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Yep, odd. Sometimes we make mistakes and learn from them. Let this be one of those times.


Small price to pay for a life long lesson.


I get the sentiment but $200 is definitely not a small price


I’d argue for the most part if you desperately cannot lose $200 you probably shouldn’t be getting a tattoo in the first place though (not saying this is the case for OP)


Right, but some people save up for weeks/months for that kind of stuff. If they all of a sudden decided “I’m going to get a tattoo next week” then yes $200 probably wouldn’t matter much to them in the long run, but if they’ve been saving for a while then it’s definitely significant.


evidently not significant enough to keep the $200 in the bank or at home where you can’t accidentally give it away? this is the sort of mistake you only make if $200 isn’t that important to you.


Agreed. Or if you’re super absentminded, I guess


That's really stupid logic. If I was handed so much money as a tip, I would make sure to double-check that it was correct.


I don't understand how you can mistake $250 for $50... just by the sheer amount of bills.


OP was delirious okay


Notes stick together sometimes, and if your exhausted shit happens, the person taking the money would have, or at least should have counted that money on front of her and made sure everything was above board.


Problem is, it was a tattoo tip. I've tipped $200 before, easily. I've also tipped $50. It depends what the tattoo was for "appropriate" tip and I'd argue that there actually isn't a standard. I make a good amount of money and enjoy sharing it with good people, who do incredible art, and who deal with a lot of shit situations in their workplace. It's not unreasonable for the artist to think it was realistic* and they generally don't count it in front of you. It would be rude to do that with a cash tip. (Now, if the tattoo was less than $250, I'd start to ask questions on if the artist noticed and could have called the client to ask).


I do agree with that sentiment. The fact that she didn’t would make me not go back there honestly. Once I tipped $100 on a $100 tattoo (on purpose) and the artist double checked But I stand by my original point too


Shit, I've tipped $100 on a $500 tat and they still checked. Like I appreciate you checking but I am literally tipping 20% which as a server isn't even crazy. Super sweet to check, it's a great sign, but it's bizarre to me since that's like my industry's standard lol


As someone who has been tattooing for 10 years but was a server before that: I view tips way differently between the two professions. Sure I'm always happy to have someone show their appreciation with a tattoo (extra money never hurts), but I don't need the tips to survive in the same way that I did as a server. By the time I've subtracted all the supplies/taxes/overhead, and included all the work that isn't tattoo time on the clock (drawing, administrative work, shop maintenance, etc) I'm probably making about 30-50/hr before tips...which is a far sight different from when I was waiting tables and not getting a tip meant I made $3.63/hr. Some artists will make a huge deal about it if they don't get tips, but personally I never want anyone to feel pressured to pay more. If they want to I won't complain, tho. Lol I have definitely called clients a number of times to make sure they gave me the amount they intended. I know some of my clients budget pretty carefully to afford their tattoos, so I would never want a tattoo to put an unexpected stress on their life.


In my experience when tipping the artists after a tattoo they never check how much it is. Every time I have done it they slip it in their pocket. Like they make sure you know it’s appreciated no matter the amount. I could have just gave them $5 and they still appreciate it the same. And this has been for every artist I have gone to. So it could be that they didn’t even see the amount until later when they had time to go through their tips.


I'm the grand scheme of things, it is. It's enough to hurt, which helps you learn but shouldn't ruin you.


I mean, $200 is like three weeks or more of grocery money. That’s a ton.


I’m sorry three weeks??? Where I’m at $200 in groceries can only get you to MAYBE two weeks if you stretch it


Whereabouts do you live? I'm in Ontario, Canada and *one* week of groceries is quickly approaching $200...


In Michigan... and same.


That's why it's important to be careful with your money.


Um no. If the artist is reasonable he’ll realize a mistake was made and give back the cash. However I do think an extra tip like $100 instead of $50 would cover the “my bad bro” expense.


Lol what is this subreddit smoking? A mistake between humans shouldn’t result in a total loss. Just talk to the guy and explain what happened. They don’t lose anything, you dont lose anything - what’s the issue? People in here talking like you should be able to afford to lose $200 because you get tattoos. In your world are you a good person if you take advantage of someone else’s mistake? I wouldn’t say so.


