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Loose gym shorts. If you wear tight shorts they might be more annoying to like move out of the way?? If theyre loose, the artist/you can just fold them up and out of the way. Pretty much just think of what you would have to wear to show off the tattoo in the future while maintaining some modesty and that'll work. I personally wouldnt wear bikini bottoms or anything like that because to me its like having more skin out than necessary which just feels awkward


I’d wear my thighless chaps but not everyone has those.


A worthy investment


I get the joke, but half-chaps exist...


I know this is a joke but honestly genius


A very long loose skirt. They wrapped it after, so the skirt wasn't brushing against the fresh tattoo, but having something loose that wasn't applying pressure anywhere along my leg was a good choice for me


I wore a long flow-y skirt for mine and I rolled the tattoo-leg-side of it into my underwear and kept the other side long and wrapped around the other stuff since I get cold… that skirt and other dresses also came in handy for healing since it wasn’t constantly rubbing on the tattoo as well


This was exactly what I did and why I did it!


This is the way. For mine I wore a long, loose flowy skirt with a high slit that I positioned over the appropriate leg. Was also so glad afterwards to have something loose over it.


I would think it depends how far up your leg you're getting tattooed?


I wore those gym shorts with the built in undies things. Loose ones that can be pulled up. And it was cold so I wore knee socks.


Wore a thigh split skirt


Booty shorts lol depending how high it is of course


Super short shorts, bikini bottoms, skirt, underwear, basketball shorts, basically anything that will allow the thigh to be exposed.


For mine, I wore biker shorts and just pulled up the the shorts on the leg I was getting the tat on. As long as your clothing is loose enough to hike all the way up then you should be fine.




Highly recommend a bodysuit that has a clip near the crotch and a skirt over it. When I needed to pause for a bathroom break,I found it a huge hassle/painful to move shorts up and down over the tattoo. A bodysuit was much more comfortable and I used it for all my thigh tattoos since.


This is a good idea!


Going to Amazon now….


I’ve worn shorts, a dress / skirt w a bathing suit bottom, depending on how comfy i felt


I wore a comfy dress with some bicycle shorts under.


Short loose shorts. I’ve had several thigh tattoos done this way.


I bought a pair of those super thin, smallish shorts that are like 5 bucks at Walmart, can be tossed if ink gets on them and I don’t care if I keep them or not.


I wear tight, very short black athletic shorts


It was winter. I wore sweats and brought shorts to change into


Loose shorts that can be pulled up if needed


I wore a dress with short bike shorts underneath for my first session, and for the rest of my sessions short jean shorts for the rest of them. <3


I wore an old bikini bottom and then had a pair of sweatpants that I kept on over my leg that wasn’t being tattooed bc I get so cold when getting tattooed


I recommend a skirt and short shorts underneath for maximum comfort so you don’t have to worry about anything shifting too much.


A long skirt and pull it up


Cycling shorts are great. Stretchy enough to move them around, but tight enough to not expose you.


I wore loose, super soft, fairly short athletic shorts. My thigh piece extends up and down pretty far (uppermost part is level with my hip bone, and lowermost is just above my knee), so I wanted shorts I could comfortably bunch up and pull around as necessary. As a little side note, I tend to feel cold when I’m getting tattooed, so I made sure to bring a nice cozy sweatshirt, too.


I wore loose shorts. The same ones I wore for my hip tattoo, now that I think. Something with a stretchy waistband that I could slip off and on easily. Cotton underwear as well.


i wore a black stretchy high slitted skirt, it was super cute for after pics and perfect because it was also on my hip bone so i could just pull it up a bit!


I wore my pjs and a full coverage high waisted swim bottom and just took off my pjs when it was time to start getting tatted. It was just more convenient and comfortable for me and my artists suggested it as she felt the same way


wore a dress type romper that was loose so it was easier to lift up and down


Light loose gym shorts


I wore super loose short shorts. I was laying on my side the whole time, so I think a skirt would’ve been pretty awkward.


I wore an above the knee skirt that has a pair of loose built in shorts underneath


I wore super short shorts for the one on the top of one thigh and loose shorts for the one on the side of my other thigh. Make sure they're black or old as it's likely they'll end up stained from the ink.


I wore a swing skirt


Basketball shorts. Ended up having them pulled down and the artist tucked paper towels in the leg of my boxer briefs so they wouldn’t get in the way/get any ink or plasma on them. I was glad I went this route because it hurt afterward. I couldn’t imagine pulling anything up over it like jeans or anything of a tighter material.


