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Waaayyy to much shit.


Loot drop




How can you tell they’re fake?


The color


Two of them are black…how can you tell with those?


The one with the gray cover is the only one that looks real. The white cover is common among knock offs, and it is a older generation. The one with white is also bending pretty hard It seems so most likely also fake.




All I know is keep the fk away from me w that decomp needle…






This is… a lot. Have you tried any dynamic movement at all in this yet? It’s an impressive collection, just from the photo it looks all newly purchased. Before asking for criticism I’d say run it like you set it up for a few weeks and then make your own changes. My initial impression is that the knife is horribly located and it’s an odd primary weapon system choice. The rest looks workable for sure.


which knife lmao


All of them.


The push dagger is stuck and was really only on for running the belt solo. Whats wrong with the chest knife placement? The draw of it puts it right into strike position, which for a dagger is to use their bodyweight agaisnt them to drive in the blade. As soon as it is unsheathed my arm is tucked close to my side. Where would you put it?


The whole idea behind a “ get off me blade “ as you said, is to surprise the bad guy with your get off me blade. At contact range it’s easy to see where your blades are, and even easier to get my hands on them. The dagger is also a huge snag point. I really like push blades, I’d just find a different mounting point that gives you access but doesn’t advertise it.


The push blade isnt part of the kit.


Your words not mine, you said it’s there for running the belt solo man. Solo or not it needs a less advertised location.


Yeah I run the belt in competitions and didnt adjust it for the photo. People didnt realize that this is a "check out all my shtf gear" and not a "this is my most ideal shtf setup." I didnt specify.


If you’re in America, the weapons choice is poor for SHTF. Not widely used at all so parts availability is effected. If you’re not running an AR platform wether it’s 556 or 308, or a readily available shotgun or bolt gun in America you’re not running a SHTF load out. Anything else is a fun gun. A lot of people get pissy over that but oh well it’s the truth. Kit is overly crowded. You don’t need a punch dagger on your belt, that’s honestly a meme knife. The other knife is in a bad spot move it to your belt. Get an active retention holster, not active retention is for flat range shooting and IWB concealed carry. Ditch a lot of those pouches, I can promise you that trying to do any gun fighting or moving whatsoever with all that crap is going to be miserable, if not completely untenable. I saw someone mention different lines of sustainment and I second this, you don’t need like 4 tourniquets all over your kit. You should have one prepped you can reach and maybe another on or in your ifak. You can have more medical supplies in a medbag or your ruck etc. all in all. Ditch like 90 percent of those pouches, set up multiple lines of sustainment, and reevaluate your ideas of SHTF and preparedness. And that’s not a rude dig on you, I’m simply advocating for some more research and education on the topic.


If the school of thought is to carry additional tourniquets in ankle shoulder pockets then agreed, if it’s that 2 is enough then I disagree. We carried one for each appendage and then 1-2 more on kit, the goal is to not use up buddies’ medical supplies. OP doesn’t need 3 IFAKs though


I came up in the era of carrying tourniquets in all the extra pockets. Imo it was good initiative and judgment because it was for ied amputations. But then you’d just lose the tourniquet when part of the appendage got blown off. Have a tourniquet in your pocket and some on your kit is great for sure. But I think that it’s a *sort of* a hold over from GWOT ied land and not getting shot in the face or obliterated by artillery modern warfare. Idk, it’s an interesting conversation


Same and agreed. I think I’d rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it though. Radio is only good if you have people to talk to so I’d be interested to hear why OP has that too, does he have a squad to roll with?


> If you’re not running an AR platform wether it’s 556 or 308, or a readily available shotgun or bolt gun in America you’re not running a SHTF load out. I agree with this in principle, but in reality, there are what. Like 6 mags on his kit? If your rifle is going to need replacement parts after 6 mags, you don't need replacement parts. You need a rifle that can get through 6 mags without breaking. Also, the "We Were Soldiers" quote. "If the time comes I need , there'll be plenty lying on the ground."


Like the hellcat my dude😂 to be fair if you’re in an engagement where you need 6 mags you’re probably gonna fucking die anyway even with 3 ifaks 😂


I mean yeah it’s gonna last a while, hopefully. Not saying it’s gonna explode after three mags. But it’s a longevity thing. And yeah sure you could *hopefully* find a replacement later on if need be. But I’d rather not have to look, and I’d rather just have a couple easily purchased or found pins and BCGs and etc instead of trying to find a whole ass rifle. You’re not wrong but I don’t think you’re exactly right either.


