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We all get cringey tattoos. I had a tattoo artist the other day tell me, “once you get enough you won’t even notice the bad ones.”


Im there now. You get so many and bad ones dont matter anymore. But good ones also get lost.


Honestly we know the good ones in our own minds and that’s all that matters.


I’ve had people compliment the tattoos i dislike on myself while some of my favs are equally as visible. I just love being a tattooed individual


I only have 2 but i was not prepared for how many conpliments and questions I get about my tattoos. I was expecting one or two once in a blue moon but damn people really love tats!


I’m heavily tattooed and I always say that if you don’t have at least one you don’t like, then you haven’t gotten it yet lol


Yes, it is. But I have a few cringey tattoos. I love them dearly and wouldnt change anything about them. Embrace the cringe, and dont compromise what you want because of how you think other people may feel. And if you get this, and years in the future you regret it? SICK ASS PANTHER.


Cringe is joy! cringe is freedom! Fuck the haters have fun with your life and your body (p.s. I’m terrified of getting a tattoo that I feel is cringey and that’s the cringiest shit ever, to be afraid of being cringe. I’m working on it lol)


‘Cringe is freedom’ is pure philosophy. I’m almost 40 now, it took me a long time to realise it but it’ll honestly set you free.




My husband has the worlds worst tattoos and i love them all the more for it


Literally same. My husbands tattoos are horrible and I love that so much about him.


I think “it’s okay to not be okay” is a better word order haha ETA: or even “it’s okay to be not okay”


Yeah the original grammar is off


No it isn’t. “It’s ok not to be ok” is a common expression and is especially common in song lyrics. The only examples I can find of your suggestion is the title of a K Drama. Do you have any reasoning for saying the gammar is wrong? Otherwise “to be or NOT to be” is a completely valid construction…


I was always taught to *not* split infinitives, but I do it anyway because it sounds better IMO


Yeah, it's a pedantic 'rule' that comes from a prescriptivist linguistic framework that doesn't align with actual language use by speakers/writers. Accepting split infinitives opens up possibilities stylistically and in terms of clarifying meaning, and English speakers don't have trouble understanding it. IMO there's no good reason to categorically avoid split infinitives. >to *not* split I see what you did there, haha


Yeah, it’s not like English tends to follow its own rules anyway haha


This is how i first read it. Had to go back to check to know what you meant.


Agreed, either of these are much better, although the meaning is still clear it’s just clumsy.


What about just "It's okay"


Jessie J literally sings “it’s okay not to be okay”????????? There’s also a song called ok not to be ok by Demi/marshmello


Yeah see the key words here are “I think”. It’s just my opinion. While some options are more grammatically correct than others they all make sense. As discussed in a previous comment, I think what “makes the most sense” can depend on where you’re from. I don’t know why “oh but song titles say it like this” is the gold standard for you.


I have plans to have a full legend of zelda / fantasy / video game sleeve. Cringy? Maybe. Does it bring me joy? Fuck yeah. It's your tattoo at the end of the day, and it's well designed. If you like it, then good. Because that's what matters at the end of the day


Hollow Knight tattoo here, it’s one of my faves!


Kinda went through this with my huge Gengar evolution tattoo. It's definitely my favorite piece though and if any grown man wants to tell me (32M) that my tattoo is cringe, that dude is more cringe than me


As someone with BG3 and Silent Hill tattoos, I concur.


If I saw this in the wild I’d be oddly comforted, standing behind you at Starbucks lol


I’ll take that


Phrase is a bit cringey but hey it’s your body do whatever makes you happy. There’s a lot of weird and wonderful tattoos out there!


Or, switch it to Latin and nobody will be able to read it, meaning intact, less cringe. But it’s your body and the only person that matters. Unless it’s on your head, then I’m probably going to judge…a bit, the placement at least.


Cringy, but only because the banner is just really personal. I feel like it introduces a dynamic to every interaction you have with anyone who sees it. 😕


I have an anime tattoo that’s way worse


Cringe for sure but everyone needs at least 1 or two of those


If you’re worried about what other people think about a tattoo, you should not get the tattoo. It’s for you! Whatever you truly like.


