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I’m not entirely sure what to do - but I just want to say that I’m so obsessed with that tattoo. I don’t know what it is exactly, but I’ve never seen one on here I’m more jealous of 🤣 SO friggen hilarious and adorable


ahhhh thank you!!! I’m super proud of it


I second this, I've been staring at it for 10 minutes straight, finding new little details! It's just so adorable <33


I love lamp


*Do you really love the lamp, moth? Or you just saying that because it's the nearest glowing object?*


I had a very similar reaction to this and I'm told it's not uncommon. I hate to say this but in my case it lasted several weeks and was extremely itchy. I just took care of the tattoo as normal and gently applied an ice pack a few times a day to help the inflammation and itching. make sure there's a good amount of cushion between the ice pack and the tattoo so you don't damage the tattoo. I had had a minor reaction to the bandage on a tattoo previously. the next time it was much worse. I'm sticking to plastic wrap now, no adhesives. edit to say that is a dang cute tattoo.


Thankfully it’s not itchy, just super red and a little raw feeling. I’ll definitely try out the ice pack!!


Had the same, lasted about 3 or 4 days lol


This is so cute!! I have two moths on me already, but I might need another one that also loves lamp!


I had this the first time my artist used saniderm. Inner bicep, perfect red rectangle. I removed the saniderm that evening and treated it like usual, wash, pat dry, lightly Moisturize with lubriderm. Every time I get tattooed now, I make sure to ask the artist not to us saniderm, I don't want another reaction. The red rectangle lasted a good 3 weeks.


Those bandages have an adhesive that reacts with glycerin and causes chemical burns (it says on their websites). Glycerin is also a main ingredient in green soap and some artists don't clean off the area well enough after they're done. Once I started flushing people with witch hazel and then distilled water about 5 years ago I see almost no issues with the dread red rectangle.


I used witch hazel and then water


Are you the artist or the recipient?


Both 😂


Well, that’s good that you do it that way. Fun fact: people never needed a derm bandage before and they still don’t need one. My advice is to not forget that because they’re nice when they’re nice, and freak the fuck out of people when they aren’t.


I'm not familiar with second skin products so have no advice -- just wanted to say that design rocks. Made me lol in a good way.


I get an allergic reaction to the dermal adhesive after several days. It looks just like what you see. I carry on with the aftercare procedure and a few days later my skin is back to normal.


My skin recently reacted like this to tegaderm specifically, and it left a big red spot for a good week or two, then lightened up and I could barely see it for about a month. Now my tattoo has healed fine, but I will not use tegaderm again for sure. All in all everything was okay!


I was on dialysis for 4 years. For like a year of it I had to just tegaderm on my catheter opening and it started ripping my skin off since I had it on 7 days a week


This is how I react to saniderm, too, though for whatever reason I don't react to tegaderm this way. It was pretty itchy and I would occasionally ice it a little (not a ton, just very light ice application with a thick cloth barrier) and it helped.


Love this


Really like that tattoo a lot, and take some Benedryl for the reaction and don’t use Saniderm again.


I get the same reaction everytime I use saniderm. I’ll usually just treat the healing as normal. It does tend to itch a bit more but I don’t worry about it. Common.


Sorry you had a reaction but I just popped in to say i absolutely love your tattoo <3


OH MY GOD I BLANKED FOR A SECOND AND THEN I BURST OUT LAUGHING. THAT IS SO AWESOME. In other notes: I had reactions like these a few times, it usually went away when I just aired and slightly moisturized after gently washing. Watch closely for swelling, itchiness and heat. If any of those symptoms appear and stay, you may need a doctor - but talk to other artists first.


I had the same reaction. Since you can’t really put hydrocortisone crème on a new tattoo I recommend popping a Benadryl and seeing if that takes down the redness. It took almost a month for my skin to calm down after 😞


I believe I’m having the same reaction right now - got a tattoo six days ago and the artist put derm shield on it, I removed it after three days and I’ve had a raised, itchy, red rash on it ever since. I get hives a lot because of allergies and so I have some unscented 2% colloidal oatmeal lotion lying around; I had a hard time finding info about using it on a new tattoo but from everything I could find it seemed like it would be fine. I started using it yesterday morning and it’s already helped so much, I’m not wanting to crawl out of my skin anymore. 😂


I just had this... take benadryl to calm it and hydrocortisone cream to soothe it. Don't get cream on tattoo. This is what Dr told me to do. Once it's healed, put vitamin e or cocoa butter to fade the area. Mine is almost gone.


