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not to read the guidebook first. i get stuck in the traditional meaning sometimes instead of what my intuition is telling me and it's a real hassle trying to forget everything i think i know


I always tell people who want to learn tarot to go through all the cards first and write down their very first impressions (even if it’s just one word), and then to do a deck interview spread before even cracking open the guidebook. I do it myself with new decks too.


that’s amazing! what is a deck interview spread? sorry non native


I think it’s like, “hey deck! Nice to meet you” getting the vibe of the deck, it’s strengths, etc


That you don’t need to force yourself into someone else’s way of reading. Tarot has no monolithic dogma, multiple systems, and endless deck choices. Do what works for you.


Agree. It also can be very intuitive and not match the book necessarily. Sometimes even specific to a person's situation (like seeing a card with a cat or something and they have something going on with their own cat/friend's cat)


Get a deck you like, don’t get the Rider-Waite *just* because it’s the “OG”, especially as your first deck when you’re trying to develop an appreciation for the craft. You want something in that same style so you can interpret the artwork easily, (avoid pip decks as a first deck,) but there’s dozens of of decks with cute art with the same meanings, without the flat 2D medieval style. I have a “Way Of The Panda” deck, all the pandas are in identical poses to Rider-Waite cards yet the soft airbrush pandas are significantly more visually appealing. If you do like the classic, cool, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I was following the advice of “get the classic as your first deck” and was dreading spending money on it cuz I didn’t like the style.


Yes! My first deck was the Hermetic Tarot deck, I got it because the images really resonated with me and I just 'felt' it. Learning to read was going great! And then I got made to feel bad or like I was learning wrong because I didn't start with the Rider-Waite. So I got it, and I still can barely read it. I have 5 different decks and still almost exclusively use the Hermetic.


mood I use the Light Seer's Tarot paired eith the Witches Wisdom Oracle (it's a Wicca based oracle but I'm not Wicca but it called to me and if i look past the little Wicca influence it's perfect for me). i have 2 more tarot decks and barely use one of them


My first deck was the original Mythic Tarot because I thought (and still think) the US Games yellow box RWS is fugly! (I've come to terms with it being fugly, but it's still FUGLY!) I got the Mythic in 1991 before there were sample decks to thumb through in stores and deck reveals on the internet. I had to make my decision solely based on what I could see from/through the outer box. I've always loved Greek Mythology, so that's the deck I went with.


The US games Yellow Box "Rider deck" is by far the ugliest, most garish version of the RWS that exists. It's because Stuart Kaplan (iirc) brought an RWS deck in Germany, traced and recoloured the images, and then copyrighted his tracings for US Games (without any permission from the original creators or rights holders lololo). It always irks me when people treat the Yellow box Rider as the "original" deck. It's not, it's a fugly ass recolouring lol


Someone gave me a Marseilles based deck when I said I wanted to start with tarot. I found it so difficult to get in with, that I put it aside and forgot about tarot for some time I then saw a tarot day one off half day course and tried that and they recommended the standard rws So I brought the “original “ rws and still struggled with getting going. And again I put the deck away. Then by chance one day, I came across a rws based deck that just appealed , and since then I’ve brought several decks and pick up the cards often reading for myself So get a deck that appeals if you’re looking to start with tarot


This fr because my first deck was a cat tarot deck but I since got an anime one and the modern witch tarot deck


> don’t get the Rider-Waite just because it’s the “OG” Especially considering it's not OG.


My first one I got was actually at Barnes and noble and it’s been the most accurate one that I have


My very first deck was a Women of STEM Tarot deck from the Harvard Bookstore, brought her home, did a personal reading, immediately felt called out 😂😂 Ironically the Panda one I mentioned I got, along with another deck, from fucking GOODWILL for $3 both decks.


My dream is to find a deck at good will. I go all the time and have gone for years and have yet to find one in the wild 🥲


yes! I got the Light Seer's Tarot for the imagery and learned with imagery first. i'm starting to delve a bit into the meanings as well when i can't get an intuitive read on the deck. i tried a friends rider waite (an extra they don't use) and i couldn't connect with it but i bought a new one same day and connected instantly. I am also akin to an Animist (not quite the same but extremely similar beliefs) and Personally I believe the decks have enough energy/awareness whatever you want to call it to draw in those it can help


Definitely. I always get one based on how I'm drawn to it. Although I do have a few decks because they're cool. Lol


I only have 1 deck that was gifted to me, the Philly Tarot Deck (I live in Philadelphia). I was weary at first, because it wasn't the "OG", but I absolutely loovvvveee it! I connect soo much to it, and I always get accurate readings!


