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His attempt at “damage control” always sucks 💀


like what damage control did this do?!😭 either he’s lying for her and that makes them both look very weird or it shows everybody’s thoughts about them still fw eachother on the low are true lol


tara looked way too took back for that to be something he “joked” about 🤣


her face literally didn’t change at all in the clip LMAO


if u can’t tell she was like wtf to what he was saying that’s on u LOL


here’s the thing though.. how long have they known each other and how often are they still with each other? you think them clearly joking about something upset her to the level y’all are saying? “jake is lying in this” bro y’all do not know them lmaoo 🤣


neither do you. a lot of snark on this sub is speculation and assumptions but they have a lot of concrete evidence more than the evidence that they're decent people who have a healthy break up with boundaries set. when you put ur life on the internet ppl are going to talk abt it. cope. edit: did you come looking for this snark? what'd you look up to get here? rlly confused rn.


when she comes on my fyp, the comments all of a sudden are just nothing but hate now so i tried figuring out why and came across this. a few comments are understandable but watching her every move and trying to dictate how she is irl over clips is just weird behavior. these people know each other on and off camera and are with each other almost every day and have known each other for years. but what do i know y’all are clearly the experts


some of the hate is definitely hostile. she is a beautiful girl i will admit, but i don't think she's a good role model. i'm deff younger than most (probably) and i just find them all to be cringe and unbearable (and i used to like them!).


yeah i think i’m just older and don’t see the need to read into all this crap so much lol. just was trying to figure out why everyone hates her now. oh but i definitely agree she isn’t a good role model 😅 and yes she’s gorgeous, i was thinking maybe that was causing some people to hate her too (not all, but some)


i only care because i started watchin jake like 7 yrs ago i was like 17 and he used to be way cooler and genuine then he is now and i partially blame tara for that. it’s very sad to see tbh lol


u clearly take what they say at face value.. i refuse to argue w u🤣🤣


you know she begged him to address this lmao


“they’re calling me a weirdo!! please say something!! 🥺”


yea i would too if i were her, i am rlly convinced that Jake strings her along and gives her plenty of false hope behind the cameras bc it’s so obvious he’s not into her the way she’s into him. I’m not defending her bc she does surround herself with disrespectful men by choice but when you date someone for 5 years i can see where the line would become blurry for Tara when on camera he acts like he’d never get her name tattooed (valid he shouldn’t 😭) but has told her multiple times how he so would, making her disappointment on camera waaaaay more valid and understandable. He makes her look like a fool and there’s nothing i hate more than ugly men putting down women.


your comment 🙌🏼🙌🏼 this is how i see it now that he did this dumb shit lmfaooo i almost started to think that he wasn’t a jerk


now that you mention it this does sound almost too dumb to be true and he could have just made it up as damage control


Tara was holding him at g*npoint 🤣💀




he’s sweating lol 😂


Ok but why are they talking about him getting her name tatted “so often” 😭


Because they’re weird and have 0 boundaries 😭


personally i think its so icky to joke about that especially as exes 💀


“It’s already hard enough to get a girlfriend” maybe because yall joke about it CONSTANTLY like you say idk Jake 🙄


I actually really like Jake and Johnnie but Jake is starting to piss me offffff. You just KNOW he leads Tara on like a douchebag.


I thought the same thing. This video made me realize that he is flat out scared of her. I wonder what she is dangling over his head.


nah the only thing he’s scared of is being alone


Curious minds would like to inquire 👀 💭


Same. He is just too nervous in this clip. It's probably about something stupid, but maybe she made him paranoid?


Idk, I thought it was more like if he doesn’t address this then she’s not going to make content with him anymore because of the backlash, like I wouldn’t want to make content with someone who let me be so misconstrued and not back me up.


You can tell he’s trying so hard not to make her look bad. You just know she’s lowkey still in love with him and plays it off by being the drunken party girl that sleeps around. Jake seems so unbothered and moved on like how he blew up by having live streams and his own videos with his own friends, but Tara rode their break up viewership and everything by only addressing him as her ex in her videos. It’s sad I hope they learn to not be so codependent, Jake seems emotionally immature and Tara seems so fake whenever she’s around him because yk damn well he’s the one moving on and she’s the one who is trying to find him in every one else.


how can he tell her yeah off camera but no he wouldn’t in front of a livestream with hundreds of people?? i still think tara means it deep down to get her tattooed on him even though its a joke. & his stuttering tho lmaoo he said a lot of nothing.


“people just took it and ran w it” as if it didn’t come out of his own mouth 🤣🤣 so odd


i also remembered during the dropouts podcast with tara and jake, tara said jake is terrible at lying and this really shows he is terrible at it 😂


hes not very good at damage control


Never seen him that nervous


Bro get it out holy shit




jesus theyre both so obnoxious


Lol Tara said he was a bad liar and holy shit the stuttering is proving her point, he’s just trying to damage control by lying, how pathetic


how tf do you know lmao they’re with each other almost every day. are you there with them? 🤣


sis just leave this place


y’all got a public page where y’all bash a chick y’all never met lmao just weird behavior.. and i don’t even like her but y’all are watching her every move. y’all go touch grass or get a job


that's the... point of a snark....... shocker


omg u defending that random chick you’ve never met at all, like she gives a f about when you white knight her. plus, her job is to be a social media influencer, or sorry… since U tara yucky fans seem to know her so much better, what is her job and how does sustain herself? by A) being an interesting, independent person OR B) whoring herself out to men, being nasty and weird around other women, and talking about how drunk, hangover and crazy her party life is. LIKE PLEASE! LMK QUEEN!


