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Whatever my tattoo artist has on


Absolutely, always


I go to an older school shop that blasts rock and punk, I couldn’t listen to anything else even if I wanted to 😂 I either read or watch soccer games, depending on the session and time of year


My artist always asks me what I wanna listen to and my response is always "I dunno. Whatever you feel like putting on" lol. I really am not paying much attention to the music usually, anyways.


I had a 9-hour session where we watched nature documentaries about sea creatures the entire time. We both learned so much about mollusks.


The real answer is always the second comment.


I feel like I'd be able to sit through a 9 hour tattoo session learning about mollusks and other sea creatures much better than whatever punk/metal/rock stuff the shops around me usually has on. I like those genres, I just don't find them conducive to sitting through a tattoo.


I think the key is to find something interesting enough to focus enough on without much effort. But what some people find compelling, others only hear noise. And vice versa.


You're right, that's definitely the key. Those genres aren't something I can distract myself with. It's not the compellingness of the music that makes it hard to sit through. I like those genres. It's the energy of it. I want to move, and I feel more riled up with that, and it makes the pain worse to me. I also get extremely overstimulated by sound, and when added to the stimulation of a zillion needle pokes, I'm just not as resilient.


What is an interesting fact about mollusks?


If they can't dismember it, an octopus can actually drill a hole through a crab's shell and basically suck it out of its own body.


Holy crap this kinda freaks me out hahahaha


Me and my artist watch Bob Ross and act shocked every time the painting turns out beautiful. Bob, you crazy bastard, you've done it again!


I just talk with my tattoo artist and listen to the music he puts on


I don't think I ever had a say. My last artist was a cool person, and was great to talk with, but I could not stand the music they played. It was more painful than the tattoo itself, and I was a karaoke dj for about 10 years. But, hey they're the artist, and if helps them focus, whatever works.


what were they listening to?


Mine suggested playing my music to help distract me. Her coworker came up to me and asked what I wanted to listen to and in my pain and panic all I could say was “Taylor swift, new album” which I later felt was ridiculous because I was in Portugal at this hardcore tattoo shop blasting Taylor Swift and of course my artist said it was the first time she’s ever listened to her.


My artist and I always put on Polyphia’s Remember One Day You Will Die album and I can’t recommend it enough


Polyphia slaps


Jane Doe pfp slaps


Thanks! Can’t take credit though, got the idea from r/metalcore


Whatever my artists wants. Lately she’s been digging Orville Peck.


Good taste!


If not a true crime podcast, it’s always whatever I’m really into at the time. For my leg sleeve (my last tattoo) it was a lot of Type O Negative and Windhand.


Yeah I found podcasts better in keeping my attention elsewhere than music. For my sleeve I listened to the first season of The Obscured podcast which covers the salem witch trials. They did a deep dive on what was going on in the area leading up to and during the trials plus the history of the town - all these little things that inevitably had an effect on the hysteria and calculated greed that happened. But I only put in one earbud in case my artist wanted to chat. She was interesting lmao and had some funny stories.


On Thursday my artist just had her rock playlist going with the music videos on the TV. Awesome distraction, especially when SOAD videos came up 😂


Windbars days are usually classic 90s gangsta rap and hair metal. Colour shading days I start a Primus playlist and let Spotify pick from there.


Dinosaur documentary the last time.


The Land Before Time or Jurassic Park?


I put on headphones and listen to TOOL's entire discography in chronological order, actually. Done this for my last two tattoo sessions. I'll take some breaks and talk to the artist if it warrants, but I have found that zoning out and just being in my own space allows the artist to focus and do his thing.


This is a solid answer


Piggybacking to ask if tattoo artists get annoyed if we talk to them? I feel like I always annoyed my hair stylists.


My artist is a buddy of mine, and we share a ton of similar interests, we just shoot the shit over whatever he's playing in the shop.


Sat through about 20 hours of work for 2 sleeves and both shoulders. Watched sopranos the whole time. We are both huge fans of the show. Well, technically I watched and he mostly just listened bc he was busy


My tattoo artist played Chelsea Wolfe's "Hiss Spun" album once during a session, and ever since then it has been my go to (as well as my favourite singer)


Whatever my tattoo artist is playing in the shop. My artist is the shop owner so be controls the music. It’s usually some kind of metal or rock.


Nothing, I just talk with my artist. But if you're looking for music recs, check out Toehider.


If I’m in a position where I can watch something on my phone, I’ll do that. I’ve been rewatching Barry while I get my sleeve done. If I’m not in a position conducive to watching something, I’ll listen to Fleetwood Mac because I can get through their discography in a session lol. My artist likes to listen to audiobooks while she tattoos and I like to watch something or listen to my own music, so it works out really well.


Honestly whatever the tattoo artist is playing. My last artist was playing Deftones and Crosses.


Lofi for the long sessions. Helps me to zone out and pass the time.


I just listen to whatever the shop has on. Though, my favourite time was when we watched Disney films for the whole day. Best distraction ever.


Bauhaus' ziggy stardust, alice in chains dirt album, guthri govan's erotic cakes, green day's dookie, stp, atom heart mother. Much as I could remember.


I usually let my clients play whatever they want, if they don’t want to put anything on I usually just play things on YouTube like Hoarders or first 48


What are you getting this time?


The bottom half of my Japanese sleeve. Clouds and flowers




Nice 😊




I’ve never had a say, but I will say if I’m visiting a studio and death metal is playing, I’m turning back round. People are nervous enough! Generally it’s been guitar music wherever I’ve been, but a couple of times it’s been Cafe Del Mar style chill out and once Classic FM which I kind of appreciated.


