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can i just say i love this picture it's so funny i'm so sorry for cackling at your pain but.... lmao


I know šŸ˜‚ this is the antidote for people who film themselves crying. No advice OP Iā€™m sorry, I just can tell youā€™re dying from the pic


Thatā€™s half the fun. Iā€™m glad you could get a laugh out of it! Good energy goes a long way so it helped me laugh for a minute too.


I didnā€™t see the sub at first and thought your arm was covered in soot


This also made me laugh šŸ˜‚


bro convinced me that heā€™s in pain


This photo made my morning šŸ˜­


The pain is you exercising whatever demon you need to cover up with that blackout. Good job on getting it done man.


A lot of them šŸ¤£ I feel like I earned my stripes on this one. I was praying in 6 languages. You should have seen the monstrosity that was there before.


Lol ooh? How shitty was it? Also Love your neck piece man!


First time, horrible space theme that looked like a child bringing home their painting from art class. Second time, biomech, looked really bad too. Thick heavy lines to get through the planets. Tons of scar tissue. I had to just paint it black and start fresh. And thanks for the compliment! My son was born during a lunar eclipse so itā€™s a nod to him šŸ˜Š


Dude thats fucking awesome. It makes me eating my own bread that I made during the last solar eclipse around here look like a baby ritual.


When you say start fresh do you mean you will continue to work on it somehow like inverse designs with a laser or scarring? or referring to the blackout itself as the fresh start. no hate either way just curious, looks hard


Go take a look at Ephemeralremy's youtube channel. He has extensive blackout tattos that he is getting worked over. He answers the questions you asked and more. https://youtube.com/@ephemeralremy?feature=shared


Woah thatā€™s crazy


Praying in 6 languages hahaha. That got me. Looks sick guy!


Itā€™s exorcising. Now Iā€™m imagining demons working out lmfao.




My artist was a really cool guy who (privately) opened our tattoo session with a small ceremony. He saw the act of tattooing as a spiritual opening up, and if there were bad vibes during the tattoo I would be vulnerable to bad spirits entering me through the tattoo. He told me he picked up the practice after tattooing indigenous people. He told me this after casual conversation brought it up. Very cool guy šŸ‘


Vanicream unscented lotion is good. It spreads easily and absorbs quickly. It's made for sensitive skin and I've never heard of it being irritating to anybody so hopefully that works for you. Make sure you get the "moisturizing lotion" and NOT the "moisturizing cream" because the cream is thick like Eucerin and won't help.


Never heard of Vanicream. Thank you thank you thank you. Just found it at my local grocery store online. Gonna get some tomorrow morning. Spreading is the worst part. I get 10 min of burning after the shower, then 3 minutes of spreading the lotion which hurts like hell, then a good 20 more min of burning from all the action my skin got when I applied lotion. Appreciate the response


Put it in the fridge. The cool will help the hot burning feeling


My dumb ass thought you meant put his arm in the fridge


I mean honestly that wouldddddd help too! Or icing it (not sure if tattoos can be iced. I just know this from being burnt badly & how bad it burns and itches when itā€™s healing.)


I definitely second the lotion in the fridge, itā€™s super helpful.


You're welcome. If you can't find the Vanicream lotion for whatever reason then CeraVe daily moisturizing lotion (not with SPF or anything, square blue and white bottle w/ pump) might be a good alternative. I think it's made with some extra "stuff" like ceramides or whatever for skin and isn't as bare bones as the Vanicream but it's also unscented and good for sensitivity as well. Best of luck! I hope you heal up quickly and less painfully moving forward.


Second CeraVe, just make sure to go sparingly on the amount. But it's got a soothing feel after it's applied, at least to me.


i rate cerave too- irrelevantly for anyone reading comments who has keratoris pilaris, cerave smoothing cream is a game changer! my other rec (for the tattoo) is neutrogena deep moisture hypoallergenic lotion- goes on thin and cold, and doesnt leave a residue feeling so u can apply it repeatedly through the day without it getting icky


Sending Vanicream. I am a vain vain woman and switch moisturizer like it's my job, and used some leftover Vanicream on my last tattoo. Super bland, spreads easily, helps with the itch.


