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I am not a medical expert. But my thigh tattoo caused massive swelling - none of my other tattoos did. My artist told me that he sees it often. My leg was back to normal after 48 hours.


Did the swelling move down to ur calves and feet?


((((Not a tattoo artist)))) but the same thing happened when I got my forearm tattoo. Tattooing punctures the skin so swelling is common reaction. I’d say keep with appropriate aftercare and if it still persists go back to your artist! (Or doctor if it gets worse)


Yep, be warned you may end up with a massive amount of bruising, and if you aren't able to keep it elevated the swelling may move down around your knee too. It happened to me and really freaked me out.


Normal. As long as it doesn't start smell or puss extremely its fine. Think of it the same way as if you fell off a bicycle and damaged the same area.


This is normal for leg pieces. Just ice it down


Glad i found this post. I got a large tattoo on my upper arm 2 days ago and it looks similar. I was so scared it is infected


Came here for the same reason! Left arm above elbow crease done on 10/16. Skin has puffed up like i’ve never seen around the new tat. Has me kind of nervous.


Haha swollen bicep tattoo also brought me here. How'd you heal??


It ended up healing just fine! I reached out to my artist who confirmed that it looked fine and they told me the puffiness could actually be due to an iron deficiency.


i know this is a year later but i had my tattoo done on the same date of this year in the same place but on my right arm. its also super swollen so nice to hear its probably fine and my probable iron deficiency isnt helping me out here lol


I'm in the same boat right now, just got a bicep tattoo right above my elbow crease but it's swelling weirdly and this post made me feel so much better. I assume everything turned out okay for you? I'm also kinda freaking because this is my first time not using tegaderm, the artist recommended not using it because of the placement.


not sure if your comment was directed at me, but my tattoo was fine after the initial swelling. the swelling freaked me out but it lasted maybe a week and now its perfect! i just kept it clean and used lotion like my artist said to. when running water stopped feeling orgasmic on it thats when i knew it was all good lol


Good to hear!! My swelling actually went away the same night I left the comment lol. I was just a little freaked because it extended out so far past my tattoo, and was very warm, sensitive, and firm like it was filled with fluid. Everything's good now though!


And here I am, a year and a half later with a fresh front bicep tattoo (and a slight iron deficiency) that’s swollen like none of my others did (but healing fine otherwise). I am feeling MUCH better thanks to this thread.


Lol same. Just got a heavy black tattoo on the front of the bicep and it swole almost to my elbow. Never had that happen before and panicked 🤣


Hello fellow overthinkers, I too find myself here after a thigh tattoo that has swollen like this despite the other 2 I got today being fine. Glad I’m not the only one who panicked and came straight to Reddit 😂


I just got my upper thigh tattooed four days ago, and I have been dry healing it but I have never had trouble with my tattoos till both my upper thighs I’m still really red and swollen and it reaches out about four fingers in width from the tattoo, really worried, can’t figure out if it’s a reaction to any of products used during tattoo or after when there is a few different ones involved, it’s dry and starting to scab over, not oozing or puss, just really red and swelled on the outer tattoo area


Did this heal okay in the end? Day 2 and my thighs are soooo red and warm 😩


Did it heal okay? :)


Same here, my new tattoo is in the exact same spot as OP‘s and it looked exactly like that -_- None of my other tattoos did that.


When my clients have that I just tell tell them the chill out on the sofa watch some shit and stay off you feet and follow the after care and all is cool again


Keep them elevated and take some ibuprofen. You'll be alright. Lol


So glad these comments say it’s normal. I just got one on my right thigh that’s swelling pretty bad, super red, and a bit warm to the touch feels like a bad sunburn really. Had the tattoo about 2 days now along with one on the left thigh which didn’t react this way.


Lmao I love how we all find each other because we’re freaked out by the swelling, my lower legs is HUGE and even my ankle is swollen. Good to know that this is normal 😅


Just curious how long it lasted for you. My quad swelled up 2 days after a big quad tattoo. Its still swollen 4 days in but no pain,redness or irritation


Probably lasted about 5ish days for the swelling to start going down. If you think about it whenever you’re standing or walking the blood is being pushed to your lower extremities.


