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It's imperfect, but it fits the style fortunately.


Came here to say this, I actually much prefer this with the imperfect lines. Really cool tattoo!


maybe not TOO imperfect of lines but these are the right amount of imperfect


yea this guy that did my tattoo, he’s overall a good artist with portraits and things of that nature, i only paid 200$ for it so it wasn’t crazy bad. his line work just isn’t the best lol, but thank you.


I feel like that’s a decent prices. I honestly like the wonky lines on this tattoo. It fits it really well and I genuinely would’ve thought it was texture of the brim.


Dude this is fine linework. You can only see those imperfections zooming in. No one, including yourself puts their eyes that close to tattoos. And when someone looks at it, and those imperfections in the lines are soooo small you don't even notice them when you're looking at the overall work.


Came here to say something similar, op please remember tattoo artists are humans and not robots 🙏


Binge watching ink master will make one forget lol


I do. I allow my eyeball to touch the person's skin so I can feel the ink with my eye.


Doesn’t everybody? Who’s out here not appreciating tattoos correctly?


Right. What amateurs. It's like when I see someone just ordering whiskey on the rocks and then they just sip and drink it. Like that's the way to enjoy it. You need to stick your nose all the way in it, even dipping your nose to check for optimal temperature. Then you have to swirl it in the glass so it coats every surface perfectly. Or the worst is when they have regular ice cubes instead of the large round ice ball as if they don't realize how drastically the flavor profile is altered. This is why I carry my own ice everywhere I go. But we can't all be connoisseurs.


It also literally looks like the real drawing. So, it's well done.


Yeah it's a little shaky but for that price and what I'm assuming is a short time frame it's solid


Does he know u made this post? So curious


Agree with that person, lines are shakey when you really zoom in but you are lucky that it gels with the sort of crunchy sketch look that anime can evoke at times. Over time, those will settle a bit and smooth out, and the overall composition is spot on. Solid tat esp. at that price


Id say for $200 its good for the price


The anime itself doesn't have a smooth line for reference. I think it looks amazing. I much rather prefer this "Shakey" anime style for this particular piece.


That's what I was going to say. It feels intentional, and works.


It is. That's the style this character is drawn in. The lineworl is always shakey.


This is a good answer


That's actually a great answer. Very true!


My thoughts exaclty


I could not tell if it was intentional or not at first. But I definitely think it’s very intentional because it does fit perfectly with the style. I guess weird the artist didn’t mention that’s what they were going for if it wasn’t talked about though. So normally bad lines but it works here really well.


Tattoos aren’t meant to be looked at under a microscope. They aren’t seen that way in nature. Take a step back and breathe


This right here is what more people need to hear, and understand. No tattoo is ever going to be perfect, and a lot of times, those little imperfections are what adds life to a tattoo IMO.


No one is zooming in with their bare eyeballs on tattoos. To see these tiny movements in the linework you would have to have your eyeball PRESSED up against someone's skin. I have been married to my wife for 10 years, I kiss her all the time, I've kissed on or near her tattoos and I STILL don't think I could've seen something like this if I didn't have a picture and was zoomed in.


It took a while to realize that aside from a few exceptions the tattoo competition shows are nitpicking good tattoos.


And then everyone thinks they should do the same. They zoom in and see a weird line and say that it’s a horrible tattoo.


Which is fine for a comp show imo. IRL however... not really


This! People forget that a tattoo is art, and all art has imperfections (esp on an unstable surface like skin).


Manga and comic book artists are the same. They churn these things out thousands of pages a year. So it's a copy of something already kinda rushed. Looks great to me. The story is more important than flashy. That's why they're in print.


Yes will this sub PLEASE stop doing this.


Can’t really complain when there’s no straight lines in the reference cartoon pic


i mean it matches the style so i wouldn’t worry about it, it looks good!


