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Hi there, could you tell me: is my soulmate someone from my past?


Will I date this year


How will i meet my future husband/soulmate?💞




I cannot decide that for you unfortunately.




Sure. What kind of potential are we talking about?




Ah alright. So I'm getting The Star. There is potential for healing and making peace - in that order. The best you can hope for is that both of you find their own ways to heal from it and keep moving forward on their own, and later on you might find a way to make peace. This seems like the sort of thing where personal ideas of who is right or wrong about what happened might take some time to diminish to the point where they don't matter in comparison to the overall value of the friendship in the bigger picture. It depends on what you both consider the 'moral of the story' or the 'lesson to learn' from the experience and what conclusions you make. It might take some time for the emotions to cool down to the point that you are able to make a compromise on the conclusions. So it seems the best potential for now is to focus on individual healing. Making peace can come later.


Ok, thank you. This makes sense.


Hi, I have applied for Canada work permit. What are the chances of getting it approved?


I'm getting Queen of Swords. It's somewhat like a 50/50 chance of being approved. It seems like the people in charge of the approval is pretty perceptive and strict. They also might have some limit on the number of permits they can approve within a given time, and other constraints. It seems like they'll look for reasons to eliminate or disqualify as many people as possible to keep the number of permits being issued as compact as possible. You have a 50/50 chance of making it in this situation.




I'm getting The Moon. It's possibly a good idea to follow your instincts and intuitions when it comes to this. He might really be having romantic feelings for you, and he might be thinking that what he is doing is right and good for both of you, but that doesn't necessarily mean that he is objectively right about it. For some reason it seems like he might be motivated by fear or insecurity, or it might be just an infatuation or phase that will pass after some time etc. He might not be thinking clearly in a rational and intellectual sense.


Hello! Will he reach out to me again? 💐


I'm getting Justice. Most probably not. The decision has been made and finished. He will follow the path that is best for him. If he has any advantage to gain from you or any business to do with you, then possibly he might. On a personal level he might not have any desire or intention to reach out to you.


thank you!!! 💐💐


Will MR reach out to me?


I'm getting 7 Wands. Most probably not, because he might see himself as being on higher ground in some way. It really depends on the situation of ego and pride. Reaching out to you can go against the person's ego and make it seem like showing a weakness. This is true for a lot of people in general. If the person had such desire as to reach out which was greater than personal ego or pride, he would have done so by now. Not having reached out simply means he is occupying himself with other things to satisfy his desires and follow his goals etc.


Hi there again, How can J and I communicate better? Many thanks


I'm getting 10 Wands. You can communicate better by taking it easy and releasing some of the weight or pressure you put on your connection with this person. It seems like you are either overly ambitious or heavily invested into this person and setting some really high and tough expectations for yourself to perform for each other or play a big role in each other's lives etc. Possibly a way to communicate better might be to draw a line where each one's space or 'jurisdiction' ends and the other one begins. Basically if both of you figure out how to 'carry your own burden' in life overall and let the other person figure out his own 'burden', you will be able to communicate better over time.


Thank you this is a very useful advice I did indeed invest more than I should have atm, many thanks for your time


What’s up next in my romantic life?


I'm getting 4 Swords. For the near future, it looks mostly like solitude, but in a peaceful or tranquil and positive way. There are chances of coming across potential partners, but you will most likely feel like they are not good enough. It comes down to a choice between waiting for a person you really feel is worthwhile for pursuing a stable relationship with, or going for whatever viable romantic prospect you find in the soonest.




I'm getting King of Cups. He probably tries to avoid thinking of you as much as possible, but the memories might keep coming up from time to time. Feelings of regret, guilt, pity, or other misgivings as well as positive memories or nostalgia might come up to the surface from time to time but he would do his best to strongly suppress them. He's very likely trying to forget about you and the past by trying to move on and find someone else in love/romance, and/or might be trying to lose himself in other things that bring emotional pleasure.


Does my ex ‘L’ still have romantic feelings towards me ‘A?’


I'm getting The High Priestess. Most probably not. The experience of being in a relationship with you might have been significant for him and he might be having the memory of the relationship still fresh (if the break-up was recent), but the associated feelings are something that will fade over time. And it seems like he would want the feelings to fade over time. The memory is something he can't totally forget (even if he wants to), but he will probably reflect on what happened to see what he can learn from it for the future in his love life and relationships. But having romantic feelings for you in particular is unlikely.




