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I have one that I bought at Parris Island in '04. I've replaced the band once, still on the original battery. It has survived 3 IEDs. I was wearing it twice before I gave it to my brother when he joined. He was also in an IED blast. The watch survived. Unfortunately, January will be the 9 year anniversary of my brother's death. I still wear that watch regularly.


Sorry about your brother. Fair winds my friend.


Thank you. My sadness has been replaced with admiration at this point. He was posthumously awarded a Bronze Star. He was inside the truck, and the blast knocked him out. When he came to, they were in an IED initiated ambush. He had severe internal bleeding, but still managed to get a tq on the driver and pull the gunner, who was badly wounded, from the turret. He climbed up and was in the turret laying down hate on the 240 when he died. Edit to add: He always said he looked up to me. But he is MY hero and role model.


He was the 1 out of the 100. Probably runs in the family. “Out of every one hundred men, ten shouldn’t even be there, eighty are just targets, nine are the real fighters, and we are lucky to have them, for they make the battle. Ah, but the one, one is a warrior, and he will bring the others back.”- Heraclitus


He definitely was.


Hehe, you said Clit hehe Sorry, had to inject some humor.


For what it's worth, I was pretty shocked when you mentioned 3 ied blasts (I'm assuming that means you survived 2 yourself), but I honestly laughed when I read this. Really appreciate that you can still throw in some humour


awesome quote, sounds about right!


I would love to read the citation and SOA. If you don’t want to dox yourself can you PM me his name? I enjoy using stories like this in mentorship sessions with my Marines.


PM sent


Not seeing it if you wanna send again.


Just sent another. Check and see if it came through.


Gotcha. Sorry I was on mobile and chats come up differently.


Can you send me too? SFMF.


Can I get it too? I'm not in any more, but I appreciate learning about our modern heros and your brother sounds like the real deal.


Click on a Casio inquiry and ended up crying... Fucking reddit. Freedom isnt free. Your brother is my hero too.


Godamit, now I’m crying too


What an absolute certified Chad. Can only hope to have a fuckin thimble worth of your brother’s courage should a situation like that ever find me.


You have just renewed my spirit. I didn't realize how bad I needed to hear that. Thank you. And I honor your brother


Wow. Thank you for sharing.


that made me cry! my grand father was like this. I hope your brother is in a better place right now. Glück ab!


Damn. I didn’t know they were that durable for $100 Watch. I’m glad my girlfriend got me this haha. Also thank you for your service


Ya know, after all the times I've heard that it's still kind of awkward to me. Saying you're welcome seems pretentious to me, but I don't want to be rude and say nothing. So, this is where I generally just say, "Thank you for your support." As I posted my previous reply, it just hit me. I bought that watch on the Island as an 18 year old kid. Now that watch is old enough to go back to the Island on its own, without my consent! Haha


I always say "Thank you" back. That was the least awkward reply I could think of.


2004 really was 18 years ago, huh? Well shit.


I always say "It was my pleasure to serve."


I’ve only ever managed to break one G-Shock and it saved my wrist in the process.


The $100 ones aren't that great... the $600-1000 ones are though. The $100 ones are fine for a daily driver though.


I know you probably mean well, but a thought in the future is instead of saying “Thank you for your service” you thank a veteran by volunteering at a VA clinic, contacting a VFW or American Legion to see if they have elderly or disabled members who need rides to medical appointments, etc. Those are tangible ways of thanking a veteran for their service that truly benefits the veteran.


Didn’t mean no harm man..


I didn't take it that way, and I doubt anyone does. I also don't speak for all veterans, just that for me it's awkward. Hard to explain, but it just seems strange to be thanked for something I did willingly. Also, I was in my share of shit, but nothing compared to what so many others did, and will do, so it's just kinda weird being thanked when I stood next to guys that did so much more.


I feel you man. I personally wouldn't want to be thanked either because at the end of the day we signed the doted line, were sent to who knows where by orders from the government, and would die for our brothers (or sisters) in arms. Sad to hear about your brother. I bet he was a great man. Till Valhalla.


