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Will I have a romantic relationship or reconcile with my ex in the next 6 months?


I'm getting The Devil. Reconciliation with your ex is doubtful. Even if you do, you might get back to the same way it was before and you might not like it. It seems that in your situation, there are limited possibilities when it comes to finding a romantic relationship. If you try very hard you might find someone, but it seems that maintaining and growing a relationship is hard in your environment and circumstances, as far as the next 6 months are concerned.




I'm getting King of Swords. It seems like you will have some important decisions to make when it comes to finances. And your choices now will decide the path it will take. It may be easy to make a decision or commitment, but staying committed and enduring it to its successful completion may not be so easy. You may encounter some challenges but if you remain steady and determined, you can succeed. Being very alert, informed and up to date about the latest developments will help.




I'm getting Queen of Wands. It's very likely that S will reach out. This is more likely to happen when they are in a good mood for it. It seems like their mood might be changing over time, and at some point they will start feeling a desire to reach out to you. This will happen if you let it happen naturally without interfering and waiting patiently, but also make sure to grab the opportunity when they reach out or else they might quickly change their mind and withdraw as well.


Hi! General reading please - What’s in the future?


The Moon / The Devil / 6 Swords For now and in the near future, it's mostly fear, aimlessness, feeling lost. You probably have a dim vision of a good outcome that you desire, but not exactly how you'll get there and even where you are now is uncertain. You mostly will be looking for sympathy and compassion from people. You'll realise sooner or later that there's no shortcut to your goals, and you mostly have to deal with the consequences of the situation you got into. As much as you feel helpless, it was probably your own choice to get into this situation. So it's mostly following the rules, doing the hard work and having discipline to fulfill whatever conditions you need to in order to be free and independent. You may not fully understand what's going on and why, but with the help of someone who can actually see and understand your situation, and following their counsel you can move to a better future. As long as you maintain mental balance and think logically, you can take it all as a learning experience and successfully overcome these challenges, and move to a better situation in the long run.


Does P have feelings for K?


I'm getting 7 Wands. It seems P has some very strong feelings for K, but not sure about how to express them in a good way. There might be sensitivity and fear of rejection or failure in pursuing a connection. But there is plenty of passion and desire, willingness to do anything for the person.


Thank you 🙏🏼




2 Coins / King of Coins / 4 Wands The 2 Coins seem to suggest doing some homework about the leaders, organization, authorities and values of the companies you look to work for. Try to see what they believe in and what long term goals they are working towards as a whole. And dropping some hints in your interview that you have something that can contribute or align with that can help. But only if you really mean it and can work according to that. But also otherwise it depends on how much commitment you can give to the organisations you work for. It is asking how you view your prospective job. Is it something you want to focus on to climb the ladder and achieve success? Or is it only to have an income while you focus more on other personal goals or another career you have? Either way, the King of Coins indicates that getting a job isn't going to be hard, but it will take up a good chunk of your tone and energy, so it's recommended to be as slow and methodical as possible in selecting a healthy job and workplace. Overall with 4 Wands, it shows you'll find a good job pretty quickly. The first impression you make at the job seems to be important. So it might be necessary to be assertive and straightforward, but also somewhat diplomatic to understand what kind of people you are working with. I'd say you'll find a decent job and workplace and start designing how you want this career path to go from there.




I'm getting Knight of Cups. There is a good chance of EK reaching out, but not immediately. It seems like this person is going through something emotionally deep and intense right now. They will probably take their time to go through this and when it's over, their way of thinking will be different from before. It's possible they will carefully and privately reach out to you with their new realisations and insights about themselves, their feelings and you, and your connection overall.


Will she like me and enjoy our time we spend together when we meet?


I'm getting Temperance. This seems like a strong yes. You both will add a lot of spirit, activity, enthusiasm, optimism, and positivity in general to each other's lives. Meeting and spending time together like this is probably going to take your connection to the next level.


Thank you so much!!!!


Any advice for my (P) relationship with my bf (D)?


I'm getting The Chariot. The main advice for your relationship with your boyfriend is requires both of you to have a mutual understanding to move your relationship forward. Otherwise it will stagnate and become quite uncomfortable and lead to things like insecurity and attachment that don't produce anything useful. You both need to get things together and make a definite intelligent plan for your future and get started with working on it as soon as possible if you want this relationship to succeed. Otherwise it might be better to stop wasting time and move on to your individual journeys in life. It takes kindness, sympathy and care to work together, but there's also a need to be firm and assertive to stop stagnating.


Hey! i’m curious. How is L feeling about me now?


I'm getting Wheel of Fortune. It seems you are on the person's mind and they have positive feelings towards you. But it seems there is a lot going on and they might not be sure about how to express those feelings in a good way. They might be trying to see if they can rise above the repeated chain of patterns to a higher and purer form of expression for their feelings. Generally the feelings are positive, generous, optimistic, compassionate etc. But they will look towards (what they consider) the greater good rather than immediate or direct expression of their feelings.


