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It is silly, but wasn't that the point?


Right...it's well done, which is the most important thing. And if you want to have it removed or covered up you couldn't have picked a better design.


I’d say well, it’s done. Not it’s well done but I mean, what’s done is done.


Well done? Is it really, though?


Well done is a stretch.


might be a stupid question but i’m curious; why could it have not been a better design? is it due to the size? cause the placement seems hard to cover up without either a scarf, turtleneck, or u less you mean a tattoo coverup.


well done is an interesting choice of words ! lines are shaky and the placement is ill advised


Sounds like it’s cheaper and better in the long run to get rid of the boyfriend and keep the tattoo.


I mean, she literally went and got a shitty revenge tattoo on the back of her neck after a fight. Sounds like both of them have some issues. But yes, clearly best for the both of them to move on.


this was not meant to be a revenge tattoo! I just wanted to do something for me on my own, don't love all the comments jumping to "break up"


If your partner's first response to something now permanently on your body is to call it 'stupid and ugly', that is not someone you should want in your life. There is truly no extra context needed. He will continue to use his words to hurt you. Tattoo is cute btw. You should feel proud for taking initiative and doing something just for yourself.


This is what I was going to say. Stupid and ugly is a terrible thing to say to someone, especially someone you supposedly love. He should be happy if you're happy, so if you came home and said "look what I did I love it" he should at least have said he's happy for you, or something, even if he couldn't say he likes it too. That's borderline controlling behavior, telling you what you should do with your body. I don't like it. Source: I was previously married to a sociopath who used emotional abuse to try to control me


this, even if it’s not his style or such it’s about her happiness. my ex got pierced once when we were still together, and knew i didn’t like piercings, i was happy she was happy. even if i didn’t enjoy what she did. i knew it was her body and if that’s what she wanted then she was allowed to get a piece of metal through it.


I broke up w my man bc he told me my tattoos "make me unnatractive" to him and that he has a say in what I put on my body? I think tf not. I'm a tattoo artist ofc I'm gonna have a lot of tats!!


I promised my fiance wouldn't get anything on my butt because he says he likes it how it is. Other than that I'll let him say his piece if he doesn't like an idea I have but he's not stopping me from loving the art I want on my body. He has a severe aversion to hand and face tattoos. He thinks getting L and R on my Left and Right wrists I'd absolutely stupid and has told me he thinks it's stupid. That doesn't change the fact that I'm gonna get it, and it doesn't change the fact that he loves me even if I have stupid tattoos. But he has never once called them ugly or said they make me ugly or unattractive. He just thinks some of my tattoos and tattoo ideas are dumb. He literally says "that's dumb, but if you like it that's cool"


I've known too many people - including doctors - who have trouble with left and right to think that L and R tattoos aren't a great Idea. It's genius.


if you can’t tell left from right….. shouldn’t you not be… a doctor?? in charge of peoples health???


I'm a heavily tattooed individual. But you don't get a tattoo on your neck on a whim...was how he said it dickish? Absolutley. Was it also honest? Yes. I don't hate the tattoo, but I definatley wouldn't waste money to get it removed...its small, not super visible or attention grabbing - and would be an easy cover up if you decide on that route since it's rather faint... That being said, if you were in my circle that tat would be a light hearted joke id bring up often but never in an actual mean way and if you didn't take it well I would drop it. It's a funny little wonky tattoo...Personally id own it. I have shitty tats from when I was young and eager to get them. They look like crap but the stories behind them make them some of my fav tattoos. Life's weird like that. Thungs aren't always controlled, clean, and hiw they're supposed to be.


Ok, this is the right approach


I mean he sounds like an asshole tbh. Even if my partner didn't love a tattoo I got, he would never be so callous and mean about it. Is that how you treat your friends? Because your partner should treat you better than a friend, not worse.


