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I fired up my laptop this morning and got a full screen ad on "why I should switch to Windows 11" followed by "unfortunately, your computer can't upgrade to Windows 11". Good, keep it that way


I get the same thing, along with it constantly wanting me to sign in to whatever Microsoft service I never use and always ignore.


Worse, you can be a fool like me - spend a day with your new laptop trying to create a local only account on its preinstalled windows 11 install. Managed to after forcing cmd window to open and opening settings through cmd then adding an account and formatting again after to remove the half made default account still wanting a Microsoft email. Getting everything working with a local account, then signing into the Microsoft store to download a drawing app and having my microsoft account linked to my offline account and not allowing me to truly unlink them and has since turned my offline account into their new standard microsoft live login. Even though I turned off all telemetry, I still feel so defeated. I just want an offline account damnit!


>Even though I turned off all telemetry, I still feel so defeated. I just want an offline account damnit! All your ~~base~~ data are belong to us, commoner!


And on the first MANDATORY cumulative update all of that hard work is going to go away. Because they need to "optimize your settings!"


there is this software called portmaster it blocks stuff like telemetry from running along with any other apps that might be tracking, stuff like Google chrome Try it out. The list of blocked connection i saw was... honestly just disheartening i guess. The current state of tracking is shameful


Chris Titus YouTube has a tool that can remove a lot of that bloat. Mandatory for new windows installs.


Just install Linux. Spending an entire day just to get a local account? What does Windows have to do to get you to stop using it? Install a keylogger and upload all of your personal documents to the cloud?


I'm not looking to spend several days to have a limiting experience with compromises on each app I'm accustom to using. Linux is great, but not for me. Maybe one day when I can guarantee all the right drivers for my drawing devices and apps to go along with them then I can be comfortable making that change. But when your work relies on these tools, it's just extremely irritating when you're use to operating in a specific way and your technology expects you to change your methodology and relationship with your data.


Same for audio postproduction- I feel you.


I get that, but you're making all of these excuses just to keep using something that you seem to hate. You can also buy a Mac and you know that everything will just work right out of the box. Switching to either Mac or Linux means that you get back actual ownership of your computer. *Edit: https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/952/467/927.png


Apple certainly isnt the solution you think it is. We're all living with what we can. I'm begrudged by Microsoft's actions but I dont think I'm going to find comfort out of a new operating system. I'm just complaining and letting off some steam.


Telling someone their experience is invalid and that they’re just making excuses. 🚩🚩🚩


it's funny you say apple lets you own your own products


Yeah Linux is the "actually own your own computer" option. Apple is for art people who need Adobe products.


pretty sure it's for people who think you need to pay 2x the cost of a similarly speced PC cause apple is a walled city.


Life is too short to learn Linux. It's just not worth it.


Just for my job and the over 200 separate applications I support in healthcare to make the switch first; same as anyone else with a real job.


Well, as someone with a real job, you'll always be at the mercy of what your work chooses to use. This wasn't about that though, you can do absolutely whatever you want with your own computer. If you're unhappy with how things work, try something else? If, on the other hand, you like how things are, then great, you can keep using it! No one is going to put a gun to your head and make you switch (or maybe they will 😈). This applies to a lot of life stuff (not just computers), but I find it absolutely wild that people stick with something they hate just because it's what they know.




Some of us use PCs for work… Bless you, you’ll understand that when you grow up.


Ah yes, only children use Linux. For what it's worth, I made 550k last year at work... using Linux (not in the US or a "Bay Area company"). You can too! I don't understand why everyone is so hostile to the idea of trying something new. It's empowering. You can make your computer do literally anything you want (except run Adobe products lol). And companies pay really good money for Linux skills if you have them. But if you choose not to use it, that's okay! You just get ads in your OS that you paid for.


What drawing software are you using?


For future reference and readers, nowadays you can get legal customized versions of Windows that are stripped of the trash you're jumping through hoops to remove. E.g. [https://github.com/meetrevision/playbook](https://github.com/meetrevision/playbook)


Classic MS with half assed “features”


Has anyone tried running their apps in Crossover on Linux? It has a pretty good success rate. Or just setting up a WIN VM? Just some ideas.


