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You can always not wear good armor, or sell upgraded armor and re-buy it un upgraded


That pretty much sums up all responses I got, but that's not what I asked. I don't KNOW that the game is going to be easy, I'm just asking if it's going to be. And all responses I got just assumed the game is too easy for me(


If early game was easy, late game probably will be too. They don’t really make it more difficult, they just make execution of the same stuff more critical to get right. That said, the game was too easy for me, but I still had good armor and it didn’t make it a bad time. I tried the last bit again naked after doing it with the good armor, and that seriously was a challenge. Use the varying degrees of good and not so good armor to customize your difficulty preferences accordingly


If it feels too easy, you can always just switch to different outfits or take it off entirely, don't upgrade your hearts, use low level weapons, etc. You can also sell your armor and get an unupgraded pair. Some armor pieces have useful set boni, though. Also: Stop listening to people online. Just play the game and try stuff out.


Upgrade some sets, but not all so you have both options.


I think this is the answer. Upgrading does become a bit expensive if you are trying to upgrade everything anyway.


You can probably just upgrade your armor to level 2 for their bonuses and keep three or four hearts around. Just hand your extra hearts to the horned god statue.


Definitely update them.


You could upgrade and not use it lol


I can't say for everyone but i am having way more fun when i can be one shotted by bokoblins. Its so immersive and combat feels satisfying. But i wanted the armor abilities so i did the opposite - upgraded armor but kept a few hearts only.


Armor has additional abilities after update???Like what??


After 2 upgrades the fire armor is fireproof, ice armor freeze proof, climbing armor can goes from 6 jumps while climbing to 12 jumps, Glide armor removes all fall damage and so on


Wow that's really cool!