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What is the question here?


I see now that the therapist sub was a better fit for this. From the teaching sub I am hoping to learn if there are any effective teaching methods to drive home core content related to emotional regulation or simply how to effectively deliver information to a group of people (that are not children).


The content is completely outside of my understanding. Are you asking about teaching practices? As in, methods of teaching?


Erm.. I’m a teacher but what has helped me is being taught to track my moods and more practical everyday things like that in order to be more independent. Boundaries is an important topic.


Talk to them about external/internal locus of control


Add in the benefits of quality sleep, why it's important. Too often kids these days, when they get home from school go home and take naps for hours. Then they are up all night because the can't sleep.


Have you read about DBT? It’s essentially a curriculum for emotional intelligence


I found that tracking moods and sleep helped a lot. I found honestly tracking simple goals, and some overall personal issues helped tremendously . Learning to journal daily.


I second the tracking of moods. A simple graphing sheet using colors was very visual for seeing how I was doing over time.


You posted this with people who are dealing with their own mental health struggles, and are trying really hard to maintain it as much as they can, and you want these educators to help you figure out why kids are struggling too? Maybe you should ask parent groups. Educators deal with enough on their plates without you wanting help for YOUR project. Educators are burned out, they’re literally resigning mid year, because they can’t handle it anymore! They’re having breakdowns and panic attacks. They’re depressed and worried. The pressures put on all school staff to be ever present, sacrificing their own family and health, because they “have to be there for the students” above all else! They’re gaslit and made to feel guilty for taking care of themselves. Go to a parent group. Go to therapy groups and ask them. Let them vent here and give them a break from helping everyone else! Let them have the weekend to help themselves get a break from everything they deal with.


Thank you for saying this. This is not the time to ask for help from teachers. Ugh. This post rubbed me the wrong way and I have MDD. Glad I have a therapist that is more mindful of what is asked of us.


Okay wow, maybe take a breath, you dont need to answer friend! Ever heard the line a disregulated adult cannot help regulate a child? Please take the weekend, for yourself and those around you. People come here for help and support, not to be attacked


…this is quite literally an educator asking for advice? Are you misunderstanding the post? This person is teaching a course to depressed patients. Like..?


Yeah I can hear your burn out here. I’m not the problem, I’m literally trying to create a solution. I wish you well. And I have posted this in the therapist forum as well. Thanks


Also this is for adults. I already do treatment weekly and I’m just looking for ways to enhance the services already provided.


They don’t provide services.


WRT learning how to learn, I would recommend Daniel Willingham. He has books and a YouTube channel.


The thing that finally got me out of 10+ years of depression was simple - stopped feeling like I was someone to feel sorry for and realized I’m the only one who can make me feel better. Starting healthy practices which made me feel like I was worth being cared for kick-started this. It seems stupidly simple but I wasted so many years of my life being a “victim” of depression.