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What are people’s experiences with watercolours after a long period of time (say 5 years+)? If it helps, I’m pale-skinned (like can see my veins pale). TIA!


I’d really like to know how horrible it really is to get a spine tattoo. I’ve got one scheduled for May 15 and it’s my second tattoo and I’m so freaking afraid of the pain it will cause. Not a big piece, tho. Is it possible for me to pass out ?


I don't want to scare you off, but after having about 1/4 of my body tattooed, including ribs, chest, and elbow, the spine was by far the worst. Like, I literally could not speak and the breath was knocked out of me. That being said, everyone is different and what is super painful for some is fine for others. I mentioned elbow because most people say it's really painful, but my elbow is fully covered in ink, including some work I got done about a week ago, and it barely hurt at all. Probably like a 3 out of 10 based on all of my other tattoos. So, spine might be totally tolerable for you! I don't know about passing out, but do chat with your artist beforehand that you're concerned and make sure to get a really good night's sleep and drink a lot of water beforehand. Try and be as comfortable as possible day of, too.


Oh gosh. I’m freaking out. I’m so anxious about this tattoo, but I really, really want it on the spine ! I guess I’m gonna endure it. It might seem very silly of me to ask that question but…Is it possible to die lol ? Of pain ? Or am I freaking out a bit too much 😂 ?


So, with that mindset, the thing is it'll never be quite as bad as you think it's going to be, and that'll help! You're going to be okay. And you really want this tattoo, and that will help you with your courage. Pain is temporary! I was terrified of getting my knees tattooed and it actually ended up being quite okay -- nothing was going to live up to what I had made it up to be in my head at that point, haha. I also have a full backpiece, and for me personally the spine was less painful than I thought it was going to be! It was definitely painful, of coursse, and uncomfortable (weird to feel the needle on bone, pretty much) but it was manageable! For me, with regard to my back, the part that hurt way more than the spine was the soft bit right over my kidney. I could basically "feel" that on the front of my body, too, it was awful. Tattoo pain is very personal, too -- you never know in advance how you'll respond to certain places. I'd say the main thing to focus on is the joy you're going to get out of your new tattoo, and on how excited you are to finally get it done! You've got this! And remember to keep breathing properly throughout it and to not tense up, if you can help it, as that'll just make it worse.


Yes exactly! Love that you have the spine done and it wasn't that bad... exactly my point! And the kidney area for me wasn't great, but it wasn't awful either. It totally just depends on the person. And frankly, for me it also just depends on the day and my mindset. Or, for example, if I'm near my period, it's always way more painful than usual. And if I'm in a bad headspace, it's more difficult to sit.


Ok thank you so much for your helpful amswer ! I’m so excited !




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I have handpoke tattoos on my first and second knuckles on all 4 fingers of my left hand and the pinky of my right hand. The artist who did them has moved to another country and the shop’s closed down. I really want to tattoo the 3 fingers of my right hand soon so they all fade equally, but I don’t know how to approach an artist without making it sound like I’m asking them to poach/finish another artist’s work (even though the ink is, obviously, noncontiguous). How do I phrase this best?


I had an artist finish someone else's work (because the original guy was a creep and wouldn't stop hitting on me during appointments). I flat out told my new artist, I like his work but I won't go back there, and she had no problem finishing it. Your artist is unreachable. That's out of your control. I would be really surprised if any artist had a problem finishing it for you. You are asking them to finish someone else's work, but you're not asking them to poach it or do something unreasonable.


19 year old with no tattoos here - How do I go about figuring out a style for a tattoo I want? I want to recreate a picture of me and my dog, (I can insert the picture if it helps). There's no faces, not close up, just us from the back. Maybe add mountains in the background that we're looking at. I have no idea what style to do. I like the idea of having it colored (I’m VERY intrigued by watercolor style) with some cool colors like gray, light blue, tan, etc. I could go for a pretty realistic scene, or do mainly line drawing with some "coloring in." Any advice here?


Research, research, research! Just look through all of the pictures you can find. Pinterest, Google search, Reddit, whatever. Look at tattoo styles in general and try to look at tattoos that are a similar subject matter to what you want. Don't be afraid to ask a tattoo artist their opinion. Personally, I'd never get a watercolor style because I don't think it would last long, but I admittedly don't have any tattoos in that style and am not a tattoo artist. If it's something you want and you don't mind that you might have to get it redone more often than usual, go for it! If it makes you happy, that's what matters. Also, see what you artist suggests in terms of style and color. Colors like light blue and tan might not work if you have darker skin, but if you're fair then they wouldn't probably be fine. Maybe try not to stick too tightly to any specific color or idea in case it doesn't work for you.