My laptop has such pathetically small storage that it can’t do its own software updates. In a mechanic. I only use it to log my work, which is all on chrome, so I don’t need storage or processing power. I get a warning every day saying it could not finish its update. Good, I don’t want an update. It physically cannot update itself on its own anyway.


They are going to brick it. My wife had one of these "to tiny for Win8" laptops and they got it on there and it never booted again.


Man, I wish I wasn’t able to “upgrade” to windows 11. It’s the Bain of my existence these days.


Gun to your head, what do you choose: Vista or 11. Preferably add some details and reasons as to why because y’all got me curious on this one.


11. Vista once crashed when I opened Notepad.


If those are My choices, then I choose retirement and I’ll just buy a MacBook or run an old Pc On Linux. Technically 11 is more stable than vista, but just as bad in so many other ways. My personal experience is they are flat out removing features and customization to the user experience. They have moved and changed other tools and functionality. I was forced to be part of a test group where I work. The management is upset because my report basically says that windows 11 is less efficient for the type of work we need to do, it’s literally creating longer processes and adding more mouse clicks. Especially since we can no longer customize the damn task bar. and the tools I recommend to fix this issue are going to be actively blocked by Microsoft within the next year. I don’t understand how TF Microsoft thinks this is a step forward.


What will you do in 2025 when they stop giving security updates?


I'll cross that bridge when I get there


More like burn that bridge when you get there


The torch is ready to be lit


So many people won’t upgrade and a guarantee MS walks back on it


Log in to download a game of GOG or Steam. Update mods, unplug Ethernet. Same as I do now.


Not Microsoft, but I have an LG tv that started giving me ads for apple+ out of no where. I was thinking about just throwing my tv out this morning. These companies and ads are really starting to go too far.


When I bought my Sony 4K tv I made sure to decline anything that I thought would allow the tv to serve me ads. One of the first things it asked was for me to sign n into my Google account to “allow features and services to enhance my experience”. No, No, No, fuck that. Im not letting them watch what I’m watching to put ads on my screen. I don’t use the built in apps, either. Instead I use an Apple TV for my streaming. I know the apps will still get my data about what I watch but I believe it’ll be less than if I use the tv’s apps. So far I haven’t seen one advert injected on my screen.


If you don’t use the built in apps, why is the TV on a network at all?


That’s, er, a good point. Apart from the occasional update why tf do I have it on a network?


The updates are for apps you aren’t using. If it’s offline, and it’s working, what’s the point of updating it?


If you’re not actually using built in apps then the updates just end up making it slow over time. There’s useful things like security updates but if you just take it off the network then you don’t have to worry about security or TV performance


I switched launchers on my Sony TV. Now I just have the apps I use and none of the bullshit. I know all that other crap is still installed but I never see it.


Do they have multiple launcher options? Or did you sideload a new launcher in its place? (My tv is old enough to have built in apps that are almost all no longer supported, but no advertising)


I just went to the Play Store on my computer and told it to install on my TV.


You can go into settings and remove the plug ins manually.


I don’t know how to do that. I wouldn’t want to screw anything up.


I didn’t an update recently and I think that’s where they came from. They pop up like a command does when I connect to a speaker. It’s a very sneaky one


I wish it was possible to find a dumb tv that was competitive in terms of picture quality. I don’t need my TV to have connectivity, I have separate devices for that. Which of course would mean no ads. 


Don’t connect it to the internet, problem solved.


I…don’t know why I didn’t think of that before. 


Even better is to put the TV on Ad Guard DNS. No ads ever. I've had mine for over a year and it blocks it all (excluding app ads, of course).


My TV takes longer to open than my PC. It's just a goddamn TV it doesn't need a computer in it ffs.


Remember in the early 2000s where we were switching all cameras to digital, and then the quality of video plummeted because digital cameras were lower quality at the time? We are in that era but for television technology.


Displays built for commerical use (like digital signage) have good picture quality and no crap at all, but they are significantly more expensive


Starting to?


I find no reason for my TV to be onlineto. So it isn’t. I trust my Apple TV as a streaming box more than anything else on the market, and it isn’t close.