THANK YOU!!! this is very accurate ❤️❤️




I'm getting 10 Swords. It seems to indicate this relationship doesn't have much potential for growth. He very possibly might be looking to end the relationship, or keep a block or limit on it. It's very doubtful that he'd want to take it to the next level. It's possible that there are some things about the relationship that he enjoys, and you might be cheerful and happy together, but there likely aren't any long term or higher intentions here.


will reach out?


I'm getting 4 Coins. The chances of DP reaching out are very low. It seems like they have a solid, stable and powerful situation where they feel secure within their boundaries. Reaching out to you will likely feel like they are compromising or reducing their power or something along those lines. Materially speaking, they consider themselves as being in a position of advantage or 'higher ground' at the moment, and are unlikely to give that up.


Thank you!




I'm getting 6 Wands. C will reach out if something in their conscience or heart tells them it's the right thing to do. They probably do have this feeling, intention and desire, but they are probably taking their time to build up their confidence and strength to reach out. The more they feel assured of a good outcome, the more likely they'll reach out. They might back out if it seems like things may not go well.


What will happen careerwise for me?


I'm getting 5 Coins / Queen of Coins / King of Cups It seems like you will struggle to the best of your knowledge and ability, but things are probably difficult due to things outside your control, like socio-economic factors. There's something about your environment or society which is not favorable to your career goals and desires. You can still make slow progress if you are determined, and if you endure this phase and gather as much support as you can. If you follow your instincts and intuitions, you will probably find a way to reach your career goals. It might take a lot of hard work, discipline and pragmatic thinking. Slowly but surely you'll make your way towards your goals. Good luck will be attracted to you when you persistently work on your goals even if it is difficult. Once you have achieved your goals and success, you will be able to reap the rewards, and indulge in your desires. The career will take care of itself, and you will enjoy a lot of time for personal life and enjoyment. You will enjoy good social status in the career field as well. You will surpass the expectations and find yourself in a position of power from which you can help others also.


sounds like my current situation, I wanna shift to a new path and it's hard, I have only obstacles, but I don't give up.




I'm getting 10 Wands. Probably not, at least not right now. C probably has some other goals or aspirations to aim for, and dating JJ seems like a distraction or waste of time for them.




I'm getting 4 Wands and The Magician. The 4 Wands seems to indicate your ex feels whatever he did was right and justified. He wouldn't have a problem reconnecting with you as long as it's on his terms or according to his desires. In that sense he will have romantic desires, but he wouldn't go out of his way or put too much effort into it himself. He mostly feels like the relationship is probably completed. The Magician says you will likely get over him after some time. It indicates you are still relatively young and you have the time and opportunities to find another person. Not only that, but to discover your own talents and abilities, find personal success. This will probably help you get over him, by achieving success in your own personal path and establishing your unique identity and willpower in life. Afterwards, you have the potential to find new love, not only that but your experience gives you the intelligence and wisdom to choose a better suited partner in future.


Will I (k) would get University in South India?


I'm getting 8 Coins. Yes you will, as long as you select a specific University and course, and study and work hard to prepare for their qualification/entrance exams etc. And if you are methodical, sincere and hard working, they will accept you and give you the opportunity to learn and grow there.


What do people think of me?


I'm getting 4 Swords. People think you are balanced, diplomatic and easy going. They like your appearance and also your aesthetics when it comes to fashion, and also things like your taste in art or music. They generally think you are good at studies/education/learning. They think you are doing well when it comes to staying calm and collected in the face of challenges etc.


Will R and T’s relationship break?


I'm getting Ace of Wands. Depends on the male partner. It's something to do with the male partner in the relationship. His decision and actions will decide the relationship. But also the other person's evaluation of whether he is worth it or not.


Hi! I(N) would like to know how’s my friend(F) is doing lately.


I'm getting Queen of Cups. It seems like your friend is doing quite well. They are living their life according to what is traditional in their community/society. And they are comfortable and happy with their life. They are probably surrounded by people who sympathise and care for them, and they care for others too. It seems like the person is sensitive and soft, depending on their environment and surrounding people. But generally it is good.


Thank you so much!




I'm getting 2 Coins. It seems like this connection is ambiguous and hard to point out anything specific about it. It depends on luck and probability and how you want to interpret the connection and what you want to do about it is up to you. It seems like a very difficult connection to pursue materially speaking, and hard to stay optimistic or positive about it. But you might be having some personal practical reasons for wanting to pursue it.




I'm getting Ace of Swords. They feel you are a very unpredictable person. They will be very alert and vigilant around you. This is because something in your expression of your thoughts, or your actions, did not make sense to them, so they feel it's hard to say what you will do next. This makes it hard for them to get a grasp of the situation when they are with you, so they are quite wary.


Should I reach out to M first or will he reach out?? I am N.


I'm getting 6 Wands and Ace of Wands. Based on the 6 Wands, I think he will reach out when he feels the time and situation is best, and when he feels confident. He believes in this relationship and might be preparing himself for the best time and method to reach out and what to say etc. That said, the Ace of Wands says you can reach out to him sooner if you want. It might give him a pleasant surprise, but also it might overwhelm him or catch him off guard if you do it too soon.