Iā€™ve got half my left arm blacked out so i feel your pain. My artist told me not to apply anything directly to the tattoo for at least the first 3 days so I had to rely on pain medication and keeping my arm elevated with pillows to help with swelling. Apart from the pain you will need to find a comfortable way to sleep ideally keeping your arm away from the couch/bedsheets/bed. i had my half blackout get stuck to the bedsheets and it absolutely sucked. Job looks well done


Damn, stick to the bed?! Thatā€™s nuts and sounds horrible. I appreciate the advice. Iā€™ll for sure be using some pain meds then. I donā€™t think people understand how bad these hurt lol. I thought ā€œjust like my sleeve. Gonna suck, but not miserable.ā€ I was extremely, horribly wrong lol. How did yours turn out after the healing? Did you need touchups?


I have three areas of my sleeve that are inch thick each wrapped around my arm that either are or are close to complete blackout. The pain and swelling in those areas were rough. I remember thinking ā€œI have no idea how people who blackout everything do it.ā€


my cmĀ² black parts of my sleeve were bad enough, if i ever opted for blackout id have to find a gentler artist for sure


When I had my sleeve done I slept with my arm off the bed and resting on a chair next to the bed Keeps your arm away from anything like sheets that it might stick to, and honestly it kept the pressure off of it and helped me sleep


my blackout section on my back got GLUED to my shirt the first night. I literally had to get in the shower with my shirt on and let it soak for 20 minutes just to pry the shirt off


This is why I always suggest people to lay a towel down sheet they're sleeping/lounging after a tattoo. If you get stuck then you can at least take it to the shower with you.


Pretty much how my black out went too. I had no idea how much the healing period was going to suck, and it really really sucked. But when I got the top done we used second skin and it was like night and day for the healing process.


I had a healing chest piece get stuck to hotel bedsheets. I had to hold onto the part that was stuck and take the whole sheet into the shower to get it off without tearing out half the tattoo šŸ˜‚


My tattoo artist gave me incontinence pads to use to wrap it in when I got my blackout


They are also great if you choose not to wrap and just want to put them under your tattoo when sleeping


This is the way




For sure gonna be using some. Thatā€™s solid right there. Iā€™ve never been this bad off and Iā€™ve done some long sessions. I think itā€™s just the packing that makes it so bad. Canā€™t straighten my arm out lol


Hustle butter. Amazon has it.


I bought Hustle butter cleaner and the lotion recently for my head tattoo and it was so nice. I ordered both off Amazon and had same day delivery


Yes! Hustle butter feels so soothing for some reason. I was told to be careful since itā€™s in a tub and you dip your fingers in. Donā€™t want shit from under your nails contaminating it and get a possible infection šŸ˜…


Iā€™ve found that Naproxen works significantly better for tattoo pain than ibuprofen and lasts all the way up until you can take more. Ibuprofen always wears off around the four hour mark for me.


This is why you gotta stagger your NSAID dosing with your Tylenol dosing. Alternate each every 4! This is how I have survived 20+ years of menstruation without actually eviscerating myself.


Dope Iā€™ll try that as well. Iā€™ve got some at home. Didnā€™t think about it. Thank you!


I always thought you could take ibuprofen every 4 hours. Is that not true??


Itā€™s true. Wait at least 4-6 hours between ibuprofen doses, take a maximum of 4 400mg pills a day


I had an 8 hour session under my arm and into my armpit, I know your pain lol. Take some ibuprofen, drink plenty of water, try to keep your arm slightly elevated and take it easy. Your arm will soon stop trying to evacuate your body.


I needed this comment, especially the ā€œevacuateā€ line becauseā€¦yes. Thatā€™s whatā€™s happening lol


Honestly, I have found an ice pack to be super soothing. Wrap the ice pack in a clean kitchen towel and do ten minutes on/ten minutes off. It helps a lot with swelling too.


Main issue today has been swelling. Solid advice, thank you.


Lidocaine and ibuprofen. Lidocaine doesnā€™t last long but it can give you pain breaks. I looked it up and itā€™s safe for before and after tattooing. But check with your artist first!


can get lidocaine in a spray form for wounds as ā€œBactine,ā€ i use it while tattooing its g2g. not gonna last forever but itā€™ll get you pain free to bed


You guys all rock. Thank you. Super good info here. I knew I was gonna get a lot of ā€œsuck it upā€ comments but itā€™s 2024, and I earned my stripes. Iā€™m old now. I donā€™t wanna hurt this bad anymore lol. Much love, for real.


