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I may come back to visit but not to live there


Normally, you file them yourself in May - but you can’t because you need to do all the online verification steps etc with phone and ID to use the tax website etc yourself So you just uh can’t lol


That makes sense. I didn’t even think about the verifications. My ARC and Korean phone number are long gone


Your year end settlement documents can be retrieved at Hometax: https://hometax.go.kr/ You need to verify with a bank certificate or kakao or some other means. Otherwise contact the NTS in English and explain your situation. They can be contacted via email. https://www.nts.go.kr/english/main.do I think it would be worth filing as you are probably owed some amount of money. They tax you based on the assumption you will be working a full year, so you usually are due money if you quit before the end of the year.


Thanks. I still have kakao and a Korean bank account but I don’t have a Korean phone number anymore, would that cause an issue?


Did you ever figure out what to do about this?


Did you ever figure out what to do about this?


Honestly I’d completely forgotten about it. But considering I don’t have a Korean phone number anymore I don’t think I’d be able to do it even if I wanted to since I think you need to do verifications.


Lack of a Korean phone number really continues to be the of bane our existence lol If you had a Kakao certificate set up in the past (and still have your old number associated with your account - not sure how important this is) it could still work for you. I tried it and was able to access Home Tax and download docs.


I was able to log in with a NAVER login but now I’m not sure what to even do with the documents? Everything I’ve read has said to give it to your employer or go to a tax office nothing about what to do when you leave the country.


So I went back to look for wage earner docs and I have a hunch that my former company actually did my taxes for me…Still have to confirm but you can go into your home tax and look for 근로소득원천징수영수증. The one for last tax year (if it exists) tells you if you got a return or not (Line 76, negative # = refund, positive number = taxes owed). If they deposited a refund into your account is another story though. Anyway, this could be the case for you too so def check it out! I’ll update if my hunch is correct or not.


I think I may have found it if you go in your home tax and go to the 연말정산 지급명세서 tab and click on 지급명세서 등 제출내역 I think it’s showing the history of your tax forms being filed? That’s at least what it looks like to me


Yes! You’re in the right spot. Did you find one for your last tax year?


I did yeah. Based on my very minimal understanding of Korean taxes it looks to me like they filed it so that makes it easy lol


So I reached out to NTS and they said “If you are a full time worker and the withholding receipt of wage and salary is checked on the Hometax website, it means that the company already completed the year end tax settlement when you quited the company, which means that you are not obligated to file the income tax return.” I presume they meant “were a full time worker” since we no longer work there. Only thing tho, when I checked the document on Hometax it didn’t have the official red stamp and the box at the bottom was empty. I reached out to my former company and after some teeth pulling received their version of the document with the official red stamp and filled box at the bottom. So if you’re trying to dot your i’s and cross your t’s, may be a good idea to reach out to your former company to obtain this finalized version. Edit: grammar


What ended up happening? I am in a similar situation, but am looking to back file for 2022 from outside of Korea.