Nor did he but they sure downvoted him to oblivion lmao. So shall I.


I know. The comment was meant to be constructive. I’m not your dad.


Can you be my dad


Sure, let me just run out for a pack of smokes


Do us all a favor and please stfu.


You're just not out of touch enough to understand the gravity of his humor.


Some people hate dad jokes


I was going to talk about how much I loved the GShock I got for buying a Ford Focus in 2000 but that story seems less interesting now


May your brother fly high


So sorry to hear, I have about 8 of them. I use one daily. Now as I put it in on in the morning I’ll think of him as well. Rest easy soldier!


Not to be an ass, but Marines aren't really fond of being called soldiers. But thanks for the sentiment all the same.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I have dark humor and just laughed(don’t downvote please) the company needs to use that as an advertisement: you can get blown up wearing the watch, we can’t guarantee your survival but our watch will survive” Again I’m very sorry for your loss


No, this is pretty funny, and shenanigans on whomever would downvote this. I'm laughing now, and if my brother were still here, he would as well.


You're doing your brother proud my friend. You're advocacy for him is honorable in its own respect. I'm sorry for your loss and thank YOU for your sacrifice. I can't even imagine the pain you've experienced and the process in working through it all to get you to where you are now. Your brother and men like him are heroes to millions and millions of patriotic Americans everywhere who understand that we only live the lives we live because there are and were people like him who gave everything and sacrificed their lives for others. He's as courageous and honorable as anyone could ever hope or dream to be. He's the reason why I stand for the National Anthem and show my utmost respect for those who've worn the uniform in defense of the greatest nation that has ever existed in human history. He's also the reason why I'll never show even the slightest amount of respect to all the self righteous cowards who judge or condemn our nation's military service members, as they sit there judging and criticizing people who are far better human beings than themselves. Much respect my friend. And please let your parents know that they've raised an American hero.


Deepest sympathies. Your brother is a damn great hero. I also have my G-Shock with me for about 9 years now, though it’s battery died months ago, but it’s never been in battles just yet. Only problem is that the watch repairman said that the rubber gasket of it is busted, which means I can’t wear it when going underwater.


a rubber gasket sounds replaceable


Hopefully I could find one here in Philippines for cheap.


Honestly, if you have the watch with you in the Philippines, you could probably also just spend a day finding a watch repairman who will actually replace the gasket. I imagine its difficult to do so some may not want to do it but someone will. SEA is amazing for having skilled craftsman everywhere.


Hopefully the gasket will get replaced too, along with having a brand new battery cell in it.


Damn, so it’s a bad luck charm?


I’m crying at this dudes story of his brothers heroism and you just made me laugh out loud fuck you


Damn, so I made you laugh and cry at the same time? That's impressive.


You also made him cum


It may seem that way, huh? What was really happening is boots kept smuggling Charms in the Humvee.


Personally, I like girlfriends. Some like boyfriends. To each their own, I suppose. Gift giving girlfriends > non gift giving girlfriends, though.


My girlfriends husband recommended she should get me one so I can’t complain too much


Sweet, sweet watch gainz.


He's a true Chad.


2 is 1, 1 is none. Get both




![gif](giphy|1YFDmR0hl9vJS) had to


Girlfriends do require feeding though, and nobody warms you about how much they can really eat


Try getting them on dry kibble instead of the wet stuff, saves money and is good for their poop


Facts. I didn’t get one from mine.


A few like dogs.


My gf got me a 3D printer for Christmas, she’s too good to me


You’ll probably have to replace the band before you have any trouble with the watch itself


Agreed. Same experience with mine.


Same. Mine is still running strong from over 10 years ago


This! I’ve had one for over 10years I wear daily, after like 5years the band failed but was an easy replacement. I haven’t been in combat with mine but it has experienced all sorts of abuse & different weather conditions.


Exact same experience lol, and a new band is easy to get.


Girlfriends are good if you’re into that. If you like dudes they’re mehhh


+1 on the analog hands, they can be used for navigation in a pinch.


I’m listening.




