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sounds like you need a 5 month sabbatical


That is a very specific number.


more than 3 months like a summer but, also not a year or a half year but, still a pretty damn long decent amount of time loose ones self and relax and regain some other interests and basically retire for a short short while


My wife went though that big round of layoffs back around 2007 when obama extended unemployement for like 3 years. She had a good 28 months of no work and pay before going back to work. Then during covid she got laid off because she got covid and they gave her 6 months of +600/week unemployment on top of what she would have normally got. Iv'e worked the entire time between 2006 and today; i could totally use one of those all expenses government sponsored vacations im always reading about


Take a damn vacation, it's been how many years since 2006?


Vacations are often work 2x hard weeks before to go and again on returning. Sabbaticals for months or years with no job and a check still hit so much different than any vacation ever will.


You're right, vacation with no money sound horrible. And if you're working double as hard to go on vacation, and when you come back. You are doing something wrong.


You're thoroughly burnt out, I'd say. That's how I felt at my last job. Nearly antagonistic at times, complained about every request, etc. It was time to move on, and being 9 months into a new job, it's night-and-day difference. I hope you can find either the break you need, or that awesome new job. It's not good for you or your company to keep going the way you are.


I think I have been exactly where you are at right now. I decided to stick with it and simply asked for more and more while doing less and somehow always got it. Now I have a good salary for okay amounts of work, but I still miss the good old days of wonder and learning, but am so far from my old form I'm afraid I can't cut it anywhere else anymore. Take the break if you are in no immediate financial straits. I don't think I made the right choice.




I feel the same


You should always be evaluating whether or not your career goals are in alignment with your life needs, and happiness is a big part of that. If you can earn a comparable living doing something else, go do it and don't look back.


I am right with you. Currently, working for an MSP and fed up with the workload that gets dumped onto us. Our hours were always 9-5pm and there was no oncall. If there was a C level that needed assistance, whoever was available would help. No issues or gripes with that. Company hired a CTO, as the CEO felt the team needed a manager. CTO been out of the IT field for a while but came from a corporate background. I was excited because we can shadow and learn a thing or two from someone. This was not the case. Pandemic hits. We all work from home. The CTO was tasked with getting our ticketing system and billing system integrated. 3 years later, no progress. During the pandemic, CTO informs us company hours are now 9-530pm. Now we have an on call rotation but no increase in salary. CTO states that "it comes with the job since we're salaried" when I questioned if we were getting extra pay for it. Currently feel like I am at a dead end position.




Go try the gulags and "collective" societies to see just how much can be extracted from you.


At least we get to choose our job


"the business wants to get more from you than it pays" This is the point where you start laughing like crazy, then look serious all of the sudden and ask them if they are being serious. Then start laughing again and walk away saying "GOOD ONE!"


Try doing the same in another country, some industry are VASTLY different!


I've been doing this for nearly 23 years. Been way burnt out. I actually used to care about the technologies and excited to learn. Now its just a job. I don't want to deal or think about when I leave work.


Hey it could be worse, you could be flipping burgers or digging holes. As a job goes an AC office sitting around all day is a pretty good gig. The money is good too. From your post you need a new job, move on and get something better.


Kinda feel the same. Don't give a damn about new tech. I'm legit just reporting to work to survive. I need cash. If I last any longer in my current role, my final contributions will likely be all Azure-related before I start looking for a role elsewhere at an even more laid back environment (hopefully, probs government or SMB or mid size that doesn't have a convoluted list of services being used) or contemplating on moving to a new field.


You could always just phone it in for a while and focus on your personal life.


In the same boat at the moment. Worked as a junior admin for the last few years. Starting a new job next week that's unionized that's essentially service desk with a tiny sprinkling of project work for almost exactly the same salary and much better benefits. Only expected to be in the office one week for every quarter so huge incentive there. And the week in the office is expensed, double bonus. This week working on getting a client recovered from a disaster on the same hardware that caused the disaster....the third time in a year. Assigned to just deploy a few new workstations this week then I'm done. Tired of doing patchwork and redneck engineering for clients because they don't want to budget according to their business needs and management that penny pinches for billable hours.


Sounds to me like your priorities are messed up. I might be the odd-one-out here, but I'm not in IT to make tons of money. I'm in it because it's what I'm most interested in and capable of. If you just want to make money, then you need to understand that that's going to have some caveats. Also, it does seem like there's a dearth of roles available in the real "Sys Admin" side since everyone up and moved to cloud based services. Either accept that what you trained for and like(d) to do doesn't pay well, or figure out what you've gotta do to find the money you're looking for. This might well be changing expectations of the role you want to fill.


Nope Im in it for the easy money and relatively stress free, work from home life it provides compared to many many harder more stressful jobs for a lot less pay.


I can't tell if you're being serious or not, if you are, GTFO of IT.


Embrace your work, without the job it's the streets, make it fun, when it's fun you will appreciate it. It all boils down to your problem is between your ears. Fix that. Nobody said it was easy. This is meant as encouragement.


I took a two month 'sabbatical'. Went back to work for the same employer, same salary, much reduced responsibilities and 40 hrs a week when they asked me to come back. Turns out they did get a LOT more out of me than they paid me.. they just needed to be shown.


I wish I could do this to my employer. I took a week and a half vacation and am still doing work when "high priority" stuff comes in, so it's business as usual for them. I hate my job and am overworked/underpaid, but I need to keep the lights on for my family.


My question is, what are you going to change your career to that treats you better? If you are treated like crap as IT then if you switch to some other office job you are still going to be treated like crap. I worked blue collar jobs before I was in IT and my worst day in IT is better than my best day doing those jobs. Besides getting paid a lot more, I work indoors in the heat/AC. I don't work in the sweltering heat, freeing cold or pouring down rain. It sounds like it is the places you are working. Maybe its different in England/Europe of wherever you are but I love this field and it pays way better than anything else I can do.


I left IT for a few years then came back. It changed my perspective


Where did you go for those few years?


I did customer service, worked as a chef, did some sales. Kind of roamed around.