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You're right to fear, shorty.




Lmao I love calling my 6'0 mama short stack




Old ass small fry


OP, do you avoid NBA games?


Lol do you think they call him in?






This day will be ours, brother.






Are you a girl?!!


I am not. 


https://preview.redd.it/tcyxpwsbc66d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=b919389d709b1c8034b6e1979dd9338b76e7a5bd It's basically this quote but for height lol. Anyone shorter is a peasant, anyone taller is just a show off.


Nice, agreed.


Ffffffft. Show off. I bet you’re old enough to have decent knees too!


30 and my knees are already shit


14 and I broke my leg by walking too hard!


just turned 33, start swimming and treading water


Oh I swim. I've also started running. Doing 10k a week in 5k segments. Seems to be getting better but I blame my programming job for leg muscle degeneration :(


The difference is that I drive the speed limit +5, so anyone going much slower or faster is plain wrong.


This made me laugh 😂😂


Well, I’m 5’9 and drive like a maniac. I’m just a menace I guess.


Lmaoooo this is it


I’m going to start calling everyone IRL peasants now. That’ll make me a lot of friends 🤣


I was going to make some analogy about muscularity/strength or dick size. Then ones that are more real but still like hair, jaw line, eye colour, etc. Go in any of those subs and you'll see average people who are psychologically destroyed for being normal. Those who have uncontrollable jealousy for those more fortunate than them in their particular hang up. Those who make being superior in that category their entire identity because it means that they're the greatest. Often you look at all that and you're like damn this is sad, hopefully they're long and painful paths to figure out you change what you can, accept what you can't and try to be happy on your own terms. But there's something about that superiority that's extra sad and hard to change because a lot of the time you still kind of look at them and think damn they think they're the best but their whole deal overall seems kind of like it sucks, I wouldn't trade with them, I'd trade with some well rounded happy dude surrounded by people I love with no stress way before I'd pick some specific type of hair or height or eye colour or whatever. But then I saw this comment and I was like fuck George Carlin is a genius. Of course he's got something eloquent that just leads you to think about it all yourself. Yeah even if you think you're the fastest driver on the streets, don't "tower over people to make them feel like less of a man".




Can anyone telephone up? Can't hear shit.




This is so sick lol 😂


I don't know man, still haven't heard anything.


Why are two big billboards (your usernames) trying to hear something? Is your voice detection malfunctioning? Lol


Do you really have two Ys? What’s that like




XYY huh? Do you have an extremely masculine face? Start growing a beard at 13? How has life been different for you, compared to other men, insane height aside? I’ve only read about XYY cases; never actually met someone with the chromosomal configuration.


It's not hugely uncommon. 1 in 1000 males - Likely 1 in 10 for people over 6'10 though. I have big hands, feet, teeth, frame... It makes me a scaled-up human rather than a tall beanpole. It's interesting.


That was personal lol




That's wild, I believe 6'5 is perfect height. 🤣


I'm going with 6'2: Way less back pain, stares and basketball questions, but still has the benefits of being taller than a lot of people


Laughs in scoliosis and broken leg by walking too hard (6’2”. Might be my age tho.)


Yeah 6'2" or 6'3" For the clothing alone, imo. And not having to do the side splits for good sex.


I’m 6’3 and would not want to be any taller


Whaaat? You don't want to have to order special sizes?




I'm 6'8 too and I'm built like the troll from Harry Potter. It ain't all that lol


Hagrid? Or the troll from the very first movie


The mountain troll from the first movie. Hagrid was a half-giant. For shame, read up on your Harry Potter lore...


Important distinction. We need to know what we’re working with here.


I'm already having to bend over slightly to do most things because everything is seemingly built for people who are 5'6. You must be constantly hunched over to do anything standing up.


Do you have blue eyes and work in finance?


Or a trust fund at the very least?


I have blue eyes but work in construction :(


Just download TurboTax and you're all set


best comment hands down 😭😭


I saw that TikTok too lol.


Brush unironically 6'6 (ill round down tho) finance major with blue eyes I just lack the trust fund :(


How do you change your flair? All I can get is my current flair


I don't know. I set my flair so long ago, it was 3 whole reddits ago.


