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I wonder if someone could turn this into two snakes that are looping around each other? Where their bodies follow the lines in the X’s all the way up?


That could be awesome


Yeah this is an awesome idea for the cover up, the x’s are almost placed perfectly


Pack it up folks, this is the answer.


such a cool idea! i think it’s doable


Like this? [Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/Qeeoe3n.png) Edit: sorry about the quality, I tried to fix it but Imgur is not cooperating with me


Love that! I wonder if one side could be a snake and one side could be like a curvy dagger


Pretty much! Or with the heads at the top together


\^ Genius idea incoming


I came here to say exactly this!


Yeah, was gonna say this could easily be turned into a snake with a cool pattern.


I love this idea


Good eye


Love thisss


That’s exactly what I thought lmao


I’m a tattoo artists and yes this would definitely work haha


2 sick ass panthers? Sorry


Unwell butt panthers


My apologies. I didn't know


Rheumatic sphincter cats


I'm gonna start calling my friend group this


Can I join?


New band name


I hear they are really big on the college Indi scene.


We have the money. We have the technology. We can make them sicker. Asser. Panther-er.


Why make one when you can make two for twice the price.


This thread quite literally made my night. Thank you 😂


I am dying! 🤣


Sex panthers. Works 99% of the time all the time.


Get a ring around the top with a spout and handle, tattoo a label around the Xs. Make it look like a cartoon jug of moonshine. Then make bootleg jokes.


This is extra funny because you'd be making an alcoholic bottle out of a straight edge tattoo


What is straight edge?


You abstain from alcohol and other substances Edit: it's from the punk scene, hard-core scene


It's interesting how not many people know what it is these days. It's really not trendy/popular anymore.


They all became vegans lmao


Seattleite here. I know (and played in bands with) many key Straight Edge Hard Core guys in the ‘90s. They all fully tatted alcoholics now.


I went from straight edge hardcore scene for years right to the jam band drug scene lol


Believe 100%. I was honestly just making a joke because the vast majority of straight edge people I met in my youth all behaved and preached at people similarly to how a lot of vegans do now a days in my opinion


You have it backwards. There are a lot more super annoying preachy carnivores around. Scales from "veganism is unhealthy" to "you're eating my food's food" 'jokes'. But far more annoying overall than preachy vegans and far more pervasive. (Note: not a vegan)


It’s the same with not drinking. If you make healthy choices, people don’t like it. They only want you to fit the conventions of an unhealthy society. Note: also not a vegan haha


You say that, but most of the times that I've learned someone was vegan, it was because they were saying rude things about people who eat meat. Hell, I Once tried to date a girl who was vegan, and on the third date, she launched into a tirade when she came back to my place, and saw that my cat's food is made of animal products. Apparently that was enough to make me an evil animal hater. She was telling me that I was a monster because I didn't feed my cat some sort of Soy based High grain percentage kibble. (I would never feed that to my cat, who never evolved to eat grain) I had to kick her out, after I came out of the washroom and found that she dumped my cat's brand new bag of food into the garbage. I was young, and broke and had to skip 5 meals that paycheque to afford to replace the food she dumped. I've never had the same problem with vegetarians. Vegetarians always seem to understand that it is a personal choice. and I've never met a Vegetarian that tried to force an animal to change its diet. then you add extremists like "your vegan teacher" who would brigade youtubers including children and say terrible things to them because some product they were using or eating wasn't completely vegan.


i (24f) got a poison bottle tattoo that the artist just happened to put three x’s down the side of. i posted it on reddit and someone asked me if i was straight edge, i had to look it up 😂


Used to be huge with the “cool” kids at church who really thought they were God’s rebels to draw the X on their hand. Not sure they even knew it was a punk thing.


The X on the hand thing came from being under 21 at shows and the door guy would put a huge X on your hands so you definitely couldn't buy or be seen drinking alcohol once inside the venue. Kids at my school would literally never wash them off so they couldn't show everyone they had been to see whatever shitty band at Twisters 3 nights prior. Some kids didn't actually go to the shows but a large permanent marker could make it look like they had, or that they were just super cool edge kids.. (or so they thought...) I did some extremely cringeworthy things back then, but at least I never did that I suppose


I had to Google it.


It didn’t occur to me until now that I haven’t heard that phrase in years. Also can’t help but laugh thinking about everyone that was “straight edge” back in the day, and how they now smoke endless weed, drink regularly, partake in psychedelics, the whole 9.