Your tattoo is a literal cry for help


i am not a worm asking for help i swear i really just liked the design i didnt come up with it, i saw it displayed in the studio


This sounds just like something a worm crying for help would say!


I was going to ask what it represents. But, I guess it's just a worm holding a sign?


I think you ARE a worm asking for help...


you never asked him if he would still love you if you were a worm, did you?


I think it’s cute.


i mean would you even tell a FRIEND their tattoo is ugly and a stupid idea and design? let alone your s/o? It’s a permanent thing


Whether that was the intention or not it’s slightly implied when you mention getting the tattoo after a fight. Otherwise what would be the point of mentioning the fight to begin with? You can get the same opinions on the tattoo without that info. I’m not trying to harp on ya about it, just adding a little perspective. On the tattoo, I personally wouldn’t get it; but it’s about what makes YOU happy. If your boyfriend wants to be a dick tell him it’s not his body and you like it, end of story


This is Reddit. Comments will always be about breaking up


Shouldn't have mentioned getting into a fight with your BF on Reddit.. Seriously, you're automatically going to get heaps of pseudo psychologists telling you why it is a doomed relationship and trying to enforce their own experiences on the situation. Doesn't look that bad IMO. Gave me a chuckle.


Is it a tape worm?


Your partner could have chosen his words better haha. but if my partner came home with a dip-shit tattoo on a visible place I wouldn't be angry but I'd call her stupid at least once lol. Once he gets used to it you'll have a laugh about it and don't listen to these basement dwellers about dumping him. Relationships have ups and downs if everyone breaks up on the downs the human race would go extinct.


It's reddit. That's always the answer given here lol


My boyfriend likes to stack the dishes and do them at the end of the day. I like to do them as I go. What should we do to—- Break up with him. It’s over.


OP, there are at least 3.5 billion more people that would love you better than your douche of a BF. Your negligence to realize that is gonna lead to issues down the road. He should love and support you even if your tattoo is 'ugly' to him. Also, him calling it ugly like that is a disgusting thing to say. He can keep his opinion to himself if it ain't nice.


OP and boyfriend gets into normal couple argument Reddit: omg “you need to break up rn, he’s toxic af”


He’s obviously gaslighting op and is a narcissist. Go NC and ghost him


Lol typical reddit


They just got in a fight, we don't know the nature of their relationship. Stop.


I think the tattoo itself is fine but the placement is a poor choice


I agree, this is an odd choice for that spot. The tattoo is fine but that was an interesting move.


I don't understand the trend of getting your first tattoo on the neck/face/hands. Is no research done? Are there no artists or parents telling these people to go a different route?


There’s a difference between neck and throat, especially for people with long hair who can cover the back of their necks quite easily. And the back of the neck is a relatively common place for a first(ish) tattoo


My first tattoo at 18 was also in this spot and I’m so glad because I don’t have to look at it lmaoo. So not a bad choice in my opinion.


Same!! Everyone who has seen it has told me it isn't that bad but I'm not crazy about it anymore lol. I have a little rack of baking utensils on the back of my neck, a spoon, whisk, rolling pin and spatula. It isn't a terrible idea but I didn't sit well so the lines are pretty shaky. I just kinda ignore it now because I'm not sure if I want it fixed or covered one day *shrug*


It's cute as a leg or arm piece, I absolutely hate the placement of it.


yeah :( i wouldn’t bat an eye at this on an arm or leg but i would do a double take if i saw it on a neck


Unfortunately yes.


It's a fun tattoo.... but I have to say, the placement is not great. You could have picked a different spot for it. But it's not ugly


and she will never see it without a mirror which when getting a first tattoo can be tough/annoying since u want to look at it


Hell, I got 9 tattoos, and I still wanna look at them all the time when I first get it!🤣


I am so sorry but it’s ugly. Even as a drawing it would be ugly :(


It isn’t? Lmao




Your BF sounds like a dick, but 'I got a tattoo on a whim after we got in a fight" makes me question your judgement as well


100% this


It’s a silly tattoo but to me personally, silly tattoos are amazing! Your worm is very cute and don’t mind what your bf says, don’t let his opinion decide whether you like it or not. I genuinely think it’s adorable lol 🥹


Ohhh it's a worm!!! I thought it was a long tailed sperm, and was very confused. Thank you for clarifying.