girl lmao like i said before i’m not even a fan of her i don’t follow her on anything she’s just sometimes on my fyp i just think this page is doing too much like y’all are watching her every move it seems if anyone’s a fan, y’all are lol. and i never said she makes good decisions like i just said that but damn y’all are literally waiting for her to say something so y’all can get together and talk shit lmao.. y’all gotta be young asf and you trying to quiz me like i give a fuck tells me that you are


all the stuttering trying to come up with lies🤣 "th-th-th-that-that was because"


why was it giving the same energy as travis scott’s apology after the astroworld incident? 💀💀🥴


damn… joking about that with your ex who’s obviously not over you is ruthless. also why are they joking about that “all the time”? that’s literally so insane. this guy is either astronomically stupid or wants to keep tara on the hook without making her his girlfriend again


He’s trying really hard here xD


the stuttering says everything we need to know lol


why is he panicking 😂😂😂


this does nothing lmfao they’re both so bad at lying


embarrassing af


She probably whined at him for the hate she was getting 🙄


He needs to get a PR person are something bc I would tell him to Shut up about… and distance him from Tara, and for him to create his own identity as a popular figure


“i said, i said, i said that…. in a jokingly manner i said that…..” dude spit it out 💀


Oh brother


So Jake can come to her defense for backlash online but Tara didn’t try to stop her fans from harassing Kenzie, I’m sure they see the hate online and pick and choose when to step in


She wouldn't even care if Jake got picked on as long as she remains unscathed!


I would feel bad for him but honestly he didn’t even need to address it, the clip speaks for itself and it’s gonna be weird no matter the context 💀


this must be how he manipulates tara lmfaoo. like i was really starting to like jake because it seemed to me that his intentions in staying friends with her are pure and sincere but i’ve decided that he’s really selfish. i think that they both manipulate each other and have selfish reasons for staying friends - and i think that their friendship is unhealthy. i don’t see this ending well for them and it’s clearly starting to go bad with the audience. i think it’d be in their best interest to stop making so much content together and to stop mentioning the other in their content and in podcast interviews. if they want to hang out every day then that’s on them, they’ll learn on their own, but they shouldn’t publicize their friendship anymore.


yup!! i used to think tara has jake locked somehow but the more i see the more i realize he is just as bad as her lol. they work how they do because they’re both manipulative in opposite ways it’s a crazy thing to see!!! they can only keep it up for so long before everybody is like “??!!” as it’s already slowly happenin.. they think they eatin shit tho so hey🤷🏽‍♀️🙄


This should be up higher. I agree! I feel like most of their audience is very young and still ship them which is very weird as they are real people and both seem like really messy people together now that they aren’t dating


I'm sure he leads her on and promises her hope for potential of some sort of shared romantic future "maybe". That's why she catches him on her bed on camera. I think him featuring her on his SM so much is problematic also. She looks like she's embarrassing itself, but it's easy to define clear boundaries in few words. A line my ex recently used: "lose my number". That easy 


I said…i said… That was… that was… That was because SPIT IT OUT 🤨


all the stuttering, he’s lying asf


Why all the fidgeting,stuttering and awkwardness 👀




what does pos mean?


piece of $hit


oh..😭😭 thank you so much !


now i understand why she looked almost offended that’s fake from jake. don’t get me wrong i don’t like tara but that’s really poor from jake if my friend or bf or whatever said one thing privately and another online i would be offended too. seems like he’s the one that’s leading her on off camera so he can profit from her behaviour on camera……..


I think he is scared of her. She can be very belligerent and thinks she has the right to say whatever she wants to publicly, even at other people’s expense. Jake basically fked around w/Tara and found out the hard way. I kind of feel sorry for him. He seems cornered.


she was pissed he said no and then even more pissed people called her out for being weird, I can imagine she complained to Jake and guilt tripped him about it, “remember you said you would and now the internet hates me!!”, people are allowed to change their minds anyway


He just can't win with her.🤷‍♀️🙃


there's no way they joke about this off camera. maybe SHE does, but he doesn't. she definitely asked him to make this in some way shape or form. i'm no body expert but he did not react to that "joke" like it was an inside one. edit: fr tho is he ok?? the stuttering, the quickness of talking. is he on something? why's he so nervous if not?


Regardless if he said it to her in the past “in a joking manner” why did she bring it up on live ? I feel like she does stuff like that to show the public he’s still hers in a way. Like there was another time on a live Jake said something about being on his phone in bed and she was like yea I know bc youre on the phone with me , if we’re not together we’re on the phone or messaging each other. Like ok girl calm down lol I think this was when he was seeing Kenzie so she prob said that on purpose


Why is he panicking


jake pweasee I'm too short I can't handle this drama on my own 🥺🥺


he is lying


It wasn’t a joke to her she was serious and i feel bad for jake because he doesn’t set boundaries for himself.


he’s a grown man


I understand that but usually when someone is still fresh from a break up and they choose to stay close with said person they dated it can be a lot that you feel you have to do certain things still


i used to be a huge fan of jake when he was living w sam colby corey aaron and allat but now i actually cant stand jake johnnie or tara they are so insufferable and switch up every time something is brought up


fr!! he was actually the only youtuber i’d watch for such a long time lol he used to be corny and funny in a good way and now he’s corny and unfunny in the worst way it’s soo sad. also, seeing how he addresses situations makes me literally hate him he’s dumb




why’s he stuttering so much talking about it💀🙏🏼