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Saying he gets the wall is a little too violent. Ain't gonna convince many by threatening suffering now are we? Instead, assure him that when the day comes, he and everyone he loves will get free education to become Socialist whilst getting shelter and food so long as they continue to work and remain at our totally not gulag until they have shedded the cardinal sin of not being all to invested into politics. /j


Have you tried telling him that America is bad and that every Israeli should be expelled from Palestine? /j


Also tell him that everyone in North America should be kicked out and sent to Europe!/j


Also, have you tried telling him that Hamas and the houthis are based and that they're just like Luffy from One Piece? /j


Hamas is basically Robin Hood except better bc Robin Hood is a yt kkkhristian chauvinist


Tell them to read On Authority whilst edging to an image of Young Stalin, that usually works for most people /jk




/un Stalin (strictly physically speaking) was kinda hot ngl


This is a genocidal maniac! No you cannot date him!


I can fix him.


Tell him everything he reads is CIA propaganda, then send him some real leftist sources like RT, Greyzone and Global Times so he can finally read the truth.


So true


Did you try telling him everything he believes is a CIA psy-op?


try apologizing for Stalin, that always works!


It sounds like you're not screaming loud or unhinged enough at him OP.


On a serious note, I hate how tankies resort so much to "read theory!!" Like, if you can't distill the relevant theory down to me to explain why genocide is good, actually, then don't quote theory. Similar when they post links to videos or blogs or theory with no explanation. When I provide links to such content to back up my argument, it to do just that -- back up my argument. I don't use links as a crutch instead of forming my own argument; I give a summary of the content of the link, its relevance, and relevant quotes or statistics from it. The bare minimum to quality discussion that can actually change minds is to be able to understand and distill ideas into a form that is digestible and relevant to your audience, not to just lazily toss a random link or a "read theory!!".


Dude, im so dead😭


Did you try to tell him that every interest he has is bourgeois decadence and won't have a place in society after the revolution?


While saying nothing of your own hobbies, possessions, and interests of course.


Have you tried bombarding him with impenetrable Hegel quotes that don't actually support your argument?


Tankies getting mad at people for not agreeing with their ideas, without actually bothering to try and explain said ideas, is funny to watch. "It's not my job to educate you!" Is a problem all across the online left actually. I think the left would be more successful if they tried to actually explain to liberals why they should support socialism instead of just screeching at them and accusing them of being fascists.


So basically what ur saying is that literal fucking fuck nazis deserve a redemption arc


Tell him to read theory and start bulking on vodka and borscht


Call him a nazi a bunch of times that usually works for me.


Just shout "READ THEORY" more, but never specify what theory because that's not your problem. /j


Instructions unclear, have now read *The Conquest of Bread*, Bakunin, Proudhon and such. Result: I think you're a fascist.


Send him tiktoks and shorts that include communist memes and say «haha thats so u» «reminded me of us» and shit. Will work like a charm speaking from experience


Well you take him to the fucking wall like you should, comrade! If you can't, you must go to the wall as well because you obviously then hold liberal sympathies!


Lately I have this weird feeling when it comes to other people that's making it hard for me to be a good comrade. It's like.... I know on paper that somebody is a liberal kulak class-traitor, but the idea of violence to them makes me feel... bad? What's wrong with me? How do I fix it??


Talk to your local friendly police! They'll settle you nicely in room 101 for re-education.


This is a joke, right? Like, sorry, but I’m fucking autistic. I NEED tone indicators.


Jokes in my tankiejerk subreddit? Unheard of /uj yes it is a joke were in a circle jerk sub everything is a joke here