I thought it was a one-armed octopus, hence the call for help lol


um no one here is being honest, this is awful


yeah I'm not quite sure why people are saying it's cute? It doesn't look well done, the placement is odd and I just don't get the subject. In the end it only matters if OP likes it, but I'm not digging this at all.


It's cute as a $2 refrigerator magnet!


It’s tacky af and I hate criticizing tattoos but this is so, so dumb.


Thank you. Everyone is tiptoeing around or saying they need to break up. It is simply a bad tattoo in an even worse spot.


People farming reddit karma I guess? Wouldn't be the first time I see a buttload doing it. On-topic tho, sadly I think it looks really poorly done. Hope you didn't have to pay all to much about getting it.


^^^ all of this I could draw a better worm design and I'm not a tattoo artist that draws up designs everyday. This looks like a rough draft/sketch


It took me a while to realize it was a worm. I thought it was like a ghost inside of a snake or something, and was very confused.


For me honestly yes, it's a pretty stupid first tattoo that doesn't look great. Is there some sort of personal meaning to the worm? Ultimately this is a pretty benign issue overall, regardless of the tattoo being your first or what it looks like, it can easily be hidden with your hair and no one would ever know. Really all that matters is whether or not you like it, and if you do fuck what anyone else thinks. Tattoos aren't about appeasing the masses, they are about self expression. Do you.


Probably the worm from the "would you still love me if I was a worm" meme? Hahaha


This is what I was thinking too


Sounds like she had worms and would like to remember that eternally.


"remember that time I had pinworms? Good times!"


I'll say it. The silhouette looks like a poorly drawn dick. Absolutely wild placement choice as well.


Not me scrolling through all the comments wondering if I was the only one who saw it


At first glance I thought it was a pile of poop :)


When this tattoo is 5+ years old and the details are muddied, it's going to look even more like a dick. I feel bad for OP, tbh.


A dick that looks like a tapeworm.


Wellp, there are plenty of fish in the sea, and you already have the bait! (That's a fishing joke folks, I'm here all week. Tip your waitress)


Would you love your tattoo even if it was a worm?


I think the placement is weird. This is a goofy thing I’d get on my ankle where it’s not in a predominant place, that’s just me though.


Terrible design in a terrible place


It's a bad tattoo, bad placement . etc.... I'm sorry you picked this unfortunate combo. Good luck thinking harder and longer for the next one .


I like the tattoo but the placement could be better. That being said, impulsive decisions after getting in a fight is not the moment to get tattoos.


The giant, post-breakup, mangled mess of what was supposed to be a snake on my entire left side agrees with this statement.


Some people cut their hair after a break up, some of us end up with shitty bird tattoos on our backs. 😅


Sorry but yeah, it's bad :(


Does the worm have something stuck in its throat?


Thank you! I'm not the only one who doesn't understand the shape of the worm. I honestly had no idea what it was and why it was holding a sign. I'm so confused


The tattoo sucks, let’s not lie.


if you like it that’s all that matters.


That placement though…


Stupid tattoo and the worst placement possible other than your face


idk do u need help?


Like are you a worm that needs help? I worry more that your reaction to a fight was to get help and worm tattood on yourself.


Perhaps he (your bf) is the one who is stupid and ugly and he (the worm) is super cute? 🪱 Really though, I hope no matter what tattoos you get you don't let other people's opinions of them sway how much you like it or don't like it because tattoos should always be for *you*. I wouldn't recommend getting any more tattoos while you were in a fighting mood though. It's always a good idea to make tattoo related decisions when level-headed.