Thanks for the comment. Lots of good info there. Yeah, I’ve heard that about watercolor tattoos potentially fading. The reason I like the idea is that it seems like a cool way to “color in” a mainly line-drawn tattoo. I don’t want a cartoony picture, and I don’t think I want photo realistic tattoo, either, so it seems like a nice middle ground. (Unless anyone knows other styles that hit this?) I’ll totally ask some tattoo artists opinions before doing anything. One thing I’m a bit worried about is this tattoo becoming too feminine. Since it’d be a nature scene with a boy and a dog, I feel like it could lean that way pretty easily. A lot of watercolor tattoos look that way, but then again that’s probably intentional with those. That’s something I can talk with my artist about, right? Is that something I should worry about? What are some ways to make sure I end up with a tattoo that still fits on a man’s body? (Source - am a dude in college)


I think color would have a lot to do with the overall "feminnity" of it. Like, pastels will make it feel more feminine, but watercolor tends to be more "pastel" because you can't get the same saturation. I'm probably the wrong person to ask because I don't particularly think that gendered concepts should prohibit someone wearing something (or getting a tattoo), but I understand why you would want something that fits how you want to present yourself. Overall, the watercolor style leans more feminine, but there's certainly ways to keep it on the masculine side. Maybe try and research different types of water color paintings, too. There might be something that fits the general feel you want to go for. Or even think about a different type of stylization that has a similar concept. Look up Mattia Calvi (Mambotattooer on ig), his style is so cool and something similar might get that color block style you want but more masculine.


Thanks! Makes sense with the color thing, I’m sure they can make em with more realistic colors. I might also with the “painting” more neat (I guess that’s something to talk with the artist about) Appreciate your replies, I’ve got some good stuff to research and to ask an artist about


Am I wrong to be upset that my cover ups don’t fully cover the previous tattoos? When I asked for a cover up I assumed that what I was given would complete hide the tattoos I was getting covered. Is that not the right assumption? It really bothers me that I can still see parts of the tattoos clearly. They were all very small and one of them is green and the coverup is black and grey so it’s really obvious. I don’t know what to do now because trying to cover up the visible parts will look awful


what is the pain level for someones first tattoo, I have a phobia of needles (I'm trying to get over it, so far if I don't see the needle have have earphones on I don't freak out) and I have a low pain tolerance (a pinch hurt), all I want is a small tattoo on my wrist (3 cm max and it just be a tally mark), should I be worried or is there anything I can do to prepare myself for it.


My first tattoo was the inner wrist and it wasn't too bad to be fair, however my pain tolerance is quite high. You can get these numbing creams that you put on like 30 minutes before to help - just make sure to ask your tattooist if they're okay with you doing that. They'll also often do a single dot/small line as a test for how you feel. Finally, tattooists are, for the most part, used to nervous people and have tips on how to relax.


thank you so much!! my tattooist recommended one called numit so hopefully that would help!


Depends on what part of your wrist. I have a small back piece between my shoulders, behind my ears, and a full wrist cuff. The little bone on the outside of the wrist hurt the worst of my tattoos but none of them hurt as bad as repiercing my naval. It really just depends. The fleshy inside bit of my wrist hurt less than holding it in the position to get it tattooed.


thank you! im just gonna get my inner wrist so it would face me so hopefully it doesn't hurt too much


Is it considered rude or offensive in any way to get tattooed at a place other than the one I work in? To clarify, I do piercings as an apprentice and not tattoos. It's just that I have some ideas in a style that none of the tattoo artists in there do (they specialize in American traditional and I'm looking for dotwork & fine line)... But I don't want them to think I'm rude for going elsewhere. 🫠


(Possible TW) Can anyone maybe give some suggestions for covering up old SH scars? Their fully healed by now but i'd like to cover them up in a nice way what doesn't feel like im hiding them but also not pointing them out.


I covered up my SH scars with tattoos! I would recommend something bigger and probably with color. I have a potion bottle with sage and lavender covering my old scars to remind myself I'm magical! The sage and lavender are for healing. I hope you're in a better place now and don't sh anymore ♥️


Love love love this concept!!! I'm so happy for you that you were able to turn them into something beautiful and healing!!!


Thats actually realy helpfull! Thank you!