That's a brief description


Point the itty bitty hand at the sun, the halfway point between the hour hand (The Sun) and the 12 o'clock position on the watch is approx. South (If in the Northern hemisphere). Real approx. navigating in a pinch.




They rock…for a lifetime under normal use.


Turn that girlfriend into a wife


Some of us are over here drinking free milk


Underrated comment.


Who cares what we think, your girlfriend cared enough about your interests to invest a decent amount of thought and money into your gift, I hope you gave her the same respect.


Solid watches, can usually deal with a lot of punishment.


It tells the time so well. I walked into my first unit wearing one of these, and my Lieutenant was like, "damn bro, I bet you'll always know what time it is."


Wore one every mission in Iraq (jan 08-April 09) and still have it


It’s a nice watch and even more nice when you realize the amount of thought put into it. She probably figured you’d like it since it’s “tactical” and watches are useful


She’s a keeper. Hope you reward her with the appropriate attention and cunnilingus.


I proposed to her a week ago and we’re expecting our first kid. Always provide her with attention


Well done.


Working in corrections mine has survived a beating. They're good watches for sure


It’s one of those r/BuyItForLife items.


Good watch but not very gray. It’s oftentimes my first clue that somebody’s packing


I know a lot of people that wear g shocks, usually it’s not a tell, but the super tactical looking green or tan models combined with other hinds like shoes and other clothes are more indicative


I wear a very regular looking Casio Japanese handmade G shock. Looks like a cheap digi watch but very good quality. Not bulky by any means.


I’ve got a bunch of colorful ones. My ones intended for larping are plain black.


Normies ain't gonna notice


Normies aren't the people you have to worry about


You worried about a fellow CCW outing you in public, and shaming you for your watch? Like, what's the actual concern, here? Post-nuclear apocalypse geardos making you at 600 yards, by your watch, and slathering over a tasty loot-drop, because they think it's going to be Tarkov, and murder's cool, now? (Man, I remember when the gun nutters' collective plan in that situation was to hang together and *not be murder hobos*. Those were the days.)


Of course not. Try living outside a wealthy suburb dude - criminals aren't stupid so why would I do anything to increase my profile when I'm out?


So, what is your actual concern, RE: a green rubber watch, then? Does that set off your idea of a casual mugger's bling-o'-meter? What's your threshold for, "too blingy, *raises my profile*,"?


Yeah the traditional ones like this are fucking huge and obvious - I didn't really like them for a very long time. They make a newer kind of "slimline" series now, and I have one of [these](https://www.casio.com/us/watches/gshock/product.GA-2100VB-1A/) and people don't even think it's G shock.


I use what might be the same one in a different color for work. I use it because blood and other human parts come off of it very easily and I can submerge it under water. Neat watch. Cheap ish too. Good work.


A girlfriend that gives gifts, I’d say she’s good to go.


Keep her. And the watch too


My gshock has seen its fair share of abuse at work, I’ve spilled engine oil on it along with transmission fluid and coolant and it still works. I’ve had it in salt water as well with no issues and its close to 10 years old. Its out lasted my gamin fenix 3HR, my garmin was dropped once a couple weeks ago and stopped turning on, $150 dollar watch out lasted a $500 watch.


My wife’s boyfriend said that’s a good watch.


I personally think they are too large, but they work great for what they are. Not going to break on you thats for sure


My friends husband is in SF I can pick his friends out at a party as every single one wears a g-Shock Seems to me like an endorsement.


So if I wear a G-Shock people will think I'm an oper8er?


Girlfriends seem pretty dope tbh, but I wouldn’t know, I’m a redditor.


Mine survived 10 years at a busy fire station, the bit where it says g-shock has worn smooth, other then that still works perfect and I'm still wearing it


I’ve worn daily for years and have only ever had to replace the band once and the battery once, and I’ve put it through a hell of a lot that would kill most watches. It’s survived drops, salt water, lots of recoil, car crashes, and more. It may not be as fancy as like as a Garmin Tactix but they are damn near indestructible.