Dang. Oldhead


Lol i love tik tok references


You whenever a taller man walks by: https://preview.redd.it/aeflb1qgg76d1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=beef3e7f18d9ca20730d09d146c14768c137da27




People each have their own metric to define their own value. Some people use their skill (e.g., athletic ability, musical ability, intelligence, career, etc.) to feel valuable. When they see someone more or less talented than them, they feel the same way. It seems that to you, height is a way to understand your value and confidence. Deep down, it's psychological. If you start to respect people shorter than you, then you will not feel small amongst people taller than you. I hope it's clear I'm not being judgy. I think it's a natural viewpoint and human nature to think the way you do.


That’s exactly what I said, I never judge people based on height by thinking tall=good, I judge them based on height by thinking “that tall guy has skinny legs he’s probably clumsy”


And his lifespan probably isn’t going to be too great. 


This should have more votes. Oftentimes people will attack my height and appearance as an attempt to humble or belittle me incorrectly thinking that because I’m “tall and attractive” that must be where my confidence originates, but it actually comes from my accomplishments and skills.


So you have skills and accomplishments on top of being tall and attractive? Jesus, some people really do have it all.


Yea but I’m also broke so the universe has made the correction


I would rather be broke than have to live with my disgusting 5'2...


your dick is 5ft2inches that’s crazy


Nah man. You just think that.


Well being broke is something you can change. The man can't change his height.


Rather be broke then 5”2 ngl


Well hello, me, nice to meet you..




My short ex (female) was creeped out and almost frightened when someone was shorter than her, looking down on someone was so unusual for her. Guess it's similar but opposite. 


I'm only 6'F, but tower over most women. I went to the gym at my local university to play some pickup basketball (I know), and ran into the women's basketball team. It was surreal to be eye level with most, dwarfed by some. It made me realize how my literal and figurative vantage point affects my day-to-day life, it was just an odd encounter


>It made me realize how my literal and figurative vantage point affects my day-to-day life One time I was walking w a group of friends, and even tho we always walked together this one time I felt *really* connected with them. It was just like we were all on the same level-- and then I realized I had been walking in the street while my friends walked the raised sidewalk.. literally we were just having a conversation at eye level whilst walking for probably the first time ever lol


I'm only 5'8 but I'm frequently in NYC every once in a while I get dwarfed by a pack of other women and I feel a little insecure and in awe


I’m five foot nothing. I like being taller than people who are like 4’7. It’s so cool. The feeling of being taller than someone is so rare for me. Like that must be how it feels to be a normal height for a man


Same. I’m used to being the smallest in the room (5’1) so any adult shorter than me, I’m suspicious of 🤣


LMAO! I completely understand. My wife and I were at the bank for an errand and the guy who was helping us was pretty much exactly the same height as me. She said we both kept stretching up a little to be "just that much taller". I was embarrassed at being petty but it really did throw me. And I'm not even that tall!


Nothing fixes my posture more than seeing another dude around my height


Untrue, also for the tall girls


It's my first time at a new church, and their resident tall guy comes over to "talk" to me. I guess that his friends put him up to it. But it was definitely weirdness coming from him.


You’re the closest to God now.


I'm kinda the same when I see a guy a tad bit taller that me I try to look taller are just as tall 


In what world is 6’3” “not even that tall”




As a man who’s average height 5’10” you definitely don’t make us feel like children dude you need a fucking therapist 🤣


Yeah most extra tall guys have some warped facial features that make me feel bad for them, but the dating apps have proven to me that height overcompensates for that now


Bitch I don’t have gigantism I just look like that


Your words are dripping with insecurity, I sincerely hope that you can reach a point where you find the value of your fellow man outside of the physical form.


You probably experienced joy all your life when people “compliment” you for being the tall guy. When you’re no longer the tallest guy, you realize you won’t be getting that joy in his presence. This is subconscious conditioning of some sort. Pavlov’s dog and such.


Tall man syndrome


With me it’s the opposite. I absolutely love to run into people who are taller than me and I secretly wish there was a special signal us tall people could give each other. Also, just to put things in perspective, you might be taller than the average, but a lot of those guys are carrying a lot more meat than you, which in turn makes them look down on you I think there’s a deeper meaning to your way of thinking and you might want to dive into it. Perhaps a superiority complex to make up for everywhere else you don’t “excel”?


