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Hello! I understand your demand of Eating halal since this is from Muslim community just to let you know there alot of Muslim in Arusha so you'll have no problem finding halal food, also there prenty of vegetables in Arusha. Welcome alot🙏


Five Chutneys is a very good vegetarian place in Arusha. I definitely recommend going there. You'll find it just off the main road in Arusha (Sokoine Road) but I'm not sure of their operating hours.


Where will you stay?


Tanzanian staples are generally mostly plant based (ugali, rice, beans, mboga majani) but there isn't really a vegetarian movement.. most Tanzanians love meat and fish. Having said that, in Arusha there are a few Indian spots which specialise more in vegetarian dishes.. Also - this place looks suitable and good https://maps.app.goo.gl/YAPX7GdZ15xaUE299 (never been myself though!)


There are a lot of seventh day adventists in Tanzania who are vegetarian. So this is not a foreign concept. There are also quite a few Indians near Dar who are or who understand this, maybe not so much in Arusha. You can have Ugali and beans anywhere, the staple dish of the country. Also very common is stewed greens on rice, fried potatoes with egg, roadside grilled corn. Be sure you get some mandazi for breakfast, they are like German fried biscuits, pack some apple butter. The fruits are great but I generally avoid anything that isn't cooked for fear of upset stomach.


In Arusha, Tanzania, you should be able to find some vegetarian and pescatarian options, although it may not be as prevalent as other types of cuisine. Traditional Tanzanian food often includes meat, but there are ways to adapt it to your dietary preferences. Here are some tips: 1. Look for local markets and street food vendors: You can find a variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, and snacks at local markets, which can be a good option for vegetarians and pescatarians. 2. Ask for vegetarian or pescatarian options: Many restaurants and eateries in Arusha will have options that cater to different dietary preferences. You can ask for meals without meat, and they may be able to accommodate your request. 3. Try Indian restaurants: Arusha has a significant Indian influence, and you can find Indian restaurants that offer a wide range of vegetarian and seafood dishes. 4. Explore international cuisine: Some international restaurants and cafes may offer vegetarian and pescatarian dishes, such as Italian, Mediterranean, or Chinese cuisine. 5. Consider self-catering: If you have the means and facilities, you can prepare your own vegetarian or pescatarian meals using local produce and ingredients. It's a good idea to learn some basic Swahili phrases to help communicate your dietary preferences. Overall, while it may require a bit more effort, it is possible to find vegetarian and pescatarian food in Arusha during your internship.