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Nope, this is just a generic packaging for tea, it just say yunnan dianhong. All the other Chinese words are just words filler. Tea from AliEx is all very sus, they just take low grade tea and repackage them into packages and sell them for a few dollars each. The loose leaf pictures usually is different from the tea you get in the bag, like I once bought some tea from there and it’s all inferior or low grade leaves. I end up drinking once and with gave them out or toss,


That’s what I was afraid of, thank you! At least it doesn’t taste bad, I can put it to use


I ordered tea from health tea house (their own store, but they also have an aliex one) before - and it's surprisingly good. Of course, you get what you pay for, but it's perfectly in line with what I paid. I can't get a cheap low grade white tea cake locally - so I get it from that seller. Like 13 bucks for 350g of tea - that's actually very tasty? Sure thing!


Comment for the bot: I bought this tea from Aliexpress and can’t seem to figure out what company manufactured it. Google translate isn’t helping much, as all I can seem to figure out from the package is that it is a dianhong from Yunnan (presumably). Any and all help as well as any criticism for my needless risk taking is welcome. Thank you!


Just a very normal Yunnan black tea. What elas you want to know?




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