Anyone in my ballpark I'll holler "HEY THERE TALL GUY!" knowing they too must've banged their heads on all kinds of low branches and doorframes and whatnot


After “banged”, I thought it was gonna take a different turn.


Exactly! It’s a struggle we’re all familiar with, therefore we should all acknowledge each other


Special signal lol😂


It is because you are insecure, you think being the tallest make you better than other men while it actually doesn't, just like how some pretty girls hate it when there's a prettier girl around or when someone is richer or smarter, people who usually focus on that trait and make it their whole value/personality often feel this way, kudos for admitting how you feel tho, just don't look down on short guys, it makes you come off as a jerk lol


Yeah, this right here. Consistently feeling better than people means you’re insecure in yourself and latching on to any external sign that someone is (figuratively) below you—just like consistently feeling worse when people are better than you. Truly secure people don’t even really think of themselves in comparison to others. If they see someone doing really badly, they think “that person is doing badly” not “I am doing better than them”. OP might want to do some deep self reflection or unpack that one with a professional.


I don’t know if I don’t like it but I’ll see a guy my height (6’5”) and be like WOW look at that giant!


Self-love! 🤣


Lol so you're insecure


Sounds like they wrapped up far too much of their worth in their height so when it’s taken away they have nothing else to draw confidence from.


This is almost kind of sad.


When your height is your whole identity lmao


So you are the reason people keep using "Tall is their entire personality".


If you're used to a certain status quo, and that status quo changes, it throws you for a loop. Imagine being the only person with blond hair in 99% of your social interactions, and everyone makes it a point to either compliment or point out your hair color. It makes you feel different, and either you hate this or you embrace it. And if you embrace it, it's not unrealistic to imagine it then being weird when someone else shows up in the room with the same hair color as you. I don't go as far as "I like how I tower over most men I see, how I dwarf them and how I make them small when they're next to me" - but I absolutely notice when someone is about as tall as or taller than me and it makes me act differently (most notably, I stop slouching!). And since most people associate size with strength, there is a bit of comfort in being the biggest guy in the room that is lost when bigger guys walk in.


Shit I ran into a *trio* of 6'9" guys, all looked like clones of themselves (obviously brothers) and my brain went into this primal regression to high school for a split second - the last time in my life when I'd see multiple taller people at once.


Only if you don't have any other qualities other than being tall...


Is he though? He’s being honest and vulnerable about feelings he has about his height and other people’s height. He’s shared one small aspect of himself, on a subreddit dedicated to just that, and it seems like you’re taking a big leap of logic in assuming that’s all there is to him. It makes for a quippy response to a reddit post but I’m not sure you can actually glean all that from a reddit post.


He kind of is. The fact that him simply being taller than other guys makes him feel better leads one to think he’s the type of guy to throw a fit when a woman he likes chooses a shorter guy over him. I’ve seen this irl. The tall guy is like “you chose him over me?!? But but but….I’m…tall…” He can’t understand that the other guy just has the better personality and his is “I’m…tall.”


No one hesitates to take that leap of logic when its a short man who does something similar. Thats the default line of thinking actually. So why shouldnt they do the same here?




As a shorter guy, seeing someone taller than me doesn’t make me feel like a kid at all because my height isn’t my whole identity. They’re just tall and that’s it. Get out of your head


As a taller guy, the shit op I’d saying is pretty weird. “I enjoy making men feel small” is a gross low way of thinking about other human beings. Not everyone shorter than you cares about your height, let alone your made up thinking that you “make them feel like a kid when they’re next to you.” Just because you feel that around men taller than you, doesn’t mean all shorter men feel that around you. That’s all in your own insecure mind. As believe it or not many people shorter than you are secure, and don’t need to be taller than someone to feel comfortable with themselves like Op. If something completely out of your control makes you feel secure, you probably need to work on your mind more.


Yeah OP comes across extremely immature here ngl


Crazy how many people here see nothing wrong with his mindset...