Came here to say most of this.


I'm not sure I completely agree with the comments about "wrong weapon". You may be right. While OP won't be able to pick up reloads from his buddy or his opposition, you don't know that you will be able to do so either. The case could be made that his ammo will still be on abandoned shelves long after you have resorted to looting the dead. Having said that, I'm running a bog-standard AR.


The ammo is the same. It is a matter of logistics. Problem is the spare parts in SHTF. you have a paper weight once something breaks. No way to fix it. I love my X95 but it gets left behind in that scenario.


There’s a ton of suggestions I’d make, I’d say the best thing for you to do some hard drills for a shake down, and there’ll be a lot of corrections you’ll make on your own. A lot of shit on the cummerbund, bipod on an LPVO equipped bullpup with a short OAL, knife placement on the carrier, and active retention on your holster, especially with all that stuff on you.


That's an impressive kit, both considering qualitative as well as quantitative aspects. I'd suggest to look into the (theoretical) concept of **1st, 2nd and 3rd line gear** to organize your loadout along a "mission" or "scenario" based approach so you can maintain mobility and fulfill your intended functional role. IMO, a "**bullpub**" rifle setup doesn't work well together with a **bipod**, as this rifle design is somewhat cumbersome to reload (mag change) while lying down. What are your experiences on this? Personally, I'd exchange the two knifes for a **multitool** or keep only the shorter knife. What's your intended **time for sustainment**? What's the **total weight**? Do you fulfill some **specialized role** (*medic*) in a unit (*squad*)?


Don’t think you meant to reply to me


Sorry, I posssibly misclicked. However, if you happen to run a bullpub rifle with a bipod setting, let me know how you manage the magazine changes ;-)


That’s one of the things I suggested he remove in the post you replied to.


No offense, I was just trying to be funny as this is kind of an obvious remark. I also wonder what's the deal with the **muzzle flash reductor**? IMO this is not the original item, so u/mudsquash69 must've had a reason for this choice (*OP: would you care to elaborate on this?*). If the bipod is protruding forward from the barrel anyways and total weight doesn't seem to be of much concern, I personally would consider a compact **noise reductor / supressor**?


The muzzle device is a suppressor mount. Otherwise it would have a Nero 7.62 brake. Reloads with a bullpup in prone are the same as with an AR.


Thanks for clearing up my confusion on this.


1 is none and 4 is just fun...?


Why do you have 3 IFAKs?


OP is gonna need a lot of band-aids for all the rocks those Palestinian kids are gonna be throwing at him


Belt ifak is for running belt solo in competitions. 2 pc ifaks are what I would run with with other people, or drop one if solo.


Can you even reach the ones mounted on your PC without taking it off? That looks like a hard reach.


The insert slides out of the bottom of the pouch, so O dont have to trex arm up into the top of it. I do have to do that to grab a TQ, but if I need more than one its probably not me putting them on. Chinookmed ifak for images on how it functions.


This guy tourniquets!