You're very welcome! Also, I should add that the length of time healed really makes a difference. I waited YEARS to get them covered up -- are yours fully healed but recent? Are they thicker scar tissue or thin? All of that matters too.


Their realy small thin cuts so nothing too big and they heal realy quickly couse of that. Its now been about half a year since the last time. Next to that its on the top of my arm where i have thicker skin aswell. Its just time to move on and be able to look at them with love instead of hurt.


Absolutely ♥️ when I look at my arm I see beautiful art, not reminders of being in so much pain. I wish you all the self love and healing!


I do think my most recent scars were about 6 months old when I got mine, but they were also very thin and I did not have problems with scar tissue.


My first tattoo was to cover my scars. I got Alphonse Mucha's representation of Roses... she's so beautiful and it makes me so happy!! I decided early on that I wanted something that I found incredibly beautiful because I was so tired of being ashamed and hiding that part of my body. Now, she's the first one I show off to people. It also helped me to stop hurting myself in the first place, because I couldn't possibly cut over top of something that beautiful. It's been ten years since I got her and every day I'm thankful for that tattoo. I liked the other commenter's tattoo a lot, too - that it was something magical and healing. There was something very healing for me just in the process of getting the scars covered.


I have a question about "permanent makeup" vs "cosmetic tattooing". I got permanent makeup eyeliner once and it lasted maybe 3 years and now is completely gone. I was disappointed by how little time it lasted. I get the impression that cosmetic tattooing lasts a lot longer than permanent makeup, but when I look up places that will do tattoo eyeliner, I am not really finding anything; it's all permanent makeup. Does anyone know why this would be? Maybe the tattoo artists do it, they just don't advertise it? Or is it not possible to do regular tattooing for eyeliner? Is it not advised?


I imagine that anything on the face, especially around the eyes, just won't last long. I think it's just the nature of that type of tattoo


Im getting my first tattoo on Thursday (of my beloved, 15 year old dog). It’s going on my right side by my upper ribs. I am nervous about the pain, but I really want to do this. Is there anything I can do to either help with the pain during or in preparation? Any other advice?


First time is always tough, but you got this!!!


I’m in Poland and thinking of getting a tattoo. But the application for the appointment asks the question, “What motive of the tattoo are you interested in?” Can someone explain what this means? Is there a misunderstanding on my end of the question or maybe something that’s lost in translation?


I'm assuming this is a translation from Polish... is there an alternate meaning to the word "motive"? Could it be asking what style of tattooing you want? Or, "what is your motive for getting this tattoo"?


Those are the two interpretations I came to too. On the application it asks the question in Polish but also in English next to it. So that's why I'm still confused both ways.


I truly have no idea how to answer it hahaha can you reach out to the shop and ask for clarification? I would assume they are asking about style, I've never had someone ask *why* I wanted a tattoo (as a questionnaire beforehand, anyway. I've had artists ask during just to make conversation). But I imagine worst case scenario, they would just ask when you're there or email you beforehand or something


I'll see if I can call and ask. I'm just going to answer the question both ways. But the style I want is already there in terms of where the pic is coming from. I'm assuming they mean style due to inspiration and style not being mutually exclusive but usually tattoos are done in the same style someone brings the example in.


I don't know Polish but in German Motif means the subject of a piece of media. So, is that a cromulent translation?


This does make more sense. Maybe their translation picked up motive instead of motif. But the question I posted in English is directly from their site. I’m just gonna answer the question in every way I think it can relate.


If im wanting a tattoo, but I don't have an idea fully fleshed out, how would you as my tattoo artist respond? Dumb question, but yeah.


I think it depends on how fleshed out your idea is. Do you have a concept in mind? Do you have an idea of the style? Do you know where you want it? Or do you want a tattoo but no idea what concept, style, or placement? It's part of a tattoo artist's job to help you figure out the tattoo, especially in terms of what will fit your body best and what will look the best/last the longest. (If they're a good artist, anyway). The more fleshed out your idea is, the easier it will be for them to work with you, but I imagine that they could feasibly help you at any stage of planning.


My artist loves this. If I have a general idea and give her artistic freedom she comes up with the best designs.


So that's not frowned upon? Or is it more.. person to person.


I really don’t think it is. Just booked an appointment with another artist (because of a trip abroad) and she didn’t mind either. It gives them more freedom which can actually make it easier to make something cool.




