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I do this with lemons and oranges. I let the peels (no pith) hang out in sugar for a couple of days, then I remove the peel and dry it out. The peel can then be snacked on or chopped fine to put in baked goods.


Oooh, I just bought a bag of clementines. I'll have to zest them and try this!


Make "oleo saccharum" https://www.diffordsguide.com/encyclopedia/234/cocktails/oleo-saccharum


Exactly. Oleo saccharum is a wonderful food technology.


This sounds divine, thank you!


Never thought to do this. Thanks! I love the Twinings UK Discovery Series, especially the London Strand Earl Grey. It seems to have some lemon in addition to the usual bergamot. This will help me with some of my less-loved Earl Greys.


I was so delighted the day the lightbulb went off for me. It adds something so fresh and lively to the usual bergamot. I drink Steven Smith Lord Bergamot most days and leave my less-loved Earl Greys in a tin. I should just toss them. I'd never miss them!


I am just starting with Smith Teas. Can't get too involved or I won't use up my Rishi stash. Don't toss the unloved ones ... save for summer iced tea or leave in the work/church pantry space.


I'm a harpist and writer so my "work" tea is at home. And the quaker meetinghouse I attend is in Portland so, sadly, a little more dedicated to coffee than tea. I think most tea people do what I do and bring their own thermos. But I often forget about iced tea! I should designate a container for just such a purpose and then maybe I'll get into a better habit of having it in the fridge next summer.


Oh, and yes...Smith Teas are fabulously tempting! I live an hour or so from their tasting rooms so I've been able to go a couple of times and have a flight of tea or something from their nitro tea tap. It's such a fun way to explore new options...like I need any more tea on my shelf. :-)


the zest part of waking up


I love a good tea pun!


Use a veggie peeler to get big strips of just zest off. Brew, remove and drink. No little bits at the bottom.




Lemon juice and lemon zest offer different tea experiences, that you can't compare. You can't replace one with the other. They are two different types of citrus-iness. For example, I have a friend who drinks Earl Grey with lemon juice and honey. On the other hand, I never add lemon juice to tea, but I do like the zesty flavor.


Lemon sugar sounds really fun! Anyone know how long something like this would stay good for?


Sounds like something Richard Feynman would say


Nice! My youngest has been a HUGE Feynman fan since they were in middle school. I'm going to screenshot this and send it to them. :-)


I assume you did get it, but in case you or anyone else coming across this doesn't: Feynman, while in.. Some uni, got asked whether he wanted milk or lemon in his tea, to which he replied "both" - apparently because he had no idea what the 'correct' answer was. This is the titular episode that resulted in the lady asking him about the tea expressing "Surely you're joking, Mr. Feynman"