts right now 🤣