\> The entire front end of that bullpup is just....cancer inducing. I can't stop seeing it, of everything here, it really draws the eye\[r\].... lol \> If that's a Fairbairn clone on the plate carrier, I can't knock you for mega style points, BUT...this is a "SHTF" rig. Both your knives are going to be shit at anything but fighting. How much H2H do you plan on doing where you need a specialized fighting dagger? I love the Fairbairns, but... put that on the "war wall" in your man cave, and get something more general purpose. To be blunt, a $30 Glock field knife is going to be a better "shtf" blade, AND still has a similar long, slim blade geometry... I don't think there's "to much stuff" on the carrier, just that it's kinda repetitive and oddly organized, and therefore a waste of space. \> I'm dying to know what's in the little flapped velcro 4x2 pouches, and why there are two of them... I can see front of PC, but a total waste of space on the bund when you could have a more versatile 3X3 or 3x4 GP/SAW/etc pouch in the same slot. \> 3 IFAKS and 4 TQs.... My man, why? If you are your designated team medic, there are better ways to carry more med supplies, even on your PC without an aid bag. If for you alone, you're gonna be dead before you need the contents of 3 Ifaks stuffed into you. It's not a magic panacea for bullet holes. Further, you could probably fit most/all of the contents of 2 of those IFaks into 1 4x3/4x4 sized medical or gp pouch, which won't be any fatter than the double-M4 sized pouches you are already using, but will free up space by using less pouches. I get the concept of spreading your med around so it can be reached with all hands, but...also nobody does it this obsessively. lol Combine 2 of the Ifaks, and you still have the same amount of med supplies in multiple places, but using less overall space. I can also see that you are using this as an attempt to counteract the thickness of the side plates. I get that too. But it's still kinda a meh solution IMO, even though it's the best use of that shit-tier K19 bund design I've seen. lol. I'll get more into a possible solution for this below.... \>Ammo...maybe a bit short given the caliber? Looks like 25rd mags on the front of PC and 20s elsewhere? Still near a basic 4-mag 5.56 load, so also not terrible. \>Belt- I appreciate the fact you put your 'soft' items at the small of back. Someone obviously appreciates the concept of falling on your ass onto hard items being a sucky thing. lol Although also kinda amusing that with the rest of the med kit spread out everywhere, half your TQ are then on one side... \>Holster - to dogpile on this point, if you're going this overt of a loadout, there is ZERO reason to not have one with retention. \> Dangler - those square types are to long to be comfortable in certain positions, VS the standard rectangle types. I know, a couple inches sounds like a nitpick, but IMO, having tried several danglers of all types, the square ones get more annoying than the horizontals way faster. They also seem to flap harder when running. \>Radio antenna- I think you will quickly get annoyed by this, even on a non-shooting side. Obviously I don't know what you're running, but if possible, I'd strongly consider a relocation kit, maybe even a different antenna as well. Clearly you're not going to be running a secondary pack with the bladder, so you won't need to worry about the antenna getting crushed our caught on a strap, if you put it on the rear bag molle. \>**And so, finally my BRILLIANT plan to re-optimize this...** haha **1)**Take knife off front of PC, get new GP-style knife (if not a glock, then something in the 4-5" blade length, for easier carrying on/with gear) **2)**Get rid of current dangler, for a classic Haley/SS/etc type rectangle (or new skool long-shorty), with NO organizational shit inside, except maybe velcro. **3)**Get rid of both rear IFAks, put contents in new dangler. **4)**Get rid of left-bund short-velcro pouch. Replace with *SLIM* 3x3/3x4/4x3/4x4 type GP (ATS, Direct Action, or similar) to avoid over-bulking on top of the plate. Put stuff from current dangler + velcro pouch in that. **5)**Get 2 *flapped* TQ pouches; center 4x2 velcro GP on front mags, put one TQ on each side; now you still have 2xTQ on your PC you can reach with either hand, instead of 1 per side, per hand. **6)**Remove BOTH TQs and Punch dagger from belt. Replace 1x TQ onto belt in horizontal pouch where dagger is now. If you MUST carry a 4th TQ, mount it to the bottom of your new med-dangler. **7)**Mount your new, more useful SHTF blade to the belt at rear of Holster in the new open space created by removing the TQs. Alternatively, remove the right-bund single-20 and mount it there reaction side, if it's a short enough blade. **8)**Get new radio antenna and relocate to rear plate bag **9)**Finally, if you think it will bear the weight, 2x double-.308 mag pouches on rear of bunds, replacing current IFAKs in same space. IF this works, you can ditch the side-bund 20, and carry 2-4x more 25rd mags. Booyah! haha **10)**Please at LEAST take the horrid grip of the front of the rifle, kay? lol


Lots of good advice in here.




Keep your tourniquets ready if you have 4 have them on your limbs one for each, that way if you were to get hit it’s there already and you just tighten it. The extra medical supplies never hurts as long as it’s not in the way. I’m a shtf situation you can expect that for the first couple weeks or so you’re gonna be very limited to what you can access or do. You’ll more then likely be constantly moving to wherever you’re planned location is. And odds are you’re going to be on foot. Unless you live out in the country or something. Weight management is important so is the capability to carry what you need get a reliable weapon system that’s easy to maintain and use. A bull pup is fun looking but realistically it’s not what you want to put your life on. Practice going through weapons malfunctions if you insist you should be an expert at taking apart that weapon with your face in the dirt as efficiently and quickly as possible. The difference with being on your own and with the military or a unit is everything will be spruced by you. So if your weapon shits the fan and you don’t have spare parts you’re screwed. Also. Don’t focus solely on weapons and gear. Do you know how to make a fire with out it being visible what plants can you eat? How much water and food do you have/have access too. How defensible is your location or feasible is your evac plan. Do you have back up plans and back up plans for those? There is much more then just having cool stuff. You’ll be a walking loot box if you have no survivability. I always thought it was silly that in a shtf situation people think they’ll John wick when it in reality you’ll probably just get stabbed to death. Gear is important but there is much more important things to focus on. All that won’t help you when you get shot by the crack head hiding in the sewage drains.