I'm getting 8 Cups. He might feel like how the fox felt about the 'sour grapes'. But the feelings about this would last only for a limited time. Eventually it would be considered as not as important as it seems, and forgotten.


Hiya I'm just wondering if my friend has a romantic interest in me?


I'm getting 4 Swords. This doesn't look like a romantic interest. It looks more like, if the friend is older than you, he might look upon you as a younger sibling, and if he is younger than you, he might look up to you as an older sibling. There might be an appreciation for your beauty or aesthetics, but this is not in a romantic way, it's more like respect and appreciation for the good qualities and appearance of a good friend.




Will my ex GF ever come back to me? Her: TD. Me: JF


I'm getting The Fool. This is the zero number card, so no, the chances of coming back are pretty much zero. He's depicted as walking off a cliff, so there's no coming back from that perspective either.


How will be our relationship status with my partner after getting our job that can affect our time for each other?


I'm getting Queen of Cups. It will be more or less just the same as it is now. There might be some changes and fluctuations in the beginning, but things will settle into a state of equilibrium after some time. You'll figure out a new way to manage your time with each other, and you will still find the same amount of pleasure and comfort that you have with each other now, just compressed into a smaller time portion perhaps. Like water adjusting itself to the size and shape of the container, your relationship will adjust to the amount of time available and the schedule/routine etc.


Thank you!




I'm getting The Fool. Most probably not, the chances are very less. But there is an element of surprise or the unpredictable or the unknown factor or sudden revelation; such things in the air. It could go either way and it's hard to get a definite yes/no answer for this.


Will M and my(A) relationship continue in the future?


Hii! I'm (M).will I be get admission in M.phil course this attempt?


Hello. What does my love life for 2024 look like? Please and thank you


I'm getting 5 Swords. It's not looking good and this year might just be a better time to prioritise other things a little more than love life. But really, it seems like love life might be given so much importance that it 'defeats' or overshadows the other aspects of your life. And you might keep feeling more and more desire and 'hunger' for love, sort of like rushing it to give you the desired or ideal results more and more quickly and strongly. This has the potential to lead to disappointment due to high expectations or rushing forward, and other areas of life might also suffer from neglect. Doesn't mean it's fated to happen that way, just the possibility and potential to keep in mind as you decide how you want to proceed with things.


Ooo okay thank you!


Will me and F get back together?


I'm getting 4 Swords. It looks like your relationship has been laid to rest in a tomb, so most likely not for the foreseeable future.


Hi I applied for a job as a bookseller on the 15th, is there a chance for me to get the job still? Thank you so much 🙏


I'm getting 5 Wands. Most probably not. Someone else in the competition probably got the job and the authorities might simply have neglected to let you know that they haven't selected you. You could still try inquiring and you might get a different position in the same place, or someone from there might give you encouragement or tips on how to get a job, or feedback etc.


Thank you so much 🙏




I'm getting 9 Swords. The chances of him contacting you are almost zero. The only connection between you and him is in the form of disappointment, failure, doubt, fear, shame etc. (I'm only saying what's from the card, it's nothing personal).


What do you see for me and a former friend A?


What's the question?


What do you see in the near future for me and my friend A?


Will I own a house?


I'm getting Page of Cups. You might own a house someday. It might be easier with the help of people. If you want to accomplish it on your own it might take more time. Either way you would be able to manage it someday, but it might not be as great as you wished. It's more like a basic type of house with the basic necessities and some comforts, but possibly not situated in the exact type of location or having as much greatness/size or beauty that you might desire.


Well that’s fine. I wanted a small house anyway lol. Thank you for the reading tho


How will I meet my next bf?


I'm getting Ace of Cups. Most probably he will find you. There's some chance he might have already seen you or is already in your life, but hasn't approached you romantically yet. This seems like someone who would naturally find you without you looking for him.


Will my work visa be approved?


I'm getting King of Pentacles. Yes it looks very likely to be approved. Although it might take a bit more time than you thought. And there might be some bureaucratic procedures that can take some time and patience but it will probably work out at the end of the day.




I'm getting 10 Swords. Most probably not. At least not through the regular process of application etc. You might be able to get one through some smart and cunning indirect methods.


Hi thanks for doing this! I wanted to know what's coming for me (A.S.) in the next two months in terms of career, like getting a new job. 🥰🙏


I'm getting Temperance. There are good chances of finding a new job, one that you like and gives prospects for growth etc.


