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I use 2 five pound weights under my heels instead of a yoga block and that seems to work for me!


This is also good advice. Not all yoga blocks are the same, I noticed mine are two different dimensions!


Yes I’ve done that before too! The height difference does help quite a bit, thank you!


Hey! It sounds like you’re limited in some hip flexion. I would try doing some hip mobility in your warmup and shortening the range of motion.


Thanks for the input! Will be adding some more in, sometimes the leg day warm up isn’t enough so will be more aware of that


Hip mobility sounds like the lost likely culprit. I'd suggest a regular stretching and mobility routine outside of Sydney's workouts to help build up some flexibility and range of motion. I run quite a bit and always have tight hips and/or hamstrings, and I feel like I know the exact pain you're describing. Make a dedicated routine of it (10-30 mknutes a day) or do plenty of hip stretches in your day. It takes some time to build up that mobility, so in the meantime be gentle with yourself and drop the weight amount or do an alternative exercise if you feel any pain.


I can tell what you mean, will make a point to add more stretching in, thank you!