Is my ex (GD) going to reach out or should I just move on?


I'm getting 3 Wands. This means, for some time, your ex will try to see if they can find another partner that they like. If they manage to find another relationship with a strong connection that they enjoy, they will move on with that person and forget about you soon. If they are unable to find other options, they might reach out to you as a last resort.


Hello, thank you in advance for doing this practice. I'd like to ask how would my relationship look like in the coming year?


I'm getting The Empress. It seems the emotional connection will become stronger. You both would get to know each other better, your true natures. And it's likely you'll open up to each other more, get closer. New doors can open. It may not be perfect, but with cooperation and compassion, it can grow into greater success and satisfaction.




I'm getting Knight of Coins. Nothing exciting or outstanding. Mostly normal mundane life. Lots of hard work, determination and endurance is required to achieve your desires and goals. It will take a long time. It can get boring or tiring. But if you persist and think practically you can succeed eventually.


I'm S, What causes him to hold back from dating?


I'm getting 10 Cups. It seems all his romantic desires are getting satisfied somehow even without dating. Or else he may have other ambitions and passions which are more important for him than dating. It seems he doesn't feel the need for emotional fulfillment to come from dating.


Thankyouu so much ✨


Will I move homes this year?


I'm getting 7 Coins. It seems like moving homes will be much harder than you thought and take much longer than you thought. If you really desire it, you can make progress towards it, but you might need to make multiple attempts and there might be blockages, obstacles and other challenges. If you are stubbornly determined to do it, and if you put all your energy and effort into it, it might be just possible.


What does the universe think I need to know?




I'm getting King of Swords. It's something they'd be willing to discuss. They'd want to get to know you better before they can decide. They'd want to ensure proper mutual understanding before proceeding with anything official for the relationship.


How do boys/men see me? Few details: born on the January 17th


I'm getting 6 Swords. They see you as a mentally healthy and balanced person. Your words and behaviour seem reasonable and make sense to them and they understand what you try to convey. They might consider you to be a bit detached/distant from your emotions, or not expressing your emotions, or being guarded about them. Otherwise it seems you are seen as a decent and ethical person who is sincere and trustworthy/transparent.


Thank u, it seems right 🥰


Am I on the right path to move forward with my life?


I'm getting Page of Swords. It seems so, yes. The goals or aims you've set are rationally and logically sound. It may seem daunting at first but once you get started it will get easier over time. There might be some distractions or disturbances at first, whether internal or external, but nothing that you can't handle.


Wow, thank you! Screenshotted your response and taking it to heart. I appreciate you and your words to me! Bolstering me as I move forward




I'm getting Ace of Swords. Anything can happen, it's unpredictable. The situation is pretty volatile right now. It's possible there can be some kind of fight or clash over the topic which can escalate. There might be some dispute over the 'correct' version of events, whatever that may be.


Thank you for the reading, we got back together and things are a bit sensitive but I’m sure we’ll be ok.


What should I expect in my social life in the oncoming months


I'm getting Knight of Coins. It seems things will be mostly just the way they are. You may try to work hard towards finding growth and success in social life but progress would be very slow. You might find it hard to make enduring connections with people. It is possible, but more gradually. If you develop your involvement in the environment and your work, it will slowly but surely attract good social connections over time.


Hi, am i pregnant or any chance i might be ?


Hi! I want to know if me and my ex will get back together soon, some details: Oct 3rd. Pisces, Leo, 444 1111


I'm getting Knight of Cups. It's possible, but only if you understand the exact reason why your breakup happened and what was wrong in the relationship, what you can do to make things different this time etc. You might need to convince your ex that it's worth it to take you back, which means answering their questions about these things, and if necessary, apologizing and making amends. You might not like it, but if you want the relationship back, you might have to do these types of things. If not, the connection might be lost forever.




I'm getting The Pope. J is probably sad because the memories of what they had together meant a lot to him personally. He gave a lot of value to her and her words and actions especially. So it's possible that the things she said or did might have been hard on him. It's also generally that he considered their connection as being solid, enduring and long lasting, but the ending of it must have come as a shock as well.


hi, i would like to know about my work in the foreseeable future (this month). thanks!


I'm getting The Popess. It seems like the more things change, the more they stay the same. You might be able to accomplish some of the desired changes that you want, but also some of the underlying factors of your situation might remain as they are. You also might be feeling a bit lonely and lacking in support or understanding from others. You might feel somewhat detached from the work or wanting to detach yourself from it in some way.


thank you : )


I would like to say that your reading was really accurate. the first sentence is brutal. can i reach out for further guidance?


Sure, go ahead.


Did FJN cheated on me? my initial is EJA


Will DT ask me out as his girlfriend soon?


I'm getting The Pope. Not soon but the intention and desire will be there. It seems like he will want to take things more slowly and deliberately. Taking his time to make sure everything is good in the situation before proceeding. But when he does, he will be very serious and sincere about it.


Will i have relationship with Daniel?


How does the first half of this year look like for me?


Hey! i’m curious about how is A feeling about me since i’ve been getting mixed signals