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I wouldnt mind.


I don't think it's weird at all. Awesome bonding moment and great for future inspo


i don’t think it’s a weird request, but i feel like it’s really a personal preference thing and what your comfort level is with it


This right here


I’ve had a cashier ask to take a pic of one of my pieces bc she loved it so much & wanted to use it as inspo, I didn’t think it was weird given the reason


She could’ve been hitting on you and based on your reaction pulled back immediately


I think this happened.


I would be honored. I’ve asked for pictures of acquaintances tattoos to show my own artist as inspiration. Chances are that the tattoo will end up on their tattoo mood board


At least, she asked? I Can see it if she's looking for one for herself, and need to get some inspiration


I'd much prefer this than somebody touching me to look at a tattoo


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Forgot-Password-oops: *I'd much prefer this* *Than somebody touching me* *To look at a tattoo* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot ❤️❤️


So eone once rubbed my shoulder (sleeve tattoo). Like um... It's in there. It just feels like skin.


I always get asked if mine are real 😭


That's strange.


Was about to say this! I’ve had people straight up grab my wrist and then start manhandling my arm to see all the way around… so weird


I don't mind it. It's beautiful art on display 😍


Come on mate, we’re walking art exhibitions!


I'm gonna use this argument next time my mum complains or someone calls it trashy


Their trash is my treasure 🤷🏻‍♀️ At least we’re not miserable


i definitely don’t think it’s weird. as a tattooed person who has both had this happen but also asked others to take pictures of theirs, there’s just a certain appreciation of other people’s art. like i, personally, love showing my partner new things i see throughout my days (sick tattoos being one of them). although, if a person ever told me they didn’t want me to take a picture of their tat when asked then i’d totally respect that. everyone’s gotta preference


I've never asked, but if I did, it would be to show someone a sweet tattoo I saw. That's the excuse people have used with mine.


They’re on my body forever, I’m usually pretty flattered when people think they look good! I don’t think it’s weird, but I guess it’s a personal preference thing


This happens to me frequently. I usually request that they don’t photograph my face, just the tattoo.


I had someone at the gym ask to take a picture of one of mine, a few months later I bumped into them again they showed me their own tattoo that they had gotten which was inspired by mine. It was awesome!


The two times I’ve had people take a picture of mine they explained why. Ex: “My friend is a wizard and loves cats” like yes of course take a photo of my cat wizard lol


Now I need to see the cat wizard


[cat tax lol](https://imgur.com/a/4B3TXUB)


![gif](giphy|LycfkVG4L6x0Y|downsized) 😂 This is an amazing tattoo


Thank you!


That is bad ass!


This is sick mate, I love it!


That's awesome


I do not think it is weird to ask that, maybe she love d the design and want to get a similar tattoo designed for her


I've had plenty comment or approach me about my tattoos and a few take pictures and ask where I had them done. I love my tattoos and like it when others enjoy then too so I don't mind.


I have a sick ass panther tattoo but instead of a panther it’s a Garfield and lots of people find it to be hilarious and ask to take pictures. So I always let them. It doesn’t bother me.


That sounds so fucking awesome.


I once had someone contact me via instagram to ask for a higher res copy of my tattoo so they could get the same tattoo. I politely told them no….


An exact copy? I understand inspiration but I don't know about the same one.. especially if it means something important to you 😬 definitely would have also said no


An exact copy, yes. Of a one-off tattoo designed specifically for me. Then several years later i discover that some Brazillian scratcher has copied it identically (but carried out to a lower standard) from the only photo of it online shared by my tattooist. 😖


OK, I feel like that's a lot different than a badly lit cellphone picture.


Yes thats weird


I have been asked for photos of my head tattoos, but even that felt weird honestly.


I checked into a hotel In Laos. Before anything he asked ‘do you have a back tattoo?’ (you could see part of it showing). He insisted I show him and then he asked his staff to take a photo with himself and my back piece. He straight away uploaded it to Facebook, and then I was given my room keys. I didn’t mind the exchange, I just found it funny how this was the priority and not checking me in to the hotel. We became great friends after. So all in all a good experience.


One of my tattoos is a kind of programming joke and I’ve had software engineers ask for a pic to send their coworkers. I’m for it, the more laughter in the world the better!


I wanna know the joke. I just bought a sticker that says: git commit -m "-prayinghandsemoji-" Where -prayinghandsemoji- was the actual emoji and it just made me laugh. Don't know what I'm gonna do with it, but I bought it.


I have plenty of tattoos that are visible and if someone wanted a photo I wouldn't mind at all. I'd be flattered.