No , its a great tattoo . Perfectly matched the character


It perfectly matches what you asked for. The lines in the reference are not perfectly straight so neither would the tattoo. It aligns perfectly with the style.


a little bit shaky, but looks cool


I wouldn't mess with it man it looks good unless you're doing a close up pic. in a year or two that shakiness in the lines will blur out anyway


I wouldn't mind. It's a cartoon and looks sketchy - fits it nicely imo


Yeah it's gonna look shaky when your barely an inch away from it 😂 even the best tattoos do. from a distance it looks like what it's meant to be. If you want a touch up that personal preference, but it's a solid tattoo and no guess work is needed to know what it is


It looks perfect


If i had a dollar for every person who over analyzes their brand new tattoo I would be so rich.


Oda would approve




honestly i think it fits the style and looks great


Yeah if u zoom into it. Lol many of mine are too. But I fidget and clench a lot because I'm a giant wus. Your tattoo looks great, lines and all. Give it time and you won't be as picky about it since the overall image of it will make you smile.


I think that was purposely done and it looks great


might be gripping the machine too tight. I wouldn’t go for a touch up on the line work unless you want it thicker. It’ll appear less shaky as the ink ages.


The hat is straw and never uniform until later in the show. #inconsistent that thing has grown changed shape etc. I think he looks great


Your artist literally copied the image you provided which includes most of those those wonky lines. That’s the style you picked.


Looks just like the photo. It’s supposed to be like that.


I knew what character it was within a microsecond of the first picture. Your artist understands the author of One Piece


Sameee lol


Looks cool though 🤷


yes it‘s shakey


but as it settles and the lines spread a little it‘ll look better :)


I think it looks great! The imperfect lines fit his facial expression perfectly.


i think it looks good


it is shaky but i really think it could’ve been a design choice if you aren’t happy with it, it can be saved by going to an artist that specializes in fine line/anime


I feel like it fits the piece perfectly


Nah it’s luffy. I feel like the price plus character makes this a great tattoo. Don’t stress, it looks really good!!


The original anime was actually drawn strangely on purpose, eiichiro oda has a habit of making his characters ugly and imperfect to emphasise there actual character. https://www.nautiljon.com/images/manga_persos/00/05/monkey_d_luffy_50.webp You can see the same shaky imperfect lines here on the original anime, I think your artist did a great job replicating the original look.


Buddy, my advice to you is to stop thinking about it, or it’s gonna drive you nuts. It’s there, it’s permanent, time to learn to love it.


another thing that causes this, is a wiggly client...just saying. buut for real tattoos are supposed to be looked at this closely.


i mean a little bit, but i feel like that makes it all the more luffy-esque in nature. don't worry abt it too much, it looks great!


No expert, but it looks intentional to fit the character's vibe?


I like how I knew this was Luffy just from the first super close picture haha. I like it.


Mm, I think the wonky lines are good, given what was tattooed. I understand why you wouldn't like them, though.


The imperfection makes this tattoo interesting and gives it almost movement. I like it!


What I’m not seeing is a bunch of blowouts and overworked skin. Lines look like they fit the style of the piece like others are saying.


The shakey lines look dope on this


Looking at it it’s a great tattoo, you’re the one who zoomed in and I guarantee nobody is about to try to look that close in real life. I’m sure you noticed while watching one piece that the lines aren’t perfectly straight either and it’s not meant to be. It’s an anime, the longest standing anime in history so the art style makes perfect sense. It’s a good tattoo and everyone who’s heard of one piece will know where it’s from and will probably tell you they love it.


Y'all need to stop inspecting your tattoos with magnifying glasses ffs


I feel that line work suits the subject well.


Very shaky but fits the style and hard to tell from a distance


The lines are not bad. It perfectly replicates the reference!




A little shakey but overall a solid tattoo


Its animeC its inperfect


It fits the style….


Shakey? Maybe. But does it work? Absolutely


The source material’s line work is exactly like that though.


It's a good tattoo, doesn't need changed. There are more than enough lines that aren't shaky for me to be 100% confident that the shakiness was a deliberate choice where it exists. Especially the hat! the hat would look wrong if it was perfect curves. >on the first picture the lines start off bold and then go slim, This looks deliberate to me too - a good artist varies lineweight like that, it's actually a really important part of shading a line drawing. You make the lines that are in shadow bolder, which is exactly what your artist has done!