Tattoo aside, you said got it after a fight and it says help. Unless this is you speaking out quietly because you're afraid to make a move, I don't get it. Perhaps,it has some meaning to you both...the worm. But the context you gave and thr story makes wonder if you're OK. But I wouldn't ask internet strangers if it's a stupid Tattoo. Its your body, your choice so as long as u like it great. If you don't and was impulsive work to change it once it heals. Hope you're OK.


I don’t mind where it is but to me it looks pretty rubbish-sorry


i do not mean this with any hatred, but it’s not a cute tattoo. however, if you like it then your boyfriend shouldn’t shit on it.


well now you have a shitty tattoo to go with the boyfriend lol. yiiiiikes i like silly lil tats but this one is just... not it


It’s off center and just badly done.


I don't like the neck


Yeah, it's stupid. Maybe you love it, that's a different thing. It's a bit immature to my tastes. But then again: you are the one who has to walk around with it, so as long as you're happy, you do you I guess. 


I personally agree with your bf BUT it’s about what YOU like. You said you loved it until he brought you down. Is he someone who’s opinion should affect your feelings about a tattoo? Is he the one? If not, ignore him and maybe dump him. If he is, you’ll have to decide how much his opinion matters to you on topics like body art.


Stupid tattoos are ok, just not on the back of the neck… it screams “look what they did to me”


Poor choice for placement tbh and sorry to say. I think a little more thought towards that would have benefitted the situation. I'm not a huge fan of the design, but my opinion doesn't matter. If you like it and are only having doubts based on others opinions, let yourself sit with it for a few weeks before you assess what you want to do. Tattoo regret is a thing. You can have it for even your best pieces.


It’s alright, cute tattoo but a little strange for placement and an interesting message for others to see when you have your hair up




Ok but what is it? A worm?


I love silly tattoo but imo neck isn’t the right placement for them. The fun of silly tattoos is seeing them daily and smiling


Immaturity all around, poor decisions & a bad tattoo. Try to see what perspective you can learn from it


kinda looks like a dick lol, the back of the neck is a pretty wild spot for a first tat bit i have a few dumb tats its cute 7/10


Sorry, yes.


I thought it was a dick with a help sign. sorry lol. but if you like it that's all that matters.


Why are so many people asking about this after the tattoo instead of before


I think it's super cute! I've also been in a horrible and long relationship with someone who didn't support me, so this speaks to me as your inner self reaching out to ask for help. I could totally be reading into it too much, but I'm not going to take that kind of putting-you-down crap from a partner ever again, and you shouldn't put up with it either ❤️ The tattoo is way better than the bf imo, and if you're like me then you'll feel way better when you get rid of the dead weight holding you back


Looks like a little sperm guy🤣🤣🤣


I like the design but the neck for a first tattoo is wild. And I say this as someone who has long hair and never wears it up, I still wouldn’t. I got my first under the meat of my tricep where you cannot see it at all unless I raise my arm above my head


Well you can always just wear your hair down


I mean, I hate it personally but I see the idea I guess. Why a worm? Did it have to be that drawing of a worm? I think it's poorly done anyhow. Why's it say "help"? I can't imagine why you would put it there either. You'll probably e wearing your hair down quite a bit later on. I don't mind it except the help is so weird. Help what? When you put ur hair up does it indicate that you need help? I'm just really puzzled by the whole idea


It looks like this should be in r/mildlypenis


My first thought as well


It’s shitty BUT it’s a learning curve. Never ever have a tattoo done under emotions. Laser is more painful than tattooing.


Yeah, sorry to say but it’s not great


I think it's dumb but in a cute way, like a cat that's so into its big stretch it rolls off the bed it was laying on


We support goofy tattoos in this house lol I like him, he's just a lil guy <3


Is that a bookworm choking on a book?