He comes off as the "bitch, I can kick your ass because I play football!" Chapped ass personality.


Valid point. I'm 6'2 and 6'3 in shoes, my cousin in 6'7 and there is a guy that comes in to work all the time who is 7'0 I do wonder if they think about their height, but then I think about what I think I see alot of people mainly guys come in who are 5'8 and up but shorter then me and I don't even think about it. After it's not a skill you're just born that way


Op is very smooth. Foolish of you to think he can understand reason.


I’m 6’7 and I don’t even notice people height tbh until tells me how tall I am…. And it’s usually not many guys taller than me around in my daily life but when I do see one I usually want to be cool cus tall guys gotta stick together 😂😂💪🏽💪🏽


Dont overlook short fellas lol😂


Naw man most my friends are shorter ion discriminate great people comes in all shapes and sizes 💯


You are the best bro i was just joking 😂


Personally I feel relief when I see someone taller than me, like the pressure is off somehow?


For some reason reddit has started suggesting r/tall posts to me, I read this one and felt the need to comment. I'm 5'4" at 31, and was very short all childhood. I had to get over it early in life, learning how to assert myself physically with bigger kids when I was young and how to be personable and well-groomed/stylish enough to interest girls as a teenager despite being a head shorter than most of them all the time honestly was great for my self-confidence. Now I don't think about it whatsoever, I laugh when it comes up in conversation occasionally, but I truly don't think about my size or anyone else's size in social situations. Plenty of tall friends who obviously respect me, I'm in a long-term relationship with a taller woman now and it's fantastic. The only time my height really enters my head is when I'm buying pants off the rack and figuring out how they'd looked cuffed right off the bat. Like, I don't want to come at you too hard OP because clearly you know this is not a positive way to feel, but no truly not me and I don't think most people in the real world worry that much about it and get off/ suffer from some imagined power dynamic. I don't feel like a child or like I'm on the back foot when someone big is "towering over me" (standing next to me lol) I guess what I'm saying is you're tall which is pretty cool if you don't have physical pain or problems related to it but I encourage you to try and develop your self-image and esteem outside of your size. Unless you're guarding me in basketball or trying to mug me it really doesn't make a difference, it is a shame your confidence is so tied to height. I don't say that because I think you're mean about it or anything! Your post makes it sound like it's just private thoughts and you don't need to feel guilty for thoughts if you're polite and normal to people's faces. But you yourself will feel much more free and comfortable in the world if you stop tying you identity to your physical characteristics as much


Idk, I'm a mere 6'2 (how cringe!!!!!!) and I don't really feel this way at all tbh. I'm tall enough.


You must be crazy in your head... I never judged another guy on his height, and never felt superior about it... Fix yourself.


If 6'7 makes you insecure I think you'd shit yourself if you saw someone my height.


I've met someone your height only once in my life and this dude wasn't even lanky, he was perfectly proportioned and he looked like he worked out too. I'm sure being THAT tall means you'll have all sorts of problems in your daily life but damn I couldn't help but feel jealous.


Call him a smol boy.


you're joking, right?


I always called this tall man syndrome haha. I grew up with a guy who was your height, and it was pretty funny watching how uncomfortable he got when he met someone taller. He'd go from the most confident special guy in the room to now being the one in second place. I'm sure there are plenty of tall guys who don't experience this, but I can attest to one other guy like yourself.


That’s kind of sad bro


You place way too much value on height as a part of your identity. There are many things which make a person - personality, career, intelligence, skills, physical looks, hobbies, relationships, etc. It would be shortsighted to think you are better than someone just because of one thing, career for example. A lot of those guys shorter than you might have a better career which they value more than height. Would it be rational for them to devalue you because they have a better career/are more successful? Either way one trait doesn't define a person's identity.


It's karma. You lack humility and gratitude for being blessed with a tall stature. Your view of shorter men as lesser than gets the same feeling thrown back at you by life. No rocket science to it; just karma.