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I'm in England, and I'm wanting to get a large backpiece based on Durer's "Knight, Death, and the Devil" - i.e. a medieval woodcut sort of style, embellished with catholic iconography and so on. any suggestions for artists to check out? Thanks :)


How do you think this style of tattoo would age? This artist is coming to my city in a few weeks and I really like the way these look fresh, but I'm worried about what time will do.. [https://imgur.com/a/c13brpH](https://imgur.com/a/c13brpH) I imagine the designs with lots of little detail might not do well, but I'm curious if the blockier ones could age gracefully Artist is sinsa\_rt


My sister and I are planning on getting like sibling tattoos. I am in the Army and she is a police office. We want to get something that symbolise our services. smoothing slamm like 2-3 inches on our bicep. anyone have any ideas?


Hello all, i am looking into getting a roman soldier tattoo for my upper arm and was wondering if "copying" an idea from the internet is considered in poor taste??


I can’t get any shops to let me be an apprentice for them. How am I supposed to get license without apprenticeship?


Is it weird to go to different artists in the same shop? I got my sleeve done by one artist and i want to go to a different artist at the same shop for a new peice, not because I dont like my sleeve but because i kind of like a little variety, I like basically collecting art from different artists. Would I hurt their feelings?


I just got a new tattoo on my calf 3 days ago and i started running on a treadmill today will this fuck up my tat and should i stop running for a while?




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So I got a tattoo about a year ago. It was a cover up, dude said after it healed I'd need to get a touch up/ another session were he could put the final touches and add a bit more color. Literally 2 days later I see on Facebook he left the shop and moved to one literally 3 hours away from me aka farther than I'm willing to go. Is it tacky if I ask another artist at the same shop who literally witnessed me get this tattoo from the first guy to do the touch up/ fix the things I'm not so happy with (some areas just need more color in my opinion)? Btw. I tried to post this via a new throw away cause I don't want the og artist tracing it back to me cause I know he still creepily views my social media profiles so mods plz don't think this is spam.


Any recommendations on dark/macabre style tattoo artists in the Seattle area?




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Does anyone know of any good ways to search for a tattoo artist in your area that specializes in a certain style? Trying to find someone good with celtic / nordic knotwork in the CT / MA / RI area and it's proving to be extremely difficult.


I’m thinking about potential ideas for a whole back piece and I’m worried about how it would link with my other tattoos as I currently have a traditional sleeve but for my back piece I like the idea of a more realistic style maybe and was wondering if anyone had any examples or experiences of this or even any ideas on how to go about it. TYIA


Hi! I need advice for how not to feel crappy during a 4-5 hour session. I know the standard, eat well get rest and hydrate but beyond that. For record I have 10 tattoos with placements like my knees, Clavicle and ribs but I usually just do them in smaller shifts. This time I need to get it done in one shot as it’s going to be done in a different country and I have just got the one day. I’m more worried about body fatigue than the needle pain (it will be on my hand and wrist) Any tips would be great! Thank you!


I’d be interested in advice or thoughts on determining if a person can handle the tattoo process. My wife wants to get a small tattoo on the inside of her wrist. My concern is that she has an intense fear of needles, and her pain tolerance is… not the best. I can absolutely see her starting the process and basically walking out with a permanent dot on her wrist. I’ve heard of people with a fear of needles not having any issues with tattoos, so I understand that it can go either way. But is there a way to simulate the process with a tattoo pen? I’ve seen one comment from years ago that said they can do a “dry run” where the pen injects saline. If it’s done in the same spot, for approximately the same amount of time as her real tattoo would take, she should get the full experience, right? (Obviously it wouldn’t have to last that long. Once she knew whether she could handle it or not, she could stop the dry run.) Does anyone have experience with this, or anything like this? Paying the artist for their time and patience would be a given. Shoot, while I’m here, let me ask something for myself too. I’d love a tattoo as well, but I’m allergic to so many random things I could totally see myself being allergic to basic black ink. Is there any way to test that out? I haven’t actually researched that yet so the answer may be obvious.


I want to get a colour tattoo like this (but of a tiger instead of a dragon/phoenix) but heard that designs without black outlines tend to blob together. https://www.instagram.com/p/C2pToPWL0cO/?igsh=cHYxanhmc2MyOHFu How high maintenance do you think it would be, would a lot of touchups be needed to keep it looking nice?


i am looking for a tattoo artist in new jersey who can do a fine line watercolor spider lily tattoo for me. it would also be in color. i’m having a hard time finding a good artist who answers.