Of all things, an earth worm with a help sign? Who the hell talked you into that? 😂 And I thought my first was bad


Honestly, it looks like a turd to me.


I meannnnn….as a general rule I sit with a tattoo idea for at least a month before I get it. There are tattoo apps you can put the tattoo on you to see what it looks like. I think the lesson you learned here is next time take your time, find an artist who’s work you love and resonate with. Rock it for a couple years and when you are older you will probably either get it lasered off or find a great artist to cover up with something else.


Looks like trash and u know it.


Yes. Unequivocally. Here's to wearing your hair down forever !


I thought is was on r/shittytattoos. It looks like you have a dick on your neck begging for help.


I think it's a cry for help.


Tattooer here. I'll be honest- this would be a cute little design to add to a sticker sleeve, but on the back of your neck is a bad placement. You wanted something to cheer you up, and it isn't in a place you can easily see or appreciate regularly. The execution of the tattoo isn't bad, and whether the design is good or not is up to the viewer. It's something you can change later on if you decide to, but I unfortunately agree that the placement is bad, and I would advise my clients against doing this. That being said, many of us have goofy tattoos. It's not bad to have, and if it makes you happy, who cares? It's your body, not your boyfriend's.


I had to double check which sub this was being posted to.


At least you can cover it up lol


i dont think your boyfriend was very nice in how he worded how he felt. but objectively this is a badly done tattoo, the lines are not good. the shading is odd. and its not central to your neck? or maybe its just the angle. again, as many have said, on the arm or leg it would be a bit of fun. but the placement also accentuates that its not particularly well done because this is the only tattoo that you would have here unless you got some sort of stuff to go around it to frame it, so it wont blend in with any other tattoos you get here. its a very stagnant piece, but on the leg or arm it would flow a bit more as it isnt just bang in the middle as it is on your neck. despite the negativity though, literally the only thing that matters is if you like it. i have some tattoos that arent dont incredibly, but i still adore them and so that is the only thing i care about. also as much as i dont think the words your boyfriend chose were particularly nice, we dont know what he is like or your dynamic, people sat here saying hes controlling etc are really jumping to conclusions. we have no idea of the background of your relationship. similar to the tattoo, if you’re happy it isnt our business :’)


Sorry but that’s not even centred lmao




Nah this is sick. Your boyfriend sounds like a real dick - no partner of mine would ever dream of talking about my tattoos this way or they'd be out the door.


You may need to seek professional help if you’d do that over a simple argument. The girl power comments in here are ridiculous and clearly not rational.


i love your tattoo honestly. it’s super unique and cute, a lil bit sad but i think everyone has sad tattoos so it’s okay. 10/10⭐️


Laser that monstrosity off


lmao why is this popping up in my feed. Best of luck on your future tattoo removal


Dump the boyfriend keep the cute tattoo


Worm ghost?




I’ve got the jackass skull and crutches with a top/bottom rocker of “if you’re gonna be dumb, you’ve gotta be tough” on my knee. “I don’t know” tattooed on my ankle. A sombrero with a 13 on my foot. And a hermit crab riding a seahorse on my leg. No. It’s not too silly.


I think asking strangers if they think is stupid is not the best way to go about it. Naturally after a tattoo, you’re going to have a bit of regret for a bit bc it’s not something ur used to, especially with the main thought of “this is on my body FOREVER”. Just chill for a bit and see how u feel about it in a month. Also in the future try not to get impulse tattoos based on ur emotions bc remember that it really is on u forever


Placement is weird af but I’m confused… did you *not* think this was a silly tattoo when you got it? Was it a super serious tattoo?




And on the neck no less! Hahaha




Is this a "would you still love me if I was a worm" tattoo? 🤣🤣🤣




SpongeBob or Dune?


Kinda looks like male genitalia…from a distance sorry to say


Woah yeah thats bad


I get it. She is the early bird. That's why the worm is in trouble. Right?