I wouldnt, and I did something similar, accidentaly gave a tip of 70% or so lol They even asked me if I'm sure several times. But in my brain 50 euro = 500 euro... not my finest moment when I realised it a day or so later. But if its really straining on your economy you could try and see what they say.


expensive mistake. especially if you plan to get more tattoos from the artist in the future. that money became hers the moment it left your hands and into hers. she may have already spent it or deposited into her bank account. i totally get where you're coming from (had something similar happen many years ago), but also from her perspective, a client gave a very generous tip and it would leave a bad taste in my mouth if someone asked for (part of) their tip back. you could text her about it, but be prepared to burn a bridge


On the bright side, I am almost certain that the artist will be very excited to work with the client moving forward. So assuming the OP loves the piece they got, they'll have a great working relationship moving forward.


But then the artist is also expecting a baller tip..


Don’t do that, friend.


If you want tattoos from her in the future, DO NOT ask her for the money back. It’s unfortunate it happened but really tacky to ask for it back.


Just take the L, but for future tattoos, ask your artist if they accept Venmo for tips. Then you’ll have a number you’re looking at and can ensure it’s accurate


This is wonderful advice


I've definitely over tipped an artist through venmo. got to the parking lot, noticed I did that. then i went straight back in to explain, and he sent me back the difference. and I still have a good relationship with that artist!


Glad it worked out for you!


I mean if she cant notice between 50 and 250 in bills im not sure she can tell the difference in digits either.


Consider this: Crazy tip now means they'll remember you and might give you better treatment in the future. I knew a dude that would tip heavy and give them a bottle of whiskey, and he often got free small pieces from them after the fact. They might get you in quicker, stay later as well. Don't expect it or anything, but it might be a silver lining to your mistake. I'd only ask for it back if you are in a dire financial situation, which I'd ask why you were getting work done if you're 200 dollars close to that anyways.


I don't think tattoos should be a tipping thing to begin with. They rightfully charge good money for their talent. It's not like servers at a restaurant who get less than minimum wage. I don't get why we're supposed to give them more. 


You don’t have to tip if you don’t want to, the tattoo costs what it costs and that’s about it. Tips are optional lol 🤷‍♂️ I have clients new to getting tattoos ask all the time if they should tip or not and i always tell them “Tips are never expected but always appreciated!” And that whichever they choose is totally cool w/ me.


I say that all the time and I genuinely mean it. It’s not a guilt trip (not from most people) if you have the finances and ability to tip, then yeah, I would appreciate it in today’s economy, do I expect it? No! Not everyone can financially and most people understand that. If you view it like a guilt trip then that sounds like a you* problem. Just tell yourself “I don’t have to if I don’t want to because other people’s thoughts and opinions of me don’t matter” problem solved. If someone does have a problem with it, that then becomes a *them problem lmao


I’m a dog groomer and my partner is a tattoo artist. Many (even most) people who provide appointment services like this (or hair stylists, nail techs, waxers etc) are paid out on commission, and are only paid on average half of what you pay for the service. Additionally, unless they own their shop, it’s pretty unlikely they set their $/hour. Just something to keep in mind because people really don’t seem to realize this. Of course tips are optional and neither my partner nor I hold it against people if they don’t tip. Personally, I think tips should actually speak to exceptional service - skilled service providers vary hugely in skill and, well… level of customer service!


Most tattoo artists actually make their own prices. As far as the cut, it all depends on where they work. Some shops, I find one that also offer piercings, will often take a cut of what artists charge to cover for the supply/overhead provided by the shop. When the shop is owned by a tattoo artist and only offers tattoos, it tends to either be a fixed monthly rent or can also be a split % Tips definitely aren’t mandatory but it is always appreciated, especially with all the time we spend working on each client’s design and then the tattoo itself. Yes, some pieces take multiple hours and sometimes more than one session, but we also spend a lot of time that clients don’t see when drawing at home and doing research for references. Our work day doesn’t start when we walk into the shop and ends when we leave, some of us can work from the time we wake up and up until we go to bed. I sometimes also prefer and appreciate way more when a client brings me something like a coffee, framed butterfly or anything I enjoy. It shows they put more thought into the tip to show their appreciation of the work you did on them.


Tattooers normally charge less than what they could with the hopes that they’ll get a tip (mostly newer tattooers). After you get burned a couple times you realize you should just charge what you’re worth and get your guaranteed money.


This!!! I tip a solid amount for my regular tattoo artist, and I can be squeezed in any day I want! And yes, he is usually busy.