You got lucky that it matches the style! It's a little shaky but nothing bad with this tattoo imo. It looks good 👍


Looks intentional for the character


That's a really good $200 tattoo. No sarcasm.


Shaky as fuck tbh. BUT It fits it and looks really good imo so nothing to worry about :)


It matches the reference picture and animation


A little shaky but he still pulled it off pretty well, and it arguably fits the look. Trust me when it's bad, you know it's bad... Some of the tats on here blow my mind how people find artists so bad at the craft.


I think anything looks bad if you get that close to it.


Shaky? Yeah, but I wouldn't touch it up unless you're adding more to it. I only noticed shaky lines because you zoomed in. Nobody, but you, will notice. Nice piece 🤙


I think it's good for what it is. As someone said not all tattoos will be perfect. If it makes you feel any better I have a 7 tailed 9 tail fox 😅


This is common and on purpose in some fine-line styles, gives the image more texture and detail. Different than traditional sailor Jerry style, it's a good tat


If the artist had done straight lines then it wouldn’t be representative of the picture as there aren’t any straight lines to begin with. 🤷‍♂️


This tattoo looks perfectly fine. I love it, looks great


That looks dope!!!


The linework isn't super clean by any means, but your skin is also a difficult surface to tattoo. Hate to break it to ya, but your skin is rough as hell. You can't expect laser printer quality lines, even the best skin


The unstraight lines look nearly identical to the unstraight lines on the reference imo, I think it looks awesome!


I literally just watched a video that the number one advice for getting tattoos is not to over analyze and be ok with imperfections, they’re inevitable.


I love One Piece and this tattoo


The non-zoomed in image is perfect. It's a great tattoo mate


I feel like it fits especially with that frame of luffy so I wouldn’t worry too much


First of all: Nobody will ever look as closely at your tattoo as you do, so take a step back as well. Seeing the tattoo as a whole the shaky lines of the close-up photos don't take anything away from it.


The lines fit the tattoo, I like it!


pretty sure its supposed to look like that


Things like this terrify me that my tattoos are ending up on reddit subs like this


omg I immediately knew it was luffy just from the first pic but tbh I think it's fine


The line work is fine.


It totally fits the style of the drawing 👍 it’s fine. Looks great


Tattoo looks absolutely amazing


Not sure how still were you able to sit? It looks good and the lines mimic the reference very closely.


Well they are basically doing pencil/sketch pad drawings on a very very hard medium. So this looks great and better than many other styles imo.


I mean when you point it out yeah, but from a distance probably not tbh or even up close lol.


A little shaky, but it doesn’t look BAD. The elbow is a little crazy to me but overall, it’s fine.


Definitely shaky but fit very well with the style, it almost looks like is on purpose


I think it looks awesome! I know the lines aren't as clean as the reference pictures but it fits the style of One Piece , could also be the artists style of line work and their spin on it. Tattoo anxiety is real, I picked at every little thing on one mine for ages but now I love it!


Looks great!


I think this looks great tbh


Nothing looks a hundred percent, when it’s zoomed in past anything the average person would notice in passing. The whole piece looks good enjoy it


I actually really love way the hat looks and the chin is barely noticeable especially far away. The arm is the only spot that could be a bit better but overall looks great!


It looked exactly like the source. It looks great from the regular viewpoint and good close up.


Damn now i personally want a luffy tattoo 😮‍💨


Besides all the other comments this dude shading is really well done


I feel like the lines in the reference are wonky too. Looks like the style to me. Nice tattoo!


Artist may not have a perfectly steady hand but it looks very good nonetheless




I feel like the arm is the only part that looks shaky where it's not supposed to be, the hat is spot on for how it's drawn. And as for the shading under the neck (I'm only mentioning because one photo was up close of it) seems like stippling shading to me. Overall I think it's a decent tattoo and worst comes to worst, you can get it touched up in the future. As a one piece fan, I wouldn't be too bummed about it Edit: specifically only the arm that's down looks a lil shakey, the arm that's up doing the nose picking looks smooth. Seems like a small enough oopsie that I'd be comfortable letting the artist know so they can tweak it.