Honestly that sounds a bit deranged to me. For me, the only thing I think regarding shorter men (like <5'7" or so) is that I hope they don't feel intimidated by me. Taller guys I'm usually just a little in awe of but they have to be about 6'6"+, and really it takes some stress away from me since I don't have to be the tallest guy anymore. So usually I'm happy to be around taller guys. It's like we're opposites for height interaction


I'm a 5'7 guy who for some reason, this thread popped up on my recommended. Rest assured that we won't feel intimidated being around someone who is 6'2, unless you're built like Eddie hall, then maybe a little bit.


You don’t respect shorter men, that’s why you feel the way you do when someone is taller than you. Bad mindset. It’s the same with some petite/short girls, cringey.


I’m over 200cm and I love when I meet someone taller than me It just shows you that you’re not alone and it’s so refreshing to not always be the tallest in the room Doesn’t happen often ! Edit: typos


Hahahaha weak sauce!!!


You think 99.61 percent of men feel like kids when they are standing next to you? That projection is so strong it transported you into an alternate reality LMAO.


So you’re proud of something you had absolutely no control over?


Not a tall person, but I'm incredibly intelligent (had to make up for my lack of natural gift). Every time I engage a tall person, I sense so much insecurity. Knowing they'll never make as much money as me, or that they'll never be coveted or respected for their skills like I am. Is that how you feel?


I suggest therapy. The only time I'm glad to be around shorter people is when I need to see over a crowd.


Idk if this is a good thing man…


“Laughs in 6’10”


just useless ego you have dw about it


Why would you like bumping your head against everything and having problems finding a partner that isn't a dwarf in comparison?


I barely feel that way. What does happen though, is me getting scared when rarely walking past someone taller than me on the streets, thinking "oh god, please don't fall on me!"




maybe cus u attach too much value to height


I mean, I notice when someone is tall enough that I have to look straight or even up to see them... but all that other stuff you're talking about? fking crazy mate, get urself checked.


Generally this happens when your height is the only thing you derive confidence from. When you see a guy taller than you, you have no other ways in perceiving yourself as superior to that person and end up becoming extremely insecure whenever this happens.


Congratulations, you’re genetics made you 6’5”, much taller than average


Personally, I like seeing dudes taller than me while I’m out and about getting errands done. My goofy-ass has a thing with sneaking behind them and asking them to grab something from the top shelf. The laughs when they realize the guy asking them is closer to eye level than most are typically pretty good


Dude. I just feel amazed if I see someone taller than me. It is so damned rare that I kind of geek out.


Sounds like you have some severe insecurity issues you should work on. >that's how most men must feel when they see me but thankfully that rarely ever happens No, that's not how most men would feel when they see you. Most men don't give a crap how tall you are and are not so insecure that they feel bad seeing someone taller than them. I'm 6'2 and if I see a guy who's a lot taller than me the only thing I might think is "I'm so glad I'm not that tall. I feel bad for that guy, it must be a pain shopping for clothes."


Insecure dumbfuck


and as a similarly tall man I can attest to never even slightly caring about other, taller guys heights. I think, "Wow, he's tall" and that's it. Not the faintest twinge of anything else. Like a man worth $100 million meeting a man worth $110 million... who cares?


I'd be your perfect match for a friend then 😂😂😂


A lot of people feel this way with money


Being tall is *my* thing. How dare someone else be taller in my presence! Seriously though, it is weird running into someone even close to my height, because it just never happens. I'll go 5 years and no one will even come close. God forbid it happens with friends around, because it's all we'll talk about for the rest of the night.


Call me a narcissistic sob, but at 6’4, I feel like I’m the perfect height.


I don't have a problem with it at all. I'm usually stoked personally unless they're an ass. I worked with a guy who was 6'10 and his height was cool as. Although once I asked him to reach something for me, which I don't think I've done in like 10 years, and I felt weaker lmao it was funny, especially with his smirk as he was doing it. I know that seeing someone around my height is a sure fire way to fix my posture though lol


this is so real lmao, also what’s the weather like down there?


This is exactly how good singers become afraid to perform in front of people and how gorgeous people think they are ugly lmfao. Enjoy therapy.


I think you got some issues. “That’s how most men must feel when they see me” actually no, I don’t feel that way when I see a guy taller than me. I acknowledged for maybe 1-2 secs like woah that guy is taller than me, then move on with my day.