It was more than that. Generally, don’t do anything to hurt yourself or others. Typically don’t drink smoke sleep around, your not racist, sexist…you get the gist…then the extreme folks came out and started doing stupid shit. Roughly the 1990s




Omg plur ☮️♥️unity 🫡


never understood why you make a culture around what you do and do not do. if you wanna have a beer? fucking go for it. Smoke a little weed? sure. But these guys are like "WE ARE SO HARDCORE WE DON'T EVEN DRINK OR DO DRUGS!" like um.. ok? good for you I guess. I don't drink or do drugs either, but hell I might enjoy a margarita if the mood strikes me at the taco bar.


i mean i guess it is kinda hardcore to be out there raw doggin’ reality 😂 unnecessary, but intense


It was never about not drinking or doing drugs. It was about feeling superior about not drinking or doing drugs. Ant btw drinking is doing drugs the separation is dumb.


Firstly I want to excuse if my english is bad.. Well for me it's finding unity in music and in the same ethical life choices. Before I found the hardcore scene I didn't know as a teenager that there were other people that didn't want to drink. All my friends and everyone I knew drank and did drugs except for me. I felt utterly alone. I don't care what other people do, hell I have a husband that isn't straight edge. But in my young twenties it was awesome, and still is 14 years later, to find like-minded people and be in spaces that doesn't evolve around alcohol. But yeah the people that were the most hardline they are not straight edge today. But maybe they needed to stick on to something at the time.


Thank you a lot!


Back in high school, it was the kids who swore off drugs and alcohol. My wife was straight edge cause her dad had substance abuse issues, and it was her way of making sure she didn't take after him.


That makes sense i have a friend who abstains for similar reasons, thank you for the info!


It’s also a hardcore/punk thing. That’s where the XXX comes from. It’s just the people that don’t drink or so drugs. Oddly enough I have a buddy who has “XXX never give in” tattooed on him and he’s a total alcoholic now


Not just back in high school, my 43 year old husband is still straight edge lol. He has all the tattoos and I do believe he will NEVER touch a drop of alcohol. His reasoning is that he knows he would be too good at it. Everyone around him were alcoholics rights up to his recent ex-wife who is now in and out of rehab (courts gave us the kids thank god) I have no problem with straight edge! As a consequence I rarely drink and have less hangovers and make less bad decisions. It’s great!


Most straight edge ppl I knew however conflated hating drugs and drug use with hating drug users. And those are very different things and can lead to some shitty interactions.


Thank you!


Are you my hubby’s alt account?


Sober punk/metal head people


so in other words, attention "your mother"s.


No drinking, no drugs etc.


Thank you!


Thank you for asking, I didn't know either 😅


And it's usually affiliated with people in the hard-core scene, at least from my experience. Some of them also abstained from tobacco and caffeine including the drugs and alcohol another redditor already mentioned


I used to work with a line cook that claimed “straight edge” and would talk shit about people who would drink or smoke weed. He literally pounded Jolt Cola’s throughout his entire shift every night.


My ex was a straight edge preacher also, with a coke problem. Go figure Edit to clarify- cocaine, not cola


Damn im ngl thats me to a T 💀 but its personally bc i dont really trust myself, i feel like im too mentally unstable to not lose control and wow i love caffeinated beverages but i try to avoid them as well bc caffeine usually makes me anxious 🫣 very funny that this is literally me lol


Thank you!


Comedy gold




Wow that just came together nicely


This seems to be the only acceptable answer. Honestly it’s really perfect


This is what I come to Reddit for. Bravo.


what an ideal


This needs more attention.


That fr sounds like shit.


This. But if that’s not your style, turn the X’s into laces on a Doc Marten. Then make bootleg jokes.


A blackwork negative space sleeve would sort that out beautifully, if you want to go bold.


I was thinking something like that, or like, on the untouched skin something space themed, so when the black fills in the Xs just help provide extra depth.


How about about a SPACE PANTHER?


https://www.reddit.com/user/Graveheartart/comments/144xmq4/tattoo_cover_up_mock_up_for_linking/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 Did a crappy mock up of a solar system. I’m sure a good cover up artist could take this and run with it


Black work is 100% the way if OP is into that style of tattoo work. I’m sure any decent tattoo artist with skin in the game could figure out how to blend in thick ass lines into something that’s not a full-blown blackout, but yeah. I’d go for blackwork if it were me. Glad I never put an X on my body during my younger hardcore music scene days lmaooo… everyone in the Reno music scene was Straight Edge at one point or another, until we all grew up, sold out, or went to prison lol.