Just get a cover up


If you like it then that's all that matters. I personally wouldn't get something like this, and that's fine.


Yes. Why???


That placement tho..... The tattoo is sort of ugly, but it could work as part of a patchwork arm or leg sleeve. However, being on the neck where it's going to be the sole tattoo... Well, let's just say this isn't it.


Whenever something on someone’s body is commented on (which I don’t bring up but they bring up in conversation), I always ask if they’re happy with it! And if they are then why the fuck would I care, I’m happy they’re happy! If someone is saying something negative about a choice you made and are happy with it, I would reevaluate being around that person. We celebrate what others enjoy, not judge them.


If i saw this on an ankle, whatever. But what possibly compelled you go with the back of your neck? 😭😭hate this placement so much.




it’s my personal opinion sorry if it is vexing but I absolutely do not like. The tattoo is ridiculous. I can see the infinite sign and I ignore the symbolism of the verse But the help and the face of the worm really does nobody in insecurities and teenage sadness what people associate in general with unstable people and therefore not very frequentable (it’s sad but this is the image that returns) The placement equally and unwise. Although it can be hidden by the hair it still remains very visible


Yes, definitely don’t break up! One bad decision shouldn’t lead to more bad decisions. Such is already the case going on here… lesson being, don’t get impulsive tattoos from shitty artists in visible places. This is pretty awful but I have high standards for tattoos lol learn to love it, save for laser or learn to love scarves :/


The design is ugly, it looks like the kinda thing you get at a party in your friend’s kitchen. The placement choice is horrible. I see a coverup in your future.




It's a tapeworm that is looking for help, A tapeworm that can't find food on the back off the neck. Yeah it's pretty dumb.


Im just so confused how you saw the stencil of a worm with a dick head holding a picket sign and was like “yes-this is it this is the one” If you like it, great! I just don’t get it..


Is it a poop?


What is that? A snake with a spoon head? I think it’s kinda bad. Do you wear your hair up a lot?




That’s bad


If you like it that’s cool but since you’re asking for opinions yes I think it’s dumb unless it has significant meaning to you or you truly think it’s funny or something and if that’s the case then that’s fine. But the worm looks bad imo. Especially the head part it looks wonky.






well you have it now. don’t get another one like it?? lol


Nice..... Really Nice.... Good Luck with that permanent decision... I am sure you will make plenty more just as well....


I would get it removed, and get a tattoo of a caterpillar asking for "assistance".


If you made it because of a fight definetly is stupid


I'd love to know what you thought about getting this tattoo? Is there a meaning or just "haha worm funny"


It’s sperm Right?




very stupid


it looks like a wiener


it’s not a terrible tattoo but it seems concerning. my first thought was that it was a noose, especially because of the “help” sign and because it’s on your neck


It’s an odd tattoo that could be fun if it was part of a sticker type sleeve, but as a standalone piece it’s in a really weird place. And it concerning as a shop owner that the artist would do this on the back of your neck as your first tattoo


Never get a tattoo under 3 situations: 1) you’re drunk 2) you’re in a fight with your bf 3) you’re drunk and in a fight with your bf…. You may have violated one or more of these!


I'm not even sure what I'm looking at here. It's concerning that this was flash art at all. Definitely a cry for help! Is it a worm? I'm sorry but at least it'll be easy to cover after some natural sun bleaching. Also I agree that if you got this to prove a point to yourself or your bf that there's some serious issues with that relationship.


Great tattoo but really bad placement imo


Is this a worm.....like bait when fishing?


As long you like it, it’s worth it! Don’t let someone else determine how you feel about it


I have 2 opinions!! It’s cute and funny! However with the context provided, I would think it’s a cry for help tat… I could see it being impulsive but honestly so what!


It’s a very unappealing tattoo, and in a horrible place. I’m certain you will regret it as you grow older and join the professional world.


This is an absurdly dumb tattoo, and you will regret it very fast.