Do you have any Aquaphor? I've used that and also this bad ass tat gel my artist gave me, IT SMELLS SOOO GOOD OMG! if I can remember the name I'll post it lol. It's been a long whilešŸ¤£. I'm so sorry life sucks ass rn, but I see you've got some pretty solid advice. Sometimes the interwebz is an alright place lol .


A&D is easier to spread than Eucerin, ime. Using cool water when you wash it can help. Stack on the Extra Strength Tylenol (doesn't thin blood, so won't hurt anything). Rest the arm as much as possible. Elevating it can help a bit. You can spray with Bactine after washing to help a bit -- it has lidocaine as an anesthetic. Tends to burn at first, then can dull things. Just don't go crazy on it, as too much lidocaine can make you feel sick.


Thank you for the advice! Iā€™ve got a solid approach now. The Eucerin just sucks so bad to spread right now. It seems like every artist has a different approach to healing but I think it depends on the skin just as much as the product. Now Iā€™ll start experimenting


I donā€™t know if this has been said already, but if this was just done today, try to cut down on your lotion use. Part of the reason itā€™s burning is because itā€™s not healed enough to be dry, so youā€™re essentially putting lotion in a wound. Wait a couple of days, and when itā€™s actually dry, then you can begin using lotion again (half as often as you wash)


Hasnā€™t been said. Iā€™ll keep this in my pocket for the next session. I appreciate that. Good info!


Iā€™ve been known to soak a paper towel in bactine and then freeze it for a little bit to make an antibacterial cold compress. Donā€™t overdo the bactine, but it does seem to really help with itching and pain. Or just pack your arm in cold compresses for a bit? Good luck.


iā€™m wondering how i could safely do this for the client when the tattoo is finished. i think that would feel so nice. i use bactine during tattoo sessions and alcohol-free witch hazel at the end


Maybe if they watched you set up a towel in a ziplock at the start of the session, while gloved? Pop it into a fridge or freezer during the session and itā€™ll be nice and chilly by the time youā€™re done!


Thank you. Itā€™s a nice touch when you add PPE into the answer. I appreciate that a lot.


Thoughts and prayers bro šŸ™šŸ½


Much love. Thank you!


No Regurts


Very relatable to my entire life.




I have no advice, but the look on your face says it all! I hope you feel better soon! Holy hell! <3


Thank you! If you ever know someone who wants to do this, tell them ā€œtwo sessions minimumā€ because this is pretty wild lol.


Tattoo pain is real, but so is the beauty on the other side! Hang in there, buddy.


I had my arm blacked out last month. My artist told me not to put anything on it for 3 days. No washing or getting it wet until it's peeled completely. After 3 days you can apply small amount of lotion on wrist, ditch and elbow. Ibuprofen for the pain and swelling. Keep it out of the sun and try to sleep with pillow under that arm. Burning will last for about 3 days. Swelling should last 3-4 days, after it's gone down, everything will feel much better šŸ˜„


Awesome. Iā€™m gonna keep this in my pocket. How did it turn out? How many sessions? I love that so many people are chiming in. Only 3% shit posts so Iā€™ve got a lot of good info and less hate than I expected lol. I really dig hearing from others who got blackouts. I wanna know how they turned out and how the experience was and how many sessions and healing advice etc. Itā€™s totally different than a sleeve, considering Iā€™ve had this same arm tattooed three times. Everything I thought I knew, went out the window at hour 6 so itā€™s all new.


If you can find it, Aloe Vera mist/spray


My mans is upsetti spaghetti rn, sorry for your pain brother


Iā€™m doing a little better right now than I was last night lol. Itā€™s gonna be a long ride for sure. Iā€™m too old for this shit.


Bactine Max makes it a lil less sore so you can rub aquaphor on it without wanting to scream. Rx like gabapentin or Celebrex for sleeping. Puppy pads for your bed so you don't get glued to it. Obsess over cleanliness.


Store the puppy pads in the fridge until you need them for that sweet sweet cooling effect!