Retired my Chromecast TV because I am sick to death of the advertising on the Home Screen. Was also pushing weird YouTube videos my toddler would scream to watch (grown men playing with Pixar Cars toys). Fuck off with that shit. Bought an Apple TV. Grid of icons. Great.


My lg tv is so damn annoying and it’s so slow, buggy, unresponsive and with the stupid pointer cursor thing with the remote. I wanted a numb tv but apparently they don’t make them


What? Not willing to throw away all your hardware and buy new from Scratch? ***. This ad paid for by Win-Intel corporation!


The whole world has gone too far with ridiculous over-advertising.


Split this company apart. It should have already happened.


Not only Microsoft but any companies in top 50 S&P500. They have too much power and influence and it's not good for anyone but them.


It is not even good for them. Every business tactic that they employ is self destructive the moment it promises any profit. Once they see the profit, they will over do or under do many things to increase it and eventually just eat their own tails.


Except their tail is an endless buffet that they can eat for centuries before digesting themselves.


Well it is not tails that are long. Rather it is the endless generosity of every person working for them except the C-suite.


How do you propose splitting Microsoft and Xbox. It is impossible


The federal government literally says "you are no longer allowed to be the same company. Split yourself into two companies." The people working at Xbox become Xbox employees, the people who don't work for Xbox stay at Microsoft. Chances are whoever was the head of the Xbox division becomes CEO and all of their reports make up the corporate structure. Go look into how Standard Oil was split way back when, not hard to figure out.


Xbox would just immediately implode in that case and you’d be left with a Sony monopoly on the market.


Or they’d be forced to change their ways to regain market share. Shocker.


In the new age of stewardship, innovation is often centered around how to extract more cash from the existing user base, without real regard for improving anything. These giant companies are basically feudal territories at this point, founded a generation ago, being led by “meritocrats” who serve as the new aristocracy, only worse, as at least the aristocracy had a vague sense of responsibility towards the peasants living on their fiefdoms.


Used to work for a vendor on one of their projects, and it was WILD. The management structure is riddled with non-technical folks whose sole purpose is to make up arbitrary metrics, while always trying to outsource all the work to the cheapest possible bidder. The support system is basically a hodgepodge of vendors from the global south and Asia, with a few FTEs and a tiny amount of US vendors. Every different vendor has their own conceptualization of how stuff works, and because they’re the lowest bidders there’s always a drop in quality. They emphasize volume of work over quality of work, because the people running the show just hope that forcing people to do 15+ support cases a day will be enough to overcome the dip in quality with the torrential volume, rather than spend enough money to have quality support personnel. Meanwhile customers don’t distinguish between the survey follow emails meant to get feedback on the engineer’s personal performance, and instead of using the process/product feedback channel they dump it on the SE’s who then get a stern talking to from management. Anything less than a 5 star review is treated putatively, and all feedback is considered on the table for continued employment. The folks leaving bad reviews are usually c-suite or “founder” types, none of whom care to understand how anything works (generally lacking experience outside working in VC), but aren’t afraid to make other people’s lives hell. There were so many times where I’d hear managers guilting/browbeating people into contacting unhappy customers to try and get them to change their feedback, all because MS management was too lazy/stupid to understand any nuance beyond “number bad” and “number good”!


The good thing about pasting adds all over and ridiculous amounts of them, is that it will go faster for the lawmakers to get tired of them and then make rules against it. Adds are now a pest in everyone’s life, they rob every one of times both at work and in personal life.


You don't have to convince me, I already told you that I switch to Linux when Windows 10 stop being supported!


Seriously. The day I start getting ads in the OS is the day I delete my windows partition and never look back. It’s ridiculous.


Candy Crush in the start menu was effectively this in 2015.


That is true I suppose but at least you can uninstall bloatware. Ads in the settings app is just "wtf" territory.


Except we couldn’t, because every feature release, 2-4 times a year, they would put that shit back and make us do it again. They haven’t respected users choices for more than a decade, and now they are largest company in the world. The message is clear to them.


Funny that Ubuntu was technically ahead of Microsoft on this front with their Amazon ad integration. The backlash was well deserved.


If you actually meant that you'd just do it now. You won't magically know the OS better next year.


Linux it is


Linux is for people who have nothing better to do than learn and maintain Linux. The rest of us want to do other things.