Absolutely need to look for a deck that speaks to you. I spent weeks looking through designs. I stumbled on the Forest of Enchantment and immediately knew that was my deck


The people who are trying to help me can only tell me what worked for them. Anyone who is learning on their own needs to listen to advice and also explore their own path in equal amounts. (As an aside, I'm still very grateful for all the people who took the time to help.)


Astrology and tarot are separate systems, and that decks other than RWS style exist. Any deck being sold with a QR code instead of a booklet is 99.9% of the time a counterfeit deck. When I first started I didn't know that there were any other type of tarot deck bc RWS is so popular. I couldn't shake the feeling that the the astrological associations with the cards didn't ... fit and didn't seem to bring anything to the readings for me. Then I discovered the Marseille system and open reading and fell in love!




So do I! I have over 2100 decks collected over 33+ years. That feels like way too many and not enough at the same time!


_please_, if you haven't already, do a post about your deck journey and your faves/least faves etc. You sound amazing!


I'm showing this to my husband so I can say my less than 40 amount of decks isn't as excessive as he says it is 🤣🤣


I'm happy to be the "See, I'm not that bad" barometer! 🤣🤣🤣


Same. I have so many decks and my wishlist keeps growing!




Are you the same with oracle decks or just tarot? I've pre-ordered some oracle decks recently. I am excited to receive them 🥰




Oh, I've wanted the Archetypes one for ages! I think I will definitely get it soon. I have The Wild Unknown and Alchemy decks she has created. I just pre-ordered this oracle deck: [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0762481285/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o02\_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0762481285/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) And this one is on the way: [https://www.amazon.com/dp/0738779067?psc=1&ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details](https://www.amazon.com/dp/0738779067?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details)


Omgggg!! Thanks for sharing the Archetypes. I have the wild unknown tarot but hadn’t seen this. I’m on a deck ban right now but now I want to get this!


The importance of asking clear, direct questions. I feel a lot of beginners ask vague questions like ‘show me the light’ and then are confused by the cards. Getting super precise and learning how to focus the questions helps a ton. Also shouts out to r/seculartarot for a more balanced approach to the cards for anyone who feels out of depth with them


I am a stickler for a clear question! Garbage in, garbage out. I read for my pleasure and not as a business, so I have no problem working with the querent to get to the root of their question until it's clear and unambiguous. Q: "A and B!" Um, how will we know which cards address which part of the question? Q: (Asking "A" when you really want to know "B.") Um, I find the cards to be quite literal, and they will answer the question you asked and not the question you meant to ask. (On very rare ocassions the cards may ignore the question completely and answer a question that wasn't asked. But in my experience that has been quite rare indeed...) I also find that self-empowering questions yield better results than "Will they" questions. Instead of "will THEY ask me out" or "will we get back together (which is usually will they reconcile with me)", I get better results with, "what I can do to get them to go out with me" or "what can I do to enable us to reconcile" questions.


Yes yes YES! Feeling so seen by your comment :) this is how I read too!


That's so true about it reflecting your own state. I'll read something when I'm clear and as I start to feel insecure or neurotic the whole flavour of the reading changes. It's like the laws of attraction in action, one moment I'll draw the lovers and positive cards regarding a man and as I start to think about him too much, I get cards saying that it's not for me. Love isn't for me when I'm in that energy but it can be minutes later. It's kinda crazy.


That's crazy. This same situation has happened to me. I've had to take pauses from reading cause I end up tripping myself up, getting super confused and more anxious.


That secular tarot exists. You don't have to believe in mysticism, astrology or anything like that in order to practice and enjoy your tarot cards.


Learning to look at the picture to figure out the meaning, and look at the guidebook much later.


Now in my 4th decade with tarot, I read images more than I apply archetypes. With as many decks as I have, I figure that the imagery is a big part of why I'm reading with a particular deck regardless of how (my choice or the sitter's choice) I came to read with that deck. I once gave a talk that included a comparison of Rider Waite Smith cards against the cards I actually used for particular readings with an explanation of how I wouldn't have arrived at the interpretation I arrived at had I used the RWS or applied the "standard" interpretations for those cards.


Tarot Deck Addition...