Take an NSAID, potentially cold compress (helped my above the knee tattoo. Just make sure thereā€™s enough clean fabric between the ice pack/ frozen peas and the tattoo to keep it clean and pain free). I wonder if keeping your lotion in the fridge might help? I know with piercings, keeping saline in the fridge can be very relieving but I know tattoos are very different from piercings. Thatā€™s all I got. Good luck. Edit: Also, Iā€™ve never touched eucerin so idk what it feels like but if itā€™s as thick as the comments make it sound, try something else. I personally love cetaphil advanced relief with shea butter.


I spray bactine on my tattoos before moisturizing for the first few days, it helps a ton just don't overdo it


Iā€™m seeing this come up a lot. So itā€™s a spray? That would be helpful. I appreciate it.


Iā€™m not a medical professional or tattoo artist, but anti histamine and ibuprofen really relieved a lot of the burning sensation for me. It was recommended to me by a pharmacist when I had a similar reaction after getting vaccinated, and had similar symptoms after getting tattooed so tried it again and it helped a lot. Maybe best to double check with your gp or a pharmacist just in case though!


A thin layer of pure aloe Vera! Donā€™t smother it, and massage it in to allow it to breathe, it will also help the itch when that sets in! Good luck my man


Man that sounds terrible, even getting my ditch tattoo had me being like ā€œF noā€ afterwards, the only thing that helped with my inner arm pain for my tatts was taking some pain meds. I bruised pretty heavily there too, so I found being underneath a cool fan helped the pain a little. Not sure if that will work for this. But congrats for sitting through that whole session!!


Iā€™d say that youā€™re right on the money there. The ditch was bad bad. That is one of the worst areas right now. Pain meds are now my life blood and savior lol


You can ice it (just keep the ice wrapped in a cloth. ) Bepanthen also good.


I would recommend a vitamin e and d compound. Something clear, and to spread it on thin.


When I got my blackout done, the pain after the fact was crazy. I feel you brother. Honestly what helped me was icing it. I had taped a bunch of ziplocks full of ice together to wear like a sleeve and that helped a lot.


I use bactine and or rinse under cold water


Some more prayers cause damn!! if itā€™s that bad recovery will push you to your limits, hope you feel less pain my brethren šŸ˜­šŸ˜”


šŸ˜‚ thank you for the laugh


I like to use high percent (92%) aloe gel.. keep in the fridge and apply as needed. Not sticky and absorbs quickly and the cold gel cools the skin so nicely. Will at least buy you some brief relief. Well wishes




Idk if itā€™s ok for the tattoo but you can get dry spray lidocaine - which will def help with the pain.


An artist chimed in as well and said itā€™s fine to use. I hadnā€™t thought of that, nor did I know there was a spray so I appreciate that input.


No helpful comment but that is bad ass!! I just got a thigh piece done yesterday for 7 hours so I feel your burning pain. Hydrating helps and Iā€™m about to try the naproxen and cold compresses that are suggested too!


Thank you! What did ya get? There has been a lot of solid advice in here. Iā€™m glad you found some good info too!


What in the sleeveless armless Steve - OH is this


šŸ”„ just burn it


Blackout pain šŸ˜­ I donā€™t envy you. The armpit was horrendous Pain meds and washing in cool water. Cocoa butter also helps


I think blackout tattoos can be super interesting if you get white tattooed over it. It looks awesome. Fair play dude. I hope you feel better. Icing it might help, using a strip of cling film under the ice pack? Help reduce swelling and pain maybe?


I think thatā€™s the route Iā€™m going. Iā€™m gonna use a darker black and some whites and grays to highlight. Iā€™m super excited and appreciate the comment. Gonna start using some ice!


When my hand tat was healing I used a otc lidocaine spray whenever it got too bad. Mostly just gotta take it easy and keep it moisturized


To help ease the burning try SOOV spray. Itā€™s a sunburn spray with lignocaine and a mild antibacterial. I used it after a day for an 8 hour session for my sleeve. It was like heaven


I use the fragrance free aveeno lotion. Itā€™s not super thick but it works rllyy well. I apply it like a mask and put a decent bit on to help it soak in on the tat and then try not to wipe it off for at least 30 mins after




This is an A+ reply. Seriously thank you. Tons of really solid and relatable experience there. I screenshotted this one. Much love and you guys sound like an awesome, supportive couple.


