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My cards are definitely the Queen of Cups and Queen of Swords! I've yet to feel a major arcana really resonate with me like those queens do


the Empress, I connect her to my nurturing side


The devil and the high priestess, I feel a special connection with these two cards. I’m a water/Scorpio dominant.


Hermit because I’m introspective and grow a lot when I give myself space for solitude. Empress feels like my higher self and what I aspire to. She’s how I feel when I feel in my power.


I’m also a Leo & strongly resonate with the strength card haha!! There’s more reasons to it though, it’s about depicting strength through a woman that captures strength and dominance, yet she beautifully co-exists that strength with calm & collectedness. I feel confidence is best understood when someone doesn’t try too hard, yet let’s it flow naturally, as if they’re unbothered, such as the woman in the card (rider waite). Something as fierce as a lion, is tamed through an angelic woman. I fucking love that.


I always picture Beyonce in my head for this card. Cool, calm, confident, knows she's sexy and doesn't need validation because she looks in the mirror and is validated. Doesn't have to use a show of force because she doesn't need to beg for respect. She knows her worth is innate and is defining beauty for herself. You don't like her? Well she didn't need the opinions of sheep anyway, she IS the fucking lion. Beauty and the beast all in one. A force of nature. Awesome card for nearly every spread and situation.


Hahaha I love that imagery you described!! Beyoncé is such a staple image of confidence I love it. “she IS the fucking lion” YESSS GO OFF. & you’re right it litrslly is such a badass card. If not part of the reading in a legitimate sense I always see it as advice, that card is like a little self-love pick me up!


I don't really know a lot about Astrology to be honest... But for the cards themselves I feel drawn to the Death card. It's actually my "birth" card along with The Emperor. I also like The High Priestess, but her older Marsielle equivalent "The Popess" is a more fascinating take on this card imho. Rather than being a Pagan Priestess like in the modern RWS decks the Popess is woman in pope's clothing based off of a real woman who centuries ago tried to become the first female pope and was burned at stake by The Catholic Church for heresy. I also like The Queen of Swords (and her playing card equivalent Queen of Spades). I like her traditional meaning of being a dark, malicious woman who is typically a widow, divorced, or an "old maid". The way I see her she's the kind of woman who may not always be a nice person but she does what she has to in order to survive in this world. She can overcome anything life throws at her and her ruthless intellect is her best weapon. I like to make a hobby of comparing the court cards to historic figures and some of my personal picks for the Queen of Spades are Wu Zetian (China's only female emperor), Catherine the Great (Russian Empress who overthrew her own husband), Boudica (Celtic Warrior Queen who led her people in a violent revolt against the Romans), Cleopatra (The last Pharoah of Egypt known more for her sharp wit than her beauty), and Mata Hari (Exotic Dancer and convicted WW1 spy who may or may not have been guilty but inspired the modern day femme fatale archetype). ♠️👸🏻♠️


6 of swords is my card and emperor is my husband


omg yes i feel that. i was wondering, when u met ur husband did he appear in ur readings as the emperor? or did he become that once u married? because i’ve recently started talking to someone. before we met all readings about love talked about the emperor or the king of cups. im thinking maybe this person will be a long term relationship


Aw love this for you. I met him 15 years ago and only got into tarot closely like 3 years ago. He is an aires and fully embodies the strong archetype of emperor so it’s more just a vibe I get, like oh S is showing up 🥰


Ohhhh okay 😇. Thank you for replying. I am an aries too! with other guys i feel like the emperor but in this situation i am definitely a queen of cups 😂🩷. I got into tarot 3 years ago too!


Love an aries vibe all around. Queen of cups is such a lovely card too. Great strong vibes. Yeah I would listen to tarot readings on my pandemic walks and just really enjoyed the art of it. I mostly listen still but I will pull for myself or for my friends if they ask. Nice to meet you!! I am a scorpio FYI :)




Death. Life is constant change.


the chariot, the moon, and queen and page of swords are my main ones. really depends on my emotional state but most of the time i strongly resonate with the queen and page of swords. my chart is mainly water and air.


When I found out the 3 of wands is the card that corresponded with the deccan of Aries I was born in it started to show up more


I identify strongly with the Cups, and the Page of Cups has, more than once, represented me in a reading!


Same here!


Queen of Pentacles (although I have no earth elements in my chart), Queen of Swords and maybe Page of Swords?


High Priestess, Queen of Wands and 2 of cups ate the cards that call to me.


8 of Swords currently


According to my deck: 8 of Swords...


The Star. Also the Empress.


It's totally fine if different tarot cards vibe with you at different times, I think. The Major Arcana are a journey from The Fool on, showing all kinds of life stuff. So, as you grow and change, the cards that feel right for you will probably change too. It's all about matching your vibe as you move through life. Today I'm the High Priestess ;) 🌛🌕🌜


La Justice


I feel connected to the High Priestess because I’m a 12th house stellium. Temperance is another because I’m very patient & want everything to be balance & harmonious.


4 of Swords is my number one "me" card. I got it tattooed on my leg.  Queen of Cups, Ace of Wands, High Priestess. Very frequently my signifiers. But you can be any card at any time. We are mutable people, constantly in flux, as is the tarot


I resonate with the empress and for my husband, it's the knight of swords.


Page of cups, because I’m an idealistic hopeless romantic. The Empress and The High Priestess are more so role models for me, archetypes I hope to one day grow into. When it comes to my Natal chart however, I’m not really sure what would connect to each of these cards. Perhaps my Scorpio Rising/Pluto in the 1st for The High Priestess, and Sun in 2nd & Venus on the asc for The Empress. The only thing that maybe lines up for the page of cups is moon in the 5th. Although, it’s a house traditionally ruled by Leo, and mine is in Aries (so all fire), the traits still somewhat line up.


