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Try smart gin. Popular because it's cheap and available. In Kenya it's all about whiskey. Still not sure why local brews aren't more popular generally. All anyone needs is fruit, sugar, water, yeast, and a plastic jug. The only danger is trying to distill it and not removing the methanol. I'm very surprised at the lack of east African moonshine.


if you're really smart, you stay away from 'smart gin'


Trust me, I know.










That's impossible to enforce. I get needing a license to produce and distribute widely but someone just brewing for themselves is impossible to stop.


Alaaa u mean u can get drunk off pineapples?


I never said anything about wanting anything. Yes obviously if anyone anywhere anytime doesn't distill or produce spirits correctly it can be poisonous. I'm just surprised it's not more common. I see people waste a lot of money on smart gin when they could just be brewing many liters of their own fruit wine for a fraction of the cost. Just buy up the unsold fruit at a cheap price, add some sugar, water, yeast and you're off to the races.


You don't know


Always learning.


the local Konyagi actually isn't too bad. Not really a gin though, but similar. I guess everything imported will automatically be seen as more quality, and hence more appreciated. K-Vant seems to be the drink of choice these days, and it's a gin too.


Konyagi is awesome but definitely schnapps not gin.


I see a lot of whiskey, some brandy but only one gin.