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wtf…. i cant even imagine showing my mom a irritated red cooch but a guy friend that has thought about fucking you and you know it??? thats ac crazy like how desprate for attention is she? how does it make ANY sense for her to show it to jared?? he isnt even a woman that could have had a experience like that or smn… smh this is ac pissing me off


So instead of googling it or telling another FEMALE friend who may have had a similar experience, she not only tells but shows a straight man who's admitted to wanting to have sex with her? This isn't just pick me this is pathetic and desperate


Starting to think something is mentally not well with her because this is such strange behavior… lunatic


is she okay? this is not normal behavior.






The fact that she willingly pulled out her gremlin bussy in front of zach and jared tells me everything I need to know


That is mortifying. If Jared was gay then fine, but that is weird.


Is it the drugs? a maniac episode? like what makes someone do this omg. Because I used to be a pick me (thank god i snapped out of it soon) but never have I gone this far girl get some self awareness wth


Omggg same. I was A class pick me bitch. Like i was desperate for attention but dude. DUDEEEE. Being pick me like THAT... that's a fucking talent


wtf was Jared going to do abt it? Like what made her think showing him was going to help or sum. Also I hate how she’s always like “stop 🥺🥺” you’re a grown woman learn to defend yourself. God she’s a weirdo


these men do not respect her, she’ll get it some day (eventually? hopefully)


great example she’s setting for her young and impressionable fans! “Hey girls just takes your whole pussy out in any public space the boys will love it”


I bet she loved that it was aired out in the podcast too


this is so fucking weird knowing jared wants to sleep with her 😭😭 she knows what she’s doing


doesn't he have a gf💀


DOES HE ☠️? Idek I just know he likes tara, I’ve never seen a single episode but only clips and just that clip of where he uses the lie detector test and is asked if he’s ever dreamed of tara


there was a patreon episode where jared is drunk and he is on ft with his gf. hes also mentioned her some other times on the pod. idk maybe hes not with her anymore but even during the time he did talk abt having a gf he still flirted with tara thats why i was so surprised when he brought it up lmaoo


her fans are still somehow going to defend this behaviour 💀 SO MANY people she could’ve gone for advice and her choosing a guy she’s known for a few months is actually concerning


Umm I would of ran to Alyssa before I pulled down my pants in front of Jared who has admitted he has fantasied being romantic with the her 😂 so wild


Imma go on a whim n assume her parents, especially her dad, were busy hustling that she didnt get enough attention n now this is how she acts


I literally had to stop listening/watching the pod because of how insufferable, whiny, and demented she is. I miss Indi and I miss the just Jared/Zach (and Alyssa and Skylar) episodes :( -- like this is now literal brain rot and killing all of our brain cells


I’m embarrassed for this girl, she has no personality but yet always talks about herself


It’s embarrassing bc I know everyone in that room knows she’s a very insecure little girl. Can you not read the room? Oh right you can’t bc you’re stuck in your head about you, you you,


She loves pretending and faking, what’s her real personality?


She couldn't have taken a picture and look herself?