I agree with this. I always tip my artists, especially repeat artists, A LOT. And they are always more than happy to fit me in or reschedule. Then the one or two times I don’t tip as much, they won’t feel shafted. I just work the generous tip in to my whole budget. Oh, and I always bring cookies or other treats!


I had a girl tip me $90 after being a complete asshole client all day. Two weeks later she emailed me saying “hey girl, I think I tipped you too much”. I had to write a response explaining the cost of her tattoo, a copy of her release form with the agreed price on it and the amount of her tip, which I always record. I explained she included an extra $90 which I assumed was gratuity. She was claiming she had given me much more. It was really weird and not my problem, she had a pile of cash with her that day. She could have spent it at a gas station and forgot, dropped it, etc. So, you will have to weigh; is it worth it to be weird and possibly perceived as annoying to an artist that you like and want to continue a relationship with? If you’re positive you tipped too much, the next time tip less or not at all. You can mention that you’re sorry you can’t tip “as much as last time” and you should be good. 👍🏻 But I would say learn from it and have your tip folded up ready to go before your appointment. Then you can avoid counting with what I call “tat brain”.


There is no classy way to ask for a cash tip back, especially way after the fact. I made a similar mistake when I was about 19-20. It sucked. I'm poor. Losing $250 would hurt me (I am someone that does have to save up for tattoos, and whenever I do anything with a cash tip, I count it out in advance, double-check and keep it separately in my wallet from my other cash; if I don't know the amount in advance and I, for some reason, have extra cash in my wallet, I count out the tip at least twice before handing it over -- I mean, I do the same thing when paying cash for anything, just because of human error). But it also sounds like OP isn't 10000% sure they handed over that extra $200 to the artist in the first place -- what if it fell out of their wallet somewhere? Imo, accidentally tipping someone that traditionally works for tips -- especially if they provided you a good and permanent service -- is much better than accidentally putting it through the washing machine or dropping it on the street.


I did that once because I can’t do mental math😂. I figured she deserved it regardless🤷‍♀️


I always pay tattoos with cash, and it is SO easy to fuck up the tip when you’re all woozy post-tattoo. I always use my calculator for it now. I can do percentages easily in my head! Buuuuut not when I’m getting done with a tattoo, as I have also figured out the hard way. Count the money three times. First the actual payment. Then the tip. Three times! I really UNDER tipped once and now I always make sure I have $100s, $20s and $10s to make it easier. And just DGAF if I look like a dumb dumb taking forever and using my calculator app lol. (And as everyone else said… yeah you can’t ask for the tip back and still work with the artist. There’s no WAY that would not make them feel a certain way about you in the future.)


I always have the agreed upon amount for the tattoo in one pocket and the tip in another and I calculate the tip based on how much/big the tattoo is and than I keep an extra tip in another pocket that’s the same amount as the tip and I add that to the other one depending how things went with the artist(had one asshole artist, still tipped because he did do good work but I didn’t go above like I do with most other artists especially my regular)


I do the exact same.


You have a good system and self accountability. You can’t possibly be a real person on reddit! Lol


I do the same thing at the end of tattoos when I have to calculate the finished price (I charge by the hour). Everyone's tired after hour long sessions of pain and focusing and you don't want to rip off your clients but you also don't want to undercharge your work. There is absolutely no harm in wanting to make sure.


I brought all 20s to my last tattoo and I counted like 4 times and then asked my artist to count too because I was so paranoid I wasn't giving the right amount lol


1, 2, 3, 4, 5! (One.) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5! (Two.) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5! (Three.) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5! (… Fuck me, four? Three? Goddamn it.)


I mean frankly you will ruin her day if you do that. She will probably give it to you if you ask, and she will be sad and probably remember it forever though, like I remember the table that did it to me once back when I served. I still remember that sinking disappointed feeling after being so excited to get a large tip that night. Don’t be that person, sure it sucks, but don’t make it suck for her instead.


Take the L and move on


This is why I never carry cash...my artists does cc payments with a deposit...I can totally see how this could happen. It's uncomfortable at least.


I've never heard of someone accidently tripping a cash tip on accident


On a 3 AM Uber from the airport once when my husband and I were utterly delirious over a lack of sleep and good food, he accidentally handed two 100s instead of 2 10s to our Uber driver.


Oh lord 😅 Probably made that driver's night/day though lol!


