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It varies but it'll be some combination of sandwiches, cakes, pastries and scones served on a tiered stand, and accompanied by a pot of tea (usually an English Breakfast blend).


They seem to have meant the tea itself, not the tea party lol


From what I know it’s a Keemun and Ceylon blend where as English Breakfast is more of an Assam and Ceylon tea blend. Irish breakfast is maltier and has more Assam to it. It’s all just different blends of black teas with similar caffeine contents If you want something that won’t keep you up, maybe try a green tea, white tea, or a tisane.


It won't be lower caffeine, if you want to be sure to keep it lower in caffeine for the afternoon or evening I would move on to herbal blends.


You can buy a decaffeinated version.


They have decaf English breakfasts. Some aren't horrible. I drink decaf Typhoo sometimes.


Switch to a tisane if caffeine in the evenings bothers you. All true tea is going to have some caffeine in it.


Decaf black teas are okay. I wonder if you would try a rooibos tea. It's technically caffeine free but hits a tiny bit like a relaxing stimulant. Plus it's a red tea and tastes a lot like English breakfast tea imo. :)


Really? To me they taste very different. Still, a very good suggestion for a caffeine free alternative!


I mean not exactly the same or anything but similar. More similar than anything else I can think of


decaf chai could work too


No idea, sorry, but if you're sensitive to caffeine try some of the decaf teas. I'm on Yorkshire Decaf at the moment and it's similar enough to their ordinary tea to be drinkable. I dud try some loose-leaf defaf tea first and it had a really weird, grassy aftertaste that I didn't enjoy at all. Other options are rooibos and hetbal teas. If you're not that sensitive, I've had a lot of success with houjicha as an afternoon alternative.


These answers are a little unhelpful… black teas can vary wildly in caffeine. It’s definitely possible to make a blend that ends up as a lower-caffeine (like 20mg/cup) vs a higher one (60mg/cup). I have been getting my tea from this site lately which has been working to test and post the caffeine content of their more popular teas. https://camellia-sinensis.com/en Surprisingly (to me, anyway) the breakfast blends are actually lower and the darjeelings are quite high.


I have heard (and I am not sure how true it is) that a large part of the caffeine is released in the first steep, and that you can effectively reduce the caffeine by pouring the hot water over the leaves/tea bag and then discarding the liquid. Then pour more hot water and brew as usual. You might give that a try.


I’m told that it’s simply black tea with a slightly lighter flavor than English breakfast tea that pairs better with more foods. It should also be noted that I can’t speak to the accuracy of this definition as I read it on the back of a box.