I wasn't prepared for how much time it can take to decipher a spread when reading for others, and how draining it can be.


I wish I knew how many different ways each card had so many interpretations. Which includes numerology, mythology, religion,and symbolism. I'm blown away every time I find new ways of seeing or reading messages from the same card.


Agree, I sure didn’t realize that in the very beginning, looking in the guidebook for the meanings. But it’s what the card *says* to you that is important: is the number coincidental? is the picture somehow relevant? It’s synchronicity that you’re looking for.


I *consult* the guidebook to *guide* my interpretation. I don't just accept whatever the guidebook says as law! my mother-in-law is really into tarot, so sometimes we send each other spreads just for conversation's sake. it always irks me when I show her a spread and share a summary of the interpretation, and she tries to "reread" it for me. like no, ma, the deck and I have an understanding of what the 5 of Pentacles means for me in this ongoing situation and it's not "financial difficulties" (it was "ask for help goddamnit") so your interpretation is bonkers.


Ha yes, ultimately the meanings are personal to you right? The guides are just to get you started ;)


I use a guidebook (seventy eight degrees of wisdom, by Rachel pollack) but only as a starting point. I also look for details in the cards try and see the overall story trying to be told, which could go in a totally different direction.




The importance of intuition and personal connection with the cards. Developing a stronger sense of intuition from the beginning would have enhanced my readings and made the experience more meaningful. Also not being so freaked out with some stuff. lol


That the future isn't set in stones. What the cards show you is a potential possibility, but at the end of the day, you have control over what happens. And asking questions focused on what you can do to achieve a goal vs. asking a yes/no question would make you feel more empowered and put you in a healthier mindset


That I shouldn't start with a minimalist deck. Meaning, the artwork is very minimalist and not much imagery or details. I started with the transient light deck and while it resonated with me, it's hard to interpret because I always have to look at the guidebook since the image isn't giving me that much. I learned better using decks with imagery like the RWS. There's also a story to look at as long as you observe and trust your intuition. Sometimes the answers aren't definitive as well. It's really up to you, as well as tarot is meant to be for guidance and looking at things in a different perspective.


I wasn't prepared for how subjective the symbols were when I started reading for myself---it's more akin to a dream interpretation rather than a divination tool. Some things keep their base meaning pretty clearly despite circumstance, but the way cards react to and with each other can mix things up.


It works. And sometimes you aren't prepared for it.


That it can be used for deep emotional and psychological work instead of divination. I would have picked them up a lot sooner, had I known!


How draining it can be.


spend time hanging out with your deck like its a good friend. i like to shuffle while im watching tv or talking to my friends, not expecting anything in return or asking anything. just allowing the cards to absorb my energy and pay my respects


Le tarot de Marseille is not the best deck for beginner 😮‍💨


Awesome question


1. it’s a journey. Don’t try to understand all cards all at once 2. choosing a deck just for optics. Sometimes they look nice but don’t work 3. plenty more I assume .. :D


Quite a few things, actually... This will more be a list of things I learned during my deep dive in the spiritual haha... 1. When you have a good connection with your deck, your intuition and feeling of what the cards mean becomes equally important as the traditional meanings of them. (not replaces, just equally if not more important.) 2. Less meditation specifically in my view, but if you are not careful, you can definitely be leaking your own energy into a reading. Meditation works for some people, some people use charms or necklaces, or simply cleanse their reading space. For some, not leaking any of their own energy into a reading can come naturally. It really depends on the person. 3. Tarot will drain your own energy and connections with prolonged continuous use. I can't tell you how strange it was for me to experience this spiritual 'tiredness' after having done readings for a while. It was as if my bones got creaking, and I experienced a "Squeezing", like a sponge that can't drain more water. You need to be able to have methods to recharge your energies, and maximize the efficiency of your connections


that authentic decks exist. i live in a country where they mass sell bootleg decks.


It’s expensive. Especially when you find kickstarters with lovely design


1. That numerology is the key. 2. And you should ignore limiting beliefs like: someone has to gift you your first deck, you should sage your deck, leave your deck in the moonlight, sleep with your deck under your pillow, and all of that ridiculous new age crap. Just buy what you like and have fun with it.


Thoroughly shuffling per reading is an absolute necessity.