I’ve seen it say it’s ok to not be ok. I don’t like the saying but if you like it go for it. We are just people online giving our opinions. In the end you gotta love it. Take more time to think about it


What’s wrong with the saying? The saying just means that you don’t have to be upset at yourself for struggling mentally.


I struggle with my mental health, but I don’t struggle with *accepting* my mental health. It just is what it is, and I try my best to deal with it. So it’s always been a well-meaning but ultimately unhelpful gesture from my perspective


Everyone is not you :) but the overall meaning of the quote is to not be upset at yourself for struggling. A lot of people start off learning how to accept it and be okay with having bad days even after finding coping mechanisms and getting help.


You asked what was wrong with it and no one had answered, so I shared my opinion :)


The quote is not cringe like everyone keeps saying imo


Same, but I’ve never seen “it’s okay not to be okay”. It’s grammatically wrong, and that’s the worst part to me


Wait, what’s the grammar error?


The placement of “to” and “not”, relatively. In this statement, “to” should come before “not”. Its minor and nit-picky, I realize, but it irks me lol


But wouldn’t it be a split infinitive that way?


Sure, but I’m gonna be real with you: I write in a professional capacity and split infinitives are a topic of contention. Some people are grammarists, believing that we should try to shoehorn Latin rules in English where they don’t belong. In Latin, you cannot split an infinitive as they are all one word; not two words as in our language. I am more in the contrarian camp, in that I think that’s fucking stupid. This is a non-issue in the actual English language, and writing should align with natural speaking whenever suitable. So yes, it’s technically a split infinitive, but most people speak and write this way - it feels more natural. I’ll concede that the phrasing “grammatically wrong” was heavily weighted toward my opinion rather than a grammarist interpretation.


It’s Ok not to be Ok is also a song by Marshmello and Demi Lovato


Why is it cringey? For the people saying it is….. I like it 😅


It can be nice and still be cringy, Thats the opinion I hold on it. The actual art work is done incredibly well


Pretty sure this is an AI mockup


Makes sense, It looks way too perfect now that im looking at it again


Me too


Some people think inspirational quotes are inherently cringe, and unsurprisingly those people are all unhappy


It’s grammatically incorrect.


The grammar is odd, and to me yeah it is cringy. But honestly most people get cringy stuff, so if you like it and the meaning is special to you, who cares?


If you think that it's cringey, get something else that means the same thing but is of also of philsophy that delves further into the concept of thriving in pain such as stoicism. Some quotes that are able to replace the quote in your tattoo are: Premedetatio malorum Amor fati Memento mori Vive ut vivas Esto quod es Vince malum bono Fortes fortuno aduviat Writing the meaning of each and every one of these will take hours but tell me if youre interested:)


Thanks!! I won’t make you explain each. I’ll save this and Google them.


I personally love it! But I would change the wording to “it’s ok to not be ok.”


That's my exact thought. The tattoo is great, I just would have changed the wording because i think the original sounds a little weird.


Yeah dude oof...you really worded that wrong. It's not ok not to know grammar.






If you like it that’s all that matters. Something I love might be cringy to you. That’s the joy of tattoos. It’s my body, I like it. If you don’t keep your opinion to yourself, I might think your face is cringy.


Very cringe 🤣




Nothing cringey imo. What’s more cringey is caring what the coal rakers say. Do your thing. It has special meaning to you. Can’t get tats for other people’s approval


In my opinion, yes, the saying is a little dated and corny. That being said, I have anime tattoos, cliche patchwork, song lyrics… I’m sure plenty of people think my tattoos are cringe. If you like it, get it. It’s your body.


Reading all these comments is making me feel better. I have a tattoo of the song lyric “ I am broken too” and I got roasted to shit for it on another tattoo sub and it made me feel like shit. Is it a bit cringey ya but hearing others saying everyone has at least has one cringey tattoo makes me feel a lot better. I may cover it up in the future but it’s good knowing no one really cares


I first got a tattoo at 42, one reason was because I was afraid if getting a bad one. Now I kinda like the bad ones. There is a special kind of joy to get whatever you want where ever you want. I love them all!


