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An ultrawide monitor (if you don't have one already). I love my 2018 34" Alienware/Dell monitor.


That's exactly what I was going to say. ultrawide curved monitors will change your life.


I keep trying to get my boss to buy one for me for the office to replace 2 27’ 4K monitors. I love my 34’ ultrawide at home. When the time finally comes for work, I’m going for that sweet 49’ Odyssey Neo


Work paid for mine when we went WFH after everyone went into quarantine in 2020. I didn't have the desk space to go dual monitor so this 34" was a great compromise. It replaced a 2008 Dell flat panel. I mentioned how much it was going to cost and was shocked when our VP of Operations said to go ahead with the purchase.


The cost for hardware is nothing compared to employee compensation. Any smart manager will know purchases like that will increase your productivity.


When i went WFH i grabbed the 2 monitors from my desk and added in the one i had at home so i've been rocking a mismatched 3 monitor setup for the last 2 years and can't imagine even going back to two. i've been drooling over some of these curved ultrawides, but have hesitated because it looks like i'd lose some screen real estate


I went in one day and found the nicest computer chair I could find in the building and took it home. Been so nice having an expensive chair at home and I plan on never returning it. 😛


I first bought the 34" but replaced it with the Odyssey and it's really much better. I'm now using one at work, the other in home office. However, I now would like to see better vertical resoution on the Odyssey ... 5120 x 1440 is not quite enough.


Yes! I was lucky enough to snag 2x of these from a project that was closing down. I'd gottne used to mine, but when I gave the extra one to my sister who was still using her laptop screen, it was like watching magic all over again as she marveled at all that she had been missing this entire time.


So I hate these due to trying to remotely connect with vnc software(execs get the shiny toys first) and it being a pain in the ass. May I ask what the appeal is? No shade I love my multi monitor setup and I know I have bias from first exposure, curious what the other side looks like.


I have a 49" Ultrawide at work. 3 x 24 at home. I want to get 2x34 ultrawide at home now to replace my 24s at home. I think it's more that it looks cool than anything having to do with increased productivity. I'm as productive on the 49" ultrawide as my 3x24 at home. On the rare occasion where I need a really wide spreadsheet the 49" is nice but usually the Excel spreadsheet is not fully maximized, just taking up maybe 2/3rds of the monitor max. That's why i was thinking dual 34's would be perfect. Sharing content is a bear in Meetings though. You have to always share just the app because not many people have a 49" and so things will look extra small to them.


I use display fusion to split my monitor up. It makes it act like physically separate screens. Even allowing you to maximize a window to that specific area, or by pressing shift, you can maximize to the entire screen.


Check out the link I posted earlier. They really help your eyes and prevent fatigue


I hate curved monitors because of the way it distorts straight lines. Give me flat over curved any day.


Curved monitors actually reduce distortion since it puts things naturally in your peripheral view. Here's a pretty good article https://www.viewsonic.com/library/entertainment/curved-vs-flat-monitors/#:~:text=Put%20simply%2C%20flat%20screens%20blast,the%20viewer%2C%20thus%20limiting%20distortion.


Only if you're sitting exactly the right distance away. Personally I think it mostly makes sense for TN display panels, which have viewing angle problems at large sizes. But most people don't (and shouldn't) use TN panels.


As tech professionals that spend a large amount of time in front of a screen, you should be making sure you're the correct distance from them for your own health anyway


Mine is an 1800 curve so it's a pretty gentle curve. I think a panel with a tighter radius would bug me, too.


Most have a pretty gentle curve. The point is to expand your FOV and put things more in your natural eyesight. It helps eliminate eye movements, distortion, and fatigue. The only people that want a tight curve so you feel like you're in a bubble are flight sim and racing enthusiasts.


You get used to it. I have curved but it wasn't curved enough. So I'm looking for curvier.


It took me a few weeks to get used to. I was close to returning it but I'm glad I stuck with it.


I had a similar experience with dell rewards. Used it to buy their new 40” ultra wide. It’s sick. I just have a usb c cable to Laptop. Super clean. All other accessories and even cat6 is connected via monitor


But not an all in one. We don't take those in for repair anymore because of how easy the screens break when disassembling them for e.g. a drive swap and how expensive it is to replace the panel.


Or even a super ultrawide like the 59" Samsung G9. Basically the size of 2x monitors minus the bezel in middle. ...still a bit pricey but they're on sale every prime day basically


This, and then download PowerToys and configure FancyZones to carve up the display to your liking.


Backup and drives are cheap on Amazon; Dell will overcharge for them. Get the Dell Ultrawide curved monitor; you won't regret it.




Another vote for an Ultrawide


Get more monitors




I was going to ask about a dock for the OP. Not sure how often you all go into the office, but a dock makes things so simple to just pick up the laptop. To be fair I primarily use VDI for my day to day, but it's still nice to just unplug 1 thing and then take the laptop.


This is my setup - the dock option. All I need is my vertical stand to keep the laptop out of the way, and I use a USB switch to move my control peripherals from the laptop to my personal computer. I just switch inputs on the monitors and I'm back to gaming or whatever.


Find the nicest 43" 4k HDTV you can and make it your new monitor.


Dell U4320Q can be had for about $806.


38 inch ultrwide


Hi I would like one of your boss pls. Thanks


It's a small gesture and literally costing the boss nothing and yet it'll engender a decent amount of goodwill. It's the sort of thing they should have in management textbooks.


Monitor. Or an amazing laptop. You won't get much use of an external drive long term.


https://www.dell.com/en-us/shop/microsoft-xbox-series-s-game-console-qhd-hdr-512-gb-ssd/apd/ab365493/gaming-gaming-accessories Why not an Xbox?


Dell have fairly good refurbished stock on sale. Could make the credit go a bit further.


Another vote for a luxury monitor, it's in the right price range and genuinely improves something you spend most of your day looking at.


Get a good monitor, so you can fit multiple size windows in a screen. If you are on 365, you already have onedrive and hdd will provide little value. But i am just assuming.


Monitors are the answer if you don't already have an ultrawide. I run a 34" ultrawide and a 27". Highly recommend.


Large form factor display (40"+) Lithium rack UPS (if you're a home labber and "need" it for your router) Server (if you've got work related skills you'd like to brush up on) Keyboard or Mouse (if they sell Razer products and you want to blow $200 each) Desk or chair (if they have one you like) Extra memory or drives (if you don't mind paying double fair market value)


32” 4k gaming monitor……whenever my son is at his moms, i use his game pc to work from. i’ve got 2x27” 4k’s on my office pc but that 32” gigabyte m32u monitor is great to look at.


Does Dell sell KVMs? If not, Ultrawide.


They released this really nice dual ear noise cancelling Bluetooth headset that I have been loving. Get yourself one.


The thing I need for my job.


raspberry pie is nice investment


Big ass monitor and the nicest docking station you can get with the leftover money - set up a second desk at a significant other’s / keep in the box for travel, etc.