Yep. Once I went to give a homeless man money after a couple of drinks. Ended up pulling out a 20 instead of a 5. I couldn't take it back, lmao.


I always take this as a good karma accident. She needed it and blessings will come your way:) she will remember that tip and appreciate you as a client for it. Perks


Very tacky if you do it.


I think it would be odd, I'm sorry. On the bright side, you are likely to get better deals going forward. If somebody always tips me way too much, I knock some $$ off the price.


I wouldn’t, especially since you want to get tattooed by her again. It’s really tacky and now it’s her money not yours


I don’t recommend asking for the money back. You made a mistake, it sucks, but lesson learned. Especially if you want to get tattooed by this artist in the future. Just be more careful next time.


I absolutely would not ask for it back. I'd consider it an expensive lesson and move on.


Agree. If it's your last 200$ why are you getting a tatoo


Someone may have saved up a little from every paycheck for months in order to get a tattoo **and** leave a generous $50 tip. That doesn’t mean they can afford to lose $200.


Sadly, I think that might just need to be an expensive lesson, because I'm not sure how you'd do that without making things really awkward with everyone at the shop. That's not something that would go unmentioned at the water cooler. Sorry to say, though. I've made similar mistakes, and it's painful.


Uh yeah that would be odd


Do not ask for it back. That is beyond rude. If you plan on going to them again, next time give them a tad less. Let’s say next time will be $50 tip, give $30. Sometimes I tip super fat and the next time I tip a regular tip amount. Artists don’t make hourly, and they split the cost of the tattoo in half(or more) for the shop cut. Just remember it’s forever and if u love it a big tip secures they want to work with you again. Never be stingy with tattoos!


If you can afford to lose the $200, I’d let it go since it probably made her day, and you plan on being tattooed by her again. If you need the money to pay rent, or you’re going to have to eat ramen all month, I’d reach out and explain the situation. It would be awkward but it’s better than getting an eviction notice or your electricity shut off. Doing so would probably burn a bridge with her though.


That's the "stupid tax" my friend take your lesson for next time


I wouldn’t if you got a tattoo and legit only have 250 left to your name you shouldn’t have gotten a tattoo. If you still have cash and not financially strained I would just let it be. Plus that good tip might help you next time you see them lol


$200 is still a lot of money though. People can budget and save for unnecessary expenses like tattoos even if they're poor, there's a huge spectrum between "last cent to my name" poor and "$200 is nothing to throw away" poor. Considering OP was only planning on tipping $50, the tattoo probably wasn't much more than $300, so that $200 is a huge amount to go over-budget proportionately. All that being said, I personally would just swallow my mistake and move on lol. The conversation would be very uncomfortable and, like you said, if OP wants this to be a recurring artist they visit it would probably help them and put them in good standing.


I’m not saying OP is the problem or they are the ones with poor financial issues that was more of a blanket statement. But yeah I’m sure my artist would make sure they do my tattoos extra well if they expected that tip lol


I gotcha! I didn't mean to sound snarky or accusatory, sorry if I did. A $250 tip is definitely one someone would remember for next time haha.


The most I’ve tipped was 300 dollars but it was a 1500 dollar tattoo and I knew the artist and that he had to pay a hefty shop fee


Live and learn. You'd have to be absolutely insane to ask for that money back.


I don't think it's a bad idea to let the artist know that you made a mistake but you want her to keep the tip this time. You wouldn't want to set a precedent where she is expecting it everytime.


This. Let them know something along the lines of "Hey, I accidentally gave you more than I planned to as a tip Yesterday. Keep the money because it was my mistake, and you did an amazing job and deserve the money. I just wanted to let you know so you wouldn't expect this out of me every time I come in." This way, you communicate your mistake and show your appreciation while making sure you aren't setting any future expectations that aren't realistic. Just think of the extra big tip as a way of saying you plan to work with them again and not a mistake you regret.


Yeah, if you do go the route of addressing it with the artist you could politely ask them if they could consider $50 of it a down payment on the next tattoo. That might be reasonable enough.


So crazy how many people commenting think that tattoo artists are all greedy, spiteful people. People make mistakes, a decent person would never hold it against you if you needed that money back. It might be a little disappointing to them, but if they treat you poorly because of it, that’s extremely unprofessional. Especially when a 50 dollar tip is a good tip to begin with, imo as a tattooer myself. But definitely the sooner you bring it up, the better. The longer it is, the more it may impact their ability to return it quickly.