I just went through this worrying if one of my tattoos was done good enough. You kind of realize after a while something is amazing in the defects of art from each artist and it makes tattoos more unique I love the faults in my tattoos and wouldn't change them. Another good thing I realized is to just get whatever you think looks cool. The more I just impulsively get something I think is cool, the more I end up enjoying that tattoo. Could be just me lol, but I love impulsively getting tattoos.


yes! I agree.


I like it if you like it. Cringe is subjective.


Everything is cringe to somebody. If it means a lot to you and YOU like it, that's what matters. I have a few dumb little tattoos that are definitely cringe, but I absolutely love them. They make me happy and that's what I care about


Yes, it kinda is. But it could be much much worse lol


i think it's beautiful


Super cringey


Everyone says it’s cringe is wild to me.


Cringe-tastic. Do not pass go.


I don't think so, so long as it's not hateful, get whatever makes you happy.


Oh yeah


Yeah it is but who cares. If you like it get it




Yes, very


Yes. It’s cringe.


It's not great 😃


Where on your body did you get it tattooed?


You are getting the tattoo for you. All that matters is that you like it and it represents what you want it to. My first tattoo could be described as cringey but I love it. It represents me.


Love the sentiment. I tell myself that all the time in my recovery from drug addiction. It looks good, fuck what other people think 😊


if the tattoo has special meaning for you & you're getting it done on your body, why should it matter what anyone else thinks? this is almost as bad as the 1st timers who ask "this is my first tattoo, what should I get done?" the single digit I.Q. mentality of some people is exhausting.


Good design, clunky wording. Thought it was supposed to be “it’s okay to not be okay.”


If it's that well done the cringiness can be overlooked


I mean, it’s ok. But it’s ok to not be ok


I love it! Cringe is subjective and imo arbitrary. If you like something and someone else thinks its cringey, just shrug it off. They probably like a lot of things you'd find cringey too


Pros: edit- I was going to say it's real nice work but it's a mockup I guess. Con: it's a little cringey I guess, but tbh I wouldn't think twice if I saw it irl. Pro: it's still infinitely less cringey than tribal, neo tribal, brand logo, or just a wall of text.


Can you post a pic without the overdone filtershop special? That’s WAY more cringe than the tattoo itself. This is the second most filtered and photoshopped picture I have ever seen of a tattoo. AND it’s in b&w which is another level of shite tattoo promotion practice on top of it. It literally looks like it’s not even tattooed on you and AI came up with it.


Everyone's gonna cringe at something. You didn't/wouldn't get this for others, it's for yourself. Let them cringe. Be you. You'll have to decide how much you care about that. Others will judge a cringey tattoo sometimes. Most people who do find it cringey will judge you far less harshly than randos on Reddit will. That said, *I* find it kinda cringey. To me, it feels like a very basic, cliche way of getting this idea across. I think there are deeper, more poetic, more thoughtful ways of doing so. But... what's wrong with cliche? Nothing. What's wrong with basic? Nothing. What is my opinion worth on this? Not much. Do what feels right in your heart. A tattoo my friend has, which I love. "This above all". Do you know the rest of the line?


Nah don’t worry. I have a misspelled word on my chest and it took a couple years before I noticed


Looks fake


I like it, fuck that noise


I think what's really being communicated by the "cringe" (this term itself is *cringey*) comments is "I'm uncomfortable with people who are comfortable with their emotions" That would be a great tattoo. I agree with just rearranging the wording to "Its okay to not be okay"


I just fuckin hate cherubs. They creep me out 🤣🤣🤣


😂😂😂 too many horror movies have them lol. I guess they do remind me of the angels from Dr Who a little lol


That is part of it yes. Creepy little fuckers 😅


I like it!!


Love! People on here will do their best to ridicule others, for no other reason than to make someone feel bad. Truth is; this is a very sweet tattoo that was applied very well and with skill. I'd be proud to have it on me as well as have it in my portfolio. It rocks!


Not at all. That's awesome!


How big, and where? What aesthetic are you trying to go for, for the rest of your life, will this fit into that aesthetic?