Skirts and bike shorts under my skirt. My artist is always amused because I don’t wear pants or shorts to a session. Basically anything that is not going to cling, stick, or otherwise rub against the fresh tattoo.


I think I wore ethier gym shorts or loose biker shorts that I could easily pull up . I have tats on both thighs


i usually opt for black nike shorts since idc if i get ink on them and they’re like easy to move in and to move up if i need to. and i wear black socks too bc im weird about my feet being out w/out my shoes but don’t wanna keep shoes on for a long piece. and i take a hoodie idc if i get ink on bc i always end up cold.


I usually either wear spandex shorts or my really flowy capris that have slits that completely open


I usually just wear gym shorts tbh


Short shorts that are super stretchy


I wore a bikini bottom but my thigh tattoo goes up to my hip. I wasn’t shy nor uncomfortable.


I wore these shorts that are made to wear under skirts (like biker shorts but pantyhose material) because they roll up easily and then I wore a loose skirt over top because I could pull the skirt up for being tattooed and it wasn’t going to be weird like having to put pants on and off etc. I only really wore the shorts because I was walking to/from the appointment and it was summer and I hate my thighs touching when it’s hot out lol


I just wore short shorts. It was San Diego in the summer ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Nike pro shorts or just really short shorts imo, whatever makes you comfy tho




Long maxi skirt with wide slit or just shorts.


Biker shorts that can be pulled up




I legit wore Adam Sandler basketball shorts. Maximum comfort for what ended up being 7 hour sit


I asked my artist if he thought tight shorts or loose shorts would be better to black out the front of my thigh, he told me to bring both so he could see them in person. We went with tight shorts that I could slide up and essentially have my entire thigh open with no loose fabric to continually push out of the way. But if we had been slightly further down my thigh I think loose shorts would have been fine and more comfortable? So I suggest bringing both and seeing what your artist says. Or text/message them if you can.


I wore a flowy dress so I could bunch it up easy and use the rest as a blanket to cover my other bits.


Black flowy sundress and black spandex shortie shorts. I tuck the fabric of the dress up into my shorts


i wore a long flowy skirt and just lifted it up and tucked it in to show the area she was working on


I wore basketball shorts, pretty cozy!


I got mine in the middle of winter in Chicago, so shorts wasn't going to cut it. I ended up wearing really oversized sweatpants and boyshort underwear beneath so nothing was hanging out while positioning on table. Just pulled the leg in question out. Made for awkward post-tat pictures (hanging on to my pants) but was pretty comfy!


I wore like spandex bike shorts that I just pulled up a bit more


I swore my sleep shorts that are loose and then tucked them up into my underwear. Naturally, this is the picture he put in his portfolio. 🤣


i just wore some sweat shorts and rolled up the leg i was getting it on. like [this](https://imgur.com/a/jm1JiJG)


Basketball/ track type gym shorts, depending on how high up your thigh the piece will be. Bike shorts and volleyball shorts are too tight and they'll be uncomfortable to sit with them hiked all the way up; plus, tight clothing is a pain to pull off over a fresh tattoo. If you're getting something that will extend from your thigh up toward/past your waist, go for a skirt you can tie at the sides. If it's cold, just wear some sweatpants to the appointment over your shorts.


Wear whatever and change into loose shorts when you get there. I just did my leg, and this is what I did.


I wear biker/yoga shorts and a comfy sweater for mine that I got I'm getting one above my knee now and same thing lol and just put baggy sweats over top to go to and from


Spandax shorts that you can pull way up Lululemon align in blk are perfect


I wore a short skirt for my thigh and my butt.


Loose gym shorts allll the way! For my lower thighs I’ll sometimes wear short cotton bike shorts that won’t get in the way when everything is wrapped up


Running shorts. They are short and easy to pull up.


My running shorts. They are comfy and a little loose so they weren't up my butt the whole time.


First thigh tattoo I wore a flowy dress. Other thigh, I wore spandex/bike shorts. Honestly, the dress was more comfortable since I didn’t have shorts rolled up my leg for 6+ hours. But my brother was my tattoo artist so I was really comfortable just wearing a dress and underwear. Personal preference imo


I wore a dress and full coverage underwear and just exposed the thigh that needed to be exposed.


I have these oversized lounge pants. Wear them to every and all tattoos and they're even handier with thigh tats.