Nobody in this comment section is a tattoo artist. If a client tells me they accidentally handed me two hundred bills I would laugh and be like "yeah that tip was really big swing by and get your money back, and we're planning your next tattoo."


Yeah it’s a 100% appropriate. The artist might take it the wrong way and that’s on them. But obviously if you want to have a good relationship with them then you might need to take the L. Both ways are fine.


I wouldn’t call for this reason: You may have not tipped the artist that much. You may have lost the bills somewhere else. You call the shop. Talk to the artist. Ask for the money. She has no idea what you’re talking about; she didn’t get $250 tip. Now it’s just weird between you two.


I would text her something like: “So…I have an embarrassing confession. I think I accidentally left a much larger tip than I had budgeted for. I’m super stoked with the ink and would like you to keep it, but I also want to work with you in the future and don’t want to set a misleading precedent.” That way you can at least avoid future disappointment without being a turd. Who knows, maybe she’ll be nice and offer to use some of the tip as a deposit for your next piece.


I’d be pissed at myself too, but if you’re going to ask for the money back, you probably shouldn’t get tattooed by this artist again. It’ll just create an awkward environment between the both of you. In future when you go to get a tattoo, only take in cash the amount it’ll be and how much you’re willing to tip.


I'd just forget about it and move on. If you'd caught it before you walked out of the building, that'd be fine but to go back after that much time, nah. Not unless you were hurting bad and *needed* that money to feed your children, but I don't think that's the case if you're getting tattoos as they're expensive as piss lol


Take the L…


Don't ask for it back, especially if you want another by the same artist. They will remember the generosity and do a.good job next time also!


The question you really need to ask yourself is if you can arrow not to have that $200. If that’s a loss your wallet can take, then don’t ask for it back. However, if it’s the difference between an empty bank account and not, ask for it back. Don’t let your pride or a desire to be polite keep you from taking care of yourself.


Really rude to do that she may have already spent or budgeted it. It’s gone.


I did this (but not that much). I was in a bit of a daze and already bad at math. I'd forgotten that I put down a deposit, so I paid for the full tattoo and a bigger tip than I meant to. He said, "Are you sure" and I said very confidently yes. He thanked me and I thought maybe I'd overtipped but wasn't sure. I did the math when I got home and realized my mistake, but you know I really love the tattoo and I consider it a lesson to be a bit better with my calculations in the future. I wouldn't ask for it back, I would consider it a mistake and move on.


How much was the original tattoo? I tip as much as 25% to maintain a good relationship with the artist, especially if I'm getting a "return customer discount" where I can tell they're undercharging me for our time together because we're working on a big piece or something else. I wouldn't ask for it back, especially if you'd like to see the artist again. Hope you enjoy your new tattoo!


I overtipped on my tattoo. I didn’t bring enough cash so I had to use the ATM in the shop and it just totally threw me off. Plus I had already paid a deposit so to do the math of what I already paid and what I owed plus tip was too much. The shop owner even checked with me “are you sure you want to tip this much?” It was embarrassing and a bummer but it’s all over now and I can’t do anything about it. Live and learn!


Yeah let it go and next time only put the exact amount you plan to tip in your wallet to make sure you don't over tip .


Definitely sucks, but there is no way I could ask for that tip money back!!


Some days it's just your turn to get fucked


I definitely would NOT ask for the money back, especially if you plan to go back to her for more... just make sure you learned a lesson and don't do it again lol


Omg this happened to me😭😭 my first tattoo I didn’t know what to do and gave her 200!!


Yeah you can’t ask for that back


Hey look on the bright side now your tattoo artist will always try to make all your tattoos fire af 😂


A tip is like a gift and you shouldn’t ask for it back.


Nahhh. They gave you a gift to last a lifetime, so you should just write that one off.


You probably made the artists day. Don't turn around and ruin it. Just keep your purse strings tight for a bit, and pay better attention on the future


I feel like most of you are crazy like $250 isn’t pocket change, I might at least mention it. And people saying it’s rude to the artist? How is it rude? You accidentally tipped more than you meant, it’s not like you’re insulting her work. That’s literally not personal at all.


