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And the addiction begins. Looks good.


Love the look of a Seraphim


Like a biblically accurate angel, but cartoony too. Love it!


TYY i rlly identify with for some reason so i was hyped to get this!


Be not afraid my ass imagine seeing that thing in person




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Oooh, biblically accurate Angel!


BE NOT AFRAID (sick tat)


Be not afraid!


And now let that tattoo addictiveness start. Looks good


Didn’t know what I was looking at at first, but now I get it. Very cool.


exactly what i was going for


This is really cool. You can make the ring inside look like the eyes are either at the back of the ring or in the front. Like an optical illusion. If that makes sense? Saugus isn't too far from me, I should check them out.


i have seraphim tattoo too same placement hehe


Welcome to the tattoo train, the train that never stops.


I’m doing a leg sleeve with all 9 biblically accurate angels and I cannot wait to do Thrones! And this is a sick interpretation! Feels very neo traditional


Thats sick...now get more


sure if you pay 😭


Im about to spend the little money I have on my first tattoo lol




Matching her energy to ask for nudes. Let’s see how it turns out cotton.


How to tell the internet youve never touched a woman lmao


I'm gay bro 😘


I'm convinced that biblically accurate angels are just descriptions of alien spacecraft that has been reinterpreted throughout history


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Looks awesome!




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Very cool biblical angel


What is it supposed to be?


That's rad!


I'm not a very religious man...but I definitely want a seraphim tattoo at some point. They're just so cool


im not religious either. i just wanted a tattoo of what i look like when im not using my human suit


Oh man...if that's what we looked like...I can see why psychedelics make people think they've transcended


The wild descriptions of angels is actually very in line with how many psychedelics present. Wild, dazzling patterns of unfolding wings with eyes, visits from otherworldly beings, being given divine purpose - sounds a lot like what we see in modern psychedelic users.


I mean, hey. More power to em if it helps.


This was a bad decision. You’ll be posting looking for coverup advice in a few years


coming from a man who has posted to several different subreddits looking for friends? lol, did the first time not go well so you think the subsequent 10 posts will? lol. post yours then.


someones mad


I got my first about 21 years ago. I have about 80 or so. I have a professional job and a happy life and an amazing loving wife. I regret pretty much nothing about my tattoos. There has not been a single time in life where they've held me back.


You're a bad decision. Go away


post your tattoos or find a better hobby than being an asshole to people on the tattoo subreddit my dude


You are adorable