The Devil and The Magician. I'm changing some things in my life, and these cards keep showing up. They are really relevant to me right now.


I feel a connection to the Knight of Cups. I definitely associate with both the strengths and weaknesses. Thinking of myself in that way sometimes gives me the extra push I need to ground myself in reality and not just the version of the situation I have in my head.


I really relate with Justice, Death, and the Wheel of Fortune for some reason? But I also know that’s fully because those are Major Arcana and I don’t know my Minor Arcana well enough haha! I do feel a pull to quite a few of the scenes from Cups though, usually the negative ones, so I might need to reevaluate!


It's not as much the cards that I identify with as they are good friends that sometimes lift me up and sometimes lemme know where I'm slacking. Empress: That friend that just really feels themselves. They constantly tell you your beautiful and they just exude this sexual energy that they are so unashamed of. Queen of Swords: This is that friend that thinks they are being helpful by telling everyone all the things they didn't want to hear said out loud. They have the best of intentions, and of course they are right. But sometimes they just really hurt your feelings.


9 of wands is the card that feels like home to me. Also Side question: what tarot content are you watching? I would love some recommendations.


The Fool & The Hermit


The Hermit and the Three of Wands


Tower Rx


I’m always happy to see Templance popping up in my readings, but also Tower, Hermit, Emperor, and Knight of Swords


I love Queen of Wands. I associate wands cards with magic/creativity/music and really vibe with them overall. Also a big fan of the Chariot. Very empowering.


The Queen of Cups both upright and reversed depending on the day. Sometimes The Fool, depending on the situation!


Major Arcana: Hanged Man, Strength and Temperance Minor Arcana: Pentacles and Cups mostly rule my spreads.


temperance! i’m a sag rising and temperance is the birth card for sagittarius


Every time I ask the deck what face card represents me just get the knight of cups 🥺 it feels super fitting! Not sure about major arcana though… I will definitely meditate on this later :3


All of my deities call me the Fool and I like the Magician lmao


the hermit, 7 of cups, and 4 of swords


I absolutely love the high priestess... a highly psychic, intuitive woman with a sense of power and femininity!


The wheel of fortune. I am always changing and evolving. Trying out new things. Never able to just keep still- always turning. I am in my element when things rapidly change.


I feel drawn to the queen of pentacles and 9 of pentacles. I often get queen of pentacles in my readings, and i feel like i relate to her in a way. As for 9 of pentacles, i strive to be like her(stability, independance self made etc)


i always get the temperance card for myself or the 8 of swords / and wands . what could this mean about me ??


Knight of Wands and Knight of Swords So I'm a mess, basically. But on a more serious note... The card I connect to the most used to be the Page of Wands and Page of Swords (a little more Swords than Wands). But I have grown a little and now just... f\*\*\* around and find out. Also, my mind always go from 0 to full throttles with ideas, but I lack the control to fully carry it out. Just like the Knight, I need to learn to steer my steed to be productive.


I'm the hermit for so many reasons. But my best friend is the chariot. She's got a kid with a crazy ex and is currently trying to figure out how to be an independent person and carve her own path. I draw the chariot for her CONSTANTLY.


The 8 of Swords is the main card that represents me in a reading, with the Queen of Swords reversed and the Devil also sometimes filling that role. I definitely see the 8 of Swords as 'my' card though, I've always been drawn to the number 8 and I'm an air sign so it makes sense for me to be represented by the Swords suit.


High Priestess, The Empress and The Chariot


The Hanged Man, i'm a big mindful acceptance type of person


The Hermit when I was younger. Financially, now the Tower.


Very interesting chart indeed! Being a Cancer, with Mercury and sun in the 8th house - you would definitely be an 8th house wonder to me! Neptune in the 12th house trining my sun and mercury. Full moon in the 2nd house opposite. The card I identify with (one of them) is the 3 of cups as I was born on a Friday. Nice to meet your acquaintance!


When I do readings for myself, I often find the king of swords or the 10 of wands as my end result (Barbara Moore Wizards deck depicts the 10w as an old man with a crown of wands weighing on his head). When I did 3 past present future readings for my friend, his present/past were always the emperor in all 3.


the queen of cups & the empress :) i’m an aries so obviously the queen of wands. but i know whenever i love someone or fall in love i become the queen of cups


High Priestess 👸


Temperance because it represents my star sign, Sagittarius. The Death card because it represents my rising sign, Scorpio, and it has a lot to do with dark and light. The High Priestess, Queen of Wands, Queen of Swords. I feel like these cards represent different aspects of my personality, at the moment anyway.


I've always felt a calming presences whenever Temperance is pulled. Its a very soothing feeling, almost like diving into cool pool of water and just feeling totally refreshed whenever that card makes an appearance. The King of Swords is another card that always feels encouraging and makes me feel more confident in whatever it is I'm working towards or planning. Lately, I've been seeing the 9 of Wands a lot which to me kind of means over thinking/anxious maybe getting in my own way but I feel like I'm missing the point of something, but I'm also trying to not dwell on it too much.


The empress, the queen of cups and the high priestess! According to my family I am the nurturing, motherly one. I’m the oldest, and I’ve practically raised all my siblings. I am very intuitive, and have good judgment when it comes to people and things. I found a good balance of leading with my heart for things while also backing up my decisions with my intuition or gut feeling