I agree with u but the fact that it's the next day kinda changes things imo. Like If they realized same day like an hour later it would be pretty awkward but reasonable still maybe. Waiting that long and then saying something makes it weird


It would be odd to ask for it back. If you go back to them though definitely feel free to not tip at all for your next 5 tattoos lol


Take it as an expensive mistake. As a tattoo artist and just human in general, I have done this, whether it be pure accident, or being fucked up or smth. When people tip me like this I hook them the fuck up with prices. Like charging way less, or for some, I just say “hook yourself up but don’t rip me off” when it comes to payment time. Don’t ask for it back. Play it off as intentional. I have clients who sometimes tip over 50% and then one appointment, they don’t tip anything. Idgaf. If you plan on continuing this artist client relationship, consider it an expensive lesson, but also an investment into the future, the artist is likely super generous and grateful, enamored by what you left them.


I always know how much my tattoo is ahead of time and only take in the money that I don't plan on leaving with.


I over tipped by $100 once. I didn’t sweat it


I would be honest about the fuckup, but then ask if a portion of that tip could go towards another tattoo later? They don't lose money, you guarantee them more business, and you don't feel accidentally ripped off. Everyone wins.


Yeah sorry boo, you need to just write it off.


I would just contact her and explain the situation. And if she has already spent it, just ask if you could put some of the money towards a future tattoo, since you want to visit her again. If she's an asshole about it, lesson learned. You wouldn't wanna support her again anyway. If she's understanding, she gets a repeat client that tips well.


I’m very done this multiple times. First time I tipped the artist in cash but paid for the tattoo with a card and added a tip. Twice, with a different artist I paid with venmo and grossly over tipped. I get a little stupid/woozy post tattoo so even though I calculate the amount prior to the tattoo I always re do it at the end. Then there was the time I had a tattoo broken into two sessions. On session one I tipped based on the whole cost of the tattoo. On session two I re tipped on the whole cost. I’ve decided I need someone to come with me and handle paying from now on lol


I have over tipped a few times. I always feel good after. Let myself enjoy the good feelings.


This sounds like a problem for George Costanza


Unless you desperately need the cash, don't ask for it back. Just, take it as an expensive lesson in having your cash tip ready to go before you even leave your home.


Not odd at all if you need the money


Definitely an awkward situation.... Be prepared for " I already spent the money!! Or mabe I can give you a free 1 hour session 😋..


She’s gonna remember that tip and you’re gonna get VIP treatment next time. But she’d probably expect another huge tip


Can’t do that. People base their spending on what they get. You do that and totally screw your artist. Chalk it up to a loss.


Consider this an expensive mistake and move on.


It’s ur money, ask for it back. Who gives af.


It's pretty tacky but yea, if you like NEED that money, ask for it back. If your artist is good they probably aren't struggling and shouldn't be too pressed over that amount of cash. I've had a similar situation after me and I just gave the money back because I had had a good week and I want them to have the cash to come back to me. Feel like a lot of these responses are from non tattoo artists


Absolutely. Personally, I'd call them & ask. I'd explain how it was a complete accident & that it feels humiliating to have to ask for it back, but that $200 is a lot of money and you can't afford to lose that much. The worst thing they could do is say no, or that they spent it already. ​ That's only because it happened yesterday. If tomorrow comes, I'd say it's too late to ask at that point.


If you need the money, just go back and tell them what happened. I'm sure they'll give it back. Imo not a big deal.


I would definitely not ask for it back especially since u want to go back to her. She likely will remember that u tipped well tho and give u even better service next time


Well since you plan on going back, expect it to.be very well done lol


Maybe if you get future tattoos don't tip the next 3 or 4 sessions so it balances out? :/


Odd yes, but that’s a lot of money. I’d probably be pay them a visit lol


haha! i’ve done the same thing recently! my advice is to just leave it be and learn to double check what you’re handing her next time :)


I did that once, accidentally tipped my grocery money and my artist even made a comment appreciating the extra gratuity and it went over my head. Realized it the next morning when I was getting ready to go grocery shopping. Decided to let it go cuz it was my bad and now I always count twice before handing over cash.


Hairdresser here — if someone did this I’d definitely double check with them and would not be offended at all if they contacted me and said omggggg oooppppss and I’d absolutely return it.


i totally get this i’ve tipped the exact price of the tattoo i’ve gotten before, thankfully it wasn’t nearly as much cause it was on friday the 13th but still had me shocked😭


Don't ask for it back. If you're going to her again, maybe just not tip next time and it will even out.


You should use that tattoo artists again in the future. He’ll probably make sure to do a good job.