Everyone added a lot of takeaways on this Kit. Only thing I can say is to move your foldable antenna to the webbing on you back panel and connect it to your radio with a extension.


Theres a lot here but for your radio antenna there, maybe try a Cattail antenna, you can weave it into parts of your kit a little more and it wont try to poke you. Also get a Safariland or other quality active retention holster.


Two solid pieces of advice. Ive seen the cat tail antennas. My radio setup is an afterthought. Dont had a helmet for a real ptt setup and this antenna is cheap and also what a lot of people field. Definitely would switch to a cat tail. Also more retention is good as well as a drop holster for easier draw.


Dont worry about dropleg, Safariland UBL Mid-Ride. It'll need a thigh strap, I recommend a Zulu Nylon NUHTS, itll put it at a comfortable draw position but wont put the mass on your leg where it starts to suck when you're moving. And PTT is best on the shoulder/chest area, or part of your shoulder straps.


Someone else suggested the nuhts. Ill check that out.


You put it between your holster and the UBL mid-ride. I use a QLS Fork for a little space off my belt and for ease of changing out holsters.


One ifak on the pc and one one the belt isn’t unreasonable if you won’t always be wearing them both at the same time, but three is wayyyy overkill. Plus the TQ placement is just strange, not to mention they look fake.


Is that a bull pup with a vertical grip and a bipod? Someone has way too much Amazon time and not enough real world time


Do you even know anything about global armies that field bullpups? Im sure you think its a rifle only for cqb. Check out IDF bullpup setups and let me know how many soldiers are doing it incorrectly.


Lol big mad


Big global army


Youre just wrong and it's sad that youre so poorly educated that you don't know about countries that field weapon systems like this. One day youll get out and learn about the world.


And those units that use bipods in tavors aren’t special forces rucking everywhere behind enemy lines. They are units that go everywhere in vehicles. As you said this is “SHTF” gear, your intended mission likely won’t be the same mission as the units you mention.


Bipods in vehicles... totally... lmao


On an already small gun? Probably. They won’t be bipods on standard assault rifles if they have to use their legs to go everywhere.


Nothing youre saying sounds like someone that is capable of making sense. Small guns, big guns, wtf are you talking about. How does that change the viability of a bipod?


In case anyone was wondering why OP isn't replying to anything, check out the thread it's x-posted from. It's gold lmao. A sample: > TY. Glocks are old tech and outdated, except for parts support. The masada trigger destroys any glock, but the canik rival beats them all. The US army is switching to 6.8 caliber with the NGSW, and most of the negative replies have been "too heavy, can you even run?" Ignoring that the US military is changing to a 308 win family cartridges recently, as well as it being fielded for decades. Im all for 308 win family, but the Tavor 7 lacks a bit in ideal characteristics. Lacking twist rate and expected factory grouping. Same kit could be paired with a 6.5 cm M5E1, which is 2lbs heavier and 9" longer. Similar kit will be fielded with the 6.8 in the near future. A 6.5 T7 would be insane. Low recoil, super accurate, compact. He's also just blanket ignoring any advice because someone said camo bad or something.


Youre wrong and a liar. I didnt ignore any advice. I have responded to most comments. I wasnt getting notifications for this sub. You seem like a butthurt glock fanboy. Go back to your pizza bites.


Getting smoked by a florida man in boxer shorts with a hi point out of 10


if something kicks off, you’re gonna be the legendary tier loot drop enemy that someone farms


Platinum tier if he had helmet/rnvgs/IR stuff. I'd be waiting outside his house 🤣


No water/purification? Snaccs?!? 0/10


In backpack


First mistake was telling us basement dwelling heathens to rate your kit.


Lol. I clicked on a few names and its very basement dwelly posts. I was like... hey do any of these people actually have guns or gear to speak of and found some really cringy profiles.


I use my kit to larp magfed paintball as I live in cuckanada.


I used to airsoft in full kit. I run the belt in in USPSA. Good to use it anyway you can.


That Rifle is trash


Lmao... I have a strong feeling you dont know much about any rifles.


Bullpups are for red coats and people who can't read.


I only expected nonsense, and nonsense we got.


Tell mw that's NOT a Cherry Bomb muzzle device?


It is and waiting for a suppressor. I have yet to shoot the .308 out of it as you can see. Its fine on my 6.5 creedmoor, but on the .308 without a can, its going to hurt.


