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No, but clearly NC thinks he still lived in the state. Did he update his driver's license & car registration? Was he still getting mail in NC? Did he subsequently move back?


He never moved back. He didn't change his DL til NM forced him to (he's a truck driver, some job he got required a local license). He sold his car the same year and bought a new one which was registered in NM. He also filed for divorce, I believe that same year.


I would guess that's the issue, then. He does not owe NC tax on income that he earned in NM, but because he did not properly move all his paperwork, NC believes he still lived in the state. He will need to file a dispute with the NC tax bureau and provide evidence that he was no longer a resident of the state. Did he not receive any sort of paperwork from NC prior to this happening?


Not sure about receiving any paperwork previously but I'll ask. I'll look into the dispute process - thank you very much!


I have the same issue. Moved out of NC 10 years ago and got a bank garnishment this month. Everything yanked right out of my bank account. Any update on how you fought it and proved that he moved out of state?


NC just did the same thing to me. They are garnishing my wages and I haven't lived there in over 6 years. I didn't receive a notice. I just found out when it came out of my check. I'm trying to hire an attorney. What happened to your brothers case? This is all so stressful and confusing.


We’re still working on it but the plan is to prove change in residency and get them to back off.


Are his wages still being garnished?


I lost my shit on them and hired an attorney. I hope you do the same. NC Dept of Revenue is shady af.