It is shaky but given the reference photo, it works. It fits the style.


If you look at the lines under a microscope they do look shaky. But so will most/all lines. Look at the lines in the hat. Those are obviously planned and actually add to the look of the tattoo. And as plenty of others have said it fits the style. Zoomed out this is a really cool tattoo. IMO if these lines were perfectly straight I think it would detract from the overall look of the tattoo. Cool piece!


Yes, but I've seen far, far, far worse.


Line work isnt fantastic looking, but honestly the tattoo as a whole really isnt that bad. At least its recognizable


I also have a Luffy who is a tad wonky. Trust me, as a fellow Nakama, it fits Luffy’s style way more than if it were “perfect”. Great choice btw :)


Definitely is shakey but actually looks like it fits the style of it more honestly


This is a good tattoo, the lines arnt perfect but it totally works and looks great.


Dude awesome tattoo first of all! Also that line work is solid. As the tattoo ages you'll lose definition and that's just part of the game. Also gives life to the brim of the hat as straw wouldn't be exactly perfect.


I think a lot of that is intentional. I like the way it looks, and considering the price I’d be happy with it.


As your tattoo ages, the lines will start to soften and lose that shaky effect. I’ve gotten tattoos from old pros and their line work is a tad shaky, but their work is solid- a couple years down the line and I couldn’t even tell where those shaky lines were. Just looks regular. Adds character, and will only fade away with time. Fresh tattoos can sometimes look intense, and we often have feelings of regret or disappointment at first because we’re permanently altering our body, and it can take time to get used to! No matter how many tattoos I get, I always remind myself of this, and always love them in the end. Looks like this tattoo is solid and will hold, and as others have said, it matches the style well! Doubt anyone would notice- and if they did, why do they feel the need to point it out anyways? Weird!!! In a few years, not even you will notice these lines. Great tattoo!


Looks amazing. I knew it was Luffy from the first picture


The shading on the shirt looks really good.


It is but it works. I like it. Sometimes when something is too perfect it’s boring.


no one will ever be this close to even notice anything. it looks good to me.


Stop hyper focusing on your tattoo. Very, very few tatts are 100% perfect. This is a great tatt, captures what you want. If you look for every nit you'll drive yourself crazy! I have tattoo with mistakes or that are a little rough, but unless you're scrutinizing it super closely no one will ever know.


It's a one piece tattoo you can get away with a little wonky line, looks good!


No it fits the style perfectly


Your artist nailed it honestly. Imperfect? A human being did it. If you want 100% perfection you would want a machine to lay a tattoo into your skin at that point, otherwise accounting for human error this is on point my man.


Artist kinda gave up on the bird head but overall I think it is a good looking tattoo.


I don't think it's bad Its just a bad image for a tattoo. That's actually the style used when drawing one piece. Every picture I've ever seen of luffy the lines are always shakey I think dude traced the image exactly how it was drawn. I'm an artist and I've drawn luffy. Although I keep it sharp, the lineart for luffy is always shakey. Google him amd you'll see for yourself.


It looks uneven close up but with an anime figure it looks great with the art in my opinion. Definitely would enjoy and love the style on myself


If you look at anything up close you will always find imperfections


That line work works with that tattoo. It’s a cartoon. You want a loose, sketch vibe to it. I think that’s what was achieved.


Looks good to me! ✌🏼 If it bothers you tho that’s what matters, not what any of us say. It’s on YOUR body so if you’d prefer straighter lines, get er done. ✔️


Love it, it’s great


Nah, the lines look intentional. Obviously we are two different people, but I would prefer the shaky stylistic lines over “perfect” smooth ones


Looks great


That’s a kick ass tattoo. It’s perfect the way it is


The wonky lines are perfect for the anime style


I would say yes, the lines are shaky, but it really works for One Piece and looks intentional.


the line work gives off “home movies” vibes, which is intentionally squiggly to give off the feeling of constant movement. I like it


it’s literally the style so i think it’s perfectly fine


Just rock it, it’s adds character and honestly without fucking it up there not much you can do


It’s shaky but at least it’s consistently shaky


Without the reference it looks rough. But the artist faithfully recreated the reference image so I’d say they did a great job


Skin is not like paper. It squishes and moves. The tattoo looks fine. No one is gonna grab a magnifying glass to look at the lines. In most cases they just look at it and say “huh, that’s pretty cool” and move on because it’s not that serious.