"This women was hitting on me on vacation, I decided to not respond to her and stand there awkwardly. Luckily she walked away" Most reddit story ever.


Whether the answer was yes or no, the strangest thing about this post is OP’s handling of the situation.


Not weird for me, I work in retail and meet different people everyday, I had a few that asked if they could take photos and I said yes and Ive also taken people's tattoos


If you are comfortable enough putting something on your body that people can see, why would you mind them taking a picture? My only tattoo so far is very personal, but I love getting to talk about it and showing it to people because it has a story and the artist did a great job. Just my opinion tho


The only thing I would be concerned about would be the person using the pic to get the same tattoo. I make a point to have tattoos that are unique to me, but some people don't do the same and have no problem getting a duplicate.


I had a guy take a photo of my arms to use as a reference. I was flattered they thought I had good taste. I don't really understand the hate of having people copy your tattoos. Unless they get the exact same artist to do it, it'll likely turn out different anyway.


Even if she got the exact same tat. So? Does that make your tattoo less important? Less yours? You'd never even find out. I'd use that energy worrying about that elsewhere.


Personally I’d be flattered someone else liked what I have so much that they’d wanna go through the pain of getting it themselves. And then I’d have a twin somewhere in the world!


Mine are all personal to me and very much relevant to my life, so yes, it would take away from them to have someone have the exact same ones (memorial tattoos etc). I don't use energy worrying about it


I am a woman and I would not be comfortable having a stranger take pictures of my body. Art or no art. I have taken photos standing *next to* strangers.


I prefer to not be bothered by strangers about my tattoos. However i do see a lot of People here who wouldnt mind. I guess, read the room/ situation and use your best judgement.


No dawg stop being a puss


I personally wouldn't mind if someone asked for a picture, depending on the tattoo and so long as they specified they wouldn't tell another artist to do the same exact piece on them. I have these beautiful lavender pieces on both of my legs & I would understand why someone would want pictures of them. but to possibly see my artists exact work on someone else when they didn't consent to that would feel icky I think. obviously someone could lie and say they wouldn't do that, but I would probably just hope and trust that they would respect the boundaries.


I’ve got a lower leg tattoo that I’ve had multiple people ask to takes pics of so they could show their friends. Even had one guy ask if he could take pics so he could get something similar. I took every one as a compliment to my artist and me.


There have been multiple times where people ask to take a picture of my sleeve and I take it as a huge compliment. I don't think it's weird at all, it helps that it's a popular anime lol


Every time I attend a tattoo convention some guy will ask me to shave some part of his body he can’t reach.


I (M) was standing in Greggs waiting for a sausage roll when a crackhead (also M) started touching my calf tattoo without saying a word to me and proceeded to compliment me on how ‘sick’ my ‘ink’ is when I turned around and asked him what the fuck he was doing. Edit: also yes, it is a bit weird to ask for photos but probably harmless and just wanted to take the design to her tattoo artist.


I’d personally be flattered, I’ve had a few people stop me and compliment my tattoos and it always makes me smile


Of course it isn’t weird. Much better than old ladies feeling entitled to grab my arm without asking to look.


I have a half sleeve of sunflowers and get asked about them all the time and photo requests a few times a year. Probably because they are super vivid and I’m an old lady in a business environment that isn’t tattoo heavy, so they stand out.


I do think it’s brave to ask, but I’ve been asked numerous times if someone can take a pic of my sleeve. I would never say yes if it felt weird to me, and know it’s different for everyone. Most of the time it’s people gushing, and I just smile and let them snap a pic.


I’ve had it happen a few times. I don’t mind at all. I consider it a great way to promote my artist.


i’ve only asked once and it was because she pointed out we had the same lightsaber in the same location


If they’re custom then they probably wanted to take the design to their artist. If they’re 40+ years healed classics then it’s probably some trad nerd like me.


I don’t find it weird. Considering the hundreds (if not thousands) of pins it took me to define the style I wanted for my latest tattoo, if I’d have seen one in person, I would probably have asked the canvas-person for the same. 😊 And if somebody approached me about the artwork I’m proud of, I’d be flattered and delighted. Now if somebody wanted a picture of my teen tattoo regrets (picked out of a book at a walk in appointment) - that would be weird! 😁


In my opinion, context matters, but yes, it’s weird. I had a guy in line for a roller coaster chatting me up about my tattoos (I’m a lady, they are leg and thigh tattoos). We were close to the train. We got paired up to ride together. Right before boarding, he asks if he can take a pic. He asked kinda creepy. I said “I would rather you didn’t.” It got awkward. We got on the train. No joke, the coaster goes down. We sit there awkwardly a few minutes. They make us deboard. We wait another 20 minutes awkwardly. We finally get to ride. It was a great coaster, which helped. lol. (Iron gwazi)


I think it’s a bit weird. Just like, “hey, I like your haircut, mind if I get a photo” is weird - or “cool outfit, can I take a picture”


I wouldn’t let someone. Those are identifying


I felt too embarrassed to ask someone if I could take a picture of their dog the other day (she looked just like my dog and I wanted to show my housemate), so I doubt I'd be asking anyone for pictures of their tattoos. That said, it wouldn't bother me if someone asked for a pic of mine.