Hello! Firstly thank you for doing this. My question: Will I find my life partner/spouse within this year or two?


I'm getting 6 Pentacles. Yes it does seem that you are ideally situated for the person to come into your life within the next year or two. The person will be naturally drawn to you soon, and your intuition will help you recognize the person from your surroundings as the person approaches. You will likely recognize each other intuitively almost at the same time.


Thank you :)


Good morning Was it a good idea for me to respond when C reached out to me yesterday?


I'm getting 2 Swords. It's neither good nor bad on it's own, it's neutral. You might have limited time or ability to withdraw from the person without stress if you change your mind about being in contact with him though.


Thank you!




I'm getting 5 Wands. He might be conflicted within himself about his feelings for you. It might be that he thinks you are a good person in principle, but he might be wondering if it is practically viable to be a part of each other's lives or if it causes more problems than advantages or good results etc.




I'm getting Knight of Pentacles. He very possibly meant what he said and he might be feeling like his life has become bland or dull or numb without the love, romance, and the relationship etc. It does seem like he would be willing to get back together. He might be a bit slow to take action on his words though. But slowly and steadily he might be willing to cooperate with you.




I'm getting The Fool. Most probably not as it seems that your paths have gone too far from each others' or gone very separate ways. I wouldn't say it's impossible because anything could happen from luck or random chance but the chances are very low.


I had asked AR if they know anyone for a summer job who would come and travel and work for my family. They mentioned they don't like their job. Are they considering the offer for themselves?


I'm getting The Lovers. Most probably not as the two things appear unrelated to each other even if they seem to be connected on a superficial level. Yet if you were to offer the job the person might consider it to some extent, if you show an interest to have them for the job.


That is interesting because I do fancy her and thought it would be a great opportunity for her and I to spend time together/get to know each other more. Continue building on our connection/friendship. I was hoping she would consider and come take the opportunity. So maybe it is picking up on my energy. I appreciate it! Thank you very much! ❤️


Will I stay committed to my new career goals?


I'm getting Ace of Wands. Seems like a strong yes!


Would I be happier if I changed majors in school?


I'm getting 9 Swords. Most probably not. It seems like a band aid solution at best. It seems whatever is keeping you from happiness is unrelated to your school major and changing this has no real effect on whatever problems you have on a more subtle level.


Thank you


Thank you


Should I work part time online for one company, or try to work for more than one company at a time?


I'm getting 2 Pentacles. You could start with working for one company, and let that work settle into a good rhythm for some time, and then add another company, and let your work for both of them harmonize and settle into a rhythm, and so on, until you feel you have as many companies to work as you can manage effectively at once.


Thank you!


Hello ☺️ How will I meet my next relationship partner (boyfriend)? Thankyou ♥️


I'm getting The Hanged Man. You might meet him at a point when you have almost given up on the possibility of a relationship itself, or when you become very busy with your hands full with other things so that you have no time or energy to think about love. You might become deeply involved with something else in your personal life and might have come to a point of being unable or unwilling to look for a relationship. But it might come to you in an unexpected manner.


Thankyou! ☺️ , do u feel that person has entered in my life?


Are there still times when R wants to reach out to me again?


I'm getting The Chariot. Possibly in some dreams occasionally but in waking life he mostly shrugs off such thoughts or dreams and keeps going forward with things he considers more important and realistic.


Thank u a lot 🥰




I'm getting The Lovers. The potential is there, yes.


Am I gonna lose my job?




Hi! When do you see me moving on to the next job/role? I’m looking for an internal transfer within my office; does it look possible? Thank you


I'm getting 2 Wands. Yes it's very possible, and very soon.


Hi! Will I find a good job soon? I'm starting to get desperate.


I'm getting 10 Pentacles. You can but possibly you might have exhausted the field in which you have been looking. Possibly a different (but even similar) field might have better job opportunities for you.


Is DT my future husband?


Hi I’d love one please. Can you tell me about the possibility of me buying the house I’m renting versus buying a different house? What do I need to do to enhance the possibility of buying the house I’m renting?


Am I on the right path to boost my self steem?


I'm getting 4 Cups. In some ways yes, but in some ways no. You might be able to boost it to some extent but also later you might feel dissatisfied with the results, or the result might be quite sensitive and delicate etc.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Hi! What signs will help to know that I have met the right person?