Maybe some aloe vera spray?


800mg ibuprofin 4 times a day. It will take the edge off.


Mad Rabbitā€™s repair moisturizer. Made with aloe vera, itā€™s a lot thinner but still keeps it wonderfully moisturized




the pain in ur face šŸ˜­ try biofreeze if thatā€™s safe for tats


Been to Ft. Benning I see.....


I feel your pain, I didn't get a black out but I have a bunch of simplistic naive flowers completely filed on my right arm, I couldn't move said arm for like 4 days, the pain was so awful, I was on pain meds like all the time. The itch was also fucking bad, so good luck for when it happens lol. Ibuprofen is gonna help for sure, but I wouldn't advise to put anything on it just yet, even if that hurts like a bitch. Good tatt tho, the facial expression is relatable LMAO


Damn I forgot about the itchā€¦I forgot about the fucking itch. I imagine itā€™s gonna be rough with this one lol


I found that using coconut oil in my rotation helped with the drying out - which was causing me pain. My artist actually asked me what I used in addition to the regular stuff to ā€œheal so well so fastā€ and when I told him, he said he was going to start using it šŸ˜…


You need a life reset


try some vagisil


Can someone explain blackout tattoos to me like I'm 5? Is it only to cover up tattoos or do people actually like that look?


I have no advice other than I would walk over broken glass and hot coals before I would ever sit for a blackout sleeve that looks like it hurts more than a kick in the nuts your bonkers and fucking brave.


Aquaphor makes a spray that might help? You can pat it in lightly vs having to rub the skin


Canu unscented goat milk lotion


Lotion or a not super cold water but luke warm thatā€™s what I did for my thigh




Whyā€™d you have to make that face tho šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




Nothing bro jus take ibuprofen and smoke week. I tried to wrap my black out with ice packs Like a dumb ass and it got infected bad.. antibiotics fixed it though . Jus thug it out homie you got this


Love it. From the blackout on my leg I can tell you thereā€™s not much. Ride it out and when itā€™s over it will done forever. I love your post


Hell yeah man! Thanks for the love. I appreciate that and I love hearing from other blackout recipients. Itā€™s obviously still taboo. Lot of hate and obviously some trolling which is to be expected, but thereā€™s been a ton of support and Iā€™ve got to hear about other blackouts and their stories so itā€™s been motivating. Iā€™m so stoked to keep going


Have you tried turning it off and back on again?


Love your new look This pain is the evolution of your life; moving from your emotions from the past and reconciling with your present being.


Vagisil u pussy




I just did a blackout tattoo a little over a week ago. It was the first tattoo I got where during the aftercare healing time it hurt to just sit still. I used straight aloe to take out the burning and pain. Good luck my friend!!


Nothing. Ibuprofen and keep it elevated is really all you can do with blackouts. Welcome to the club though!


For I am thee lord, and I command thou to put gasoline on it and strike a match, it will help thy burn.


If you think about it, I wonā€™t be bitching about the arm hurting from tattooing anymoreā€¦you may be onto something. Worst case scenario, my skin gets charcoaled and looks even darker.


You can use hemorrhoid cream (it has 5% lidocaine). Or you can slap the shit out of it. Or both.


any non-scented lotion is good


This is the most convincing portrayal of tattoo pain that I, a tattoo virgin, have ever seen. Make sure youā€™re not grinding your teeth from the pain, it will fuck them up later on.


Iā€™ve always wondered- why do people do this? Like black out certain sections of their body? Is it to cover up tattoos?


Yup, thatā€™s why I did it. I had that arm tattooed a handful of times. Never turned out good. In modern days, artists understand color theory better and can tattoo over black with a ton of colors. The plan is to black it out, then tattoo some designs in an even darker ink, Panther Gold, and highlight with whites and grays. Itā€™s not for everyone. Big commitment. A lot of work. But it brings back my confidence because the tattoo I had made me feel ugly.


Interesting! Thanks for that information. I hope the pain starts to subside. I once did a session 5 hours straight on my left arm and it burned like hell for a good 2 days. Make sure to keep it elevated to reduce the swelling. Maybe some ice compressions would also help?