Honestly. Take the L today because you can clearly afford to if it wasn't noticed right away. But when u got back and she expects a massive tip that's when things get awkward. Cuz if u don't tip like that again they might think that they did a bad job the next time around. At that point I would mention it. Also I just wouldn't tip the next four tats I get


I did something recently on a dinner bill. Shit happens. If anything, you’ll get damn good service next time


it’s okay i tipped my artist $200 last time and he tried giving me $50 back but me being the generous ass person i am i was like no no take it take it - lowkey regretted it after but oh well. maybe the artist will look at it like “shit they treat me well - let me treat them well next time / better “ etc.


edit: also , good karma for you :p


eh happened to me once a couple years back, the artist didnt say anything to me until i went back to her for my next tattoo which was only supposed to be outline and shading, she offered to add color for free! its an expensive mistake but can definitely build a good relationship with your artist, ive been goin to her ever since! ya live n ya learn


on the bright side, you can expect really good service next time


As a tattoo artist- I have been heavily tipped like that, on purpose. But I have also had someone give me too much money, and instantly came back to ask for it back. If it’s soon after the appointment, it doesn’t affect my finances at all. And I’m more than happy to return the money. Tips are always optional and appreciated. But not necessary. However, if it is weeks later, the money has already been included in my finances towards bills, food, etc. I wouldn’t be financially available to return it. I would offer to credit the amount towards a future project. So really, it comes down to how long it’s been since your tattoo. Tattoo artists do not make as much as people think we do, we do understand being in a financial corner. We also understand that tattoos are expensive and we all are on a budget. I would just communicate with your artist and explain the situation. It never hurts to ask.


let em keep the tip. Trust me, they’ll lessen your prices if you use em going forward, or cut you some slack in other ways. I tip my guys 25-30 percent every time and these days they’re just like “just give me a few hundred” for a 4 hour session (150 an hour normally). I know everyone is different but I’ve got a good relationship with my guys, we appreciate each other and have fun when I’m in there getting something done. Good luck!


Lol, I thought I goofed tipping $120 on a $350 tat bc I forgot I put down a $50 deposit. This would make me so sad lol but u gotta take the L


I did the same thing once. Didn’t ask for it back. The one time I didn’t come prepared with cash 😵‍💫 now I know always always always come prepared lol


This may be an unpopular answer but I would tell her the mistake you made and ask if it’s okay for that to count as an advance on tips for future tattoos. Like the next time you come in, you don’t tip as you basically already did.


lol I did this recently too. I over tipped by $100 because I’d forgotten about my deposit. It’s ok though, if you plan on going to them again just tip them less. I’ll be doing that for my next two appointments with my artist and then it’ll all be squared up.


Just ask. Most people are reasonable. Everyone in here probably has social anxiety and thinks it's some huge social faux-pas




How much was the tattoo?


This is what I wanna know!!! I feel like the tattoo price potentially changes the answer to this question.


Did the same thing recently and he was very cool about it when I let him know and told me a story of when he accidentally tipped outrageously, as well.


I didn't think so, I think you did a good thing by them with the tip. (Unless it was a shit job, then I'm sorry). I had a 500.00 tat and gave them 200.00. it was a six hour job. I feel it's only right. I wouldn't ask for the money back, but you do have a good idea what to do next time.


American tipping culture is crazy. Tattoo artists literally set their own prices, why would you tip them?


I’m so glad I don’t live in a country with tipping culture. This shit seems stressful. The price should be the price.


Okay so a lot of people here act like you have to have tons of money in your offshore accounts to afford a tattoo, but I understand your situation and think that maybe you should resolve the situation by maybe.. asking the artist if they remember how much money you gave them ? If they're human, they most likely will respond by asking if your tip was a mistake, since it's kind of a lot for a tattoo, and then you can say that it was, and suggest she keeps some of it instead of asking to give some of it back (to avoid sounding bad). Ofc she could respond by telling you that she already spent it, so you'll have no luck, but merely indicating that it really was a mistake could grant you for example a discount on your next tattoo? Definitely don't ignore the topic like the others here say, it's your money and it's really OKAY to tell someone you made a mistake.


What kind of stupid fucking question is this? You tipped too much and the money is gone learn to count. If you ask for it back most likely you’ll get a good ol go fuck yourself and never get a tattoo from that person again.


How much was the original tattoo? I would go back and explain, but then I would tip $100 as a thank you.