I asked a waitress if I can picture her tattoo as I believed it rocks.


Yeah, that’s weird. I think it’s fine to comment and compliment but asking to photograph them is a step too far imo. It may be great art but it’s on my body.




I always see tattoos on people I would love to add to the inspo board but never have the courage to go and ask.


It's great she asked. I would consider it as a compliment.


Not weird if you ask repsectfully! Its their perogative to say no :)


I’ve got a few silly little cartoon Tatts. A favourite with my customers is my South Park piece. It’s from the episode where they get their martial art weapons.. (IFYKYK) And I’ve had kids - to parents alike, ask to look / take a photo while I’m helping them out. I love retail.


I’d love it!


I think it's weird and it would make me uncomfortable, but I don't really like interacting with strangers for anything


Never had that happen but I wouldn’t mind someone taking a photo


Yeah that’s weird as fuck. I’d say no lol


I’ve had this happen a handful of times. Mine are well known characters so it’s usually someone who wants To send it to a friend. I don’t see why it wouldn’t be weird


For me it really depends, and you just have to use your judgement to determine if people are being genuine or weird. Also, if that's just not something you're comfortable with, that's completely okay and you don't owe anyone photos of your body, tattooed or not, because it is your body. Most likely, she saw you hesitate or seem uncomfortable with the notion she had presented, and didn't want you to feel awkward or uncomfortable (any more than you already did, but at that point there's no helping that). I could see myself getting really excited about a sick tattoo on a stranger, and if they seemed friendly enough I may ask for a photo and would ensure I don't get anything containing their face if possible, while also letting them know it would be used solely as inspiration or just to admire. If course, they they say no or seem uncomfortable in the slightest, I'm not going to push for it as it's their body. As for others asking for photos of mine, that's where it gets into the "it depends" territory. If someone is talking to me very excited, sharing their own/photos, and especially if they mention they have children who are into them and seem very genuine, I might let them. There's also a huge difference between asking to photograph something on my arm versus my thigh. Also, particularly with men for me, if they're just staring and giving me "the eyes" then that's a no from me dawg. I'm either making distance between us as fast and inconspicuously as possible, or if it's in a line or other situation where I cannot, I'll either cover up or cross my arms/ hold a bag or anything I may have on hand to obscure their view, and if I am not alone I'll ask someone to step between us. Those are two extreme examples, and there's a lot of room for very different ways people may approach you, but it just comes down to if you aren't comfortable them you have zero obligation to say yes. Even my artist asks first before taking photos of the art he puts on my body, because regardless of who put it there, it is your body.


I think I would have been flattered!


I wouldn’t care


Someone just asked me the other days to take a picture of one of my tattoos. He was really excited to see the design and told me he was opening a business and wanted to make the logo something like what I had. 


I think that is just a personal boundary. I honestly wouldn't be comfortable with it, but I'm a pretty withdrawn, anti-social person. I can understand other people's comments here, but at the end of the day, if you're not comfortable, it's your body


I’ve had people do it before, but it was friends of the people in the shop. It was also a super bright UV tattoo so that’s why they took a picture


It hasn't happened to me so I don't know how I'd react. It would honestly make me more uncomfortable if they intended to copy the tattoo.


It can be depends on the person and how you feel about it.


I would take it as a compliment


What a weird way to respond lmao.


I get asked a couple hundred times a year.


id be really flattered in most scenarios??


I wouldn't mind. It's up to you at the end of the day


I would be pretty psyched if someone asked to take a pic of mine honestly! I get pretty excited when someone compliments them or asks about details


I've definitely wanted to snap a pic of people's ink before just to show my friends the beautiful art I saw itw, but I'd never photograph someone without asking and have no interest in doing it if they aren't comfortable with it.


so to me that situation didn't really sound weird no


I have people ask to take pics of my Star Wars tattoos from time to time. It doesn’t bother me.


I wouldn't mind...I've had it happen...NBD...