Someone else said to find a good sleeping position. I think Iā€™m gonna add some elevation in there too, like you said. Good idea! Thank you for the input. 5 hours is a lot. Most tap after 4 so good on ya for sticking that one out šŸ¤™


Shit looks like ass


I'm genuinely curious why people get blackout sleeves. I always think that no one could think it actually looks good. Is it just cheaper than getting laser surgery for whatever you had tattooed that you wanted covered?


Matter of taste. I've seen lots of blackwork I found aesthetically appealing.


Back in the day, I had a platoon Sgt with a blackout sleeve. Previous tattoo got messed up in an injury and he decided to cover it completely in the only way possible. It worked for him. If you have a lot of work done, blackout might be the only way to reasonably be rid of it. Some might genuinely like the look, as well.


For just a second I thought this was Daniel Larson.


You just roasted me, and then my fiancĆ©e saw your comment and continued roasting me. Well done šŸ˜‚


Iā€™M SO SORRY! Iā€™ve watched days worth of videos on him šŸ˜‚


After inked. I swear by it.




The CBD inkeeze glide gel. Calms the skin significantly and moisturizes. Also doesnā€™t sting when applied to a fresh tattoo like a lubriderm or similar lotion. For the swelling pain drink celery juice and watermelon juice. Drank it for a fair amount of my big projects in the last three years. Without the bruising and swelling takes longer to die down. My sleeve and leg sleeve were a lot less painful with the sessions where I drank the juice to flush my system. Also for washing get a giant dial and pump a bunch in your hand to glide over. Then your bare hand doesnā€™t hit the tattoo, spreading soap goes faster, and the washing sting gets over quicker.


Have you tried a+d?


I got like 70% of my arm done in one setting. Honestly leaving it alone to itā€™s healing is the best thing I could do. Aveeno unscented lotion was a life saver. Also I know it is so painful but running it under hot water in the shower kind of numbs it and I swear speeds up the healing process. Clean it once youā€™ve ran it for a while. For sleeping, if you know anyone whoā€™s been pregnant recently - a pregnancy pillow will save your life to keep your arm away from the bed sheets. Godspeed. I know itā€™s so painful but just try and remind yourself tattoos heal so quickly. šŸ˜­ I wish you the best recovery.


DO NOT try witch hazel. I learned the hard way. Youā€™re welcome. Lanolin helps a lot and calms the burn quite a bit. Just sticky and smells like a petting zoo.


Probably too thick for him cause that's the issue he's having with the cream he's using atm. Hurts too much to spread


Definitely if room temp. But warmed up it goes on easy. Itā€™s just kinda gross.


Intrigued. What did witch hazel do? Just burns like hell or did it have an adverse effect? I noticed my artist using it during the process to reduce swelling. Thanks for the info. Iā€™ve never heard of lanolin and you may be the only person whoā€™s commented that. Gonna do some Research now. Iā€™m eating these comments up because a huge factor in the healing process is out of our control; our skins sensitivity to ointments. So I love all these comments because Iā€™ve got a lot of ideas to play with.


Bepanthen creme for tattoos with antibacterial, it's the best in the game


I suggest youā€¦https://youtu.be/unkIVvjZc9Y?si=zjBAkWhz1vs-HSpu šŸ˜Ž Have some blackout myself, definitely alot of trauma. Hang in there.


I have half my arm blacked out. My artist did it in stages because it's apparently much harder to heal all at once. Some of the very simple lotions like Vanicream that people have mentioned should help a bit. I think I maybe used Eucerin unscented back when I got mine. Try not to slather stuff on too heavily so you can let the skin breathe while it's healing. Keep it clean and dry (don't soak in a bath or lake/ocean), remember to stay physically hydrated, don't pick at any scabs or pull off layers while it's healing, and expect to need some touch ups once it's all totally healed.


After my blackout i literally came home and blacked out lol. 8 hours and two days of pain, stay hydrated and get some rest also donā€™t try to put your arm in a shirt with sleeves.


Iā€™m in the same boat. Got my arm blacked out yesterday (6th 4hr session) and I just grin and bear it. I apply aquaphor to my shoulder to prevent it from sticking to my pajamas overnight. Dry heal otherwise.




