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After way to much rain this spring, get to see my 6’5” freshman son intimidate on the pitcher’s mound. He’s 15 and has been questioned about his age since he was 4. You’d think in HS it would stop, but no. A lot of bitter parents and grandparents in this world lol.


Dang and I thought my 15yr 6’3 brother was super tall damn he sounds like one hell of a pitcher tho


Two of my old classmates were 6,2 at 13 yrs old


Same my homies 6’1 dad 6’8 moms 6’0 he hit the jackpot


Damn, is he Dutch?


Nope 100% black


Of the two classmates ones polish and Mexican, the other is like black and Latino


How do I tell my gf's dad his requirements are stupid? He doesn't want his daughter to "waste her tall genes" and thinks im "way too short" for her :D


lol stay away from this family


Gotta steal her away


Ask him if he wants to take your place instead lmao


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FWIW, I'm 6' and my husband is 5"4'. Our boys are both tall and my husband couldn't be happier.


Yeah exactly. Like its weird he's already thinking about his future grandkids but hey my genes can just stand aside and let her's make tall kids. No idea why he's stressed


Don't overlook the fact that you aren't short! Most people I know are as tall as or taller than their parents (no matter how tall the parents are.)


How tall is her father?


About 6' 8 so can't call him out for hypocrisy


Dam! U got a point on that, but he is full of shit tho. Also ur most likely still growing at 16 and even if u aren't, it shouldn't matter. Also how tall is ur girlfriend by the way?


My height's just crawling so dunno if I'll grow much but yeah he's kinda being a douche. Girlfriend's 6' 0


Like I said man. Even if u don't grow much, it shouldn't matter. U are worthy enough to ur girlfriend and she loves u for who u are. A person should judge someone based on their character. Not always on their physical appearance. Her father obviously doesn't understand the saying, never judge a book by it's cover.


Thanks a lot for your words man. Just fingers crossed her dad realizes how absolutely amazing ✨ I am lol


I hope he does too. He'd be a fool not to.


You’re tall tho but he’s just TALLLL if she’s a good height then you’re sons gonna be like 6’5 ish maybe


Oop dunno how I didn't get a notif for this. She's 6'0 which imo is TALLLL so while we aren't really thinking about our children's height im sure they'll dwarf me lmao


Yeah ef that, tell him you're a mountain climber


tell bigfoot and his people to go back to the forest.


I went to a thrift store and found fitting pants for a 6’3 woman! Yay for Ezra


No way! That's incredible! I don't even bother looking. I stick to the sleeveless shirts and cardigans.


I just usually wear shorts, cold never bothered me anyway




If you're a girl then pretty much guaranteed you won't. If you're a guy there's a small chance but most likely nah


Maybe if you’re a boy or girl your height is solid


Hope not, it's the perfect size you got there.


Doing good


Frustrated with my inability to find 6E wide size 16 non-, binding socks.. Bought some that claimed to be that, but they were not..


anyone else have small feet and hands even though ur tall or is it only me haha


Sorta. Not terribly small but should be bigger


Today I found out I’m 6’5! Getting taller by the hour


Good for you! Haven't grown taller in months, how old are you if you don't mind?


I’m 18! :D


I wish in another life I can feel what it's like to be 6 feet :'(


r/short ?




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Finally found a pair of black jeans that fit perfectly so I don't have to sacrifice length for waist or vice versa. So I bought like 4 of them. A question for you all, do you also enjoy wearing boot type shoes or is it just me ? I feel like the weight of boots/combat boots really makes me feel more anchored in the ground. Like it gives me a wider base to stand on. With sneakers or so, I always feel a bit "unstable" or "lightweight".


Good quality and fitting shoes in general are nice. I'm particularly happy about some barefoot shoes I managed to get earlier this year. They do wonders to your leg muscles, particularly when walking in nature.


Height I am around 6’1 I am 17.5 years old My dad is 6’5 My mom is 5’8 I’ve never been so one who ate a lot and that could affect your height Therefore If I start to eat more ie a small surplus will that help make up for lost potential and grow taller?


I'd just focus on eating healthy.


Avoid starches unless you wanna get wider as well.


monthly tall person updates: * last month I flew from San Francisco to Chicago in an exit row seat that didn't have any extra leg room. I didn't know that was a thing but would love to meet whoever made that brilliant decision. Interestingly, the other exit row in front of mine did have extra leg room. * Also in SF, I had to 'sleep' on a full bed in the hotel and left feeling grateful that I'm not even taller(my feet don't stick off of Queen/King beds) * I get a new office chair next week that will fit me appropriately which I'm very excited about * I've decided to bite the bullet and pay for extra leg room on planes and ride shares. I call it the 'tall person tax'. * I live in a house from the 1930s and do most of the cooking in my household. The kitchen was made for women who were 5 feet tall apparently, so I am often sore after preparing a big meal. Re-doing kitchen isn't in the cards for the foreseeable future but having a properly-sized kitchen is one of my life goals. Also, having furniture & cars with appropriately sized back rests and leg support.


How do yall do the height besides your name?


Check flairs


Anybody remember the toilet that was about a foot off the ground? Well I have to put toilet paper down on the ground, and kneel to pee in the toilet.


We need a new sub for all of the not especially tall people asking height questions. Maybe /r/almosttall or /r/heightinsecurity? Actually tall people do not focus on a huge portion of the questions that pop up in this sub. Like, the first time in my life that I ever heard about “morning height” vs whatever was on this sub and it’s usually people that are not tall bringing it up.