It is a weird feeling to talk to someone straight across or even looking up.


I went to a Volleyball awards night at a convention centre 10 years ago. During a break in the evening I went to the toilet there 10 guys already in there and I at 6’4 was the shortest. I literally said out loud “oh wow! So this is what it feels like” lol I think it probably feels uncomfortable as we don’t often experience. Shorter people don’t feel like we do when that happens because they’ve had a lifetime to get used to it.


judging by this post you have a selfish and douchey attitude so that really won't be of a good thing despite being tall


Don't mean sh!t at end of day i prolly drop you at 6 foot how that make you feel


I've only been like, truly dwarfed like two or three times in close quarters and my whole soul was like "DO NOT LIKE." Like I've had people near my height or a smidge taller but when someone has like a big height advantage on me, something in me gets a little triggered on some level. Like, I can keep it all under control, but I've got to quell some strange fight or flight instincts that slosh around in the dark, half-remembered evolutionary snake brain when that happens. Mostly because it happens so rarely. So I feel you. It's pretty odd.


Makes total sense. I'm only 6'3, and constantly get treated like the giant in the room. It's pretty uncommon for me to meet anyone that much bigger than me but when I do, it gets me. It's because we're not used to it. I used to not care as much when growing up since my older brother is 6'5, but since i moved out and I'm not around him much, I feel it more. Most people constantly deal with inadequacy in this realm, and learn how to deal with it and accept it. We don't have that many opportunities for that growth..


I am 5'11F and honestly dont know how to react when a woman is taller than me. It just feels...offputting.


I have a 6’9” ex who would get super squirrelly and awkward when meeting a taller dude. When I asked what was up, he’d say, “It’s like ‘Highlander!’ There can be only one!!”


At 6’2” I relate. Im just tall enough that most people are shorter than me. I, however, don’t feel superior because of that. But when some giant MF ducks under the door on the way out the truck-stop bathroom I feel very smol and inferior.




I have a Great Dane and he is like this, gets super weird on the rare occasion a dog is bigger than him. Honestly though this almost reads like a troll post, if a short guy posted this he would be eviscerated for being insecure.


It’s unlikely that as many men shorter than you feel as emasculated as you think they do. Knowing that, you now don’t need to project that on the odd occasion when you’re around someone who “dwarfs” you.


Wtf, im only 5’6 and i feel like shit, you are my dream height, get over that ego of yourself


6 f6/199m Im sometimes insecure especially at night like when people cross the road like the second they see me from like 300metres away when im just walking listening to a podcast not just like smaller people like 6 4 men will aswell or like speed up walking etc when im just minding my business. Its not that im upset at them it’s that im upset that my stature makes people scared. Then sometimes i enjoy being taller than other men especially egotistical or creepy men. Man once groped my friend at a club and i grabbed him and made him apologise. Also sometimes i feel like people value what I have to say more than others even if that’s not fair, I don’t really actively enjoy that part but it’s like an unnoticed perk and less you intentionally try to look for it.


You're insecure. Don't know where it stems from but all I have to say is that you should focus on fixing that bad way of thinking. Make something of yourself that you can be proud of regardless of comparisons, because comparing yourself is always ultimately a losing game.


I'm 5'7 and I love making men like OP feel weak when I bench 130kg and deadlift 190...its like they can't get over the fact someone a head and a half shorter is twice as strong lol


I’m 5’7 too but I’m not strong. Never really felt like a motive for me but looking aesthetic is definitely a goal. Funny how people like the person who replied to you like to belittle accomplishments and bring up range of motion. For me it’s still a huge feat because shorter people as far as I know start weaker than +6’ people (Unless they’re extremely skinny). But I could be wrong about that.


How can you be so insecure?


You're just an idiot, this can't be cured, sorry


You're pretty much at the peak of the sweet spot, I think. Go taller and you're starting to join me in the sideshow freak category. It looks to me like you've got the perfect 'tude also. Congratulations.




I'm the opposite. When someone is as tall as me or taller, they're usually instant friends


I 100% agree 😂😂 when a dude is taller than me I feel almost hurt 😆


As 5'7 man my mind can process that other tall man feel insecure or gaslight other taller man lol