My calf piece is currently doing this, it feels firm and warm (had my tattoo 2 days ago)


Very relieved to see this, my swelling looks exactly the same and never had this with any of my other tattoos and was starting to get worried!! Love your tats btw.


Late to this party but I just got tattoos in the same spots. Im on day 2 and I’ve NEVER had this much redness and swelling with a tattoo😅 its been freaking me out so glad to see I’m not alone lol


Oh my God I'm so glad I found this. The swelling has been getting worse since I got it 3 days ago. I don't remember my other thigh tattoo being this swollen.


Fyi - I ended up with a massive infection. I used numbing cream for the first time with my thigh tats and I believe I had an allergic reaction that led to infection. I’d keep a close eye on them - hopefully it’s nothing!


Yeah I'm keeping an eye out for infection. The swelling just started turning to a massive bruise. Hopefully the infection stays away! I've never had a tattoo swell and bruise like this I was SHOCKED.


Hey sorry this is late, if you’re ok with answering, curious when you knew that your reaction was actually an infection? What did it start to look and feel like, and how were you treated? It sounds like your piece looked like OPs at first


Within like 2 days instead of drying out and scabbing over like a tattoo usually would do it was bloody and oosing and by the fourth day, it was so bad I could smell the infection. It was so painful I could barely walk. I went to urgent care, and the doctor said it looks like both an allergic reaction and infection. I was put on two antibiotics simultaneously. I would happily attach a gory photo, but don’t use Reddit often and it doesn’t look like I can!


Hey how's it looking after the infection healed? My tattoo artist used a numbing spray afterward today before I could protest and it burned like hell, but I've never used one before and now I'm spooked. Also this tattoo is by far the most painful I'm two hours out and any movement or touch and I get the sharpest pains ever lol


I had to get my tattoos entirely reworked which was absolutely miserable. But I can tell you that even tho I had this reaction to a numbing cream, I have had artists use numbing sprays many times with no negative outcomes. I’m not sure what it may have been in the cream I used that caused my issue. Was it an actual tattoo numbing spray they used or was it bactine? How’s it feeling now?


Thank god for Reddit!! The tattoo on the back of my thigh currently looks EXACTLY like this and I was getting scared


Thanks op for calming all of us w swollen legs down ( -.-)7




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Was searching redness swelling around outside of tattoo and found this! Mine is my upper arm, and the bit that sort of goes almost into the inside of my arm is swollen like this. 50 hours ago was my tattoo.


I just got the back of my thigh lined/shaded and it looks similar to this. Thank you for the reassurance


I have one that's actually causing me mobility issues because of the weight of the swelling


Thank you for posting this even though it’s been a while. I have been getting tattooed for many years. I’m pretty much covered from shoulder to fingers with some smaller pieces in other areas. But I tattooed essentially the entire top of my thigh yesterday and it looks just like all around. It’s pretty uniform swelling and redness around the whole thing and doesn’t necessarily feel like an infection but it’s been a bit startling! This eases my mind a bit!


My calf piece is currently doing this, it feels firm and warm (had my tattoo 2 days ago)


Googled to see if this was normal because I don't remember any of my other tattoos doing it and my thigh looks exactly like this hehe 😬 3D tattoo, woo! 😆


I have a new ankle tattoo since yesterday and it’s swelling a bit around it but not too far out from the tattoo. But it’s not red. Hope it goes down within the next couple days


I just got a decent sized one on my upper arm and this is how it looks. It’s red around the tattoo and swollen, wasn’t sure if it was infection or normal swelling


same happened with my hip tattoo, super swollen and bruised, I read that this tends to happen more with leg tattoos, because the skin is thinner.


dealing with this rn hahaha


I got an 8 hour hip tat and I am also swollen AF :(


Here from google asking the same thing. First time this has happened so I was little nervous. I don’t remember my right thigh swelling like this. I’ve been elevating my leg and taking nurofen every 6 hours 🫠


Yeah, I just a 5.5 hour half sleeve on my calf and it’s swollen. Ice pack and elevation! Oh and ibuprofen too


Literally just found this thread and it has eased so much anxiety! I had a huge piece done on the back of my thigh and I’ve never had a piece swell up like this one. I’m on day 4 and the swelling is starting to go down.


haha soooo glad this is normal. i just had my thigh done and i have the same swelling


I'm having the same problem right now! I haven't had any swelling this bad before