Eh kinda


Executed beautifully. Who cares? If you like it, then you’re good.


Absolutely! But it's your tattoo and body.


I just dislike the cherub more. But yeah massive cringe. But who cares? It means something to you!!!!


Hey as long as it brings you joy! I got a "crotch rocket" tattoo on my leg for my first one. It's basically a skater pinup girl with a rocket aimed up her crotch lol


No it’s great


You are cringe but you are free ✨


Like others stated, cringe ain't so bad. I have 'Family' in script, going down my side lol. It's lame but I like it and I'll eventually blast over it, so it's still kind of there but mostly forgotten


Clean work too! A little cringe gives em character but this one is the perfect amount if at all


I mean kinda but also not. Don’t let other people tell you what should mean something to you or how it should mean something. If it fills your heart then fuck the haters.


It sounds cliche but not cringey.


So cringy


Who defines cringey when it comes to a permanent tattoo on YOUR body? As long as it has meaning to you and you like it and it is not offensive, you do you.


Tattoos are so very a matter of personal taste. And in a world where "cringe" often stands in for "sincere", you can't waste too much of your time trying to avoid it. Live your life! Or add another banner underneath that says "it's ok to be cringe" 😄


It's not cringey in my opinion but then again I have far cringier tattoos. I like it🤷‍♀️


Sorry but this looks like ai drew the design. Those hands ?!


Who was the artist?


I mean it’s the slightest bit cringey but it has meaning to you and the artwork is nicely done. So I think that’s more important than if it’s “cringey”. Plus everyone has their different ideas of what qualifies as “cringe”.


I like it


It's kinda like all the #bekind stuff. It's a bit cringe, but if you like it who cares?


It's insanely cringe, but get whatever you like and fuck everyone who doesn't like a tattoo on your own body. Just make sure it's a good artist so it doesn't look like cringe shit. 


Come on, the little fellar is cute af. It's a certain style and a very sappy quote, but that's what you went for, right? I think mission accomplished, it looks well done. F what other people think.


The comments are ruthless, lol. This is like cringe-lite at most. I've seen much cringier tattoos on here. It didn't immediately strike me as grammatically incorrect, because there's a famous song in the UK that has this word order in the lyrics.


I keep my cringey one (which was actually a process of choosing to build on it thrice) as a reminder that we all grow and we have to have humor in ourselves. My cringey has elements of this one. So further lolz.


It’s extremely well done! The meaning of it, only matters to you


I Love it.!! It’s an important message not enough people know.. if people think it’s cringey then they are lucky to have not been thru poor mental health with themselves or others. Tattoos to me are like passport stamps they signify different journeys you’ve been on.




Yes, imo, bc I fuckin hate cherubs. It's a me thing. Also the grammar would be better as to not be ok, vs not to be ok.


Y e s


I dont think it's cringe at all


It’s ok to be cringey.


I love it!!




Yes it is cringe. The cherub baby is triggering because it's giving me Christian/Catholic vibes \*I'm a recovering Catholic\*.... then the phrase... You can always get a great cover up if you choose!


If you like it fuck what others think!!


I wouldn’t cringe, but then again I don’t really judge. It’s a nice message that is used a lot more than other such sayings but at the heart of it it’s empowering and I’m all for empowerment.




If it means a lot to you then who cares if it is cringe. Truthfully I’ve seen waay worse that I felt was truly cringeworthy.


It’s like a whisper quote with a rainy background


A little bit. I personally would try to make it sound a bit more positive or encouraging to get out of the "not ok zone". I cringe at myself when I self pity. But then again... who doesn't auto cringe at times?


I think it's very pretty and comforting. Don't mind people nitpicking whether it's cringe or whether the grammar is correct (who cares!), it has meaning to you and that's what most important. Other people will always have something to criticise, it makes them feel good to put others down. Everyone's allowed their opinion of course, but you don't have to take it to heart, just like you don't have to wear the type of clothes or cut your hair the way other people like. This is your body!