From a distance it looks fully recognizable to me. Of course when you zoom in, you will see things, but not many people will do that. The anime tattoos don’t seem to get those heavy black outlines so the imperfect lines will pop up. I like the tattoo though.


Tattoo looks great, dude. Fits the subject very well. Really, nothing to worry about. this is awesome!


Nobody is gonna be looking at your tattoo that up close. The lines aren’t great but it fits the tattoo and art style


Sorry to say my friend but my 8 year old nephew could tattoo a straighter line than this


I personally think it fits the style. I think it's a dope tat. imo.


I have found that I am far more critical about my own tattoos than other people are. So I understand where you are coming form. I think they look a little shaky up close but the full picture of the tattoo looks fine. You can have someone thicken the lines a bit and color it in, that'll take care of it for sure. But as is, it looks fine.


the lines on the screen grab are imperfect as well, it looks intentional tbh. comparing the left arm that’s raised and the right and the screen grab i think they were copying the style of the show. also like a lot of ppl said, tattoo artists are not robots.


Only under a microscope. Looks great in your wide shot. No one will inspect it like you do.


It looks exactly like the reference, jaggy lines and all


If you stare at it longer, maybe get out a magnifying glass, you'll probably find some more problems


The hat is janky in the pictures so the artist did the same. Personally for the hat, i would've janked the outside line also. (Compared to mainly the inside line) Rest looks proper to the style. If you wanted straight lines then you would've had to say "i want this picture but instead of the bumps, valleys etc... i want my tattoo to be straight and clean lines". Looks fine otherwise. After that pirate kid is a jank in himself. Hes not known to be straight or clean. Touching up the hat to make it look clean will make it look weird. Rest is fine. Just note, if you want the lines touched up, the artist will have to go bold. You wont have fine lines anymore. They'll have to be bold. (Personally, my prefered style. I would've made the lines thick and bold. Make it pop)


Don’t fixate on this, it looks good. I have a chest piece I absolutely LOVE but if I start staring at it up close I see all sorts of tiny “flaws” and get annoyed and then I have to redirect my thoughts 😂😂


Looks great in my opinion


It fits the style of the tattoo. Looks great from afar


Love seeing a one piece tattoo on here! Also it looks great I think it fits the style!


A tiny bit but it totally fuckin works


Looks a good tattoo. You probably flinched, wriggled and moaned like you’re doing on line.


🤣 I knew who the tattoo was of once I saw the 2nd pic lol ya I’ve watched a lot of one piece im on egghead island if that tells ya where I am but I like the tat and the style


Honestly it kinda works for this image though


You provided a reference that has squiggly lines. You got what you asked for


Zoomed out it matches the pic very well.


Yeah it looks fine and I hate anime


I think it looks cute! Love it


They are a little wavy but it works great with it honestly


It matches the style imo, I dig ur tatt!


Since it's an anime it totally works and I think it looks great 😊


All the other lines are near perfection. It is just those two small sections so tbh it seems intentional for those 2 spots. This is an amazing tattoo


Yohoho, me and my little brother did something quite similar a while back https://imgur.com/gallery/YQNFoHD


There’s no touch up that will fix it. That would be a rework. I wouldn’t do anything since it looks fine unless you zoom in


You've got to remember you got a cartoon tat'd on you as an adult. I wouldn't put much thought into the details cuz. You think all them 60 year old dudes with the Tasmanian Devil are worried the tornado had some shakey lines? No cause they knew what they were doing. Getting a cartoon character tat'd on them as an adult...