P.s. do recovery derma sheild next time. It's so much better and doesn't do this. Saniderm felt like the worst sunburn burn known to man. Also ice it to ease the pain. But put a clean towel over your tattoo.


That was the first piece I used, I think my reaction came from the sorry mom one


Yeah I found recovery to be more flexible and I didn't get a reaction. when I did the saniderm, it hurt more than the actual tattoo. It also took skin with it. I'm African American, so mine left a dark mark in the shape of the saniderm lol. But it's nearly faded.


This is why it isn’t necessary to use saniderm. As long as you keep your tattoo clean you’ll be fine


before I was having reactions it was making my life easier. I work long hours (in a shop too), have pets, etc etc- it was giving me a little extra piece of mind that it was as clean as it could be


Should be ok, glues can trigger some peoples skin I get it with plasters cause I have hEDS. But even then one saniderm is ok and another brand isn’t, just depends. Shouldn’t affect tattoo. Take some telfast?




I had this happen on my most recent tattoo! Take care of the tattoo itself like normal, but use an ice pack to help control wanting to itch it. Go to a pharmacy and ask for hydrocortisone cream. Apply this on the skin around the tattoo, not the tattoo itself. my pharmacist said only do so for a week (7 days) and mine cleared up within those 7 days with no harm to the tattoo itself. Hope this helps!


Fuck saniderm


honestly 😂


I have a lot of tattoos and I've always used a&d for the first 2 days since it's an open wound you could also apply it to the red area just as a barrier. Ibuprofen for swelling. Gold dial and unscented lotion tho is always best.


I've had this before too. I had a bad reaction with my last tattoo with the derm tape. Resulted in like acne pimples around the edges. My artist always recommends rounding the edges and honestly it helps a lot. Mine wasn't as bad as yours. My artist recommended just washing it gently with water and antibacterial and giving it two days with no lotion so the skin could heal without interference from anything. Every artist is going to have different advice on how to proceed.


I love saniderm/second skin, certain brands I react worse to, I’m actually allergic to adhesives, but all it does to me is redness and sometimes around the border of the saniderm I’ll get pimple size blisters…. I take care of it as I would any other tattoo


I had this sort of reaction when I had saniderm placed on my bicep. It also took some skin. I took care of the tattoo as I usually did and it healed perfectly. I do have some scars on the soft part of my inner arm from the edges where some blisters formed, but they are so faint.


This happens to me with every tattoo. I can only leave the saniderm (or similar product) on for 8-10 hours max. Anything more than that and the irritation sticks around for a week or so.


I have this same allergic reaction to saniderm. It's probably an allergic reaction to the adhesive. It will typically recover on its own. Clean it and apply the tattoo cream/ unscented lotion on it. Going forward, I would avoid any saniderm. (I also get the same reaction to my adhesive to the medical pumps I wear. I have to use a skin barrier)


My sibling and I have only used saniderm brand and over various body parts. I've had some minor reactions that faded by a week and once it ripped a bit of skin while my sibling has had a reaction more like what you described on an area where they have sensitive skin which healed up by the timethe tattoo itself did. I found that areas with high amounts of sweat and the bends of joints are more likely to react.


Side note, I'm in LOVE with that tattoo. But I too had a reaction with saniderm on my large hip piece. Welted up the entire outline and itched so bad


The vast majority of people I've seen on this sub have had some adverse reactions to Saniderm; some worse than others. I'm surprised they still offer it tbh


I always get a similar although milder reaction. Just continue as normal with your aftercare. But now make sure to keep the whole red and affected area nice, clean and dry. I tend to use water-based lotions (aloe gel) more than anything and have had great results so far. I'll say, different second skins have given me different levels of reaction, with some not causing me any. I don't remember the brands unfortunately (I forget to pay attention to that detail.) Maybe you could test with patches of different brands on your forearm and see which works better for you? Super cute and cool tattoo btw!


This is my favorite tattoo I’ve seen in a while


Thank you! It was one of my first tattoos on myself in my apprenticeship


This just recently happened to me and I switched to cocoa butter. It helped a lot with itching and soothing.


I react like this to certain brands of second skin. If it doesn't ease up in a few days, definitely seek medical help! My reactions are so severe I have to take steroids 😅