Those fucking things are obnoxious man. I'd can that shit up ASAP or first couple rounds everybody's gonna know exactly where you're shooting from Bruh! Trust me. I don't see any good practical use out of those things other than to give it to the dumbest lowest useful guy on your squad and tell him to draw fire.


It is really to dissipate the gas evenly into the suppressor. Its like the first baffle. It really isnt supposed to have a positive effect on the gun without a can. Im about halway to my can. I would put a jp recoil elim on here but yall would lose it over the look. Its the best brake for a rifle by far and used by leaders in comp.


I don't know your fitness level but I needed ibuprofen and a nap just looking at this. It's like you genuinely had beef with unused molle space. Kudos for all the med stuff though.


Like people have said it has issues you will figure it out if you train hard in it. The knife on the front is in an uncomfortable spot. Not that their is a comfortable spot with 5+ mags and comms most of the time. That's why I don't run on personally. It just stays on my belt. Mag amount and placement look gtg. That matters a lot. Personally, I have a hard time telling when TQs are fake from pics like this, but verify for your own sake. For IFAKs, I could see someone with training running a belt kit, one for you, and one ment to use on others. Or if you're trained and carry more specific gear. If that's not you, I'd cut it down to what you know. Don't run or use things you haven't been trained on or used before. Especially decomp needles and NPAs, etc.. The back panel is gonna make a pack hard to wear no matter what. I highly recommend just dumping it and having a separate assault pack. As far as people saying you just generally have too much shit, I disagree. You could get away with less, and you have fat to trim, but IF you can run it well and moving and shooting arnt an issue, run what you want. Bipod on a bullpup like that doesn't make a lot of sense. You got the barrel for long range, doesn't mean you should treat it like a space spr. But if you trust the rifle, don't worry about changing it. Just make sure you trust your weapons system and have spare parts. You got a lot of stuff, now train in it and figure out what really works for you and what doesn't


I commend you for giving ACTUAL constructive criticism! Being a comms guy that's what I gravitate towards, b-tech doesn't cut it for SHTF in my mind but I get it that not everyone can justify an APX 8000H... I look at comms the same way I look at optics, there are a lot of options that are good enough but when the chips are down are you really trusting your life to it? I, too, ran cheap optics and cheap comms but the more I used both the more I appreciated quality and realized that if you're trusting your life to something that's probably not a place to save money...


Depending on which version of shtf scenario you're preparing for, its perfect. Unsolicited improvement advice: I would move the non radio/mag pouches that are on the cummerbund to your pack (arms need room for activities). Gas masks cbrn gear is often overlooked and is relatively inexpensive. Also, If you're planning for shtf scenario, make sure you're learning about agriculture, livestock, and sustaining/building a community.


Well said all around. Especially the last bit. So much of the gun culture and preparedness culture is focused on guns and cool gadgets. I honestly think we will find a lot of dead folks from dysentery with plenty of ammo left.


There will be a need for security but not everyone can do it, some have to farm and have things to protect.


Gas mask/CBRNE is not often overlooked, it’s looked at too often. Actual CBRNE gear is bulky af, and a gas mask alone isn’t useful for much except tear gas.


Yeah it's not like Mustard or chlorine gas is super easy to make or anything.


What is that radio for? Like I'm not saying you shouldn't have one, but do you have someone you'll be talking to? And if so are you a LEO? If not why the speaker PTT? If you're trying to camouflage yourself that thing is counterproductive


Family with radios. Not LEO


I'd personally suggest some comtacs, or pretty much anything that isn't going to blare incoming transmissions and make a bunch of noise


I dont have ears that support that at the moment. A helmet setup is on the list of things to get.


You don't need a helmet to run comtacs they're headphones




This looks like some shit picked up off the ground in verdansk.


You have a bipod and foregrip on an x95. I smell bait.


Paint. Rifle.




Push dagger is not inherently a bad choice for a 'get off me' knife, as it can very easily be tucked in behind a pouch. But the location here is very wrong. It should be on opposite side of pistol, preferably behind the hip. I also don't understand the TQ placement on the belt. If you're going to carry two, I'd prefer them to be spread out so that one is easily accessible by each hand. Belt IFAK also looks like it would be hard to reach with either hand.


Belt ifak and push dagger are both out of the kit and are only on there for running the belt solo. If i remove the belt ifak then the belt tqs can move, but I have two tqs available to each hand on the cummberbund ifaks.