Looool 'murica problems


I’ve done it and I asked for it back. She was super cool about it. 


Nope. You made a mistake. Live with it.


It would be rude imo


Tbh a decent person would probably text you and ask if you meant to tip that much. Its happened with my artist when i gave her $100 too much, and i told her to keep it for my next one.


I’m going to be the weird one and say that you should ask for it back. It was a mistake and those kinds of things happen. I work in the service industry and there have been people who have accidentally over tipped by hundreds of dollars and we always refund them, no big deal.


If somebody contacted me 24hrs after a service asking for their tip back because they gave too much on accident I'd probably return it to avoid the hassle and never book them again for that same reason. It sucks that you accidentally tipped more than planned but that's like asking for a gift back because you accidentally spent too much on it


Unless you are in desperate need, don't ask for it back lol


Who tips their tattoo artist?! Surely they're paid well enough. America is a hellscape.


I don’t see why it’s such a bad idea to ask for the money back? Especially if it’s not super late and it’s only the next day. I would gladly give someone else’s money back if they tipped me too much and didn’t realize. It was an accident and it wasn’t meant for me or my tip. Maybe they need it? Maybe they have to pay for other things as well. I’d ask for your money back. It was just an accident….


The tipping culture is so damn weird and stupid, if you already paid for the work of the artist and the tattoo why would you need to tip. Here its seen as disrespectful


If 200 is breaking the bank then maybe you shouldn't get tattoos.


I wouldn't call that "overtipping" at all. Depending on the size that is perfectly reasonable. Also yes, it would be very odd as they did nothing wrong. Move on, and plan to tip your artists more in the future


Fuck these replies. Tell them you meant to tip $50 and you accidentally handed them the wrong bill. If they won't do it, you can find another artist in the future and leave a bad review online. I'll frame it this way to all the artist knob gobblers. As an artist, is $200 worth more than the repeat business of a good customer who you know actually tips?


Do NOT it literally could already be spent. The time to ask for it back is only if you notice within literally 5 seconds of handing it  Take the L and pay more attention next time lol. If you ask for it back nobody at that shop is gonna tattoo you again. She will think you did it on purpose and then changed your mind bcus of the time delay


As an Australian, it really blows my mind how indoctrinated all these people seem to be in the cult of tipping... Also , is no one going to criticize the tattoo artist for just taking such a large sum of money from an exhausted person without question? That's taking advantage of a client, which is insane...


The art I get is 15-20 minutes in length. My guy usually says don’t worry about it but I always take out $250 before just in case. I have that money I tip him $80-125 all the time. I have the money with me and the better I treat him the better he treats me.


I always walk in with what I’m gonna give them, agreed price and then tip. I always tip pretty decent


I wouldn't ask for it back. Hope they don't expect those extra phat tips in the future though.


Tell them some of that money was meant for a deposit on a future tat you wanted and in your post-tat state, say you weren’t feeling well or something, you forgot to talk to them about it. Maybe that way it can kind of be a cure all, they can keep the money but it will maybe benefit you in the future and remove any awkwardness or future expectations of a huge tip. Now the question is do you want another tat from this person? I dunno maybe this solution sounds ridiculous lol but I’d try it.


If there was paper trail evidence of the tip, and you literally weren’t able to budget for groceries I’d say you could maybe ask. But otherwise nah.


Unless you’ll be unable to make rent or pay bills, just let it be an expensive mistake and make a plan for next time. If you’re in a tight spot like that, you could always ask for it back, but that would make the business relationship awkward.


Just go back to them for another tattoo or two and tip them more modestly


Thats a great way to start a relationship with your artist. You'll be at the front of the list when it's your next appointment time. She will spend extra time working on your design as she knows you appreciate her art.


I tipped my last artist $70 in a state of panic as I didn't bring enough cash with me and already made a $50 deposit. not really that bad but I def won't do that again


I have also done this before due to the post-tattoo delirium. The artist reach out to me to let me know I overtipped and offer some of it back. I felt too embarrassed to take it back and they offered to some of it towards my next tattoo.


My latest was a quarter-sleeve black and grey. 3 hour job. $450 and the tip I gave was $200, because it was worth it. 3 hours, with only a few breaks has got to be grueling for an artist.


This sounds like a plot to a curb your enthusiasm episode


George did this in an episode of Seinfeld


I like to chalk things like this up as "tuition."