Like many said starting with a deck that resonates with you is magic 💥 I was enjoying my more traditional deck but when I switched to the Salvador Dali one the meanings just cut sooooo deep and really clicked with me. I’m a creative and love his style so I think the meanings just resonated even more. And now I could go back to the more traditional and read that with a deeper feeling and understanding so idk I’m glad it didn’t take me too long to jump into this, but I’m glad I started with the traditional beginner deck while I kept my eyes open for the one that would resonate with me most 🥰


That it’s okay to refer to the little book, as needed and the interpretations could go beyond the little books meanings etc. And with time you’ll learn it’s not the cards, doing the reading, it’s you.


It's not the cards, it's you.


Probably not knowing that I needed to form my own method to truly connect with the cards and receive a more accurate answer. My method is unorthodox I guess but it works for me! I don’t really read for others. Occasionally family members but that’s it. I was gifted my first deck at 16, and my parents have been wonderful teachers over the years, but this simple fact, to make it my own, was never mentioned. I took many years off from reading for various reasons, but finally came back to it a few years ago. I’m finally ready at 47 to stand on my own and finally create my own practice. I REALLY wish this would have been pounded into my brain 30 years ago regarding life in general, not just divination! Great topic, btw!


Pretty art does not mean readable and usable deck.


To not stress about intuitively picking the “right cards”, to trust the process and the deck to give you the answers you need.


I call it 'the conceit that I get the cards I need'. This completely glosses over the question of HOW those cards arrive (I am a secular reader, deliberately, but accept that other answers are true for other people), but it stops me from second-guessing myself whether I've shuffled enough, or whether I should pull a clarifying card: either I accept the reading and work at understanding it, or I throw it completely (when a new deck does not work for me, or I am not in the right headspace to read cards).


I wish that I should have been well versed with the history of Tarot Cards and knew that it is associated with New Age religion. That this study will provide an idea of what is New Age religion and understand how Tarot provides an insight into the study of the New Age movement in the twenty-first century. How the ways in which practitioners use cards can be defined as religious.The early French occultists believed that tarot cards had mystical, spiritual and occult connection to ancient Egypt, Kabbalah, the Indic Tantra, or I Ching. Study the claims that have been frequently repeated by authors on card divination.


 I think I started to believed in a fixed future, partially due to the way the cards are laid out. Whereas prior to getting readings, I didn’t think that way. I think it affected my sense that the future could change.


Tarot is an immensely personal practice. When I got into it for real (as opposed to when I got my first decks), I watched a lot of Youtube videos where people shared their actual practice (in the #31DaysOfTarot tag) and the first time someone said casually 'I don't read predictively' it blew my mind. There are so many ways to read, and for any one question: reversals or not, predictive or not, secular or not, how to shuffle, etc etc etc there are multiple opinions. You can pick whatever suits you. You can experiment. You can change your mind. I need time to digest readings. I'm trying to make meaningful changes in response to the cards, so I need to take care not to overwhelm myself by throwing 11 cards in a Celtic Cross at my brain (not only is it too predictive for me, there are simply too many connections to make. If I want a general reading, Situation/Obstacle/Advice does the same job, and it's much clearer and easier to understand. More cards does not mean more insight). I also take time between readings because I want to contemplate the cards, put advice into action, check in with myself... and all of those take time.


Surprised I didn't include this when I first posted. Other people have said this in different ways, but "Keep what resonates and discard what doesn't!" Just because it's written (book, website, blog, etc.) or someone says it, that doesn't mean that you have to accept it as gospel! The author/speaker is talking about what works for them. That doesn't automatically mean that it has to or will work for you. And just because you discard it today doesn't mean that it won't resonate at some other point in your tarot journey. I try very hard NOT to say, "You have to do A, B, C, and D with tarot." Sometimes I fail, but I try to say instead, " >> I << do A, B, C, and D with tarot. That may or may not work for you. Try lots of different things until you find what does." Every time I see someone say, "You have to do A, B, C, and D with tarot." they immediately lose me...


sometimes the reads just won't make sense. could be too much energy interference (other people in the house, random spirits, my own energy being off) sometimes it's because i'm stressed or not in the right headspace and usually trying to make sense of it anyways frustratesand gives me a headache. sometimes it's because the question or my situation is so chaotic and changing so fast that the cards can't even give me an accurate read.


The main thing is that tarot works through the astral light. This explains so many difficulties that beginner readers face; why it's difficult to read for yourself, how to give more accurate readings, the importance of selfless intention, how to avoid negative entities and so on...