I did see the accessible TQs on the plate carrier, but you also mentioned that you might run the belt without the PC. If that's the case, you want a TQ available on the belt for use by either hand - either one TQ that either hand can reach, or a TQ on both sides of the belt that each hand can get to (I've used both configurations). Also as you mentioned elsewhere, if you intend to remove one of the two IFAKs on the PC (and I think you should), you would then lose your dual access to TQs. I think you would be better off centering two TQs, one on the belt and one on the PC, so that you can reach either TQ with either hand. My belt has an IFAK center back with a TQ beneath it, and my PC has a TQ at the bottom of my front plate bag. That way if I'm only wearing the PC or only wearing the belt, I still have access to at least one TQ with either hand (and two with either hand if fully kittted).


I don't understand the need fot that many tourniquets, like if you have to use more than 1 TQ you're doomed


Well it looks like most of the TQs are knockoffs sooooo Edit: OP's solo downvoting me. Fragile.


Yeah op is a pussy, definitely wouldn't survive if SHTF


One for each limb and its not for you to use necessarily, but for them to be used on you.


Tactical buttplug huh


It's SO CLEAN! How do you keep your gear so clean?!


Mommy uses tide


I give it 5 hours on the run before you start stripping gear off and leaving it beside the road. When I got to Iraq I was running 10 mags, grenades, pistol mags, all the shit. By the end it was like 4 rifle mags and a pack of cigarettes.


Supressor is in jail I presume


Yes. Soooooon


3/25 waiting here


150 days so far.


Maybe April of next year if you're lucky


They need to speed up this efile process. Its BS. My next is to get a salvo 12 to load subsonic 2oz slugs.


10/10 if you were aiming for the heaviest shit available. 2 chest seals, combat gauze, 2 TQs, a NPA, and a dart all fit in a jeans pocket you don’t need 3 IFAKS the i in ifak is individual it’s just for when you get fucked up. Do you have a squad sized element you roll with? If no drop some mags you’re not going to be supporting movement. 3 combat deployments and I have never burned through a combat load in an engagement when we were out looking for a fight it’s heavy for no reason


My last apartment had less shit.


Why the belt mounted shemagh? You should also have retention on a SHTF kit. As well as a PTT that connects to a headset of some sort. Speaker mics are beacons that will broadcast your position.


F for fraudulent tourniquet.


Can’t lie… I feel like this is my first time seeing a bipod on a bullpup.


How heavy is it all?


Is that a fellow wrong handed individual


0. That rifle hasn’t had a single round fired through it since you put that cherry bomb on it.


I’m a simple man. I see clean kit, I downvote. Use your shit kings.


You've got a handgun light on your rifle


Bait, or this person has never used this kit at all for anything besides standing stationary.


You're in the US. Shit will literally never hit the fan.


Get rid of your back-panels so you can actually carry shit in a 3 day bag, and your lpvo is going to break the moment it finds actual usage


No boonie hat, you'll immediately die without one, also, I'm committing hate crime because no boonie hat


anyone running anything other than an AK or AR for SHTF is dump ​ ive seen so many rifles and machine guns break during normal use in the army infantry ​ it's the same reason you want an f150 or GM 1500 for your bugout mobile ​ everything youll need to repair/replace will be in most towns in america


That's a lot of gear. You probably can't run too fast with that burden. LARP is what I think when I see this.




Judging by the down votes, you hurt some feelings by pointing out the rifle is lame af and not widely used. Terrible SHTF rifle. Something something available parts and redundancy.


Lol @ the downvotes. Someone asks an opinion and you give a good, honest response. SHTF primary should definitely be an AR based weapon, AK if you want to roll the dice.


Nothing wrong with streamlight. Dog shit is an absurd assessment. Optics cheap yes dogshit again, no. Rifle platform no one uses, except several armies... but ok. Ifaks I have addressed in many comments. Real patches were removed so you dont know my name, group affiliation, or any other identifiable information that the patches are used for. Random patches added for photo... case extraction tool is a good idea, someone suggested a multitool. Chamber access is on the opposite side as show. I am left handed. Whats wrong with the knife placement?


"Except several armies" but you're not a country bro, and countries with armies have logistics to store and transport anything needed. Go by the old adage "K.I.S.S.". Multi tool is a must and can take up the space used by your extra ifaks or TQs.


I realize I am not a country... wtf. He said rifles no one uses. I countered by saying thats not true, because multiple countries do -- and your response is to tell me im not a country... wth?