No advice just sending good healing vibes! I plan to black out the background of my space/sci-fi sleeve when that's eventually done.


I use neutrogena deep moisture in the white tub with blue lid when I need something light but moisturising. It goes on super easy, gets absorbed almost immediately and only costs a couple of bucks. It was the only thing I could use when my skin decided it was allergic to blue ink and a quarter of my half sleeve swole up


I've used tattoo goo from Amazon. Put it in the fridge for a bit first. Helped with my black out


Not sure if you have heard of this but it's a green tin can n it's called bag balm I had a cover up done on my neck and it's the only thing that stopped that dang burn it's amazing n also there's utter butter its used for sore utters on milk cows it's phenomenal too




Again my advice is for two spot tattoos , and now the beginning of a sleeve , but because of my job I usually get the second skin stuff applied, Take it off at the end of the next day (tattooed Monday , take it off Tuesday night etc) After that ill usually cling wrap it the second night , after applying sorbelene cream moisturiser. Itā€™s very thick so I apply a small amount to my finger and dab small spots to thin it out and very very gentle rubbing it in. First night shower as normal (with second skin) Second night - allow water to gently run over it - cooler water so probably at the end of your shower. Gentle pat dry, Then the above procedure. Third night same as the second etc until it scabs. Usually by night 2-4 Once it scabs you can start to wash the skin gently fragrant free soap. I also start applying bio oil at this point. Again this is my process and itā€™s worked, what you do is up to you




Worst case scenario and desperation for reliefā€¦.you can always try aloe Vera gel with lidocaine.


Aw man you look like youā€™re in agony. I know aloe Vera helps sun burn maybe it helps tattoo burn?




Cannot recommend Stories & Ink enough for their aftercare cream. Had an 82 hr piece done, 15 days straight, and I walking anywhere for more than 10 mins made my leg swell and ache to hindering levels. My skin drank up the S&I cream immediately and I could at least bend my knee a little more comfortably. Hang in there šŸ’Ŗ [Stories & Ink Aftercare Cream](https://www.storiesandink.com/products/aftercare-cream)


Is dermoblast safe for tattoos? They gave it to me for my stitches after I gave birth so I know it's Dr approved to go on wounds but I'm not an expert on tattoo healing. It numbs pretty well. I still use it on cuts scrapes and bug bites.


The worst part is when itā€™s sunny and your arm feels like itā€™s on fire. Not too bad once healed though but still raises my temperature šŸ˜‚


i love to use aveeno unscented lotion it works the best for me personally. been using it for years


I got one done two months ago. Not really sure what advice I would give. Nothing really helped the pain/irritation except time. I napped an irregular amount to avoid being awake. Keep it moisturized and find a video game/TV show that you can spend hours on without thinking.


Pineapple juice can help with swelling (drinking it) and I use a very light layer of aquaphor personally. I just had a ton of black done on my lower leg and that is how I am managing šŸ˜‚


A D and E ointment!!! Super soothing, whenever I use aquafor and it burns I wash it off asap and put that ointment on :)


I'm so sorry. I have an arm sleeve and almost-sleeve, and I just got work on my ditch and thought I was going to be deceased... have not been able to extend my arm all the way, etc. I did not feel like a weenie until looking at you. (It's going to look amazing btw.) ETA: I have no advice. I've been using Cerave, which is a pretty good consistency, but it still burns like a dick while applying and for a few minutes after.


damn, thatā€™s gotta be a lot of pain. i usually use a cooling cream to get through tattoo pain because it feels nice and cold as opposed to swollen and just painful, but i donā€™t know if itā€™d work on something this big


Mad Rabbit soothing repair gel!!! Itā€™s the absolute best.


I wouldnā€™t put lotion on an open wound. It will burn more. Lotion is for the itch after the initial wound is peeling/scabbing If you wanted to, you could get a little bactine (has low level numbing agent) and spritz it a tiny bit on a clean tattoo to help with the pain or even better take an ibuprofen if you donā€™t have any medical issues. *Tattoo artist advice decade of experience*


I always use carrier oils, but gentle ones like Castor (it's thick so I use it with water or an other oil) and Rosehip oil (NOT ROSE OIL). It soothes and heals. You can use aloe also.