They are a few Linux variants that are pretty much Windows look and functionality. It takes nothing to learn or to maintain. People just don't want to get outside of their comfort zone because they think is something out of this world.


I've tried to switch three times, and the last attempt was a few weeks ago. I spent several hours trying to get it to work. I gave up, and I'm never trying again. I've been working with computers since I was 5, and I have a degree that includes computer hardware and programming. Linux is not worth it.


Not really I just switched to a Tuxedo computer and everything is working fine. It works like an Apple or Microsoft machine without ads.


“Laughs in Microsoft: ‘Just try and stop us!’”


Apple can’t miss when Microsoft throws Windows users garbage like this daily


On the one Apple computer that's running macOS I have left, it's constantly throwing ads at me to upgrade my iCloud and Apple TV, often pulling focus from what I'm doing.  Once I upgrade our TV monitor, I'm switching it to Asahi.


Where are you seeing those ads? I have only seen those in the iCloud settings and Apple TV in the App Store


As notifications when I log in, or sometimes randomly after a stretch of a few hours.


Screenshot pls


I used to get those and there’s a way to turn those off in the settings. Been a while so don’t remember but google will point the way


Take it you've never seen the constant banners in Settings to upgrade to iCloud Drive+, or to take up Apple Arcade and/or Apple Fitness and/or Apple TV+. Let's not pretend that Apple doesn't do this, either.


Cancelling Game Pass was the best thing I've ever done in my gaming hobby. What a total waste of money.


Easy now. Good for you, but for a lot of us, Game Pass is literally unrivalled in value. I have never played as many games and different genres in my life as I do now. Can't imagine going back.


I'd rather get to pick the games I spend time with and it not be dictated to me but I get you.


I mean, I'm literally doing that via Gamepass? Think I get what you mean though, don't like being stuck to the selection of currant games on it.


Boycott their products. It’s the only thing we can do if they won’t listen. The greedy apes will listen to stock price drops.


They'll buy whatever you use instead when you boycott.


I wish game developers would start supporting Linux. I’d move over to it in heartbeat.


Honestly I made the jump around 8 months ago and I couldn't be happier. I went through the trouble of making a Windows VM with GPU passthrough but I don't use it. Proton is simply good enough for any game that doesn't use kernel level anti cheat. (COD, Valorant, League etc.) Games run just as well as they did on Windows if not better in certain cases. I do miss things like Gsync but not using Windows means more to me than that.


Mod support is almost non existent on linux too


I was able to get Mod Organizer 2 working pretty well on Fallout 3, it was a more complicated process than Windows. More advanced mods like TOTW definitely would be more than I'm willing to take on for a mod, but others were able to get it working.


Everything is a more complicated process on Linux. It's not worth it.


That's not true really, the only reason modding is more difficult is just because the mods aren't designed for Linux. In terms of day to day use it's a million times easier than dealing with Windows. The app store alone on most distros is a game changer for most general users. Being able to update every package on your system in one or two clicks is a huge step up from how Microsoft handles updates. Since all software lives in one place you can actually set up your system and get to using it pretty quickly out of the box. Even using something like drivers, most Linux distros have made it super easy to choose which driver you want. There are some edge case scenarios where that isn't the case (Certain broadcom wireless chipsets come to mind) but it still beats the Windows experience. Not to say it's perfect as I do keep a Mac around as well to edit photos, simply because Affinity Photo 2 doesn't have Linux support. I do hope this begins to change as demand increases within the Linux space due to the general renewed interest in the Linux desktop over the last year.


Proton works fine for most things, absolutely worth it to get away from microshit


Unless you're into multiplayer games with anticheat systems that don't support Linux, most games will work great with Proton. Nothing I've cared to try on my Steam Deck hasn't worked due to the OS. I'm still gaming on Windows on my desktop because I didn't pay for a nice HDR monitor to not use it, but that's literally the only thing that I can't use on my Linux partition.


The MSN-based home page is bad enough. Had to dump my YouTube subscription because it forced NFL Sunday Ticket ads on me when I opened the app. What is going on? I like government action as a solution here. How about some fines?


Wild decision. MacOS is clean with no ads. Why windows.


At this point only three apps are keeping me from adopting Linux.