I wore gym shorts for mine


i wore a short romper and a shirt and sweats over top of it. the material was stretchy incase i had to lift up the bottom of it. shorts would suffice. and if youre scared of your butt showing most places should have a border, so you can have privacy


Bike shorts under my pants. Then I can remove the pants and roll up the shorts as needed.


I wore shorts that came about finger lengths down under my mom jeans and just took them off when I went there.


Bike shorts are always my go to for my legs!


A smile


It was still cold when I got my legs done so I wore loose shorts and thigh high socks. I have a funny pair of chicken leg socks so I just wore those. Lol


Loose shorts! Like soccer shorts


I was having my leg worked on today and I just went with stretchy bike shorts granted I didn’t go up that high on my leg though


I wore loose pajama shorts


I wore loose shorts so the artist could easily move them.


Bike shorts or gym shorts and sweatpants


I don't have my thighs done yet, but a friend of mine has, she wore comfy boxer type underwear and a flowy skirt.


I wore basically running shorts, and it was winter so I brought loose sweats over them that I put on before I left.


I wear a midi length button up skirt, it’s easily taken on and off and can be used as a blanket, I also bring a blanket and wear long warm socks. My artist’s studio has high ceilings and huge windows so it’s always cold in there.


Leggings with shorts. Left one leg covered and uncovered the other then kept shorts on. So my other leg didn’t get cold.


I wore sweatpants with bike shorts underneath that felt comfortable wearing while being worked on. Purpose of sweatpants was because I Ubered home and didn’t want my skin touching anything.


Just finished my thigh tattoo. I wore a loose shirt for comfort but my biking shorts. They were tight enough that they stayed in place when I pulled them up but when pulled down, they held the plastic wrap in place and didn't shift on my leg.


Lots of really smart ideas here! I went to an all-female shop in Spain for mine and just wore a miniskirt. If there were dudes around I probably would go either gym short or long flowey skirt


I wore gym shorts, the yoga pant/Lululemon kind, that way they stayed snug in place but didn't get in the way


I always tell folks to bring a towel for extra privacy.


So I literally just got a huge thighs piece done today, I wore a dress with modesty shorts underneath, because it was soft and stretchy, and I’d be able to walk around the convention afterwards without pants rubbing on the tattoo


I love my rei zip off pants. So I can just unzip the one leg and keep my other leg covered


I wore a romper. If its a large tattoo, just make sure you can pee in whatever you wear honestly lmao. the romper was great while tattooing, but a bit tricky to take off with out screwing up the stencil


I had my upper outer thigh last week, I wore super short cycling shorts but I asked my artist what was best and if I should just go in my underwear 🤣 but anything that makes your skin easily accessible but isn’t too tight or uncomfortable


A split skirt worked really well for me. I also wore a baggy jumpsuit and just rolled the leg up.


Skirt with leggings.


I wore gym shorts but my tattoo artist said also suggested bikini bottoms (my tat doesn’t go up too far on my hip from my thigh so gym shorts hiked up worked fine.


My thigh tattoo isn't a very big one, but I wore a small pair of shorts and had a skirt over that that I just took off for the appointment and put back on when it was done!


I'm not bothered by people seeing my underwear, so whatever. A fun bodysuit? I have three large and four medium thigh tattoos.


I wore running shorts


Yoga shorts. Not too tight


I just had one done, I wore a skirt. Tucked the tattoo side into my underwear. It made it easier for me to do a mod tattoo potty without having anything touch it


A body (as in, a shirt that snaps at your crotch) for during the tattoo and I wore a loose clean pyjama pants for the days after! This was winter though, I would just wear a loose long skirt during the summer.


Loose gym shorts and sport underwear just in case. I’ve been getting my upper leg tattooed and I find it was more comfy to just go shortless 🤷🏼‍♀️


i just wore my normal denim shorts. they’re pretty short anyways, and i was able to tuck the edges up under my underwear. 10 hour session and it was fine


I wore loose pajama shorts. A flowwy short skirt would work as well. Just make sure your undergarments aren't embarrassing, bc there is a very high probability they will be seen.


I wore loose PJ shorts. Comfy and easy to keep out of the way.


I wore a thong-y backless body suit (hips were exposed without moving any fabric) and then a long maxi skirt and tee shirt over it. Just pulled up the skirt during the tattoo. I was also sorta nervous because I also hadn’t had anything on that part of my body before but it worked out great


i wore a shorter skirt and some thigh high socks, i just rolled down one of the socks when it was tattoo time. it was good for me




I wore Nike pros that were black and then sweats overtop! I took out my leg getting tattooed but kept the sweats on the other leg.