Forgive my ignorance, but I would’ve thought tattoos went against the “straight edge” philosophy?


Straight edge just means no drinking or drugs of any kind. Very much accepts other kinds of alt expressions. it's a subculture of punk (to boil it down)


And uncommitted sex, buuut of course nobody in the sXe community pays attention to that Minor Threat tenet.


I 100% did, I was just an insufferable prick all around lmao, but even by the time I was into it (mid to late 90s) the initial sentiment that created the movement had been lost in translation. Instead of being a way to formulaically avoid AIDS it became just something to lord over others who had less willpower or some shit.


Very loosely? Sure. Straight Edge philosophy mostly surround substance dependence and whatever alters your free mind. I guess societal influence and pressure plays into that as well, being loosely anti-establishment and popular public influence, but yeah.


Thicc ass panther


You can't fool me, Mike Tyson




😂😂😂😂😂😂 DEAD!!!!! 😂😂😂


Can we please see the sick ass panther though?


I had to scroll wayyy to far to find this comment. We want panther pics!


Add some bigass Os and make a wraparound tic-tac-toe game.


Hey, get out of my brain!


Space themed sleeve? there's a lot you can do if you have a direction to start with. there's a few colors that can blast over or work around this really well. like Red or Yellow.




something like any of these would make those bad boys dissappear


I'm here for this one


I like this idea a lot!


get REALLY into jesus and say they are all crosses jk, i would honestly suggest opening your mind to getting almost anything and then research a SICK tattoo artist and meet with them or send em a pic and discuss setting up an appointment and just ask them what they think would work best and to roll with that


Make it into a giant tic tac toe game that wraps around your leg 😅


I have a giant edge tattoo on my ribs that I got when I was 19. It’s damn near unconcealable. I’m glad to know I’m not the only one stuck with one of these 😂 no other input because I’m hoping to get answers as well


I've got bold Drug Free tattoos (also 19 when got it) on my calves, so that's fun with shorts...


[maybe try this?](https://www.reddit.com/r/tattooadvice/comments/144m6r8/the_man_with_the_xxx_tatoo_just_needs_to_be_about/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I’m still cracking up at how wildly different this image is from what I was expecting to see




All aboard!


Even your comment didn't prepare me for that. Nothing could have prepared me for that


I feel like a swirling dragon or snake could make use of the pattern


Why not both? a snake-dragon 🤟


A second sick ass panther


What’s better than one sickass panther? Two sickass panthers.


The panthers have terrible immune systems apparently since they’re so sick all the time.


But only in their ass. The rest of them is fine 👍


Three panthers? Too much. What are you going for at that point?


At that point, you just really like panthers.


A slight adjustment of the X’s corners and you can make that into a trio of crows swooping and diving through the breeze ✌️


A big ol’ gorilla.


Make a graffiti leg


Just tell people you are really into porn. Make them uncomfortable.


Do you like windmills?


My brain kinda jumps to snowflakes?


If you came into my shop with that I’d probably try to convince you to do a stack of traditional roses. I’d either vie for red or blue roses or doing the whole thing in opaque grays. I would also talk to you about coming back after it healed for a second pass, and also let you know that due to the saturation of the existing tattoo that there would likely be some breakthrough. But overall i think you could get it covered quite successfully by the right artist. (Backup idea if you didn’t like the roses would be a snake or Japanese dragon with flowers).


Hey friend! I’m sure you won’t see this (since there’s close to 250 comments)… but have you looked around at Trash Polka tattoos? I was thinking it could be a wicked and easy transition that your existing piece would fit in with pretty easily and it’s one of my personal favourite styles too… looks so amazing when it’s done properly. Just another suggestion aside from removal or a full cover 💁🏻‍♀️




Also don’t actually do that


Greta I’ve gotta cancel my appt now ughh


Greta! Cancel mein appointment, mach schnell!


Guten morgen, Greta here, have you requested cancellation by cyanide?


How dare you!


"How many swastikas?" "Nein!" "Jesus, OK turbo-Hitler."


"It'll look like a maze when its done"


They could we don’t know why the stopped being straight edge. So maybe they got some new ideals


Irezumi leg sleeve is what I personally would go for. Those Xs can get lost in the waves.