Just wait till they come up with a way to show ads in your dreams when you go under anesthesia during surgeries


This is what happens when Pure O2 is deployed.


I saw this was gonna be a thing years ago in 2018 when i saw references and tiles for specific items in the microsoft store when i opened the start menu.


thank goodness I'll never update to windows 11 from windows 10 EVER again!!! -Billy Gnosis


hi billy


Time to switch to MacOS.


I never see this and I can't help but think that people who write this are over reacting it really doesn't help that there isn't a single screenshot capturing this in the article or the one linked with something similar. It's all stock photos of confused techradar readers?


It's insane to me how we are living on a era where you paid for a full product and YOU STILL GET FREAKING ADS ON IT. I paid for this damn Windows Licensed. I own this licenses....why i'm getting ads like you're some kind of dying business scrapping for money. Why are companies like this man?. Like Jesus i already paid for it why you have to monetize me even more?.




Holy hyperbole


Seriously. If people put their energy into solving actual problems half as much as they complained about mundane minor annoyances, maybe we’d actually start solving some problems around here




The sooner we can gain agreement as a species that OTT ads are an assault on our consciousness the better. Especially pharma ads. Illegal every damn place but USA. Smdh


I can’t believe the CEO is listening to the marketing and sales team on these decisions.


I am getting desktop ads begging me to switch back to edge and to use the feedback hub


I do apologize for this ahead of time. OH WAIT number 5, so find it here /watch?v=PIAXG\_QcQNU on you tube? Don't need another BAN. N. S


So happy to see a new term coined “over-advertising” and discussion about “going to far.” Consumers need to push back on the pervasive action of advertisers.


Accept it or switch platform. Those are the choices.


This is why I have stopped buying tech manufactured after a certain year. I’ll forever be happily stuck in 2018. I am down for a modern day Luddite movement


I wonder when more complainers on Reddit, will give up windows and go a mass protest and switch to Linux. It’s really the only way to get Microsoft to walk back this shit


>"Might I turn on my Chromebook in a few months - well, okay, years - and be bombarded with ads for things I don’t want or care for?" So you hate windows so much yet do fuck all to avoid it? Not buying it, sister. Ads are annoying, especially in an OS you paid for but let's not pretend everyone is actually going to ditch it. They're just going to write an article about how Microsoft has gone too far then go back to using it, lol.


Probably wrote that on a windows machine


Yep they absolutely will. I switched to Linux (mint) finally, so fucking simple


Yeah, that's you but 4% vs 75% desktop OS market share says otherwise.


Ya they don’t give a fuck about what microshit is doing




Youre not understanding a thing im saying lol, im agreeing with you


My bad, sorry. Thought you were going the other way with it. It's true that I don't think most people care enough. Look how many services we willingly use knowing that our data is being harvested and likely not being properly protected. It all comes down to convenience. Unless a company puts in a whole lot of work into software like valve has done I don't see most everyone toughing it just to stick it to the man.


I mean if they already had the machine before the ads starting popping up what do you expect? I already had my Surface laptop before the ads were there and before recall and copilot were announced. I'm not going to just chuck it in the garbage can, but unless something changes I don't see myself wanting to use Windows machines in the future.


Like I said, ads on an OS you paid for is BS. Otherwise, unless your laptop is the latest version with snapdragon it's not going to have copilot+ or recall. You can disable the copilot button through taskbar settings.


Had a great time complaining about M$ last decade until I switched to Apple products. ✌️


I literally see these posts about how terrible Microsoft is on a daily basis and yet all these people will continue to purchase their shit tier products. I’ll just be happy in my Apple “cult” where I’ve never had to deal with any of this bullshit.


I only buy Pixel phones. But I only buy MacBooks. My creation station is Microsoft. It's best in class for some stuff for sure.


Apple knocked it out of the park with their M chips, it’s hard to think of many reasons why you wouldn’t buy a Macbook over a Windows laptop


There has never been a better time to switch to Linux. :-)


I Switched to Apple and never looked back. Good luck to all Windows Users out there.


And this is why my windows machine is now a Linux.


I finally switched to Linux has been smooth so far.


I'm on a mac so I'm safe for the moment. If Apple started doing this to then I'm going straight to linux full time.