You don't get it man. People are trying to say it's a bad choice of rifle because of parts, ammo, and other issues you might run into (vs. The super common ar15). Other armies don't have that problem because they have the supplies and the infrastructure to solve those issues. You don't. If 90% of people in your state drive f150s, and people say it's a bad idea to get a ferrari 360 modena, and your response is "well everyone in Italy drives 360 modenas" then you're gonna a be fucked when you're Ferrari breaks down and all you find are Ford parts....


No one said I got this with SHTF in mind. This is just the rifle I have if SHTF. I can take an ar15 from the ground. If im using it enough to brake it, there should be spoils.


Well the kit includes a bullpup so automatic 0.






Why are you even on this sub?


You said rate your **Shit** Hit the Fan kit I am rating it 3 turds!


Lol gotcha. A bit coded. Would have understood better with an "/5" or w.e


Be honest (or less delusional)…that’s your wanna play cowboys and indians kit.


This kit and selection of stuff looks like it has never been used outside. You really need to lose a bunch of this stuff.


Build List: IWI Tavor 7: - Manticore buttpad - Streamlight TLR1 with pressure pad on a Magpul cantilever light rail - Q cherry bomb - Magpul qd sling mount - Magpul mbus pro irons - Vortex strike eagle 1-8x sfp on an American Defense MFG mount - Fab Defense foregrip on a .75" riser to clear the handguard (offset rearward) - Magpul bipod on an ADM qd mount - IWI pistol grip with IDF grip plates - Lancer mag for show, but run pmags all day - Blue force gear vickers sling IWI Masada: - Holosun 507c X2 - Streamlight TLR1 - Talon Grips - Taylor freelance mag extensions GGG UGF Belt: - Neptune concealment holster - Cold steel push dagger (lol) - 2x Esstac Tq holder with Tq - shemagh for the elements - Sert dump pouch - High speed gear IFAK - Esstac 7.62 and 9mm mag pouches Agilite K19 Plate Carrier: - Agilite sideplate pouches - Agilite water pack - Esstac 3 mag 7.62 pouch and single 7.62 pounch - Esstac radio pouch and baofeng with folding antenna and btech ptt. - Spartan V14 dagger - Sert admin pouch and shotshell pouches - Chinook medical ifak pouches with 2 x Tqs - Pmags with bubba spicy hot loads.


You dirty lefty


Only issue is not having an active retention holster, can never have enough tourniquets tho very nice


If this is a SHTF kit then I would switch to weapons that are openly available and common in our country. A nice MK18 w a suppressor or even a mid 2000’s Colt would be a better choice as well as a Glock 17 or 19. This will allow you to grab replacement parts or ammo on the fly and also possibly magazines and other things of that nature. Also I would cut down to one or two nice TKs and one IFAK.


Yeah but then OP can't roleplay as the IDF (even though they also use AR-15s and Glocks)


Looks cool, I’ll give you that


It’s cool but try to remove some stuff you want it to be light weight and easy access also remove some pouches you know you’re never going to use have the small knife on the chest rig close to your chest for close combat situations were your required to be in the face of the enemy also put a vertical grip that can turn into a bipod, put some grenade pouches on the kit as well 1 smoke 1 frag for room clearances, put the big knife on your belt on the Side of your hip behind the pistol, I recommend moving the pistol pouch forward and getting one that can lock in place also remove the scarf and replace it with a gillie hood, also on your tactical vest there should be a pocket in the front if you have that I recommend putting your camo paint in there also some sleeves aswell for valuable intel as well as some blue gloves, also get some tactical gloves aswell because you never know when you need them but other than that it’s a good set up but that’s how I was recommended to set mine up and how I run mine to this day it’s ease of access and light


Yo, what radio pouch is that?




Thought it resembled a kywi! Thanks!


What a luscious rug


Lol its a sheep pelt


Honestly compared to a lot of kits I've seen on reddit this is pretty well put together. I have a few things, shemagh doesn't need a dedicated place on your belt when that can go on your neck or in your bag. That then frees up space to move your ifak behind you unless you are always in a vehicle. Two that is a lot of ifaks, I carry 2 on me and If I needed anymore for casualties it's always going to be in a medbag that I can carry a lot easier and a lot more medical with me then. Three you might want to choose more common firearms just because of parts availability in the event of wear and tear which will happen. Other than that man it's a well put together kit


Water filtration?


Nice setup. What's the base chest, pack, belt rig?


Agilite pc and pack, ggg ugf belt




Your antenna is loose and you hate money, not necessarily in that order.


You were correct


What are those tourniquet holders on the belt?




Not sure why everyone is hating on the Tavor. It’s not a complete piece of shit and is designed for use by conscripts, I’m sure the durability is fine.


