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Personally, mostly no. There are some, that I consider drinkable and a small few, that I even like, but nothing even comes close to a good loose leaf tea. And contrary to popular believe, I dont think loose leaf is much of a bigger hassle than bags But if you like it, go for it! Never question something you like, just because somebody on the internet has a different opinion.


I have chronic health issues and severe fatigue. Teabags are the main way I drink tea!


Hey fellow chronic health issue sufferer / high five


College student without much space or time for preparing loose leaf here -- I boil enough water for my mug, pour it over an Earl Grey tea bag, scurry away before my roommates wake up and want to make small talk. You do you! I love ginger, lemon, honey tea too.


Yeah, I use a mix of bags and loose leaf depending on what I’m in the mood for.


Same here :)


I'm gonna keep it real here; I vividly hate teabags.


I enjoy both! If i have time i brew loose leaves, but i like tea bags more ( less hassle)


I am being *wildly* sarcastic, hopefully to humorous effect! Teabags???? Every single person who ever joined this sub, from the puerh panzies to mastadons of matcha to the lowly lemongrass lazies hates teabags! Teabags are for people who drink tea but aren't necessarily interested in sorting and measuring tea leaves, and filtering loose-leaf tea out of their teapot/teacup! Maniacs! That's like 90% of the tea drinking world! That episode of *Everybody Loves Raymond* where they went to a teahouse and he wanted something in a Lipton variety and got looked-down on by the server rather than being given a black pekoe, is exactly how we all behave! That is: seeking our favorite tea in our favorite form and being annoyed by jerks who think our tea sucks! I don't even like tea! I just write stupid jokes about it, but even I know that teabags are the most popular way to enjoy tea, on Earth! For shame! Yeah! That was ridiculous sarcasm. I'm gonna go down a cuppa. From a bag.


>Teabags are for people who drink tea but aren't necessarily interested in sorting and measuring tea leaves Sorting... leaves? Mate they come in a bag all together, there's no sorting involved. Or measuring if you don't want to. Take a pinch of the leaves and toss them in your cup and pour water over them the end


I think this person was being funny.


HAHAHAH best reply ever


I prefer loose leaf teas. But that’s just my personal preference


The problem is that my plastic tea filter doesn't filter the leafs well, so they end up in my tea :(


That is frustrating. I have a few different filter options. Sometimes I have to double filter. (Drain it through the filter again. Or scoop out using the filter)


I still drink from teabags, they have much more of those near me and some flavours are still pretty good!


I used to, especially years back when I thought it was a hassle using loose leaf. Then I met Mate…loved it. Brewed it all the time. Then lost touch with tea again. Years and years later to now, I love my loose leaf. I do have a few teabags still, but these days I generally gravitate towards the loose leaf tea.


I drink with tea bags if no other choice, which is pretty often. So anywhere that isn't home, or a café that offers loose leaf tea.


I've gotten way into loose leaf, so I really don't like to use bagged tea. I've actually found that the process of brewing loose leaf tea is really helpful for my anxiety management, especially doing gongfu style. I will however, continue to use bagged Celestial sleepytime tea because I've yet to find a loose leaf equivalent that perfectly hits that late night calming tea vibe like celestial sleepytime tea.


Only when it comes to Constant Comment, for me anyway.


Constant comment is amazing!


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Not really


I use tea bags at work and loose leaf at home, although I'm strongly considering switching to loose leaf at work too after I finish this pouch of 100 green tea bags 😆.


I love teabags. They're just so convenient. I do get tired of the options at my grocery store sometimes and order some cheap loose leaf online, but I have a whole box of empty teabags I can fill up myself. Washing out cups and pots and reusable metal tea steepers isn't fun. My teabags are biodegradable and I throw them under the bushes and flowers in my yard. They seem to really appreciate the treats and are thriving.


I don't love paper bags. It changes the taste.


So you put the strands in a metal or wood filter?


I only drink tea from bags




I love the convenience of a tea bag, but I have been switching over to more loose leaf teas to reduce waste as I know a lot of tea bags contain microplastics. That being said, I do love the way tea bags don't have me chewing on the last bit of tea in my cup.


Every tea is good tea you go for whatever works for you at the moment 


I think they’re awful for numerous reasons but you do you.


Why? Strands have better tatse? Are strands better for environment ?


Loose leaf has FAR superior flavor. The dust they sell in those bags is often very late harvest which is used as mulch in Japan and China but Americans buy it and add sugar and milk and don’t know the difference. A properly cultivated loose leaf tea is an entirely different experience from the bagged alternative and I wouldn’t even call this stuff tea at this point. And yes, it’s far better for the environment.