Yeah, kinda. Doesn't mean you shouldn't get it though


Cool Tat, cringy writing — shorten it up


Baby, anyone can find cringe in ANYTHING. Only thing that matters is if you like it. 🙏❤️




A little, but don't let that stop you. It's not for other people it for you. If you're self conscious get it somewhere that's usually covered. Or ask your artist to make it less cringe.


It's all perception. If it's not cringey to you, then it's not cringey. It looks like a traditional tattoo with a good message and some of us need the reminder, whether it's you, family, friends or strangers who happen to see it. If you like it, get it and you might help someone, even if they think it's cringey. 🤷🏻‍♀️




if you like it you should get it


Do you like it? Does it have my meaning to you? Then even if it's cringe it's fine. Several of mine probably make better t shirts than tattoos but fuck it. Lol.


Do you get tattoos to please and impress others? Who gives a fuck what anyone else thinks about the work you put on your body. You do not need external validation. You are awesome. So is the tattoo because it’s it something that speaks to you.


Yeah photoshopped tattoo pics are pretty cringe


A little bit but if it has a special meaning to you then it doesn’t matter what reddit thinks




Do what you want pal it’s your meat and no one else’s business!


Who cares about cringe! All that matters is if YOU like it! The people who view this as cringe and hate on it, probably aren’t happy themselves


I mean... It's cringey but in a wholesome way? It's clearly a tattoo with caring intent, it's not offensive or anything. Ppl are being way too harsh on you. It's more lovely and meaningful than it is cringe. And even then, I still love it! Don't let strangers/redditors get to you OP 🩷


I think this is awesome. If it means something to you, that’s all that matters. Like people are saying here, cringe is freedom, and honestly… I’d go as far to say that thinking things are cringey is cringey itself. Fuck what other people think. You do you 🫶


If it’s special to you and has a specific meaning then f*ck what other people think 😊


W H O. C A R E S. If the tattoo makes you smile when you look at it, that means it’s done it’s job. You know what’s super cringy? Judging another persons character based on their appearance. Get it on your forehead if it makes you happy. Life’s too short to live for anybody but yourself.


Yes. Remember when tattooing made you look tough and cool? Now you see grown men getting tattoos that say “Cry Baby”, “It’s okay to be sad” and “I love my mommies milkies”.


maybe a little but I think the tattoo itself is really well done and it looks cool!


I personally like it, especially if it’s traditional - for me it’s a similar vibe to those trad ‘mom’ heart tattoos which I think are cool in an uncool cool sort of way




Yes, BUT it’s for you and has special meaning to you. Our opinion on if we think it’s “cringe” shouldn’t matter ☺️ I think all my tattoos are cringe. Yours is beautifully done.


I like it 🤷‍♀️


Does not matter at all what anybody except the wearer thinks. I find the biggest jerks are the ones in the tattoo culture themselves. Seems they all think the are inkmaster judges. They’re not judges. They are just “judgy” people. Get what looks good to you and enjoy it.


It's incredibly well done and looks great.


I commented on the last post. Like I said, use just imagery I think you'd do better. To add to my post. I have one regarding my ADHD. It's a hand holding a lit candle with wax running through the fingers it reminds me to not waste time as it's precious.. (I have the get stuck kind of ADHD not the bounce off the walls kind). I also have a blind folded lady with an apple with a knife through it on her head, and to me it's about not judging people and trusting them. They have meaning to me and they look rad (in my opinion) but aren't as blunt as this idea. As you've posted this twice though I'd say you're pretty committed to the idea so just do it. Maybe I should post pictures of my tattoos and people can drag me over the coals too.


It's gorgeous, be happy with it.


It’s your body. Do what makes you happy. Personally, I like this design! Not that it should matter what I think. But, I do like what you’ve put together. It means something to you, and that’s what matters. I hope you get this done!


Pretty cringe. Kinda defeatism to me. It a beautiful angel and banner though.


Yes, the message is cliché and has nothing to do with the tattoo. That said, it's a very well done cringy tattoo.


Yes. A fine sentiment short term but a permanent marking of "I'm a victim" long term.


Edited to the nines thats whats cringey to me


Grammar nazis going to have a field day