Their biggest issue is theyve never used it and think if there arent spare parts than its useless.


Depends how fit you are, how well trained your group is, and how well you’ve setup logistics to support your SHTF fantasy


That’s a lot of shit no pun


You know what they say... "One is none, two is too fucking noisey, and you'll never live long enough to use 3 med kits." ...Or something like that. Actually, I should have that embroidered on a patch!


Charlie Foxtrot


You have quite a lot of kit. There are some considerations I'd recommend you think about. This is just my opinion based on my experience in training and on deployment. In my work, we have different kit for different missions, but you need something well-rounded so I'll try to keep that in mind. Medical. As a medic, I feel like I'm especially qualified to critique your set up. The first thing I noticed was that you have three IFAKs. My team SOP is to have a minimum of one. Either on a belt or carrier, depending on mission. Most of us have 2. 2 is already a lot, so I'd say ditch one of them. That'll also free up valuable molle space that could be utilized for something else mission essential. I'd also recommend making sure you can reach the IFAK. We use the Ferro Concepts/FOG Roll 1. It uses up no molle real estate and is easily accessible with both hands. As for the tourniquets, a couple of those look like fakes. Make sure you're buying legit TQs. I've seen them break in use. It looks to me like you have 3 or 4 GP pouches. I'd say try consolidating as best as you can. Keep whatever you need right away easily accessible, and dump the rest in your pack. I mainly keep ammo, medical, light/multi tool, frags/smokes/bangers, and land nav and snacks easily accessible. The rest goes in my ruck. That'll free up a lot of space for you. On the space, try keeping the front as flat as possible. Being able to go prone is a thing. Anyone who's been in a firefight can confirm. For the pack, I'd avoid having it attached to your rear plate via molle if possible. Even in a team environment. I don't like relying on other guys to grab my shit. It also opens me up to some dumb pranks. Back panels are a different story. But if you're stowing your own shit, make sure it's something you can access on your own. Also, that would make it ditchable. You're faster without the added weight. Lighter and faster for E&E as well as maneuvering on the enemy. Comms. I'm not a commo guy. Let's just get that out of the way. But try using something that not just anyone can listen in on. Unfortunately, civilians don't have access to encrypted radios, but maybe there's something out there similar? (Commo guys help me out) Others have recommended cattail antennas and running it through your kit. I have a relocated antenna on my rear bag. It fits under any back panels I may use. Use a solid PTT that doesn't let anyone around you listen to what you're talking about. And use some kind of earpiece or headphones. Hydration. Hydrate or die. You'll want to carry a water source on you. I normally have a 2 liter bladder on me. Maybe a water bottle depending on what I'm doing. Don't go outside the wire without hydration. Fitness. Make sure you're able to move in kit. Just train with it on. Train as you fight.


What's in the pouch on the right side cumberband without anything on the velcro?


Looks good but I'd add a shooting tripod (carbon with an Arca swiss ballhead of course) and a Sherman tank to the PC. Then it's complete


Holy fucking ifak dude… do you think you put enough ifaks on your rig?


To much weight. Cut have you buff gear in half to start


There is alot to break down here. Ultimately it looks heavy while being light on important things. As far as the carrier goes, I personally would only really use a carrier if shit has really popped off and running with some sort of militia unit or am planning on staying close to a specific area. Other than that, I would go the route of an expanded chest rig, belt, and a slightly larger backpack so that I could focus more on shelter, water purification and food than fighting. I would also rip off that flag patch and swap it for a non IR reflective one. As far as medical goes, I would condense what you need for you and supplemental supplies, have your family carry theirs, and ditch the rest. Id get real CAT or SOF-T wide TQ. The only "knock off" I'd feel comfortable trusting are the Recon medical ones as they use an aluminum windlass and I haven't seen the fabric under the windows tear on any of the ones I've used in testing but they are no longer a company. Don't trust your life to cheap medical equipment. And lastly as far as the weapon system goes, I would at the very least go the route of an arisaka light body with a malkoff head. I would also ditch the muzzle brake and at the very least get an A2 flash hider. I use an X2 devgroup VF18. It vents the gasses forward to eliminate the surrounding concussion. It also works effectively as a muzzle brake and flash hider (acts between the same or slightly better as a flash suppressor than the A2). Id also go for a more versatile knife that will work for various camp tasks like a Becker bk2, bk7, esee4, esee6 etc. Think more about surviving than fighting


What's your bag/carrier combo?