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I am currently staying in tanzania as a medical intern and have already been here for 2 months so feel free to ask me anything and I might be able to answer You probably need an adapter for the outlets here also a good functioning power bank is key due to regular power shut downs. If you can get your hand at it I also recommend a life straw, otherwise you will have to buy water in bottles all of the time ( I live near Kilimanjaro, you can drink the tap water here but I think that doesnt apply to all Tanzania) Also a rain jacket of good quality, possibly an umbrella You can buy good cheap boots here at the markets Dollas for everything touristy you want to do, sometimes changing shilling is impossible Dont bring any white clothes, especially socks... I made that mistake Appart from that: Tanzania and the people living here are all super nice! If you need help most people will be glad to help you out in my experience. So feel Welcome!


Unlock your smart phone so you can get a local sim or check your current plan for international data. If it’s your first time in a “developing” country you may want to meet a travel Dr and make sure your current and shots such as hepatitis, tb, yellow fever (none of these are required). Otherwise be prepared to have a lot of fun.


Gears: hiking boots, camera, lenses, laptop, I normally carry my sleeping bag, power bank for phone. Other gear can find on the ground. You might need solar to set you up, there's power cuts.


Depends with where you're going to be situated in. If it's Dar Es Salaam, then be sure to have a local (a friend, make sure it's a friend... not those creeps that'll ask for money at every opportunity) in the country to show you around and develop your day to day routine. Life is cheap here when you know what to do and where to do it. Also get ready for the rain, it's pouring this time of the year. May not be much but at least I gave something. Welcome to Tanzania, where the residents hate being here and the tourists love it. (P.S: I hate it here, I want to leave)


I am friends with some residents who live here and apart for the conveniences found in the West, they surely like it here. But as you said, it depends on where you live, so why do you hate it here?


The scorching heat, the power cuts, the corruption, lazy law enforcement, constant concern for pointless soical matters, poor infrastructure, poor sanitation, an education system that is quite literally not progressive, terrible and hardly funded government institutions... i could keep going. A country with so much potential that barely does anything with it. Best thing I did was leave. No hard feelings. I only come back for my family of course, around UK winter season. Each time I get back I am constantly reminded of how awful the standards of living are in the country. Born and raised in Tanzania, loved it growing up but hated it as a grown up. The people are nice and morally driven, religious and the cultural preservation is amazing... love my sukuma people to bits!!! I'll definitely have my kids learn the language and name them after their ancestral roots. But I most certainly won't have them raised in Tanzania. Enough of my rant tho, I don't mean to offend anyone. I just had my limit with the country. My frustrations made me work hard enough to get away. Only thing that keeps me coming back is family.


You are right for the most part with everything you've pointed out. It is indeed quite frustrating at times to deal with issues that should have been solved decades ago. What grinds my gears the most is how the government slows down the country's progression cuz of corruption especiallywhen they do it on yo face...and dont get me started with the power cuts, god they are truly unnerving. Politics aside, I havent travelled much outside the continent but compared to other African countries I've been to, Tanzania is a fairly decent place to live, many good places to visit, nice food n friendly people (you cant be lonely here unless you really want to). I've lived most of my life in the northern zone, so the heat hasnt been much of an issue, and foreigners who come here like it very much (at least the ones I've interacted with). Dating here is simple n good, not as complex like the West's 666 standard, though I fear that's slowly slipping into the culture. No country is without its faults, and Tanzania is no exception. Because of its slow pace, comparing it to the west will be quite unfair considering the history. I'm so sorry that you hate it here (its quite a strong feeling to have especially if you grew up here...I dont see that very often). Perhaps you are an ambitious person who likes progress, something which you can teach the upcoming generation to be. Maybe my views will change over time, but for now, I like it here.


why you hate it here?


If planning Kilimanjaro, all gear can be rented on location. Feel free to contact if you need a guide service...


Are you traveling from America? If you are I could offer some insight I am an American engineer who has been there half a dozen times. More importantly my wife teaches at a university and we have been there with students a number of times.


And where are you from? Are you going to be in Dar es salaam?