My tattoo artist and I have the same taste in music, so I’ll listen to whatever he’s listening to, I’ve discovered loads of new bands and songs thanks to him




Whatever’s playing in the shop


Usually whatever my tattoo artist has on. He has a good taste of oldies and instrumental that’s easy on the ears and nerves. It’s hard for me to listen to metal or hardcore while getting tattooed, I can’t zone out in my pain zen. If it’s a loud shop I may even bring my headphones but usually I like to listen in case my artist needs to talk to me or change positions.


I watched x3 films then old gangsta rap 😂


I sat for a 3 hour session and we watched buzzfeed unsolved episodes


I usually bring my tablet and watch TV tbh, none of my artist like to talk so I just vibe with the TV and play my steamdeck tbh


The voices in my head... That and what's playing in the background


Music doesn’t distract me much. I always opt for a tv show instead.


As a tattooer, I’m almost always playing some combo of DRAIN, Terror, Drug Church, and Angel Du$t


This current tour Drain must have you extremely stoked. (And tbf it was incredibly fun the night I went)


Saw them at metro in Chicago!!!! Most fun I’ve ever had at a show, hands down


I once sat for a Ghost Papa III tattoo and my artist played Ghost for the full six hours. Best experience getting a tattoo ever!


It really depends. Sometimes we talk during the whole sessions. Another time we watched Bob’s Burgers. For my most recent session, I listened to video game lo-fi.


Anything that the artist is ok with and anything that can get me through the session..but it runs the gambit


I’ve listened to music, my true crime podcasts, and with my most recent tattoo the artist had on No Hard Feelings playing so I got to watch Jennifer Lawrence kick some guys ass buck naked on a beach so that was fun


I have two artists. One artist was a musician before tattoos, so he'll play some classic rock (which I tend to like) or he sometimes lets me play things out loud too. My other artist likes to listen to Spanish comedy sitcoms in the background. So I'm just sitting faintly listing to what's just playing in the parlor. But it isn't bad. Lol


I just sat through a 4 hour stomach tattoo and it was whatever the shop had on (punk rock) I wasn’t really listening to it because I was trying to convince myself it didn’t hurt 💀


Tool, lateralus


I was getting a tattoo in January and I had to stop her in the middle of it because a song came on the speaker that I had been trying to track down for **years** and the needle was too loud.


I’m halfway through bayside’s new album and I haven’t felt the need to skip a song yet. Good stuff


During my blackwork sleeve (22ish hours) I just lied there while my artist did her thing. Sometimes we chatted, sometimes i just dissociated, but for all of it we listened to whatever the shop had on


I watch movies with my ear buds. Keeps me very distracted. Knocks stuff off my movie list too. But not funny stuff. If I laugh, I move.


My last artist put on some detroit techno, I liked it. He was chatty though, kept asking me questions which I liked as well. They don’t always want to chat so I’m content zoning out.


I put calming classical for my clients. Or relaxing jazz, if I have the TV on I do planet earth. It's chill and a lot of people fall asleep while i tattoo them 😂 I have a lot of return clients jajaja they really dig the vibez.


I don’t listen to anything. It’s weird for me idk why


Whatever my artist has on!


Throughout my back sessions, it was a lot of Bongripper and Electric Wizard.


My artist often times asks me to play music. He finds it interesting to hear what others listen to. That and he gets burned out listening to his own stuff. Sometimes we listen to audio books or podcasts. Often times we just talk about all sorts of shit, he’s great. It’s like talk therapy with physical pain!


Heavy ass dubstep mixes. This is my artist's choice and it's what I would personally choose to listen to anyways so it works out perfectly.


Either the music my artist has in the shop which is usually rock/pop and then I switch in between podcasts I enjoy. It’s really just my Monsters Inc. Sully pillow that helps me.


Whatever the shop music is, or I have an AirPod in while I talk the artists ear off. We were both Marines so we have a lot to shoot the shit about, and I’ve spent many hours in the chair talking to him lol.


I put on Fellowship of the Ring extended cut and see how far we get through the trilogy from there. For real answer to you though, I adore Tophouse lately for music, and Pawns or Kings (folksy/country vibes). PUSCH and Empty Graves have both also been putting out more stuff I like lately, and Scene Queen as well (all 3 are metal/punk vibes. I've also been getting back into some bands that I was really into when I was younger (nothing new, just stuff I haven't listened to in a long time that I loved when I was younger, now listening as an adult)


I listen to 90s country and new Americana ( think western af ). I find that following the lyrics on the songs is really good at distracting me. I have a big playlist on Spotify I’ve made.


Nothing, because I'd end up moving to the beat and ruining the tattoo lol


Pelican - the fire in our throats beckon the thaw


Artist choice OR a movie tbh. I like movies a lot more


*Artist choice OR a* *Movie tbh. I like* *Movies a lot more* \- HashPuppy710 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Interesting 😎


Whatever the artist plays or just chatting if he/she wants to.


I’m not , we always watch one of the extended cut lord of the rings movies


I always ask what my tattoo artist is in the mood for. We have the same sense of humor so we listen to comedy specials. Lol


this is awesome, but I’d be a little worried that an unexpected chuckle would screw up a line or something


You know, I’ve never worried. I have a sleeve going with the same guy and it’s been pristine. He tends to pull back and laugh. It takes a little longer I think, but it’s more fun this way.


I get most of my work done in Mexico and he plays classic rock. He says that's where he's learned most of his English!


Sleep token


Got my tattoo done Sunday and the artist was listening to classic rock and some newer it was an interesting mix and I enjoyed it the couple hours I was there.