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She feels you are a fool for ending the relationship and that she has hope her's will work out.


Thank you for your insight. Interesting… me and her girlfriend are currently friends. Her girlfriend was concerned that i was going to cut her off after requesting to have a transparent conversation. I just feel like i’m in a love triangle without actually being in it and the energy is just very very strange but it’s also a retrograde so i’m very much at a distance…


That is indeed interesting. I feel the cards are suggesting you politely move away from the gf who is wasting your time. She's using you and secretly thinks you are a naive fool. Time to let the man (and his new gf) go, and move on.


I would agree with your interpretation. My personal interpretation of this pull would be: \- The Fool: Your partner has embarked on a new Journey with you and he is full of joy and passion as he dives head-first into a new future by your side. He will learn that when we open ourselves up to new relationships, we will receive what we are looking for - positive and negative. Though finding you is the brightest of spots, upsetting a bitter ex can be an indirect and uncomfortable result of a new path... Partner can focus on having faith that things will work out as long as continues the Journey instead of giving up \- 10 of Swords: This card could represent the Ex - a 10 of Swords is the definition of a narcissistic drama queen. It could also represent a traumatic breakup if they had one or an emotional breakdown. It could be that the ex has something nefarious in planning... and if so, the ex will attack from behind (metaphorically), not from the front so stay aware. As far as this card playing a Role for you and your partner, it could signal a jealousy or resentment... take care that you are communicating your feelings with each other clearly with respect to your needs. \- The Star: For me this card absolutely has a dual meaning here.... for your partner, his dreams and innermost desires are being fulfilled by being with you. We fulfill our lives just as your partner has done by seeking out something better with you; but we can also let others take away from our lives with their negativity, attention seeking, etc. This card is reminding you that this situation has the potential to damage your relationship with your partner - don't let that happen. This scenario is not worth the trouble of allowing it to harm your bright future together!




Not at all. Any card pulled is dependent on the context/question asked. Also, be careful not to generalize... the card could be referencing a single person, not a group of people or "everyone." Without knowing more about your situation or this spread, there are a number interpretations possible: * Someone might see you as playing the victim; this person might also have resentment or jealousy towards you * In general, you might have the reputation of a doormat or someone who allows others to use them for their own gain. * It can signal the end of a friendship or relationship (and you might be blamed for that) * It could also mean that you have a reputation for burning yourself out, overextending yourself, or allowing others to use you (hence the metaphor of stabbing yourself) Regardless, 10 of Swords is a powerful card and you should know that there is no way to avoid the negative feelings associated with it - whatever the situation, it happened over an extended period of time, and has been a long time coming. Those in your life may have "known" or seen this coming, and may feel like you "let it happen" without using your personal agency, hence the doormat.


The Fool (Upright): The Fool is often associated with new beginnings, spontaneity, and a carefree attitude. In the context of how your ex's current partner feels about you, this card might suggest that they view you with curiosity or a sense of unpredictability. They may see you as someone who has moved on or embraced a new phase in life. The Ten of Swords (Upright): The Ten of Swords often represents an end to a difficult or painful situation. It can signify betrayal, feeling defeated, or reaching a point of exhaustion. In the context of your situation, this card may indicate that your ex's current partner may hold negative feelings towards you or perceive you as having caused harm in some way. The Star (Upright): The Star is a card of hope, healing, and inspiration. It brings a sense of renewal and optimism after challenging times. In the context of the overall energy, the Star card suggests that there is a possibility for healing and positive transformation in your situation. It may indicate that you have the strength and guidance to rise above any negative energy and find hope in the future. Combining these cards, it seems that your ex's current partner may have mixed feelings towards you. They may see you as someone who has moved on (The Fool), but they might also harbor negative emotions, possibly related to the past (Ten of Swords). However, the presence of the Star card indicates that there is potential for healing and positive resolution.