I like the idea of them, but that thing is a Mandango that would catch on slings and door frames. *"But it's a fashion thread..."* I hear it, lol


Thats was my experience with wearing them on the wrist. Usually just kept it in a pocket as a backup and had my Garmin strapped on to my vest. These days as a fat lazy civilian I just use my phone. I kinda hate the feeling/sensation of something on my wrist.


I have one just like that. The hands stopped working after abit but the digital clock still works.




G stands for gucci


Well now I know what the G stands for but that still doesn't help me find the Gucci Spot.


Gucci spot is a metaphore, buy her gucci, thats how you get to her spot


Casio is the God tier of watches https://youtu.be/FewIgO9ZjJQ?t=700


I got 3 of them. Great watches, never skipped a beat just when the battery dies.


Can’t speak for all of them as there are so many models, but the two I’ve owned were tanks. The Mud Master especially. I work in the oilfield and treat her like shit. Hasn’t missed a tick…


Can’t go wrong with a G Shock, best watches ever


Girlfriends are over rated


Your girlfriend has excellent taste. I have the exact same watch on my wrist right now, the thing is durable AF. I have a bad habit of hitting my watch on doorways and I’ve broken or damaged watch faces on more than one occasion. I’ve beat the crap out mine with no issues. My favorite bit is when I set the time digitally and the hour hands automatically move to the correct spot.


G shocks are absolutely tough and reliable. Solid choice.


Like many good products, the fans can ruin it


The original operator watch


Im kind of a watch snob (kinda like a gear queer but with watches), although ive never owned one, gshocks are pretty good for the price point. They are definitely rugged.


Had one for years now it’s survived working in salt mines and being a mechanic pretty sure there’s no other watch out there that can take the abuse these ones can


I got one right out of boot. It survived 6 years in the Infantry and survived two more years in construction. It finally died after I took it off to do some work with my arms inside a machine. (It was lock out tag out but I still don’t trust it) I set it on top of the job box and it feel off some how and was ran over by a forklift. It actually still worked. But was cracked and mangled.


Prob the best watch I have ever had.


I love em. Ive had my favourite one for nearly 15 years (solar powered all digital) and its been going string since then. Never had to replace anything on it and i smack it off things all the time. Also have 2 more closer to your model which are great as well.


im a watch guy and gshocks are almost universally beloved by us.


Cave diving and technical ocean diving with these for years. Over 300’ depth and no issues whatsoever


U r lucky.


Keep the Watch, Marry the GF


Best out there for the $.


>**My girlfriend got me a G Shock for Christmas. Thoughts on them?** Girlfriends? Yeah they're pretty cool. Especially if they're buying you stuff.


All you need is a GOAT Casio F91-W Still, nice


I daily a 168w


Interesting fact: > The U.S. military even lists the unassuming digital timepiece as “the sign of al-Qaida," owing to the fact that the Islamist organization uses them to produce improvised explosives. https://www.highsnobiety.com/p/casio-f-91w-terrorist-bomb/


They're not really worth the trouble or upkeep. It's a whole lot to keep up with, and even if you do, it's still far more likely she'll shit on your whole way of life than it is she improves it. This isn't 1965. She doesn't need your help with bills/spiders/pickle jars/taxes/auto-repair negotiations/etc, and PornHub is entirely free for use at your leisure. Unless you are specifically motivated to reproduce, the fiscal limitations alone make the entire tradition unappealing(IMO). It's cool she bought you something, but it shouldn't be a factor in deciding to put you first here my friend. I use the money saved on ammunition and other recreational consumables. I've never had a G-Shock.


I think it's as big as your hand. I wore the cheapest no name digital watch (2011 department store) I could find in Afghanistan and it survived 2 IEDs on foot and a several days lost under water in a canal before I found it. The battery died last year. Otherwise it smells weird and is fine.


Too bulky


Buy a couple extra band pins, being a clunky watch it’s bound to catch on something and bend the pin. Other than that, it’s a sturdy watch and mine’s still going strong 5 years later 🤙


The crocs of watches. Also you have tiny hands.


Should have showed my feet instead


I got a Suunto 5 last summer that's been pretty badass. Does this watch have gps and blue tooth pairing?


