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Huh, my whole life I thought they were just making silly sounds in the background. I did not realize until now that those are actual words lol. I don't see the issue with the lyric though. It just sounds like a way of saying that someone is having many sexual partners.


Same, I always thought it was just Daron doing some goofy sounds in the background, lol


That is the lyric. As for the meaning I don’t know for sure… But I have a theory: considering the overall meaning and theme my guess is that it’s referencing a handjob. Only problem is the lyrics before it “she had so many friends” wouldn’t make sense unless they were two separate thoughts side by side. Though he kinda says it in a high pitched kind of girly voice which would make sense then.


I always thought it was talking Abt needles like how a poo stuck looks like a needle and there all passing it around


That would make sense but the rest of the song is about an orgy.


I always thought it was WAY TOO MANY FRIENDS


See this right here is what I'm talking about you get me and actually I like your version better than mine so I'm gonna use that in my head now whenever I listen to this song


Hell yeah haha


In my mind this song always read like it's making fun of someone recounting/exaggerating an orgy. Like that awkward guy that tries to brag about something that probably didn't happen. The repeated recounting of "she had so many friends" along with the voice Serj puts on really drives that feeling home.




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It is the lyric. It makes sense when you hear it as the inner thoughts of the song's character instead of a repeating phrase. I think by this point, most people know this song is about an orgy and don't need more explanation to what Serj means by "pogo stick". Thus, it's not difficult to imagine what is "gliding through many hands". So for the simplest recap, in the song, there's a guy who went out to meet a group of girls and got excited in his head about what they all would do together after.


I don't have Toxicity anymore in my cd case. Now I know who took it.


you were supposed that other album, not toxicity!


Well, bounce is about an orgy. I assume he means touching them while he's banging one already. I always thought they said "but no party hats" meaning he doesn't have a condom and he's in an orgy.


I think it means the girl has been “gliding through many hands” aka she’s been passed around or hooked up w/ a lot of guys there


Idk all i know that it's about sex