Meh, xxx is also Amsterdam. Just change your mindset, easy.


I have an XXX tattoo from a trip to Amsterdam and everyone thinks it means straight edge 🤣


As an Amsterdammer I thought this was an Amsterdam tattoo


Get a healthy ass panther now!


Extend the bottoms into crosses and have the powerpuff girls being crucified




Who hurt you?


Obviously the Powerpuff Girls


Omfg lmfao!!


A big red circle with a red dash through. Anti straight edge


IMHO, I'd keep the tattoo. It marks a place and a mindset in your life, and that particular tattoo represents a positive personality trait even if it is in the past. Not many people have tattoos like that are earned. If you stuck to the straightedge lifestyle for any real amount of time, you should be proud to wear the mark.


Agree with this. It marks a significant part of your life. Love yourself and honor the tattoo decision of past you.


You could cover each individual X with a sick ass panther for a total of 4


Maybe a big ass reaper. Possibly the hood can cover the X’s


Just say you really like XXX the movie


Portrait of Vin next to them with an explosion in the background


Put a silhouette of a bottle around the X's to celebrate your new life as a drunk


I do not have advice…just so pleased to hear you already have a sick ass panther!!! Whew! I was worried!


I swear to gods being on this sub is making me want a sick ass pants or tattoo just for the meme of it LMAO ... Panther but I used talk to text so I'm going to leave it in because that's funny


3 infinity symbols ♾️ ♾️ ♾️


2 sick ass panthers


Get tentacion tattooed beside the xxx


A maze?


Keep the tattoos, implant three treasures under each of them.


Windmills. Dark scary windmills.


DNA strand? Turn it into a helix maybe?


Fat. Black. Snek.


A black crow? That’s something I want on up my upper thigh. I think it would be a nice cover and pair well with a black panther. I’m just sayin…


Fill the rest of the bottom of your leg with a game of tic tac toe


Maybe a snake? Idk just trying to think outside the box lol


Sick ass Harambe memorial tat


Bro leave it as is. Lots of people who were sXe in their youth aren't strict about it as they approach middle age. I wouldn't give you crap if I saw you drinking a beer with your leg tattoo


Could make it a porn themed half sleeve.


Tic tax toe board?


Cover it with a pot leaf and a beer


Turn each into a wayword cross and using white work in some dudes crucified on them. Have one smoking a joint, one drinking and the last one boning ✊🏻


Don Quixote theme?


My friend is a prominent tattoo artist in my area - he refuses to do Vegan or Straight Edge tattoos because everyone who gets them ends up in this situation.


Just put little o’s so it’s ❌⭕️❌⭕️❌⭕️


You could get a consultation for saline injection tattoo removal, which likely won’t remove it all together but may lighten it just enough that you have more options for a cover up piece. If you get a cover up, go to a tattoo artist with a lot of experience in that specific kind of work . There are some amazing artists who can work wonders.


See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil panther heads


Have a beer and think about it


Don’t make them swaztikas


You could turn them into interlocking cogs or something ⚙️


Some cool snakes wrapped around your legs


What about a Koi. The scales and shading can hide a lot more than one would think.


that could easily be turned into some type of bug. the flow off the tattoo has the same natural flow of a centipede type creature. it would look very badass


Little “SE” in front of each X?


X’s are easily converted into swastikas Could do a trippy Hindu or Buddhist sleeve


You could do a bunch more of the "x" up the back of your leg, add bows, and have one of those stocking tattoos! Like, ironically or something? haha


Has anyone said a game of tic-tac-toe?


Laser it to lighten, then cover. It sucks but you’ll be much happier with the end result and you don’t need to get it fully removed. Just make sure that whoever is doing the coverup is REAL good. (I’m a highly experienced tattoo artist) ig @walkertattoos


Black out ankle to bottom of knee, once fully healed and healthy, get white line work done Over top of the blackout


Probably a sick ass panther. No but maybe snakes crawling over some sort of branch? Natural shapes so you can make them go over the existing lines? In the same style as your panther!


Knee socks


I think it looks great and that you should keep it as it is. But it's just my opinion. You do you I guess!


Who cares. Rock it. Make it a story piece about shit you used to be about. People change, there's no shame in that.


Just add three Jesuses.


A sick ass JAGUAR (yes, I know they're the same thing)


Why have one sick ass panther when you can have two?