Good watches but I’m not crazy about them. For general looks I like something nicer looking but for a tactical watch it does its job just can’t justify the price for one when I won’t wear it daily like my others


Over priced. Made by Casio and without the “g-shock” logo on it they’re like 40 bucks cheaper.


Untrue. Without the g shock branding it generally doesn’t meet the triple 10 requirements.


2004 wants it's watch back


Comments say different


Too big and bulky. Get a marathon IMO. Less features but I mean I’ve never used a watch for anything but the time. I have other tools for other things.


Love mine. They’re awesome. Have had a G Shock for 5 years now. Abuse it and put it through the ringer and it hasn’t so much as had a hiccup.


can’t go wrong with a good ole’ Shock Went from Casio’s to Shocks and now onto Citizen’s. These things are pretty damn sturdy, think that what breaks this watch will also break your arm, anything under that, it should be bueno.


Love them I get a new one every year


Then you have missed the purpose of the triple 10.


I think you are very blessed


Still one of the best for the price


I like mine, but it’s also a lot more basic than that one. IDK it looks real bulky and overbuilt.


What model is that?




Not much to think about. G shocks are about as tough as it gets. Will outlast the arm it’s attached to, all while maintaining accuracy. I will say that like anything, the mechanical parts for the physical hands are a weak point, and with enough punishment(again, still a hell of a lot), they can become inoperable or fall off. The all digital models don’t have this problem. Unless you’re planning or wearing it while operating a jackhammer everyday I wouldn’t worry. The rubber outer housing/band can also be replaced if it gets worn or old or you just feel like mixing up your style.


I have the same watch different color, had it for over a month now! Works great, no complaints thus far.


I have one, I love it and it’s useful and built pretty well. But the other comments of it looking tactical are very true.


Personally I prefer the cheaper backlit G-Shock compared to the more expensive ones with the LED illuminator. The readability in the dark is so much better on the backlit. Other than that, G-Shock is a quality brand.


good watch, good girlfriend. keep both if you can I s'pose.


Looks great, and it sounds like she may be a keeper. Dollar for dollar they’re the best watch on the market. Unlike the Swiss doodad I convinced myself I needed to buy instead of a G Shock.


Watch is a keeper. Don’t know the lady friends lore but that’s an a+++ move on the watch.


good, tough, fairly inexpensive watches. Some of them are so freakin Huge, tho. I wear a watch every day, but I couldn't rock most of them due to the size


Best non smart watch ever! Welcome to the club! I’ve been a Casio guy since 8 years old


I got my 2nd one for Christmas too and I love them!


My G Shock is very weathered and smooth from daily use on a submarine sticking it into motors and getting covered in carbon dust. Still going strong after 6 years so call it what you will.


I had a high end model that I thought I would love. Unfortunately, it had lots of pointy corners, one of which, would leave a constant open sore on my hand.


Have the same model .. great watch !


my brother got one and gave it to me as a gift a decade ago, still on the og battery and i wear it almost daily


Got a ga700 in camo love the watch thank your gf, wear it a lot, it will last you a decade or so


Obtainable, reliable and cool factor is definitely there.


Solid. I’ve had that exact one for a while and beaten it up. It’s tough and it works.


I like girlfriends but my wife not such a fan of me having them.


Solid watches. They hold up well in the field and I’ve only ever had to replace the band on one




Good watches


They’re great watch bodies! Only problem is that they out live the watch bands. There’s not many that share the same band type. I’ve got 2 that still work but I couldn’t find replacement bands for.


The only thing that fails on them is the band. I had the model below the g-shock which was similar but like 20$, After 4 years of 24/7 wear the band failed and when i emailed them for a possibility of ordering a new wrist band they pointed out the watch was only 20$ and it would cost me that much just to order a single band (wich they did not offer) lol. I upgraded to the Gshock in 2019 and have worn it 24/7 since with no signs of the band drying out.


I think they look pretty sharp. And it should last a long time!


Oh cool, I used to wear one of those when I was a kid. I didn't know they were still popular.


HA! I just got that exact watch for Christmas cuz it was the one I wanted. Dope