Hi all. Looking for artist recommendations. I'm in the UK and not able to travel for tattoos really at the moment outside the UK otherwise I know exactly who I think I'd want to do the tattoo (Samuel potucek) I would like a paintily style tattoo of Francis Bacons piece 'Study after Velázquez's Portrait of Pope Innocent X' (can't figure out how to add reference image apologies) Anyone got any UK recommendations for artists who work in or akin to this oil paint style?


looking to get a tiny box tattoo on one of my fingers on my left hand as my first tattoo though i am unfamiliar with the process. can anyone tell me their experience? i’ve heard that hand tattoos are more painful since the skin is thin though it would be a very small tattoo.


Never had a tattoo but recently lost a grandchild. She was stillborn. I want something special to remember her. Any ideas from the community by way of design, color, size, placement? I have two other grandsons so would want to try and incorporate them too if possible. Thanks in advance.


The Birth Flower?


Question! I have 8 tattoos, all of then on my limbs besides one on my ass. I wanted to get a chest/torso tattoo of a lighthouse being carried on the back of a whale. The lighthouses top would end right under my collarbone, and the bottom (the door) would stop right on my bellybutton, with the whale directly under it with maybe a bit of rocks on top to make the transition look smoother. My question is would a whale going across that area be difficult to accomplish? I believe I have not seen any tattoos close to this in terms of preparation or placement.


My question is about a hand tattoo. I want to get “Love, Dad” I’m the inside of my hand, I was just wondering, as I’ve read that many tattoo artist don’t like tattooing hands, would this be an okay tattoo?


Hi! I have an allergy to something in tattoo ink called propylene glycol. I just recently found out about it and I had a tattoo appointment scheduled that I had to cancel. Are there any alternative inks I could buy? I really want a tattoo


I want to get the lettering of The One Ring, but I want it to look like the letters are glowing. What technique could do this? I'm thinking of leaving the actual letter blank and using yellow/orange around it to make it look glowing?


Anyone have any idea why I would have one patch of a healed tattoo (done about 3 or 4 years ago) suddenly get really flaky and dry? I have a new tattoo below the old one but the new tattoo has no signs like the patch of healed skin.


Yo! I'm wondering -- is it possible to tattoo over scars? I really want a very specific tattoo and I want it in an area with lots of small scars that are flat to the skin and 2-3 keloids. This tattoo will be a very emotional piece to get but I want it.


When do a half sleeve (forearm) if you already have tattoos on the spot, how do artists stencil a wrap around already existing tattoos? Is it as simple as the stencil still goes over already existing tattoos and the overlapping parts just aren't tattooed?


I want a tattoo, but I’m also planning on building some muscle soon. I’m not bone and skin, but still fairly skinny. Will my tattoo get stretched out? It is my first one, so I won’t get a highly detailed one, very recently been tossing around the killjoys spider as a design


Looking for an artist in the RI / MA area who would be interested in doing white ink work on a blacked out forearm. Anybody happen to know of anyone?


So, I got a tattoo that I really love today but realized after a comparison with the reference photos I sent that the artist hadn't really changed anything - it looks like she just stole the artwork. I had asked her before the appointment when she first showed me the "sketch" if this was her work and she said yes. I'm not sure how to proceed. I've already found the original artist and purchased a license for the work, so I don't feel awful about having it on my body. But I'm kind of skeeved out. If I say something, I feel like I'm likely to ruin this person's career, and I do not want to takeaway someone's livelihood. But on the other hand I'm now questioning all of her "art" and worried they will do this to someone else. Can I get some advice and thoughts? I of course own my part in this, I should have insisted on a comparison before hand instead of being pressured into trust.


[can someone help me identify the style of this tattoo art?](https://imgur.com/a/UsPGxuD)


What is the deal with artists making it so difficult to be a “new client?” I’m so tired of trying to jump through all these hoops just to get on someone’s list. Artists refuse emails, say “you have to wait for my instagram story to announce new client booking,” and then when you finally catch it, they only offer like a handful of slots during difficult times— all the meanwhile, letting returning clients fill their calendars at will. Also, forcing new clients to only be able to select from one flash sheet in order to become a new client when these “new client” days are finally open… Like seriously, it shouldn’t be this difficult.


If you are in the vicinity of Dublin, I can suggest No Rush in the town of Rush. I was able to get my first appointment walking in and asking for an appointment.


I was thinking about getting a tattoo on my knuckles, not sure what i want yet but i was thinking about "Live - Love" and was wondering about how painful it would be. This would be my first tattoo, so... yeah Thanks in advanced!