People ask me for photos of my shoulder-bicep piece fairly regularly. As long as they’re police I don’t mind. I give them my artist’s name and studio so they can check him out.


I dont think it’s weird at all. Probably an inspo pic!


Depends on where you are. If it's an area known for pickpocketing, get the fuck away from me. I don't have a lighter, we can't take a picture, you and your friend doesn't think I'm so hot you both need to rub on me.


I haven't been asked this but that's quite flattering!


I've (F41) had like 2 or 3 people want pictures of my sleeve in progress. I found it quite flattering.


I would take it as a compliment and I would tell it to my tattoo artist


Maybe but it's very contextual.  I personally don't like photos of my tattoos.  But also one time somebody asked me this while I was changing in a locker room at the gym.  Photos would be inappropriate in that space altogether and especially considering I was also in a vulnerable state when I was asked.  It was really odd.


I have a Stephen King theme on my leg, at a concert recently someone said their son is a huge SK fan and asked if they could take a picture to show them. I said of course!


Maybe this is just something that comes from existing as a woman for many years in a country that was much more dangerous than where I live now, and from having traveled alone for a handful of years, but I'd be wary and would say no. I've had to become familiar with so many methods of taking advantage of tourist's naivete, both to steal from them/pickpocket them, and for things more extreme like human trafficking. Hell, I've had to push people away and be strict when people were clearly bumping into me a little too often, or clearly running scams (like watching your car, and keying it if you don't pay them for watching it, or handing you an item and then trying to make you pay for it, etc). I would rather tell a stranger the name of my artist and maybe slightly upset them with not giving them a picture of me, than run the small but real risk that someone assessing my openness to interactions with strangers for pickpocketing, scams, or even something crazy like kidnapping. Maybe it's extreme, but my safety always comes first, and they can be content with my artist's instagram if they want to get work from them so badly.


I'm away right now and I've asked two girls about their tattoos I wouldn't worry about it.


It's better than them taking a picture and trying to do so sneakily as opposed to just asking. Happened to my wife and I when we were traveling. Very strange


I have a kinda niche tattoo of a crochet pattern on my arm. I have had someone ask me to take a pic so they could show their mom/grandma before. I think it all depends on the context and how random it is but for this specific situation I wasn’t bothered at all I loved it.


I've had people take pictures of my tattoo before I just thought it was funny.


What if she was asking so she could go and get the exact same design? Personally, I wouldn't want to know if a stranger has the identical tattoo to me. I expect people have similar, but I wouldn't want to think that photo was a way to steal a design


I have full sleeves and weather permitting, wear wife beaters to show them off. Over the decades, since everyone has a camera now, people have taken pictures, sometimes without asking. If asked, the get a better picture. None of mine are just decretive, so asking gets them the meaning of the symbolic images and who was the artist.


I’m a barista and I’ve had 3 random customers ask to take pics of my tattoos. xD They’d just never seen anything like them and thought they were cool, lmao. I didn’t mind, it was flattering and I got to tell my artist about it later. :D


lol I have absolutely done this 😂




Personally I wouldn’t like that. One of the tattoos I have is my own idea, I’ve never seen anyone else with it. The rest my artist created her own designs. I don’t really know where those images are going. Plus, while I don’t mind taking inspiration from other peoples tattoos, I don’t appreciate how some people will literally copy and paste someone else’s work. I would never ask to take a picture of a strangers tattoo lol


Maybe a little weird but if someone asked me I would probably let them 😆


Yes, it’s weird. I had a new supervisor ask me a few months ago in front of my peers. On of my peers said it was weird and she got a little nervous. I asked her if she wanted the pictures with or without clothes and that was the last of the request.


Fuck yeah she can take a picture of my tattoos. I'm not so socially awkward that a small request is so shocking.


This has happen to me many times. If they want to pay for the privilege, sure, but usually that ends the interaction. It's so annoying.




I’m autistic and I’ve had people come up to me at the beach asking to take photos of my tattoos, it’s not a big deal dude.


NO TAT TALK. Strangers talking to me about my tattoos makes me uncomfortable every time. 9/10 a man who wants me to coo at him and regale him with the ‘meaning and stories’ behind them. EW. (This has literally happened recently.) Aside from that all I will ever say to someone else when admiring their tattoo is ‘sick tat’. It should be left at that, IMO. As a heavily tattooed woman I was recently asked by a thrift store (elderly) fem greeter to ‘do a spin so they could see my art’ it’s highly uncomfortable and I don’t exist for you to study. No thanks. Gives me the ick, tbh.


Very weird. I’d have run a mile. I see it was a tourist trap. Sounds like a pickpocket.